MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 17 – Cavalry Battle

In an inconspicuous bar, Tomura Shigaraki was watching the Sports Festival on the TV screen.. There was another screen however that displayed nothing but the words ‘Sound Only’.

“That red-haired brat won first place, huh.”

“He is indeed impressive.” Kurogiri, who was wiping a few glasses by the counter, paused as he studied his charge.

Ever since their defeat at the hands of the students in the USJ, Tomura Shigaraki has changed. Where normally, seeing a person he hates would warrant a severe neck scratching and a few comments of loathing. Shigaraki’s voice was now the epitome of calm. And not only that, but his body, who now barred scars from the recent injuries, was far more toned and muscular. He was still skinny, sure, but he was no longer the skin and bones he was at the USJ fight..

Shigaraki continued to study the Sports Festival with rapt attention. ‘Their skills are currently being broadcasted to the world, Kurogiri. It would be foolish of us to not use this opportunity to study them.’ Was the answer Shigaraki gave when he asked him why he’s focused on it.

And that was the other thing that changed with the blue haired boy. He no longer uses video game jargons, and is now capable of using his analytical mind on much, much greater things. Indeed, what his master says is true. Shigaraki has limitless potential and it is his job to make sure the boy reaches it.

Right now, the only thing he lacks is a purpose. But it is of no concern yet. When he has things figured out, Shigaraki will grow into a force to be reckoned with. An image that will grow to haunt Japan for decades to come.

And he better figure it out soon. If his master’s plans are to come to fruition. Then Shigaraki needs to step up his game.

Soon, very soon, all of Japan will come to fear the League of Villains.

— The Warping Hero —

Soon enough, the first event of the First Year Festival came to a close.

I managed to get first place, and with a very big lead at that. I’m not really surprised though, an obstacle race is just perfect for a man with my quirk. With my training, spamming those teleports became a non-issue and there wasn’t really any obstacle that could stop me in my tracks.

My lead also allowed me to watch the rest of the race without hindrance. It was incredible to see some of my classmate’s performances. Some of them definitely improved their control while others showed some creative uses with their quirks.

I can’t help but also notice in comparison to the other classes, everyone from 1A is moving with much less hesitation. Our class has experienced firsthand the world that awaits us when we go Pro. We came in contact with true fear, but also conquered it. Our experience drowned out hesitation.

In the end, it all came down to either Bakugo or Todoroki, with them both being the first among the crowd of students to reach the last obstacle, with Bakugo slightly trailing ahead. They gave no care for the mines as Bakugo just blasted himself forward, dashing just above the ground to avoid the mines. While Todoroki slid on his ice towards the finish line.

Normally, they would probably do their best to be a hindrance to each other. But right now, It’s obvious with me already taking first place, they’re putting all their efforts in just forging ahead and ignoring everyone else.


‘What the hell was-, Midoriya?’

Suddenly, a massive explosion rang from the start of the obstacle. A huge cloud of pink could be seen as a green-haired student used the explosion to propel himself forward, far above the heads of the other participants.

He was quickly catching up with the leading duo, but just missed them as Bakugo and Todoroki increased their pace to maximum levels to get a burst of speed to the finish line.

Midoriya however, proved that wasn’t done as he slammed a metal sheet to the ground. Igniting the mines below as the resulting blow launched him forward. He quickly surpassed Bakugo and Todoroki as he fell into a run.

It was obvious how this action pissed Bakugo off to no end, as he immediately started mouthing off profanities while moving to catch up. Todoroki himself grew frustrated as he found himself falling behind.

Bakugo was about to launch a massive explosion that would undoubtedly bring him ahead of Midoriya, but was forced to cancel as Todoroki swept up his arm to try and catch the two leading racers in ice. He failed however as Bakugo blasted the ice with an explosion. His position making Bakugo protect Midoriya unintentionally.

‘Yikes, Bakugo’s gonna get pissed when he realizes what he did.’

And he was.

Bakugo immediately turned around in alarm and blasted forward with the biggest explosion he ever threw. But it was all for naught as Midoriya ran through the tunnel and secured his position as second place.

I eyed my classmates as they entered the stadium one by one. Bakugo went livid once Present Mic announced his position as third. And Todoroki glared at the three people who surpassed him.

More and more people started to arrive at the stadium and it didn’t take much longer for all 40 positions to be filled. The girl with vines for hair came in next, followed by Yaoyorozu, then Iida, Sero, and a 1B student who didn’t have lips. Each one of them had taken the ice path that Todoroki had made to catch up in his race with Bakugo. Shinso managed to score in the middle of the group at 18th place.

