MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 5 – The Thoughts of One Hitoshi Shinsou

‘Of all the things U.A. could put in their entrance exams, of course it had to be robots.’ Thought one Hitoshi Shinsou as he ran across the pavement in examination site D.

I mean sure, as future heroes they have to be prepared against anything. Especially for a scenario like this where one’s quirk is rendered useless. But still, why now? Why him? He’s not even a hero in training yet. How unlucky could he get for the test to be tailored to put him in a disadvantage.

‘But I can’t give up. Not now, not when I’ve gotten this far.’ Shinso thought with gritted teeth. He definitely didn’t think this was how his life was gonna turn out. When he first got his quirk, he was excited because it sounded powerful. But that excitement quickly turned to shock when all the kids around him started shunning him and calling him a villain.

Little 5 year old Toshi was confused.

Why were they being so mean?

Why did they call him a villain?

It didn’t take him long to understand. They called him a villain because of his quirk. They were afraid of what he could do to them that they just started fearing him. That was the day that he learned a cruel fact of life, that not all men are created equal. That life just isn’t fair.

And so he endured, he endured because deep down he has a dream. One that he has never told anyone before, not even his parents.

Hitoshi Shinso wants to be a hero. He wants to prove to the world that a quirk doesn’t define the person. To prove that even a person who had a ‘villainous’ quirk like him could become a hero.

And yet still the jeers came. Every single day without break he would hear people calling him names, calling him a villain. He kept hearing it so much that he even started believing it himself.

That was until that fateful day.

It was one of those days that the jeers got a little too much that he had to hide from everyone. It was during lunch that he escaped to the rooftop to get solace in being by himself. He remembered stiffening out of fear when he heard the door to the rooftop open. ‘Are they still here? Is the rooftop not safe anymore?’

To his surprise it was just one guy rather than the crowd he was expecting. He had brownish red hair and golden yellow eyes. We just stared at each other awkwardly. He didn’t look like he was going to say anything so I just nodded at him. He nodded back and left to eat his lunch.

It was the next day that he introduced himself to me. After that day, we became friends. We hung out with each other every lunch and always ate on the rooftop. It became our sanctuary. Of course it didn’t take long for the school to find out that one of the cool kids is friends with the resident outcast. That’s when the rumors started that I brainwashed Kazuya to become my friend. Which is honestly so dumb. Brainwash can’t take control of people that fluidly. They only respond to the basics of commands and can’t do anything that requires thinking (yet).

But even so, when I confronted him about it and told him about my quirk, i fully expected him to get angry or something along those lines. But to my disbelief he actually told me my quirk was amazing. He told me all these ways my quirk could be used to help people. He told me that I could become a hero.

I won’t lie and say that I definitely shed some tears when I got home that day. That was the first time in my life that someone acknowledged that silly dream of mine. A dream that I thought was nothing more than a child’s fantasy.

That was when I realized that the rumors, the words, and the names the other kids called him meant nothing. Because that’s all they were, just empty words.

We made each other promises to be heroes together and that’s what I intend to do.


Shinso’s train of thought was cut short as a three-pointer appeared a few meters in front of him.

Shinso immediately dashed forward the moment the faux-villain came into sight. He sidestepped the robot's attempt in crushing him and jumpedto its head. That’s when something flashed in his vision as he noticed a peculiar sight. A small red button, barely noticeable, sitting right behind the robot's head. He immediately pushed it as the robot suddenly shut down.

Shinso’s eye gained a light in understanding. ‘So that’s it, these villains have some sort of killswitch. Probably to help non-combat related quirked participants in the exam.’ He immediately made a villainous grin. If the rest of these so-called villains share the same weakness, then this exam wouldn’t be as tough as he thought.

He swerved his head as he heard a group of robots coming in his direction. He broke off a metal pole from the three-pointer's corpse and gave it a few spins. He have a confident smirk as he looked in the incoming villains. ‘Time to put my training to work.’

The Warping Hero —

That’s 23 points. Once he figured out the robots weakness, It wasn’t that hard to gain points. He either broke them into pieces with his makeshift staff or completely shut them down by the killswitch buttons. He even took his time to help out some people who looked like they needed a hand. What WAS a problem tho, was the sheer fact that he couldn’t find any robots at all. After the 7 minute mark, every single participant started giving their 110% to score as many points as they could. He knew his asshole of a friend wouldn’t share the same problem. That guy could just blitz around the city in seconds to look for more villains. He didn’t have that luxury.

He was in the center plaza with a bunch of other applicants when a huge rumbling happened. An enormous robot that was as tall as the buildings suddenly appeared in the center of the city.

“Is that the Zero Pointer!?” Someone shouted as the giant robot started destroying the structures on his way.

Well, if that isn’t his cue to flee.

Faster than he imagined possible, Shinso immediately turned around and made a run for it. His eyes were fixated forward when a sudden cry came. “Someone help!” His head sun faster than lighting, gaze fixating on a short boy with what looked like purple balls for his hair.

With no hesitation, Shinso immediately spun on his heels and ran towards him.

“Hey are you okay?” He didn’t get an answer as the boy just kept screaming in fear.


Shinso’s eye twitched at that declaration. ‘Oh this is just great.’ The Zero-Pointer was making its way in their direction. ‘I don’t have time for this.’


“SHUT UP!” Screamed Shinso.

The boy was finally shocked out of his stupor and looked at Shinso. “Huh who are-?” The boy’s eyes seemingly glazed and his gaze seemingly became unfocused.

“Get up and run! As fast you can!” The boy immediately complied as he ran as quick as his tiny legs can carry.

Shinso followed his own advice and ran away as soon as he confirmed the other boy was affected by his quirk.

“THE EXAM IS OVER!” Present Mic’s voice boomed out of the speakers.

Shinso slowed himself to a stop as soon as he heard that declaration and slumped with relief. He was panting slightly hard the moment it was all over. The cause of all their trouble suddenly stopped moving as soon as Present Mic gave the announcement.

‘To think U.A. would do this much. ‘ thought Shinso as he let out a sigh.

That was one hell of an exam to be sure. At least he managed to earn some points and hope its enough to get him to the hero course.

‘I wonder how Akio’s doing? Definitely better than I am.’


Hey readers!

Time for the Shinso interlude!

And for the people wondering, yes Shinso will get a buff in this fic. I plan to make him like Aizen Sosuke from Bleach with his Brainwash quirk when he eventually grows in strength and power. But this won’t happen for a decent while.

Tell me what you think about the chapter, I’m still not too sure that switching POV’s like this was a good idea but it was the only way i could think of to give Shinso (who is a confirmed main character in this fic, along with Kazuya) more depth rather than just explaining it through Kazuya’s perspective.

We’ll (probably) be reaching U.A. in the next chapter or the one after. Hopefully.

Thanks so much for the comments, and reviews! 

I definitely love all your feedback and try my best to reply to every single comment.

I’ll be seeing you next time.


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