MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 72 – Forest III







Moira showed an unusual look of interest as she watched a small surprise event unfold inside her non-work area, the laboratory.

The scientist raised an eyebrow as she watched her small blood sample begin to shoot little light blue sparks around the glass vial that contained it. Moira, as interested as she was in the matter related to that blood and the properties of that specific Quirk, did not like to have her work suddenly interrupted.

For her, everything had a time and a place. And now was neither the time nor the place to start investigating the properties of that blood.

Letting out a sigh, Moira quickly opened the vial carefully and took some of the blood with a needle. The scientist walked over to a strange microwave-sized machine that seemed to be in complete dissonance with the lab, as if the machine was a decade more advanced than it should be.

After dropping the sample into the machine and activating it, Moria went back to what she was doing a moment ago.

Sitting back down in her familiar seat, Moira rolled up her lab coat to look at her arm closely.

“Ugh...” A sound of disgust echoed through the room as Moria felt her apprehension tighten as she saw the current state of her arm.

It wasn't that her arm was unusually pale in comparison to ordinary human skin, nor was it the tissues and muscles that clung to her thin bones, giving the illusion of being extremely malnourished or a freaking skeleton.

It wasn't either of those two things that Moira disliked.

She disliked the grotesque veins that visibly pulsed to the beat of her heart as a purple liquid that pretended to be her blood moved up and down her arm.

She disliked her abnormally long, emaciated, bony fingers that ended in nasty purple dead skin, as well as her huge black fingernails that were easily sharper than a sword and tougher than steel.

'And all... all this because I trusted only one person...' Moira's breathing slowed as ghostly flashes of pain ran up and down her arm. It was as if thousands of termites were biting and eating her flesh from the inside out, generating a kind of pain that could not be described in words. 'All this pain, all those sleepless nights, the constant fear of sleeping just not to wake up... all this just because I trusted someone... and this was the price of my stupidity...'

Moira looked at her own arm with disgust but also with cold anger.

This arm was a parting gift that had once been given to her by her good and dear friend.

This arm was a reminder of why she could not trust anything or anyone, only herself.

Shaking her head to snap out of her reverie, she took a breath to calm her emotions. She was so much better than this, she couldn't afford to throw a tantrum over something from the past.

The past was irrelevant, all that mattered was the present and the future.

And the future she had in mind....


It would be glorious.



<WWPC Base / Classroom> <PoV - Aizawa>

“You guys are in luck” I looked around the room with boredom, but with a small smile spreading across my face, the results of the training over the past few days had been extremely beneficial for both classes. Especially for the flunks, somehow they had made good progress in training and studying without dying in between.

 Somehow, that made for a good mood most of the day... even if my students barely noticed.

“Today we will end classes early for-”

'Attention! All personnel in the area!' Suddenly, a familiar voice filled my mind, leaving me blank for a moment, I instinctively snapped to attention until I realized the voice was Mandalay's. 'I repeat! Attention all area personnel, we are under attack by multiple villains!'

“Eraser!” Vlad shouted earnestly, and the students seemed to look at us in confusion.

'Didn't they hear the message?' I wondered absentmindedly as I adjusted my scarf.

“I heard it too, Vlad” I nodded my head before staring at the students intently. “Keep the students safe here, I'll go out and save the others.  Stay in your seats! Understood?!”

Before any of the students could say anything, I quickly walked out the door of the room and headed for the entrance of the building. Fortunately, there seemed to be no villains inside the building, which was a plus since we could use it as a safe place.

I walked out the front door and-!


“Hahaha... you're good, very good” A thick voice spoke with amusement, the voice came from a black-haired young adult, who was dressed in a short dark blue trench coat. “I would expect nothing less from you, Eraserhead.”

Blue flames shot out of his hands as he pointed absentmindedly at me, as if his mind was somewhere else. Even from this distance, I could feel the intense heat of those flames.

If I hadn't reacted in time I would have been burned alive in an instant.

'I don't have time for this shit...' I thought absentmindedly before fixing my gaze on the Villain, my Quirk quickly kicked in, causing the flames on his hands to suddenly disappear.

