MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 11 – The Fight of Our Lives

‘Now begone!’

Those words were the last thing Hitoshi remembered as he found himself someplace dark. Visibility is poor, heavy rain is falling everywhere, and the winds are so strong that his hair is whooshing all over the place. He’s sure now the villain transported him to the downpour zone.

This is definitely not how he expected the day to go. When he first woke up in the morning, he was expecting just another normal day of classes. As normal as U.A. would be of course. He knows as a hero-in-training that he would be involved in some combat scenarios, but to fight fully fledged villains not even a week into their school year is just too much.

But even so, He is Hitoshi Shinso, a future hero. He can at least handle this much.


He quickly turned around as he sensed someone approaching him, shuriken being held in each finger, ready to throw it at a moment's notice. He stopped his movement after seeing a familiar face.

“Tokoyami, you’re here as well?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure it's just the two of us, as I didn’t see anyone else fall here.”

Shinso just nodded as they both pressed their backs against each other in a defensive formation. Already, a sizable group of villains is surrounding them, most with crazy grins on their faces.

“You ready for this?” Shinso asked, as they tensed in anticipation.

“Most definitely.” replied Tokoyami, Dark Shadow emerging from his abdomen.

“So let me guess, your bosses offered to pay you idiots a large amount of money to kill some kids, is that right?” Shinso started out. “Fools, you don't even realize you’re being used as cannon fodder. What a shame.”

Tokoyami, who knows what’s about to happen, gave a small smirk

A brief moment of silence ensued. A lot of the villains grew tick marks at what he said. “What the hell did you call us you little bra-”

A little under half of the villains surrounding them suddenly stopped moving, seemingly in a trance.

‘Way too easy.’ Shinso thought with a grin. “Fight back against your fellow villains! Protect U.A.!”

To the rest of the villains’ visible surprise, almost half of their number began to attack them.

“Dark Shadow!!”

Without giving the villains a chance to think, Tokoyami took advantage of the villains’ surprise and sent Dark Shadow against them.

“Woo yeah!” The darkness entity cheered as he picked up two large villains and slammed them to the ground.

Shinso also wasn’t idle as he engaged a few villains in close combat. He kicked one of the villains on the head with a roundhouse, before immediately going for a spinning backfist against a villain that was behind him.

‘We have to finish this quickly, before the villains I brainwashed get back to their senses.’

Shinso fingered a few shuriken before launching them towards a group of villains. It met their individual targets as he immediately followed up with a flying knee, before grabbing a villain's arm and judo slamming him to the ground. In the background, he could notice Dark Shadow still going on a rampage, destroying villains left and right alongside a few brainwashed puppets.

Before long, all the villains were face down on the ground unconscious, whereas Tokoyami and Shinso suffered a few scrapes and bruises.

“For villains, these few weren’t much trouble.” Tokoyami stated as mentally recalled Dark Shadow inside him. Right now, the Downpour Zone doesn’t offer much light. It wasn’t wise to let Dark Shadow out in the darkness for too long.

“These guys are just nameless grunts. It’s the ones at the fountain area fighting Aizawa-Sensei that we need to worry about. Them, and the mist villain.” Shinso said, as they began running.

“We need to quickly check on our classmates,” Tokoyami continued. “The mist villain must have dropped us into the different parts of USJ.”

“If these are the villains that our classmates are facing, then I’m confident that they’re fine. Our friends won’t lose to dregs like this.” Shinso assured. “I’m more worried about Eraserhead. I say we should head to the fountain area to back him up.”

Tokoyami was quiet for a while, before he replied. “If you have such confidence in our classmates' abilities, then so shall I. Let us come to our teacher’s aid.”

They said nothing more as they ran through the rain towards the center of the building.

— The Warping Hero —

“Go Iida!”

I heard the shouts of my classmates and mentally sighed with relief. With Iida getting help, the only thing we need to do now is survive.

My senses suddenly screamed at me as I immediately flashed away and abandoned my attack.

Kurogiri suddenly spread his shadows wide around him, as he looked at me menacingly. I prepped myself for an attack only for him to warp himself away from our fight.

‘That bastard!’

“Shoji!” I screamed out.

