MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 264(Golden Chain Gang Raid Pt V)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"MAGIC RUSH!" Majestic yells out, drawing Gold Chain's eyes to him and away from the students as he rushes forward.

Breaking into a full sprint a prismatic ring appears below his left foot and launches him into the air.

More appear with each step in the air as he pivots and twists, effectively running on air at all different angles, eventually running along the ceiling and swinging his arm down.


Ten large prismatic rings appear at his side while two keep him standing upside down above Gold Chain.

"Just die!" Gold Chain screams out as his eyes glow even brighter for just a moment. He punches forward at Majestic and one regular sized chain manifests from his fist.

"Hydra!" he screams out, and as it extends barely a meter it suddenly splits like a hydra's head constantly multiplying and snaking around, approaching Majestic at all angles as spearheads manifest at their tips.

From the sidelines all the students back away as the entire room begins shaking, energy from both sides colliding at Gold Chain's attack constantly manifests more chains and Majestic rapid fires prismatic rings into them.

The air begins to heat up and the light is almost blinding, all the students shield their eyes as they begin to back away.

Lizardy helps Cellophane back away as Mudman slams his palms down, softening the stone at Gold Chain's feet.

As Gold Chain feels his footing becoming weaker, chains manifest from his legs and extend around, holding him aloft and away from the floor.

"This is intense," Mudman says as he backs away, after hardening the ground once more.

"I didn't know sensei could fight like this," Genesis says as she backs away beside him. As they get to the others she makes some dark sun glasses and hands them to Lizardy and Rule so they could also see what was going on.

"Yeah it's insane," Cellophane says as he winces, pain shooting through his feet as he tries to stand up, still supported by Lizardy. "He's keeping up with that guy even after he took Trigger."

"Yeah that's nice and all but, where the hell is Simon?" Lizardy asks.

"I'm running down the hallways now," Simon says through their communicators, "is everyone alright?"

"Uh---" Lizardy glances at Cellophane's injured feet, "n---"

"We're all fine," Cellophane says. "Just hurry up man, Majestic is fighting this guy and I don't think our Quirks will be of much use anymore."

"It must be this new variation of Trigger," Mudman says. "He's able to mostly keep his control and focus, allowing him to think clearly and fight with some actual strategy."

"So, at what point does miracle boy actually get involved?" Lizardy asks. "I mean Ser--- Cellophane has holes in his feet, feel like this is where he should step in."

"Its not that big of a deal, none of us are that hurt," Cellophane says.

Rule, Lizardy, and Genesis look at his feet and grimace, very glad their mentor doesn't treat them like this.

But Mudman never takes his eyes off the fight.

Genesis records every moment through her mask as does Team Horizon, intent on learning anything she can.

The purpose of working with Majestic after all, was to predict and adapt to the ever changing battlefield.

And now more than ever she could see it, not nearly as clearly as Mudman or Cellophane can see the actions.

While Majestic was 12 steps ahead, Mudman was 10, Cellophane was 6, and Genesis was 3.

Even as hundreds of chains were flowing through the air, piercing and whipping at Majestic.

They see chains begin to curve in large arcs away from the fight, moving to stab Majestic in the back, and Genesis immediately raises her gun to fire at them, but Mudman blocks her with his hand.

"Don't fire, you'll throw off their rhythm," Mudman says. "If you fire and those chains break, then when they repair they'll act like a Hydra's head and keep multiplying, let Majestic deal with this for now, trust your sensei..."

As he says this Majestic casually waves a hand behind him and a large prismatic ring of energy forms, immediately collapses in on itself and fires out like a laser.

It shatters the chains and follows their links, curving around the room all the way to the villain who pulls himself away from the attack at the last moment.

Gold Chain is hit in the chest with another blast as he dodges the first, but an aura of golden energy envelops him and takes the hit.

As the explosion clears and the light fades slightly, they see the aura having a large crack in the chest area of it, which immediately repairs itself.

