MHA: Living as a Mineta is hard

Chapter 314: Todoroki Household


Mineta had to say Fuyumi was beautiful.

Fuyumi had similar hair color to Todoroki, with white hair flecked with a few noticeable traces of a crimson-like color, which she tied in a ponytail.

Yet the most attractive part of her feature was the aura around her.

She had this warm and bubbly aura around her when she welcomed all of them with a bright smile.

When Mineta saw this smile, he felt that he was healed for some reason.

More importantly, her attire was just too seductive for him.

Her attire might not be revealing. Instead, it was extremely reserved with black turtlenecks, sweaters, and jeans pants, yet the apron changed everything. It was like she was a young wife who was welcoming her husband happily.

Mineta felt like he had a newlywed life for some reason.

"Todoroki, why didn't you tell me you have such a beautiful big sister?" Mineta asked in a whisper.

"....." Todoroki.

"Ah, are you Mineta Minoru-kun? I have always wanted to meet you." Fuyumi moved closer to Mineta with a bright smile.

"Meet me?"

"Yes, I want to thank you."

"Thank me? Did I do something?" Mineta was confused.

"You saved everyone on the Kamina Ward, right? If you're not there, then my father..." Fuyumi had a melancholy expression on her face.

Endeavour looked away.

However, this was the truth; if Mineta wasn't around, then everyone, including Endeavour, would die during the Kamina Ward incident.

"It's okay, Todoroki-oneesan. As a hero, this is my job. If you need my help, then I will gladly help you, too," Mineta said softly and confidently.

"...." Endeavour, Todoroki, and Bakugou.

"Fufufu... if I need your help, then I will do that." Fuyumi laughed, then asked, "Is Shoto a good boy in the school?"

"Of course! We're best friends!" Mineta answered without changing his face as he patted his chest.

"...." Endeavour, Todoroki, and Bakugou.

"Wow! Really! That's great! I didn't expect that Shoto had a best friend!" Fuyumi was even happier. "By the way, you should call me Fuyumi instead of Todoroki-Oneesan."

"Okay." Mineta nodded, but then he let out a helpless sigh. "But to be honest, I am hurt..."

"Huh? Why?" Fuyumi was confused.

"Because Shoto-kun has never told me she has such a beautiful big sister." Mineta sighed.

"...." Endeavour, Todoroki, and Bakugou.

"Geez..." Fuyumi blushed and felt a bit embarrassed. "Don't tease the older sister of your best friend, okay?" She poked Mineta's forehead as if he was a bad boy.


Mineta felt like an arrow of cupid pierced his heart. When he was about to flirt, someone suddenly interrupted him.

"Little bastard, stop flirting with my daughter!"

Endeavour was in a rage. His roar echoed the thought of the house as the temperature around his body also started to increase.

As expected of a father, no matter who they were, they would be protective toward their daughter.

Endeavour wasn't much different.

Watching his daughter being teased by Mineta in front of him, how could he stay calm?

Todoroki also wasn't much better. His mother had left him because of a mental condition during his childhood, so Fuyumi had always been a mother figure to him, so he couldn't stand Mineta, who flirted with his big sister!

"Fuyumi-neesan, your father and little brother are scary!"

Mineta quickly hid behind Fuyumi, pretending to be scared.

"Geez, Shoto, Father, don't cause trouble! We're going to have dinner, okay?" Fuyumi scolded the two with a strict expression.

"Ugh..." 2x

Endeavour and Todoroki couldn't do anything against Fuyumi, so they could only glare at Mineta, but Mineta smiled as he hid behind Fuyumi, making the two of them grit their teeth in hatred.


Bakugou thought that this wasn't bad.

Still, the loud sound affected the people inside the house, and one person suddenly walked out of one of the rooms.

"What's wrong? Why is it so noisy?"

They turned and saw a young man whose face resembled Endeavor.

Unlike Fuyumi or Todoroki's soft appearance, this young man was tough like Endeavour.

