MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 287: Regret


Toga looked at Mr. Compress and Twice triumphantly as if she was the smartest one around.

"....." 2x

*Gulp!* 2x

"We're going to die... we're going to die..." Twice held his head as he muttered depressedly.

"Toga-chan, how can you be so happy? He is our enemy! He is going to kill us too!"

Mr. Compress thought that Chisaki might have a chance to fight, but it seemed it was just an illusion.

"That's why we need to wait, my darling!" Toga then jumped out from the wall then ran away. "Anyway, we have to run away first! Don't let him see us!"

"Wait! Wait!"

"Don't leave us!"

They didn't want to stay in this place any longer and escaped as soon as possible.


"Ha... Ha... Ha..."

His breathing was heavy, and his veins seemed prominent around his body. Whoever saw him, they could tell that he was forcing himself, and he seemed to be on the verge of falling, but he couldn't fall down since if he fell, then who would become the pillar which supported everyone?

This was how they saw his figure at that moment.

"Minoru!" Ryukyu called his real name subconsciously and tried to support him with worry.

"Are you alright? You're alright, right?" Nejire also stood by his side, asking several times, showing how worried she was.

"...I am okay. I just need a rest."

He had to say his acting skill was so good that they would all believe in him, but he really didn't want a troublesome thing, so he decided to let all of them think that he was on his limit. More importantly, if he gave that impression, they would be even more moved since, in their minds, even though he was so exhausted, he would still stand up to protect all of them.

If he didn't show such an expression, he was afraid they would force him to work and might even blame him that he didn't do anything until the situation was serious, so he decided to fall and their arms as if he had lost his power.

Then, what if he fought Chisaki without waiting for him to cause a lot of damage to everyone?

If he did that, no one would appreciate him. They would think that Chisaki was nothing but a small yakuza leader. Everyone would think that they could defeat this guy easily. It was why he waited until Chisaki had made a lot of destruction before he defeated Chisaki with a pained and exhausted expression to show that he did his best and he was forcing himself to save everyone.

This way, no one is going to blame him for his inaction.

A human's mind is like that, after all.

It was so troublesome that he needed to think about a lot of things, even if he did a normal action.

Yet, when one stood on top of people, their breath was enough to cause a lot of reaction to many people.

When everyone helped him to stand up and walk to the evacuation place, he could see that many had despairing expressions. Many had lost their lives because Chisaki had used his ability to assimilate those people into his body to make him stronger. However, no one blamed him since they could see how hard he was from his exhausted and pained expression, yet he still tried to stand up to see everyone and let them drink his juice, so everyone could feel better.

Even though they had succeeded in this mission, it was a tragedy since many had lost, including Mirio and Sir Night Eye.

Everyone was sad, and many of them were crying since they had lost their friends and comrades because of Chisaki.

While Mineta was sad along with everyone, he didn't feel anything. After all, the relationship between them was nothing but a stranger. Even if they died in front of him, except for being uncomfortable, he didn't feel anything. He looked at Sir Night Eye and found out that this person couldn't be saved.

It should be a good thing for him, but to be honest, he wondered why he didn't feel good.

Sir Night Eye didn't do anything to him, but his Quirk was a threat since he could see the future.

If Sir Night Eye saw a future where Mineta destroys everything, then what should he do?

Having him die in this place was a good thing since Mineta didn't do anything, and everything happened because of fate.

Everyone in this place would become his sacrifice, so he could rise even higher.

"Mirio! Mirio!" Tamaki cried at Mirio with his battered body. Even if he was injured, he tried to call his friend, who was in critical condition to cry.

Nejire was in the same state, and she also cried, looking at Mirio, who was in the same situation as Sir Night Eye.

Mineta could save them, but he felt he didn't need to do so since he knew this was his training. It was his training, so he could be heartless and without any feelings, since his goal was to become a god, yet an accident had always happened.

Eri, the little girl, who was saved from this mission, suddenly went on a rampage.


The horn on her forehead grew bigger and bigger as her Quirk caused everyone to look at her with fear.

She thought that her power was nothing but a curse and that her existence would bring nothing but misfortune to the people around her. She thought it was better for her to disappear, causing her power to go on a rampage.

"Hurry up and get the Eraserhead!"

While everyone was confused, Mineta quickly shouted, which made them react quickly to go and pick up Aizawa, but his expression turned ugly when he saw the area around Eri return to the previous state at a speed that was visible to the eyes. He knew that if this continued, the situation would become even more horrible.

To be honest, this situation was good for him since it could promote his career even further.

The threat which caused him trouble in his life would also disappear, but was it okay to just go one like this?

Was it okay to ignore everything here?

The perfect world on his mind, what was it?

He wasn't sure why he did this, but in the end, he picked Eri and hugged her.


Ryukyu was startled, and the rest was also the same since they knew Eri was dangerous.


This was Eri's Quirk, which allowed her to return everything to the previous state. This also caused her father to disappear since she used this power subconsciously to return her father to nothing. However, they fell into silence when they heard him singing.

<Chiisana Tenohira - Clannad>

"Far away, far away, the sea of rice plants wavers."

His voice was so gentle, like they were embraced by his strong arms, and he whispered that everything was going to be okay.

"Even in this tiny hand, there could someday be strength surpassing our own."

Eri, whose power had gone rampage, suddenly became smaller, and she also regained consciousness. She was confused before she realized that she was in Mineta's arms.

"You okay?"


Mineta rubbed Eri's head, then said, "Can you trust me?" He didn't wait for her answer and asked her this question.

Eri wasn't sure why he asked her this question, but she nodded.

"Point your arm that way."

He held her arm, and she obediently followed his every word until she suddenly realized she was using her power. She felt scared and subconsciously tried to forcefully end her power, but his voice calmed her down.

"Calm down. Believe me. We're going to save everyone."

His voice was like magic before she nodded and decided to believe in him.

Then, a scene, which was impossible to forget, happened in everyone's eyes.

Everything, which was destroyed, everyone, who had been injured and disappeared, and many others suddenly healed and appeared before them. The ruined scenery before they disappeared, and they returned to the previous state like nothing had happened.

Eri used her Quirk to rewind everything as if the tragedy before them had never appeared to begin with.

Sir Night Eye and Mirio, who were passed out from blood loss and deep injuries on their bodies, also started to breathe evenly, and their complexion turned rosy.

Eri saw all of this in surprise, and her small eyes widened in surprise until she felt her head rubbed once again.

"Your power isn't a curse. It's a gentle and kind power, so don't be afraid to use it."


"You're tired, right? You should sleep first."

Eri, who had used all of her energy and knew that everything was right, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Mineta looked at the little girl in his arms before he fell to the ground, but someone supported him. He turned and saw that it was Tamaki.

"...thank you," Tamaki said with tears.

"It's okay, but can someone hold this girl for me? I am also so tired now."

Mineta let out a long sigh and wondered whether this was a good thing, but strangely enough, he didn't regret this.

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