"A full body shield huh," Majestic says with a wide grin. "But you look tired!" he immediately launches another volley of attack at the villain.

As he batters Gold Chain with attacks that shake the room, causing cracks to appear in the walls and ceilings, shockwaves push the students toward the edge of the chamber.

"I'm here!" Simon says as he rushes into the room, "what's going on?"

"That's the last guy we---" As Mudman is pointing at the villain he is suddenly speechless as Gold Chain wraps himself in hundreds of chains, creating a thick sphere to defend himself.

The chains begin glowing brighter and brighter as Majestic yells out, "get down!" and clasps both his hands together.

Both his arms start glowing, energy flowing from his palms up his shoulder and to his chest, forming a small prismatic ring in the middle of his chest that hovers just above his body.

Majestic fires his energy blast directly at Gold Chain, causing an explosion that shakes the entire base and the road above.

"Rule!" Genesis creates something in her palms and throws it to her friend just as the explosion and light washes over them.


Clouds of dust and bits of stone were across the room for a few moments, but when they cleared all the students found themselves swimming in the floor.

"Ugh, this is so gross," Lizardy says as they begin getting out of the small pool. 

"Says the girl that breaks her own body apart," Mudman says.

"Hey, swimming in mud is still gross."

"Swimming in stone and concrete actually."

As they all get out Genesis looks around, seeing the small blast shield she made for Rule to enlarge at the far wall behind them. 'We didn't react fast enough, but luckily Juzo was here...' she scowls at that realization, mentally berating herself.

As they all get out and the ground is returned to normal, the entire room finally clears enough for them to see Gold Chain at the other side of the room slumped against the wall, blood flowing from his shoulder and mouth.

And across from him, Majestic's Hero Costume is torn and tattered, sleeves and bits of the chest and back missing, bruised arms bare for everyone to see.

"Wow," Simon says.

"Yeah, wait till you see the replay," Cellophane adds.

"Sensei, are you ok?!" Lizardy yells out.

Majestic gives them a forced smile and a thumbs up, "yeah, but let's not tell my wife how dangerous this got!"

"Thank god this is over," Cellophane says. "Because honestly guys, my feet hurt..."

Mudman and Simon chuckle at that as Majestic begins walking over to them, only for Gold Chain to move.

"Sensei!" Genesis raises her gun at the villain as he brings an injector, housing a vial of green liquid in it to his neck.


Her gun fires, but a moment too late as the new shot of Trigger is injected into the villain.

From his spot on the floor Cellophane fires a line of tape at the exhausted Pro Hero and pulls him over to the students as Genesis and Mudman step forward, ready to fight.

"Gold Chain, that much Trigger could kill you!" Simon yells out as the villain gets up, glowing brighter than ever with golden energy.

"No! I can---" Gold Chain's words are cut short as his shoulders slump.


Mudman relaxes and looks back at his friend, "honestly man, your Quirk is so ridiculous, glad you're on my team."

"And it's always impro---" Simon stops speaking as his eyes widen, looking at the villain. "He broke out!"

"What?!" Mudman turns around to see the villain moving freely once more and immediately drops to place his palms on the floor, intended to trap the villain once more.

But before he could touch the ground, the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room glow green and are seemingly coated in a thin layer of energy.

From all the surfaces of the room, including the floor beneath them, spear tipped chains begin launching at the heroes as they frantically evade.

"Simon?!" Cellophane asks as he feels excruciating pain with each forced step until Majestic begins carrying them all on his prismatic rings. But even his rings were dulling now.

"The Trigger and injuries must be causing him pain," Simon says. 

"And pain breaks your control, damn it," Mudman says. "Genesis, any ideas?"

As they continue avoiding the chains that were thankfully less accurate now that the villain was hurt and tired, they also notice the shield on his body returning.

She looks at her allies, seeing them tired or injured, ideas spawn in her mind, but the risk of people being hurt was too much for her.

So with no hesitation Genesis raises a hand to her communicator, "Horizon, we need backup!"