“Kurogiri teleported himself back to the fountain area. Aizawa-sensei is still doing well, dispatching some of the villains. But I am worried due to the fact that the guy with the hands and the giant haven’t moved.” Shoji, who has his limbs spread all over the USJ, acted as our scout as he reported his findings.

“And what about the rest of our classmates?” Sero said as he stood beside me. He’s done his best to patch up Thirteen with Uraraka’s help and is now ready to join the fight. Sato and Mina walked up as well.

“Like you said, they’re all spread around the USJ. I can see everyone, barring a few. But I can see Midoriya and Tsuyu creeping to Aizawa’s location.”

“They’re probably in positions you can’t see from here.” I thought aloud, as I shook my head.

“Nevertheless, we can’t just sit idly by. We have to help our friends and our teacher.”

Mina, Sato, Uraraka, Sero, and Shoji just stayed quiet while they saw me thinking. Clearly more than happy for me to do the decision making.

I nodded as I thought of our next move. “Alright, here’s the plan. Mina, Sero, you’re with me. We’re gonna try and help out Eraserhead in the fountain area.”

The two quickly nodded.

“Shoji, you keep doing what you do best. I need you to stay here and act as our scout. Keep relaying any information you see or hear.”

“Got it.” Shoji nodded.

“Sato, Uraraka, I need you two to stay here at the stairs. Protect Shoji and Thirteen however you can. There are still villains around and chances are, they could be coming up here to secure the entrance. Our classmates would also most likely make their way up here after they get back from their zones.”

“You got it, Kazuya!”

“Leave it to us!”

I nodded with a smile. Before I could say anything however, I was cut off by a panicked shout from Shoji.


Hearing his tone, everyone quickly shuffled to the edge of the stairs. They could only freeze as they looked out into the central plaza in horror.

Eraserhead lay broken on the ground, their homeroom teacher currently pinned down by a monstrous being with an exposed brain, arms snapped like a twig and bleeding a huge puddle of blood on the ground, unable to move.



They all looked to Kazuya for instruction, only to see him already flash away.

“Mina, come on! We have to back up Kazuya!” Sero screamed.

Mina, who was frozen in shock at the sight of their broken teacher, broke out of her stupor and looked to Sero.

“R-right! Let’s go!”

The two of them ran as quick they could down the stairs, Sero using his tapes to swing down while Mina slid down with her acid. Up ahead, they saw Kazuya running ahead with a knife in hand.

“NO!” They heard Kazuya scream as he launched a knife flying through the air.

— The Warping Hero —

‘No way….’

Midoriya thought with shock. How did it come to this?

Just a few seconds ago, we were cheering on Aizawa taking down the villains at the plaza. But everything just went wrong when the bird monster joined the fight.

Aizawa didn’t even have a chance to react against someone like that. The anti symbol of peace? Is he serious? A villain said to be the trump card against All Might?!

He could feel his eyes widening and his heartrate shooting through the roof. ‘H-how do we get out of this?!’ He thought with worry.

Suddenly, a black mist formed up beside the hands villain, only to take the shape of a person.

“Tomura Shigaraki” The mist villain announced.

“Kurogiri…” Shigaraki greeted, before taking a good look at his ally. “What happened to you? Was Thirteen stronger than we thought?” questioned Shigaraki, noticing the injuries on Kurogiri.

“I managed to incapacitated her without trouble, however there were some issues.” Kurogiri stated. “There were some students I couldn’t warp away, and one of them escaped.”

“Huh, huhhh.” Shigaraki started scratching his neck frantically in anger. “If you weren’t our ticket out of here, I’d turn you to dust.”

“That’s not all…” Kurogiri continued.


“One of the children, he is… trouble.” Kurogiri started slowly. “He has red hair and has a quirk that could teleport, similar to mine. He is capable of touching me, even in my intangible form.”

“So that’s how you got the injuries… So we have an NPC with cheats? How interesting.” Shigaraki gave a maniacal grin.

“It would be wise not to underestimate him, Tomura Shigaraki.”

“They’re just kids Kurogiri. There’s nothing to worry about” Shigaraki stated, arrogantly.

Kurogiri just shook his head in disappointment. ‘Hopefully, he learns from this experience.’

‘Red hair? Teleportation quirk? That must be Kazuya! They managed to get someone out of the building, which means the rest of the teachers are probably on their way here!’ thought Midoriya with relief. Looks like things weren’t as bad as he thought.