“Hey prez! You were incredible!” Kaminari cheered as he walked over, along with the rest of my classmates. “Congrats on first place!”

“Indeed, congratulations are in order.” Tokoyami nodded.

“Thanks guys.” I said appreciatively.

“Don’t think we’re just gonna let you keep taking the win!” Kirishima piped up. “I’m going to try my hardest in the second round!”

I nodded in agreement before thinking to myself. ‘I was pretty lucky that the first event was a race. Things won’t be easy now.’

“The first game of the First-Year stage is over!” announced Midnight as the last of the students trickled in. “All 40 contestants have been decided. It's now time for the second event of the Sports Festival!”

Everyone waited with bated breath as the screen turned until it stopped on an event.


Midnight continued to explain the rules for the event. On how students will form groups ranging from two to four. Each contestant will also be given points, where the 40th student will have 5 points and will increase in 5 increments the higher the ranking.

The twist? The student that is in first place will receive 1 million points.

Every student participating immediately grew villainous expressions as they looked at me like a hunter to a prey.

If it was any other person in this position, they would be shaking in their boots. Me however?

I gave everyone in the stadium the most menacing grin. To anyone who saw it, the message was clear.

‘Bring it on!’

— The Warping Hero –

Shinso looked around him as everyone started to scramble around trying to form their teams. He looked to the one person he’s gonna partner up with. It was a logical decision. They’ve known each other since they were kids and are capable of working very well together.

He sighed as he approached his longtime friend. “Oi, Akio.”

“Hm? Wait, you wanna join my team?” He asked, slightly surprised.

“Yeah, you’re the only one here that knows me best. And to be honest, I’m here to mooch off your strength. I don’t wanna reveal too much of my cards this early if I can help it.”

Kazuya just rolled his eyes, not the least bit offended. “In any case we need two more people to make this work. So how about-”

“Hey there!”

Suddenly, a person interrupted our conversation. She had bubblegum pink hair and was carrying two carts hidden by a cloth. Her eyes are unique with crosshairs for irises.

“Mr. First Place, let’s team up!” Mei, she introduced herself, suggested/shouted.

To Kazuya’s credit, he didn’t even flinch or fall back when the strange girl got all into his personal space.

“I don’t know you, but I’d like to use you!” She said bluntly, while stating her reasons. “If I’m with you, then all the camera’s would be on me! Which means all the big support companies will notice my babies!”

“Your babies?” I asked, slightly confused and embarrassed. This doesn’t sound like a conversation someone should have in public…

“You don’t actually mean actual human babies, right?” Kazuya sweatdropped.

“Of course not, silly! I mean these!” Mei took off the cloth that covered the carts and revealed them to be full of gadgets and strange support items.

“I’m from the support course, and we are allowed to bring any support item to the sports festival as long as we’re the ones who made them.” Mei explained. “I have a ton of babies, so I’m sure you’ll find ones you like! Since I’m on your team, you’ll be able to use any of them!”

He and Kazuya immediately studied all the items Mei had laid out. He has to admit, these things are certainly impressive. He picked up a staff and gave it a few practiced spins.

“You like that one, huh? Try clicking the button on the side.”

He did exactly that and two tiny prongs appeared on both edges of the staff. It buzzed with electricity.

“Those are my custom-made electric staff. Capable of sending a maximum pulse of 85.000 volts. And that’s not the best part…”

Shinso then split the staff perfectly in the middle and now has a pair of batons. He gave a grin to which Mei returned.

He looked back to Kazuya to see him studying some random pellets. They looked at each other before nodding.

“You’re in.”

Mei just whooped before she prepared all of her items and started sorting them.

“We need one more person though, any ideas?”

“Yep, we need someone with raw strength to compliment our team.” Kazuya said. “And I know just the person.”

Shinso could see Kazuya walk off into the crowd in search of whoever it is he’s got in mind. He just shrugged knowing he’s got it handled.

Shinso then looked back to Mei and asked her a question. “Hey Hatsume, are you allowed to modify the support items of a hero course student?”

“Yep! As long as it’s an official request and Power Loader gives the green light, then sure!” She said chipperly. “Why? Are you thinking of some upgrades for that baby?” She pointed to the mask-like device currently hanging from Shinso’s neck.