Mineta thought that whether Fuyumi or Todoroki should follow the mother's genes. 'Hmm... then their mother should be beautiful?'


Todoroki quickly explained what was happening.

As for Endeavour, he was just so angry at that moment, and his relationship with his children wasn't good, so it was quite hard for him to talk with Natsu, who was his second son.

"That's it?"

After knowing what was happening, Natsu felt confused then said, "Isn't it normal? Fuyumi-nee isn't young anymore. Isn't it normal for her to marry someone?" Well, when he thought that the next symbol of peace would be his brother-in-law, he didn't really mind, especially when he could tell that Mineta was much different from his father.

"Ma-Marry...?!" 2x

Todoroki and Endeavour were in shock.

"Na-Natsu!" Fuyumi blushed and scolded her little brother.

However, this reaction caused another shock to Todoroki and Endeavour. The two suddenly imagined Fuyumi would leave and marry someone else, and that person happened to be this hateful Mineta Minoru!

While they wanted to stop it, somehow they couldn't since, as Natsu had said before, Fuyumi wasn't young anymore. It might be normal for a woman to marry at the age of 30 or so now, but if they could marry early, then why not, right?

"By the way, what did you cook, Fuyumi-Oneesan? I am so hungry now," Mineta asked as he rubbed his belly.

"Fufufu... I have made a lot of special foods! Be prepared, okay?" Fuyumi then looked at his father and little brother. "Father. Shoto. Come on."

"...." 2x

Todoroki and Endeavour thought that the world was kind of gray somehow.


"Hmm~! It tastes good!"

"Really? Then, you should eat more."

"Whoever marries in the future will be happy, Fuyumi-nee-san."

"Geez, don't tease me again, okay?"

"I am not teasing you! I am telling the truth!"

The dinner was a happy event for Fuyumi since it was her first time having such a merry dinner.

Still, the only happy ones were Mineta and Fuyumi.

Bakugou and Natsu didn't say anything and only ate quietly.

However, Endeavour and Todoroki were all gloomy. They didn't lift their chopsticks and lowered their heads, thinking Fuyumi might marry Mineta.

Still watching Mineta and Fuyumi, who became close and closer, Endeavour roared, "Fuyumi, I won't agree you marry this brat!" While he couldn't accept how Mineta would marry his daughter, he somehow wanted to see his grandchildren.

"Father! What are you saying all of a sudden!?" Fuyumi was startled and scolded her father without mercy. She might have a good opinion of Mineta and like him, but she also knew she was several years older than Mineta, so how could they be together?

"Father-in-law, you don't need to worry." Mineta sat in a "seiza" manner and said, "I will take care of Fuyumi-nee-san as my most precious one. Please believe me." His expression showed his determination to take care of Fuyumi for his entire life.

"Minoru-kun?" Fuyumi blushed and felt that her face was so hot. After all, while she might be the oldest among Endeavour's children, she didn't have much experience with love. Why? It was because all the guys were too scared of her father, so no one would try to flirt or get close to her like this, so she didn't have much immunity to Mineta's tease.

"You little bastard! Let's bring it out! I will burn you to the crips!" Endeavour stood up and almost flipped the table.

"If that's what you need to accept me to marry her, then I will do it. I will pass your test!"


Endeavour was ready to throw his life to protect his only daughter.

"Father! Minoru-kun!" Fuyumi felt dizzy since she was so shy.

"I will help you." Todoroki also stood up.

"Shoto-kun?!" Fuyumi was almost overwhelmed with blush.

Bakugou continued to eat since the dinner was good.

However, even though they were all fighting, strangely enough, there was this warmth, which was lacking in Todoroki's household, appeared, giving everyone in this household comfort. This warmth was comfortable and also addicting. This was comfortable, but somehow, it made one of the children of Endeavour slightly uncomfortable.


Natsu suddenly slammed the table, causing all noise to disappear.

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