“That’s good to hear, kero.” Tsuyu said with obvious relief.

“We’re not out of the woods yet, we have to-”

Before Midoriya could finish his sentence, they were stopped by Shigaraki lunging towards their location, hand outstretched.

Midoriya could only watch in trepidation as the hand slowly reached towards Tsuyu’s face. He tried willing his body to move but it just won’t budge. At the back of mind, he could hear the muffled sounds of someone screaming.

Shigaraki was only a few meters away when a familiar tri-pronged kunai flashed in between Tsuyu and Shigaraki.

A red flash later, Midoriya found himself at the center plaza with Tsuyu, gazing at the spot they were just standing on moments ago. Up ahead they could see Shigaraki lying face up on the ground, as if he just got kicked in the chin.

“-doriya! Midoriya! Are you okay?” The face of 1A’s class president is what greeted him the moment he got his mind back together.

“Y-Yeah! I’m fine! But Asui-”

“I’m fine, kero. And I told you to call me Tsuyu.” Tsuyu assured. “Thanks for the save, Kazuya.”

Kazuya just nodded in reply before looking back towards the villains. Shigaraki just got back up with anger visible on his face. Kurogiri stood beside him, while the Nomu still had their teacher in its grasp.

“Kazuya!” Sero shouted as he and Mina stood beside their president in a triangular formation. Midoriya and Tsuyu still crouched and dazed in the center.

“So you are the NPC with the cheat… You’re pretty fast, aren’t you?” Shigaraki drawled out while scratching his neck.

“I hardly think I’m the one cheating, what with that abomination you have.” replied Kazuya, eyeing the Nomu.

Shigaraki just gave a crazy grin. “Cheat huh? Maybe. This is the bioengineered Nomu. Created to take on All Might as his best. The Anti Symbol of Peace.”

“Kazuya! The one with the hands has some sort of disintegration quirk! Don’t let him touch you! And the villain holding sensei down is as strong as All Might!” Midoriya quickly warned Kazuya.

“As strong as All Might, huh?” Kazuya said slowly, before noticing something moving behind the villains. He slightly widened his eyes, before giving a small smirk.

“Then we’ll be the judge of that. Isn’t that right, All Might-sensei?”


“What?! All Might?!” Shigaraki was visibly surprised at the sudden voice of the No.1 Hero. Even the rest of the students were taken aback. “Where-”

“Stay your ground and don’t move!”

All the students barring Kazuya widened their eyes and their hearts soared the moment Shigaraki became immobile.

‘Shinso! That has to be Shinso!’

Suddenly from the trees, Dark Shadow appeared and tackled the Nomu to the ground, pinning its arms to its sides.

Kazuya moved quickly, the moment Shigaraki was hypnotized, he rushed in with knives in hand towards Kurogiri. Kurogiri tried to prepare himself, only for Kazuya to suddenly flash in front of him and give a swift and devastating crossed slash against his chest.

‘Lightning Speed Slash!’

[A/N: Think the instant slashing attack that Tobirama did to Madara’s brother.]


Kazuya reappeared behind Kurogiri, who now has a X marked slash visible across his shadowy chest.

Kazuya panted hard in exhaustion, as looked behind him at Kurogiri who fell to one knee after his injury.

The rest of the class didn’t stay idle. When the fighting began, Sero, with Midoriya’s help, immediately secured Aizawa and tried to patch him up as best he could. He then continued to help Dark Shadow who is currently trying his best to restrain the Nomu by taping it to the ground. Although he doubted his tape is strong enough to hold back something as strong as All Might, he makes up quality with quantity.

Mina went on to help Sero restrain the Nomu with the tape, while Tsuyu quickly brought the injured Aizawa back to the entrance. She returned not long after and stayed put as support to keep an eye on everyone, just in case anyone needed to be pulled back with her tongue.

Kurogiri grimaced in pain as all the injuries he took had started to take a toll on him. He looked towards the one student that had been a major bane in his existence.

“NOMU!” Kurogiri called out. The Nomu perked up in its position at the voice of one of its superiors.

Kazuya didn’t hesitate and once again went in for the attack, not wanting Kurogiri to finish his order. He flashed behind Kurogiri, only to be surprised as Kurogiri swiped his hand towards Kazuya’s direction. Having his senses screaming at him to dodge, Kazuya did exactly that as he teleported away and landed in a heap.