Like Kazuya, Shinso also sent a request to bring support items in the festival to use his Artificial Vocal Chords. He was pleasantly surprised that it was accepted.

“I have a few things I have in mind.” Shinso nodded. “We’ll talk later okay.”

“Sure thing!”

It didn’t take long for Kazuya to show up with our fourth teammate in tow.

“Hey Midoriya. Glad to have you on board.” I greeted the greenette.

“Thanks Shinso.”

“Hey Mei, how good are you at making items on the spot?” Kazuya asked.

“Depends on how complicated and interesting it’s going to be.” She replied.

“Then can you create something that could handle a massive amount of feedback?” Kazuya asked.

“How massive are we talking about?”

“All Might level massive.” Kazuya said.

She just widened her eyes before grinning. “I can certainly try my best.” Mei then started taking apart a few gadgets from the cart. “I’m going to need that… and this… and that too…”

She then took out her tools and got to work.

“Don’t worry my darlings. Mommy is going to sacrifice some of you to make a super baby!”

“She’s…unique, I guess.” Shinso said, watching her work as sparks started to fly,

“She’s capable. And if half of those gadgets work as she said so, she’s going to be our trump card for the next event.”

Midoriya just looked at her behavior with a nervous chuckle.

“Alright, we’ll leave her to it.” Kazuya said as he looked around to study some of the teams that have already formed.

Shinso and Midoriya listened with rapt attention. Kazuya has already proved himself to be a natural leader and capable strategist. So they listened to his words with Midoriya chipping in once in a while.

Soon enough the break ended, and the second match was ready to start.

“All teams ready! Three…two…one…begin!”

— The Warping Hero —

At first, Midoriya was proud of himself for securing Second Place in the Obstacle Race. He was never a competitive person to begin with, so achieving the number 2 position was good enough for the moment. That was until he remembered All Might’s words, where he should use the sports festival as an opportunity to show the world that he is here.

He shouldn’t settle for second best. Like Kacchan, Midoriya is also aiming for the top. To fill the spot of number one hero. That’s why he is determined to do his best in the Second Event.

To his surprise however, almost no one wants to team up with him. Both Uraraka and Iida wanted to prove themselves to him (which he found unnecessary, they had nothing to prove, they already were great heroes!). Which ended up with him standing in the middle of the field shaking and panicking.

That was until Kazuya approached him to be his fourth teammate. He already had Shinso and a support course student on his team and needed a person with raw power to compliment their team with an already impressive skill set.

Without even thinking, he agreed. This was probably his only shot to participate in the second event.

As they were walking, Kazuya said he had an idea to help Midoriya with his quirk problem. It was nothing permanent and only a temporary solution.

He had Mei Hatsume, the support student, build him a glove that will allow him to use One for All without repercussions. The gloves act as a regulator, where it absorbs some of the feedback and damage done to the user.

“It’s crude work at best, but it should be able to stand up to your quirk for a short while.”

He thanked her immensely, and they found themselves in formation. Kazuya was the rider, Shinso was the left, Mei was on the right, and Midoriya himself was at the front. To act as the main source of physical defense.

Kazuya’s plan involved himself planting a mark on Midoriya’s shoulder. That way, he’s free to move in the air and can teleport back to the group in case of an emergency.

All teams were now formed in the field and just waiting for the countdown to begin. Scanning the teams, he found Iida with Todoroki’s group while Uraraka is in Bakugo’s. Other teams were also really interesting and if he wasn’t so nervous and the match needing his constant focus, he would already be writing potential team moves and quirk synergy from all the teams in play.

He shook his head. Now’s not the time to be distracted.


As soon as Midnight finished the countdown, several teams immediately charged at them.

“It’s a battle for the million points!” shouted a boy completely covered in metal.

“We’ll be taking that million points prez! No hard feelings!” Hagakure exclaimed as she urged her team, Shoji, Sato, and Ojiro, forward.

Midoriya was slightly nervous when he saw every team coming against them, but forced himself to calm down as he remembered the plan.

“As predicted, they all came rushing over.” noted Shinso.

“Yep, it was obvious really.” Kazuya said, nonchalantly. It’s moments like these that Midoriya wishes he has half of Kazuya’s confidence.

“Alright, time to move. Do it, Hatsume.”

“Time for my babies to shine!” She dropped a few grey pellets to the floor. Upon impact with the ground, they all released a thick smoke covering the area.