Hearing this, Mudman immediately takes out the metallic card Horizon gave him and throws it toward the floor, and the moment it's almost at the floor.


Appearing in the room Horizon's eyes and brain are confused for a moment, his Quirk not matching the visuals of what he's seeing.

"Hard-light...annoying," he says.

Since he's so reliant on Scan, light based abilities are effectively invisible to him. If an attack is made purely of light he simply cannot detect it, because to do so he'd have to detect all light within his Room, which would make the room almost entirely solid within his mind since light is almost everywhere.

And even he cannot separate individual light particles in real time.


Horizon warps Scalpel into his hand as he sees a legion of chains descending down onto him, with a slash at the space between him and the chains, they all shatter as Amputate strikes out.

Gold Chain's eyes lock onto Horizon, now ignoring the other, immediately causing chains from the walls and floor to manifest and rush toward Horizon.

Horizon feels one of the chains manifesting beneath his boot, creating a pointy spearhead to stab him through the foot as it did to Cellophane.

He instantly detects it as the material of his boot is deformed, even before his body can feel the pressure his Room detects it all, still unable to 'see' the hard-light attack causing this effect.

He immediately thinks to swap places with Gold Chain, but notices the man is attached to all the energy flowing through the room like one solid object, he cannot be warped without moving it all.

'Not impossible, but I don't know what'll happen if I just warp him and his Quirk reacts poorly, best not take the risk...'


Horizon's entire body begins releasing blue energy vapor, the grooves of his body glove that are visible on his gloves are glowing bright blue as well.

And all the hard-light attacks shatter against him as the energies collide.

More and more attacks rain down on him but no matter how hard they try they simply break against his new defense, leaving him unbothered as he stabs Scalpel into the floor.


He surges an immense amount of power through his blade and down into the floor, sending a pulse of energy through every surface of the room.

Where the glowing golden energy exists, it's shattered and overtaken by a wave of rolling blue that leads all the way back to Gold Chain.

Seeing the energy wave coming and easily overpowering him, the man uses everything he has to push against it but he feels as if he's throwing pebbles at a tsunami.

It reaches him as he's depleted all his energy and collapses onto his knees.

And the exhausted villain slumps forward, looking up at Horizon who's casually walking over to him, sword in hand.

The others descend as Horizon reaches the villain, almost as amazed at what just happened, but looking up at Horizon, Gold Chain understood something they never could.

Having his energy collide with and be so easily overpowered by Horizon, he had a level of understanding that very few people have.

An understanding of exactly what was looking down at him right now. At the living nuclear reactor's worth of energy, pretending to be human beneath that visor.

So looking up at Horizon, through his exhausted eyes, he musters up the energy for one last question.

"That much power..." he gasps between breaths, veins bulging purple as the Trigger is slowly killing him. "You...can't be human, are you?"

Horizon chuckles, "I'm better, now bow..."

Gold Chain raises a brow at that, until he's surprised as there's an intense pulling force on his golden plated teeth, yanking his head down to the floor.


He cracks his skull and the stone floor on impact as his teeth are ripped out of his mouth by the invisible force.

Horizon kneels down and places a hand on the villain's back, then as he's working looks at his allies, "so, this guy was a lot tougher than we thought huh?"

"That's one way of putting it," Cellophane says.

"He used Trigger like it was candy," Majestic adds. "That's hard to account for."

"Unpredictable things happen all the time, I'm just glad nobody got hurt."

"Uhhh," Lizardy gestures at Cellophane's feet.

"It'll take me seconds to heal that, that doesn't count."

"Still hurts," Cellophane says.

"You'll get over it..." Horizon says as he finally raises a hand from the villain's back ,and with it comes a marble sized sphere of green liquid.

"Is that the Trigger?" Majestic asks. "And here I thought you were healing him."

"I don't heal villains, but this," the Trigger hovers above his palm for everyone to see. "This I must study, now, let's get out of here..."


So, I was in a car accident thursday hence chapters being delayed. I'm all good now and back to business. Sorry about the delays…

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