MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 3 – Quirk


<Japan / Shizuoka / 13:29>

"Daddy!" a little girl shouted excitedly as she jumped up and gave a black haired man a hug.

The little girl was none other than Lena, she was currently 4 years old and lived with her father, Winston.

Lena had short hair and brown eyes and was a little taller than most children her age. Her father had just left shopping and she had been waiting for him on the couch ever since, as soon as she saw him she pounced on her father and gave him a tight hug.

"Wow, careful Lena I don't want to break these things" Winston said in surprise as he kept his balance between the bag with some electronics inside and his beloved daughter.

"Hehehehehehe" Laughed Lena seeing the situation her father was in, deciding to stay for a few more moments just to annoy him a little bit, although Winston really didn't care much....

After Lena finished with her hug, Winston went to leave the bag on the table where you could see some cables, motherboards, among other electronic things....

"Daddy what are these things for?" Lena asked curious about the electronics. "They look weird..."

"They are for an experiment of your father's... I really shouldn't tell you that, you might possibly get confused" Replied her father lifting Lena up and placing her on his shoulders. "Everything okay up there captain?"

"Hehehehehehehehe!" laughed Lena at the sudden increase in height. "All in order!"

After that Winston gave his daughter a piggyback ride around the house, Lena was enjoying all the fun.

When Winston got tired he plopped down on the couch with Lena on his lap.

" the way, Lena."

"Huh?" Lena cocked her head as she looked at her father.

"You're going to elementary school next we need to go get ready, we're leaving tomorrow to go shopping for supplies, among other things" Winston said as he stroked Lena's head.

"Oke~" Lena nodded as she smiled.



In the evening of that same day, as Lena was getting ready for bed she started to experience several strange things, the first was that her vision would sometimes blur or go out of focus, she would suddenly feel full of energy only to feel completely drained the next moment, plus she would feel pain all over her body and not to mention she would sweat like a river making her feel very uncomfortable.

"Ug...agh" Groaned Lena in pain as she writhed on her bed, you could tell she was drenched in sweat.

"Daddy..." Mumbled Lena between moans of pain calling for her father...but no one came to her aid.....

While Lena was going through this terrible feeling, Winston was on the couch watching a soccer game.

Sports in the current era were very difficult to perform because of the different peculiarities that people possessed, if a player possessed a skill that made him faster than his opponents it was terribly unfair.

So new rules were created which, among other things, included that only people with Quirk validated by the International Sportsmanship Agency could participate, and that some players could only be used if another team had a player with a similar quirk, for example, if Player 1 had a Quirk that made him faster for a short period of time, then the other team could use Player 2 who could use a similar Quirk.

To a person who has never seen a match, you might think that having a person with a strong Quirk is the best....

But no.

You see, normally Quirk's that are powerful or have a large increase in physical power, usually expend a very exaggerated amount of energy in the body, they may be useful at critical times but once they use their Quirk they will be very useless the rest of the match because they will be exhausted.

The ones that shine in this kind of sports are the people with passive or mutant Quirks, they don't have a huge increase in power but they compensate it with a lower energy expenditure and a shorter recovery time, there are even some that can last a whole match without sweating.

Winston was watching TV when he heard a loud thump of something falling on the floor above.

"Lena!" He quickly got up from the couch and went to Lena's room to see what was going on.

Only to see her crying on the floor as she was drenched in sweat and grimacing in pain on her face.

"Daddy... it hurts so much..." Lena replied between gasps as the tears continued to flow.

"Lena! What's wrong with you?" Winston said as he took his daughter in his arms and examined her...but found nothing....

"Ugh" Lena was in too much pain to answer her father's question....

Winston carried Lena towards the couch before grabbing his car keys and driving to the nearest hospital. When he arrived at the front desk, he called the receptionist, who upon seeing Lena's condition called a doctor to examine her immediately.

The doctor asked Winston to wait outside while he examined Lena.

The more time passed, the more Winston became concerned about his daughter's condition.....

After an hour, the doctor came out to inform him of Lena's condition. The doctor was... well normal, doctor's clothes, doctor's glasses and his whole presence screamed doctor in general...although the only thing of note were his eyes which had a "+" shape in their pupils

"Doctor, is she okay?"

"Yes, don't worry, it's just a pain from activation Quirk."

The sigh Winston was holding back came out along with a huge wave of relief. "I see."

'Quirk Activation Pain', is basically like a kind of growing pain but much more painful, it depends on the person and the Quirk in question, this kind of pain usually happens to people with mutant Quirks or ones that change the person's physiology in one way or another, horns, wings, extra arms, among much more... though there are also cases where this pain manifests but the person's Quirk doesn't change their physiology, though the latter are rare cases.

