MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 255: Refuse

Mineta didn't answer All-Might's words. Instead, he changed the topic. "To be honest, I am not sure about the power of the One-For-All. Can you explain it more to me, Yanagi-san? Is it different from All-For-One?"

"Of course, it is different. If All-For-One is a power to steal other Quirks, then One-For-All is a Quirk to stockpile."


"Yes, now that you mention it. I haven't told you the origin of One-For-All, right?"

"You have said that it is from the little brother of All-For-One, right?"

"Yes, but you haven't heard the details of it."

"Then, can you tell me?"


All-Might didn't hesitate to tell him and started his story.

Everything began when All-For-One wanted to dominate this world, so he started to steal many Quirks, but having too many Quirks was troublesome, so he put those Quirks on the body of his little brother, who was Quirkless.

His little brother wanted to stop All-For-One, but he was powerless until he realized the power of his Quirk. His Quirks also became stronger as he passed them to the next generation. It was a unique Quirks, which could make the inheritor inherit the Quirks of the previous generation and become stronger as it was passed to the next generation.

"It's an interesting Quirk." Mineta nodded and understood why All-Might and Midoriya were so strong, but at the same time, he knew that Midoriya hadn't fully optimized the One-For-All. "So, what generation is Midoriya?"

"Midoriya is the ninth host and also the last. As for me, I am the eighth host."

"I see... then Midoriya should have inherited your original Quirk, too, right?"

However, All-Might showed embarrassment. "Ah, to be honest, I am Quirkless."


By now, Mineta understood why All-Might chose Midoriya.

"What about the previous generation before you?"

"It's my teacher. Her Quirk is floating. She can float in the air."

"Like Uraraka?"

"Similar, but she can only use it on herself."

Mineta thought her Quirk should be similar to his "Floating" ability. "What about the rest?"

All-Might didn't hide anything and told him everything. As of now, he truly believed that Mineta held justice in his heart. Even if he told everything, he knew Mineta wouldn't say anything. Also, to be honest, even if Mineta wanted to do something, there was nothing he could do since unless he had an ability similar to One-For-All, it was impossible for him to do anything about One-For-All.

Oh, he could do it since he remembered that he had "Plunder," a rare one-time item that allowed him to plunder anything from fate, Quirks, identity, talents, and many others.

"Did Midoriya know this?"



"..why?" All-Might thought for a moment and showed an awkward expression as he scratched his head in embarrassment. "He has never asked."

"......" Mineta had to say that Midoriya was too stupid. "He loves you so much that he ignores the rest of the hosts, Yanagi-san."


All-Might could only show an awkward expression at this moment.

While Mineta hadn't seen Midoriya's room since he didn't follow the room tour, he had heard that Midoriya's room was full of All-Might's figures, goods, posters, and many others, showing what kind of maniac he was.

"But All-For-One has been living so long, huh? You're 50, right? Then, should the other generations be the same? If I count, then All-For-One should be 500 years or so?"

"No, no. All-For-One is around a century or so, and many of the hosts of the One-For-All... died young. I am the oldest who is still living." All-Might showed an awkward and sad expression since he recalled the death of his teacher.

However, All-Might's words struck him like thunder.

"Do you know how they passed away?" Mineta asked in a complicated mood.

"Well..." All-Might felt confused by Mineta's question, but he still answered honestly.

Out of seven hosts of the One-For-All, the fourth generation was the one that lived the longest before he passed away because of an illness.

However, All-Might's answer made him speechless, but he suddenly found a reason to reject All-Might. He wasn't sure whether this was true, but it didn't matter.

When the story stopped, Mineta showed a helpless expression and asked, "Yanagi-san, do you want to kill me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" All-Might was stunned by Mineta's words.

"Currently, One-For-All can only be wielded by Quirkless people."

"Huh?" All-Might become even more confused.

Mineta explained to All-Might from the beginning to the end about his conjecture, especially toward the fourth generation, who died because of an illness. He felt this illness was weird and thought it was because the fourth generation had a Quirk.

"So... if someone has a Quirk, their body will deteriorate when they become the host of One-For-All?!" All-Might was dumbfounded.

"I am not sure since this is just my speculation that the reason why the fourth generation passes away is that his body can't adjust to the One-For-All. After all, you can see someone with a flame Quirk will have a good resistance at the flame, right? It might be hard to explain, but if I give a comparison, it is like a basket."


"Someone with a Quirk has this basket full, but they forcefully put the One-For-All inside their bodies. You can imagine what will happen, right?"

Either the water overflowed, or the basket expanded so much that it would explode.

When one was young, it didn't matter, but when one was old, everything was clear about what kind of damage their bodies had.

"On the other hand, someone Quirkless has their basket empty, so it can be filled with the One-For-All. As for me, I have a Quirk, so it is impossible for me to become your inheritor."


All-For-One was in a daze and didn't expect that, with a few conversations, Mineta could deduce all of that. However, he also had a cold sweat since he realized the kind of danger that he would have caused Mineta if he kept insisting on him becoming his inheritor.

"Now, you understand why Midoriya is a perfect inheritor for you, right? If you feel he isn't suitable, you should teach him until he becomes suitable."

"Mineta-boy, can—"

"Sorry, I refuse."

"I haven't said anything!"

"Do you want me to train him?"

"......." All-Might.

"My time is full All-Might. Let me ask you, leaving All-For-One aside, can he defeat Hokusai too? I am sure as I train to become stronger, Hokusai is also the same."


"I am sorry." All-Might bowed his head.

"It's okay. I know you only want everyone to live in peace and happiness instead of fear every day, but I can't take this job. You should search for someone who is more suitable to teach him, like Gran Torino or something."

"Er... because of Midoriya's action, Gran Torino's hero license is almost revoked, and he also lost his qualification for an internship."

"......" Mineta.

"By the way, is there someone else who knows about your condition or Quirk?"

All-Might thought for a moment, and the face of someone popped out of his mind. "...there is." However, his voice was quite awkward, and it could be seen that he was extremely reluctant.

"Then, try that person. We will have our hero license soon. You can ask him to educate Midoriya by letting him have an internship there."

"Well..." All-Might sighed but then asked, "By the way, have you found a place for an internship?" He didn't have a doubt that Mineta would get a hero license, and he thought it would be good if Mineta could have an internship with Midoriya.

"Yes, I have."

"......." All-Might.



All-Might thought about that beautiful hero, who cried when she saw Mineta hurt and thought that the relationship between Mineta and Ryukyu was so close to each other.

"Then, it can't be helped..."

All-Might didn't have a connection with Ryukyu, and he also didn't want to trouble Mineta any longer.

They talked for a while before All-Might excused himself.

"By the way, will you talk to Midoriya about everything?" Mineta asked.

All-Might stopped, hesitating before he shook his head. "No. Let's keep everything here a secret."

"Okay, but soon, he will realize it sooner or later."

After all, the One-For-All should have its own consciousnesses, especially those from the previous generation.

"Then, I will continue to train."

Mineta sat in a lotus position as he fell into meditation.

All-Might stared at him for a moment before he let out a long sigh since he knew Mineta could no longer become his inheritor.

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