“Oh-” Villain let out a surprised sound before I wrapped my scarf around him, pinning him to the ground. “How rude of you, haha-”

Not caring about his delusions, I quickly kneed him in the nose before grabbing his head with my hand and slamming it into the ground hard. I wasn't joking around right now.

“Numbers, targets and position” I muttered coldly before squeezing her head even harder. “Now.”

“Haha... why should I tell you shit?” The villain laughed sarcastically while looking at me in amusement.

“Because...” I slowly lifted his head before slamming it back to the ground, leaving a small crater around his head and a very possible fracture in his skull. “There are no cameras or witnesses here...”



<WWPC Forest> <Lena Oxton - PoV>

I glared angrily at the bitch currently knocked out from under my feet, barely able to control myself and avoid kicking her head even harder. Taking a breath to calm myself, I looked worriedly at Kyoka who had sat down on the ground while clutching her shoulder tightly.

I quickly moved to her side as I tore off a piece of my clothing and used it to stop the bleeding around the knife. I wasn't going to remove the knife, as that would only make things worse.

“Kyo! Kyoka! Are you okay?!”

“Do I look okay to you?...” Kyoka replied sarcastically before wincing. A small rivulet of blood trickled down from her shoulder to her hands, slightly staining her pants. “Sh-Shit...”

“It's okay! it's okay!” I said softly as I lifted her up in a princess carriage, being careful not to move her shoulder so as not to aggravate the wound. “Let's go to camp, you need medical assistance, and Aizawa needs to know about this crazy bitch.”

I looked at Toga for a moment before shaking my head. As much as I wanted to take her, I needed to get Kyoka quickly back to the teachers. And carrying a potential assassin on my back seemed like a bad idea.

Without wasting any more time, I quickly used Haste and started running back to the camp.

I didn't notice how Toga's body was melting in mud...



<WWPC Base> <Toru Hagakure - PoV>

I took a slow breath as I looked around with difficulty, which was difficult as everything was a thick pink color. I could barely see a few meters around me. However, I kept moving forward even though the gas was getting thicker and heavier, but that also meant that our masks wouldn't hold much longer.

'Normally I liked the color pink, but this situation was putting my taste in color into a major dilemma' I let out a sigh at the thought as I followed Class 1B President Kendo and Kirishima's twin brother Tetsutetsu.

I was originally halfway through the bravery test when the gas began to spread rapidly throughout the forest, and it was at that moment that I was glad that my teammate for the test was Momo. Acting quickly, Momo made a gas mask for her and me, along with several other masks for the students we encountered along the way.

In the end, we ended up running into Tetsutetsu who was somehow still conscious despite not having a mask on.

Assessing the situation in her mind, Momo decided that it was best for Tetsutetsu and I to move along the test path to find more passed out students and put the mask on them in case the gas was poisonous.

And on the way to do just that, we encountered Kendo, who had decided to hold her breath while using her Quirk to cut off the air to one of her classmates.

How that worked without her passing out from lack of oxygen, I don't know; I'm not Momo, don't ask me.

And right now we were looking for the source of the gas, which was obviously coming from a Quirk.

“We're almost there!” Kendo exclaimed as Tetsutetsu took the lead in case the possible villain decided to attack us by surprise.

Finally, we could see a silhouette inside a large whirlpool from which the gas seemed to be coming.

“Ah! I see you finally arrive...” Said the figure that revealed itself—a short boy in a black school uniform and a large old model gas mask.

I don't know why, but I feel disappointed.

“Too bad, now-”

Before I could finish the sentence, I raised one of my fingers, which expelled a small beam of light and directly hit his gas mask, or rather, I hit one of the wires supplying him with oxygen from a back tank.

Little storytime, my training focused on precision and penetration.

“What-” exclaimed the villain as he brought his hands towards the cable... but before he could say anything else, Tetsutetsu struck his jaw, denting the helmet and knocking the villain unconscious in one blow.

Look at the villain on the ground...

“That was disappointing.”



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