He looked back and was glad that he moved. Everything that was behind him; the ground, the buildings, the fountain, has all been cleaved in two by Kurogiri.

“Nomu! Get up and Kill!” ordered Kurogiri

The Nomu immediately gave a roar as it flexed its muscles to escape its restraints. Dark Shadow tried his best to hold him down only to fail as the Nomu headbutted the Shadow Quirk.

The tape also proved useless as the bird monster ripped it all to shreds. The Nomu was about to pummel Mina and Sero only for Dark Shadow to once again get in its way.

The two beasts continued to trade blows as Sero and Mina acted as support. Sero tried to trip the Nomu with his tape, while Mina used her acid to either melt the bird monster or use it on the floor to trip it.

‘Dammit, he’s starting to get used to my moves. I need to end this quickly.’ Kazuya thought in trepidation as Kurogiri’s eyes narrowed upon seeing me get back up. He looked around him, trying to make sense of the situation. Currently, the Nomu is engaging some of the students in combat. Shigaraki was still somehow immobile, seemingly in a trance over something. ‘Must have been one of the children. Probably something to do with All Might’s voice earlier.’

“You have caused trouble for the last time, child.” Kurogiri said menacingly.

Kazuya just prepared himself in apprehension.

In the woods, Shinso was preparing his vocal chords and fingered the shuriken in his pockets.

‘What’s that mist guy planning?’ Shinso thought, as he walked out and approached closer.

“Oi, Mist Punk! You assholes tried to have us killed! Bet you didn’t expect us to beat you all the way to Sunday, did you?” taunted Shinso.

Kurogiri just spared him a glance before outright ignoring him. “The League of Villains will remember this upset. This won’t be the last time we meet. That is of course, if you survive.”

“FOR WE, THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS, WILL NOT BE STOPPED!” declared Kurogiri, as he expanded his mist to enormous amounts. A huge suction force came out of the mist, absorbing all the rocks, boulders, and various kinds of knives, swords, and axes that was previously wielded by the thugs in the area. Everyone tried their best to anchor themselves to the ground.

Kazuya tried to stop him, but halted after spotting a rapidly growing shadow below him.

He looked up, only to widen his eyes seeing dozens of metal, shrapnel, and huge boulders falling out of dozens of dark purple portals that litter the rooftops.

Everyone was too shocked to say anything as all the objects grew closer.



Panic ensued as all over the USJ, screams could be heard by students and surviving villains.

As all focus was on the meteor shower of death, no one noticed Kurogiri make his way to Shigaraki.

Kazuya tried to think of a way out of this predicament.

‘Midoriya? Could his strength help? No, the objects are too spread out for him to take them down with one attack. Same with Bakugo.’

He racked his brain for a way out, until…

‘That’s it… That’s the only thing I can do.’

He immediately called out to the one person who could help in his plan. “Tsuyu!”

Tsuyu looked towards Kazuya, slightly shaking in fear. Kazuya looked in worry, but dismissed it  to get his plan across.

“I need you to take one of my knives and plant it at the bottom of the lake in the flood zone. Can you do that?”

Choosing to believe in her class president, She immediately jumped towards the flood zone.

“Midoriya! When I give the signal, throw a punch with everything you got!” Kazuya said as he threw a knife to the tallest building he could find.

“Everything?! But I-”

“We have no time! Can you do it?” Kazuya looked desperate at this point.

Midoriya was surprised to see the normally cool and reliable Kazuya be like this. He forced his nerves down and immediately nodded in determination. “You got it!  You can count on me!”

“Akio! What do you need us to do?” Shinso screamed. He noticed how his best friend looked at the moment. He’s about to do something stupid.

“Pray.” Kazuya met Shinso’s eye before teleporting away.

Shinso widened his eyes before looking at the rapidly approaching rubble. ‘Pray huh? Is that all I can do?’ he thought with clenched fists before getting to cover, Tokoyami following him.

Kazuya reappeared on the roof of a building in the USJ. At this point, the rubble was only a few  feet above him.

‘Here we go…’

He wielded a knife on his right hand before pointing it upwards.

‘A hero that people could rely on.’