Although Winston is a General Practitioner, he is not a specialist in Quirk Medicine, so he was unaware of the reason for Lena's pain.

"So, are you going to stay here tonight or will you go home and we'll call you when Lena has recovered?" asked the doctor pleased to give the girl's father good news.

"I'll stay with my daughter until she wakes up.... I hope it won't be too much trouble..." Winston replied feeling a little tired, but he didn't care at this point.

"Not at all, the pain should go away in 7 or 8 hours, I have put her on a muscle relaxant so she won't feel so much pain when she wakes up, you can comin if you wants but I don't recommend touching her..."

"Okay doc, thank you very much."

After thanking the doctor, Winston opened the door to find Lena lying on a bed sleeping peacefully, in her arm was a serum held by the medical stand, the serum was the muscle relaxant flowing through Lena's veins soothing the pain in her body.

Winston looked for a chair that wasn't too far away and placed himself next to Lena....

He waited for hours, but finally sleep claimed him.

'Lena...' Winston thought before closing his eyes and falling into the dream world.



Lena woke up feeling strange, she felt like she was full of energy but at the same time incredibly exhausted, that she could run a marathon but at the same time couldn't walk more than one step.

It was a strange feeling.

She looked around the room and saw ... her father.



"DADDY!!! ARE YOU DEAD?!" Lena screamed as she tried to get out of bed, but she couldn't move her legs or arms, they felt as if they were asleep....

No, in fact she couldn't feel her legs or arms.

Winston waking up to his daughter's scream, jumped up as his teeth sharpened and a little more hair grew on his arms.

Looking around and seeing Lena awake caused him to calm down canceling his Quirk.

"LENA!" Winston shouted before giving his daughter, who was still lying on the bed, a tight hug. "Are you okay?!"

"Dad! I can't move! I can't feel my legs or my arms!" Lena exclaimed in confusion and panic over her current situation.

"Don't worry I will call the doctor, wait a minute" Said Winston as he quickly touched a button alerting the doctor. "Well, do you remember anything from last night?"

"Last night?" Lena said confused as she tried to remember what happened last night...but she couldn't remember it was a little fuzzy.

It didn't take long for the doctor to show up, he quickly took the serum from Lena and waited a few minutes for it to wear off.

"Well, how are you feeling Lena?" The doctor asked as he sat in a chair across from Lena and Winston.

"I feel great!!! Like I'm full of energy!!!" Lena exclaimed as she wiggled her limbs with a big smile.

"I see, then..."

The doctor continued to ask Lena a series of questions to which she mostly responded "Great", "Good", "I don't know".

"Alright, now let me stick you with a needle I need some of your blood" Explained the doctor as he picked up a needle.

"Oke~" Lena said as she stretched out her arm.

As the doctor was about to prick her arm....


...the tip of the needle broke off.....


Without a word, the doctor pulled out another needle and this time he was able to prick Lena without any problems. Winston was analyzing the fact that the needle broke in Lena's skin and how this could be related to her Quirk.

Lena just thought the needle was defective.

The doctor put Lena's blood into a small machine that looked like a computer, the device immediately started analyzing the blood with a percentage.












{Successfully analyzed}


When the machine finished analyzing the blood, it began to display some data on the screen.

"This is interesting and weird" Murmured the doctor looking at the data before passing it to Winston. "I understand most of it but I have no idea what this is."

Winston, confused by the doctor's reaction, looked up at the screen of the small machine.










Winston was stunned.

It is not uncommon for a person's Quirk to have several small effects, these effects are usually called Secondary Quirks, for example, Endevour, his Primary Quirk allows him to generate large amounts of flames as everyone already knows, but his Secondary Quirk, also gives him great fire resistance, super strength and endurance, but these are minor facts that are usually overlooked and not many people pay attention to.

So for Winston that Lena has super strength and stamina, even if it's to a minor degree, is normal, it's the main part of the Quirk that boggles his mind.

The entropy of time.

(AN: The entropy of time is something very complicated to understand, even I don't fully understand it, so I won't explain it because it's a lot of text, if you want to know more about it google it)

"WOW!!!.... what is that?" asked Lena confused by her Quirk.

"Let's just say it's a cool Quirk" Winston replied as his head spun.

After that and some paperwork Lena and Winston went home for a leisurely trip...okey no.... Lena was too excited that she woke up her Quirk....

Over the next few months Winston helped Lena control her Quirk very carefully, although it was during one of her practices when something went terribly wrong....


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