MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 293(Pre-Game Talks)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"Play chapter five," Law commands.

From his seat in one of the private viewing rooms at the highest level of the stadium, he could see the entire massive arena.

A few people were already filling the stadium, trying to get ahead of the crowd before everyone rushed in to view the games.

In the dimly lit room behind completely blacked-out one-way glass, he's relaxed on his single-seat couch, feet up on a small ottoman as he eats from a tray of cookies, clearly homemade.

Both his visor and the mask of his body glove were resting on the small table beside him, between both the seats as he enjoyed his snacks.

"People of Japan, hear me!" his phone plays the recording loudly. "Horizon is the only way forward for us, he is our truth, and our destiny is to follow him and be defended by his grace and radiance!"

"Hmm, religion seems kind of appealing when you're the god," Law chuckles as he raises a hand, and suddenly a bottle of water appears in his grasp.

"It is clear that new monsters will arise with each passing year!" the speaker says. "Horizon is our shield, our light in these dark times!"

The speech goes on for a few more minutes, all of which seem like harmless hero worship to Horizon, until he hears something he likes.

"Which is why I believe Horizon should be truly embraced as our guardian deity, as the true God Emperor of Japan..."

Law raises a brow at that, "If I'm going to be a God Emperor I don't think I'd only settle for Japan, I'd at least claim a continent...or someplace that'll pay me for my time."

"Which is why I petition all of my listeners!" the man says. "Go onto my website and sign the petition, let us elect Horizon to governing office so---"

"Ach!" Law chokes on his water. "What the fuck!" he looks at his phone, seeing this broadcast was a few days old.

He immediately clicks the link to the website and sees that 17 million people have signed it.

"You've got the be kidding me, I hate babysitting you useless fucks, I don't want to lose even more of my freedom for it."

Law sighs and takes his phone, checking his social media Horizon account once more to see more growing concerns about this Cult of people worshiping him.

"No wonder all you religious people are ignored by your gods, you're all so annoying," he locks his phone and tries to relax.

Only for his mask and visor to warp back onto his head.

"Just come in!" Horizon yells, clearly annoyed.

Horizon hears the door open behind him then close once more, then Deku's voice reaches him.

"Hi, uh, I've been looking for you---"

"I know," Horizon says, still not opening his eyes. "I can sense everyone moving on campus and in most of the city, remember."

"Oh, right," Deku takes a deep breath and walks over to Horizon. "I was wondering if I could talk to you about something, I need some advice for---"

"No, ask someone else," Horizon says.

"Thanks," Deku sits on the other seat beside Horizon. "So anyway Uraraka asked me out earlier this morning and I'm not really sure what to do..."

Horizon turns his head to look at Deku, who was just sitting there in his PE Uniform but wearing some new boots from his upgraded Hero Costume.

Horizon groans as he sits up, "The only reason I'm not warping you away is because this at least seems interesting, so what's the problem?"

"I don't know what to do," Deku admits.

"Well she's been into you since day one and you have a dick, so...seems simple enough."

"That, uh," Deku stutters and gets red-faced as he thinks about what Horizon means. "I don't think we're ready for that yet."

"How did All Might have the..." Horizon thinks for a moment. "7th strongest Quirk in the world to someone like you, you can non-consensually 'Smash' villains but can't smash the girl who wants you?"

Deku looks mortified, "I really didn't think about the name of my moves meaning that, I need to change them."

"Focus please."


"Look, for whatever reason, Uraraka likes you, that makes things super easy. Just be bold, be brave, be decisive, and be...yourself."

"Be myself, really? I assumed you tell me to be more like you" Deku admits. "I mean it would make the most sense since you were dating both Yaomomo and Jiro, and I think Mei liked you..."

As Deku begins mumbling Horizon flicks him in the forehead to get his attention, "Don't be stupid. Pretending to be someone else is horrible advice, just be yourself, and if women don't like who that is then self-improve until they can't not like you, but that has to be done holistically, you can't just lift weights and make that your personality."

"So you didn't have to change anything?"

"Why would I do that, I'm perfect?" Horizon asks, then sees Deku's dejected look. "It's like this, Momo liked...likes, the idea of Horizon as the perfect Pro Hero, Jiro likes how dangerous I am, and she still does, but she hates herself for liking that. And well, I've got a lot of qualities that other people really like.

But they only work because I'm Horizon, you can't act like me if you aren't the strongest, or most capable, you have to be a necessity, not a person."

"Ok, so how does this apply to me?" Deku asks.

"Becuase, Uraraka being interested in you from the beginning of UA means she clearly doesn't want someone strong, or capable, or charming, or good looking, or rich, or..."

"I think I get it," Deku says. "I'm a loser."

"Yeah, but for some reason she liked you from day 1, when you were an immensely bigger loser than you are now, so just be yourself. She likes that stupid part of you that always helps no matter how dangerous it is for yourself and the fact that you're a nerd who spends all his time studying Quirks."

"But, aren't you also a nerd who studies Quirks?"

"No, because I'm a doctor who studies Quirks, you're a fanboy," Horizon says. "So really just be yourself, but if I have any advice, for relationships and for being a Pro Hero. Be bold, be decisive, and don't be afraid to take the first step, and I suggest you keep that in mind for the sports festival too."

"The Sports Festival?" Deku looks out to see people filling the stadium. "Wait, was that a hint, do you know what the games are?"