The teams that were caught in the smoke didn’t have a chance to react as their headbands were taken.

Everyone on the outside of the smoked area just saw a bunch of red flashes emanating from the smoke before a bunch of tri-pronged knives were thrown outside the smoke in every direction. They were aimed purposely to not hit any contestants, but resulted in the field of the stadium to be littered with the custom kunais.

Soon enough, the smoke cleared off and everyone in the stadium could see a few teams act like headless chickens. Panicking due the sudden loss of their headbands. The number one team itself nowhere to be seen.

“Woah what happened?! The event just started and already a few teams have lost their headbands!” Present Mic announced.

The crowd just cheered at that amazing display while the rest of the teams could only look in disbelief.

“Tch, that has got to be the ginger’s work. Where is he?” Bakugo questioned as he examined the field.

Midoriya and the rest however, were currently at the edges of the field, a kunai was embedded right beside them at the walls of the stadium.

“That was amazing, Kazuya!” Midoriya praised. Kazuya managed to steal all the headbands and spread his knives all over the field in just a few seconds.

It didn’t take long for the other participants to notice them. A team of 1B students tried going after them only for Kazuya’s team to reappear at another corner of the stadium.

This kept going for a few minutes, where some other teams started going against each other.

“Look at them go! After the initial plan of going against the 1 Million team failed, all other teams are now fighting against each other in a free for all! Fights over headbands have broken out all over the place!”

“It's the knives!” A 1B student, who has no lips, cried out. He and his team, a girl with vines for hair, and orange haired girl, and the boy covered in metals were among the few that was adamant on taking the 1 Million points.

“I got this!” The 1B student then used his quirk to soften an entire section of the field. All kunais in that section sinking into the floor.

Other teams who were paying attention immediately followed on the uptake as they tampered with the knives their own way.

Kazuya just hummed as he saw this. He then informed the rest of his team. “Alright, we’ve bought enough time. Time to go on the offensive.”

Midoriya and the rest just nodded as Kazuya threw a knife upwards and flashed away.

At the corner of his eye, Kazuya could be seen teleporting all over the battlefield. He kept throwing knives against the riders of the other teams to try and grab their headbands while flashing away when things got rough. All the while staying in the air.

A wild scream and explosion marked the battlefield as Bakugo entered the fray heading against Kazuya. But something about Bakugo’s movements seemed off to Midoriya. It's like he has almost no weight, his explosions propelling him much farther and faster than it usually should have.

‘It has to be Uraraka!’

Bakugo and Kazuya fought in the air for a while, trying to get each other’s headbands before Kazuya backed away, noticing Bakugo’s superiority at aerial combat.

Kazuya tried to throw a knife sideways to escape only for it to get snatched out of the air by a length of tape.

“You think I wouldn’t have thought of that!” Bakugo screamed out as he lunged forward for a last attempt. Before he could touch him however, Kazuya disappeared.


Midoriya, Shinso, and Mei had to brace for the sudden impact of Kazuya appearing above them. They reoriented themselves before suddenly two ice walls sprouted around them.

“Those 1 Million points, I’ll be taking them now.” declared Todoroki. Tokoyami, Iida, and Yaoyorozu as his teammates.

Tokoyami didn’t hesitate and sent Dark Shadow against Kazuya’s team.

“Dark Shadow, hold on!” came Tokoyami’s voice.

The quirk however just ignored it as it drew it’s hands back and tried to slam the team.

Shinsou grumbled in annoyance as they dodged the first attack. Ideally, Midoriya or Akio would be the best fit to combat the darkness entity. But they are right now occupied in handling Todoroki’s ice waves. Taking the staff from before, he lunged on Dark Shadow’s beak. To his pleasant surprise, that act managed to injure Dark Shadow by quite a lot, if his pained screams are to be believed.

“Dark Shadow!” Tokoyami cried out in panic.

Shinso turned back to Midoriya, who just gave a massive punch that obliterated a huge wave of ice that was sent by Todoroki.

‘The gloves are working! I can do things without getting injured now!’ Midoriya thought in joy.

“This is taking too long,” Iida muttered as they

“Akio, what’s the play?” Shinso questioned their team leader.

“Right now we keep up this pace, the ice walls are keeping the rest of the teams away so that benefits us. Just don’t let your guard down and be ready for anything. Time’s almost up.” Kazuya stated as he strengthened the headbands on his neck.