His mark on his knife glowed bright red, drenching the area around him in crimson.

‘A man that my parents could be proud of.’

His eyes glowed a small tint of red before suddenly disappearing.

‘Who knew I’d actually say this motto out loud like this..’

He looked up, gaze burning in determination.


A large red spiral mark suddenly encompassed the air in front of him. Covering the entirety of the USJ. The space covered by the mark seemingly folded. All the rubble sinking into the fold like a vacuum, as if disappearing into nothingness.

A red glow started emanating from the flood zone before it exploded and a huge gush of water came bursting out of the lake. A huge tsunami formed from the explosion.

“MIDORIYA!” came the exhausted voice of Kazuya.

The greenette didn’t hesitate as he ran up and cocked his fist back. “SMAAAAAAAASHHHHH.” He punched forwards, an air cannon being formed that battled the tsunami for supremacy. The forces of nature ended up canceling each other out, as the air cannon dissipated and the tsunami receded.

“Agh!” Midoriya fell to his knees in pain. His right arm purple and broken from the kick back of his quirk.

“You did it!”

“Good job Kazuya! Midori!”

“You guys saved us!”

“Akio!” Shinso’s scream got everyone to look back at Kazuya’s location. Only to be shocked at seeing him fall from the roof, seemingly unconscious.

Tsuyu immediately jumped and grabbed him with her tongue. She landed in the fountain area and gently laid him down. All the students immediately crowded him, only to see the red haired teleporter unconscious.

“That’s our class prez for ya huh?” Sero chuckled.


The scream got everyone tense. They immediately grouped up and formed a protective circle around their fallen comrade.

“That damned red haired brat!” Shigaraki, who was broken out of the brainwash by Kurogiri, screamed out in anger. “You children have been getting on my nerves!” There was a brief pause of noise and action that got everyone’s skin crawling. The only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing of a pissed off villain and the scratching of his neck.


The students were all tense, prepared for the fight of their lives when suddenly, a huge explosion appeared and blasted at the villains direction. They were further relieved when ice started spreading towards the villains.

Kurogiri tried to warp him and Shigaraki out of the way, but failed to do so in time as his injuries suddenly flared up.

When the smoke dissipated, all three villains had burn marks all over them, while their lower bodies were frozen to the ground.

“Hah! Bet you didn’t expect that, you villain scum!” Bakugo announced their presence, alongside Kirishima who was quick to join the others.

“Hey guys! Backup is here!” Kirishima cheered.

“Indeed, it looks like we missed a lot of the action.” The cool voice of Todoroki chimed in. He spared a glance at the unconscious Kazuya, before looking at the villains. “Attacking U.A. like this was a mistake. One you’ll come to regret.” Todoroki said, as he breathed out cold air.

“Dammit! Dammit! Dammit all! It wasn’t supposed to end like this!” Shigaraki screamed out. “You kids are supposed to be NPC’s! Not mini bosses!” Shigaraki said in anger. “Kurogiri! Get us out of here!”

Noticing nothing happening, he looked to the side, only to widen his eyes as Kurogiri finally fell unconscious, succumbing to all his injuries and exhaustion. “ARGH DAMMIT ALL!”

In his anger, Shigaraki turned all the ice around him into dust. His body already showing symptoms of hypothermia.



There was a booming crash, but instead of the plaza, the source was from the front doors of the USJ. It made everyone take a pause due to the sheer force of wind that was kicked up from the impact, sweeping most of them off their feets. Most of the students tried their best to cover for their injured classmates.

‘What the hell was that? What’s going on?’ was the collective thought of everyone by the fountains.


Every student present immediately sagged in relief when they heard that familiar voice.


All Might has arrived at the USJ.


Whew what a chapter!

Definitely the longest one I’ve done to date. (Over 4k words, jeez)

We finally see Kazuya with all his potential realized! Bet some of you didn’t expect the moves he pulled, huh?

I also made Kurogiri a lot more threatening in this fight compared to the source material. Kurogiri is one of my favorite characters in MHA, and I’m slightly miffed on how they dealt with him in canon. To be defeated off screen by Gran Torino is just a major insult.

Next chapter will wrap up USJ and go straight to the aftermath.

I’ve been recently getting a lot more feedback and I love it! Keep ‘em coming folks!

That’s all for today!


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