"Focus Deku," Horizon pulls Deku's focus back onto himself. "Just go out on a date with the girl, or at least do some 1-on-1 training with her, that's as much of a date as anything for UA students anyway."

"Right," Deku begins to get up, but sits back down. "One more thing?"

"No, I'm not giving any sex advice aside from don't get anyone pregnant."

"Not that!" Deku blushes. "But, is having relationships a smart thing for me, because I really really really want to go out with her, but will I be letting down All Might if I do? I mean, I've got a lot of people counting on me to use their power and become a great hero, do I have time to focus on girls?"

"Well, you know I think Pro Heroes should be people with nothing to lose, but I'm also a bit of a hypocrite on that, because as contradictory as it sounds, what's the point of fighting that hard if you don't have any real love in your life," Horizon shrugs.

"I guess I've got a lot to think about."

"Not really, just get some pussy it'll clear your head," Horizon laughs as Deku's face goes red, "Now get out of here, something pretty is about to walk in."

Deku thanks Horizon and gets up, then freezes when he opens the door to leave.

With her hand poised to knock Chitose is standing there as he opens it, "Wow," Deku mutters.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Chitose says playfully.

"Uh, yeah, you're, really pretty," Deku stutters out.

"Don't fall for it Deku!" Horizon yells from the couch. "She's worse than any villain, and far more dangerous!"

Deku immediately leaps back and takes a fighting stance, startling Chitose whose thoughts are racing, 'Oh god does Horizon know? Did he find out? Can he read my thoughts? I thought he had to touch a person to sense lies! This is a nightmare! Reikiya is here so maybe together---'

"She's a reporter!" Horizon yells out, shattering her thought process and allowing Deku to relax. "Those things are dangerous," he laughs as they both give him annoyed expressions.

As Deku leaves Chitose closes the doors and sits beside Horizon, "You almost got me punched with that joke."

"Nah, I would have stopped it," he sees her getting her notepad and voice recorder ready. "I hope following the pen wasn't too hard."

"You could have simply warped me here, is there a reason you didn't?"

"I was having a chat with my classmate there, and I figured you'd want to look around the festival on the way here."

"I see, and that boy, is he possibly a new member of Team Horizon? Assuming there is still a Team Horizon after The Gigantomachy."

"There is, and he won't ever be joining it, clash of ideals and all that," Horizon sits up properly. "Ready to officially start the interview?"

"Always, just like I see you're always eager to skip the pleasantries," Chitose says.

"Yes well, you know I'm a man of action."

"And I'm sure the people will want to know if this man of action is still single, well?"

"Single as can be," he lied.

"And the second largest concern," Chitose giggles. "Your feelings after the Gigantomachy, now that you've had a few weeks to think about it."

"What I said in court hasn't changed, and that still reflects how I feel entirely."

"I see, and people being afraid of you, how do you feel about that?"

"It's the logical response, after all, anyone with a brain would be afraid of me, I'm sure you thought twice before asking for this interview, and even now with only a small table between us, it scares you to know I'm this close."

"Well I don't think this table distance matters in the grand scheme of things, " Chistose says. "Everyone in UA is currently within your area of influence yes, I'd imagine you can feel the movement of every blade of grass."

"If I wanted to be that precise, yes."

"Quite all-encompassing," Chitose says. "And your feelings regarding the somewhat religious and political zealots blooming to praise you?"

Horizon groans, "I'd rather they didn't, but so long as they aren't hurting or attacking anyone or other groups then, it's probably, hopefully, just harmless fun. All Might had a similar effect, even if it was to a slightly lesser degree."

"Would you ever give in and maybe become President of Japan?"

"Politics aren't my preferred field of battle," Horizon chuckles.

After getting some more national topics out of the way Chitose raises a question that the world has been curious about.

"Since you're no longer able to act as a Provisional Hero within Japan, and you've said you'll be staying away from the public eye to train for the upcoming months, will you perhaps be attending the Global Heroes Summit in Paris?"

"No I don't see that being in my plans," Horizon says. "But maybe next year I can attend, that one will be held in Las Vegas which is a bit easier to travel to from Japan."

"Ah right, you likely can't leave the country for long, if at all, with the League Of Villains running about," Chistose says. "The marked increase in crime across Japan has happened much as everyone expected, however, Musutafu and Minato Tokyo are still almost entirely crime-free, it seems even without you being able to intervene criminals know better than to cause problems where you work and live."

"Well, they aren't completely stupid, but still stupid enough to be villains when the heroes have me fighting for them."

After a few more questions, and as the stadium is almost filled, Chitose gets to the final round of questions.

"Now, about the UA Sports Festival, since you'll obviously be claiming the gold medal again, who will be the runner-up? The polls say Shoto Todoroki is once again the favorite of the other students, but last year Katsuki Bakugo caused an upset, do you foresee another upset this year?"

"Well, since the games start in a few minutes I suppose I can tell you, that I won't be competing this year."

"Really?" Chitose doesn't seem surprised. "That makes sense, many people were concerned about having other students fighting against you, it hardly seems fair after all."

"It's not fair, but with me being out of the picture," Horizon thinks for a moment. "My team also won't be competing, which leaves only people who I haven't seen go all out in a long time, so I can't tell how much they've improved."

"I'd imagine so with all the time you spent stopping villains or at Horizon Tower," Chitose says.

"Hmm, yeah, but based on how I think people have improved, if Izuku Midoriya gets to the 1-on-1 stage of the tournament, it may be tough, but he'll win..."


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