“Todoroki, this is getting nowhere. There’s not much time left.” Yaoyorozu said with worry. They have stolen enough headbands for them to get a guaranteed spot in the next event, but Todoroki is adamant on getting the 1 Million points.

“I have an idea.” claimed Iida as he gritted his teeth. “However, I’ll probably be useless after this move. Todoroki, use this chance to grab the points.”

Iida focused on his engines, revving them well over his regular limits, positioning his legs so it would achieve the maximum speed.

“Guys! They’re planning something!” Midoriya’s voice caused his entire team to look at Iida.

“Recipro Burst!”

With that declaration, Iida gained a sudden burst of speed and shot right towards Kazuya’s team.

Unfortunately for Iida however, he chose the wrong opponents.

Kazuya had a fast enough reaction time to swerve his head out of Todoroki’s outstretched hand. Shinso was used to that type of high speed combat, being Kazuya’s sparring partner for well over a decade. Mei saw what happened with her enhanced eyesight and reacted accordingly. Midoriya was the only one who couldn’t follow Iida’s movements. But it didn’t matter as his body just jerked along with his teammates’ movements.

This resulted in Todoroki’s team rushing past Kazuya’s group with nothing to gain. They were down Iida, who couldn’t move after using the super move. A semi-injured Dark Shadow who now showed a bit of reluctance in attacking due to Shinso’s presence. And a broken pride.

Having all those failures thrusted to his face was enough for Todoroki. He aimed his left hand at Kazuya’s group and let off a flicker of flames. He desperately wanted to roar out the burning sensation inside him, but quickly extinguished it. He widened his eyes in shock as he realized what he was about to do.

‘I almost used his flames…’

Todoroki in his self contemplation didn’t notice Aizawa watching him from the announcer’s booth with a frown on his face.

Suddenly, one of the walls ignited as Bakugo appeared in all his glory with his team following close behind.

“I’ll be taking that 1 Million you hear me!”

Before he could even reach halfway to Kazuya’s team, he was interrupted by Present Mic.

“Time’s up!”

Bakugo just comically dropped to the ground face first at the announcement, while his team stopped running and dropped down to rest.

“Man, chasing after Bakugo the entire round is not fun, I tell you.” Sero huffed as he panted for breath.

“I-I know right.” Uraraka agreed as her arms are resting on her knees.

“You guys really need to work on you endurance.” Chuckled Kirishima as he stood there with a big smile.

“But today was pretty fun, can’t wait to find out who makes it to next event!” Kirishima announced with a chipper tone. Nothing can take away his enthusiasm.

“Woowee! What a match! And time to announce the rankings!” Present Mic said in a loud boisterous voice. “In first place, keeping their 1 million point headband, and securing some more along the way, is TEAM KAZUYA!”

The crowd cheered as the team gave each other high fives.

“In Second Place, almost securing themselves the win but not quite cutting it, is TEAM TODOROKI!”

The others on the team looked relieved, but Todoroki himself was displeased.

“I’m sorry! Even with my last ditch move, I couldnt keep up with them!” Iida apologized with a deep bow.

“Don’t worry, Iida. Second place isn’t even that bad.” Yaoyorozu reassured.

“It is satisfactory.” Tokoyami nodded.

“In Third place, managing to secure a lot of points for themselves while the Kazuya and Todoroki’s teams were fighting, it’s TEAM BAKUGO!”

“We did a good job guys! Well done!” Uraraka cheered at their victory, with Kirishima joining her.

“Do you think that’s what he feels?” asked Sero as he pointed at Bakugo.

“Shit! Dammit shitty Deku! Shitty Ginger! Shitty Icyhot! Fuckin AAAA-”

Bakugo continued to rage while hailing a profanity of curses.

“And in fourth place, managing to just barely make it in with a last minute point gain, is TEAM TETSUTETSU!”

“We just barely made it…” Kendo sighed.

“Hell yeah! We did it!” Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

“There you have it folks! These four teams will be moving into the final event! This marks the end of the Cavalry Battle!” Present Mic announced. “Make sure to stay tuned for the lot drawing for the inevitable and most exciting 1v1 fights! See ya after the break!”


Hey guys!

Very long chapter here. Hope you enjoyed it.

The second event is over, and the 1 on 1 matches is underway!

I already have all the fights planned out. Check this paragraph for a picture of the brackets.


Advanced chapters and other benefits on my Patreon! Make sure to check it out.

P atr eon /TeemVizzle

(Remove the spaces)

That’s all from me!


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