MHA: Thorny Path of a Pro-Hero

Chapter 7. Part IV.

Our next, or rather, first joint training session happened on Friday.

It was initially supposed to take place on Thursday, but Tokage forgot her costume, and I flat-out refused to train with her under such circumstances.

Already in the gym, after changing into her brand-new hero uniform (some private hero service firm had fitted her with a dark green, scaly jumpsuit made from her own hair. As I later found out, this is a fairly common method of equipping heroes whose quirks don't go well with regular clothing), Setsuna proudly announced that she also practices martial arts—at home, with a punching bag.

And even has results, she said; before, she couldn't move it at all, but now—with every punch, the bag shifts, practically runs away from mighty Setsuna.

At the end, she scoffed dismissively, tossing her hair back:

"It was just you monsters that my skills weren't enough for, but I can definitely beat everyone else! With my righteous punch!"

She struck another manga pose.

After thinking for a moment, looking at her hands, and starting my warm-up, I began asking questions:

"And where are your gloves, Setsuna? And bandages? You don't have any wrist support."

"I don't need them," she tried to brush it off but caught my gaze and hesitated.

"I'm afraid I have to tell you, you're hitting like a girl," I chuckled.

"Hey! That's not nice to say. Alright, alright, we'll see," she grumbled, digging through her bag, apparently hoping to find something of the sort. "Poor me… nobody appreciates… doesn't understand the treasure they've got…"

Sighing, I continued asking questions. The sooner I teach her not to underestimate… anything, the better she'll perform in a real fight.

"And what does your punching bag look like?"

"Uh… well, it stands on the floor. I wanted one like in the movies, on a chain, but my mom wouldn't let me drill holes in the ceiling, so… yeah. The base is about this round. Did I already mention how strong I've become? I have, I have! I move it with my punches, bam, bam! No villain can withstand that!!"

I moved away from her pointless flailing fists and gently inquired:

"And you've only filled the base of the bag with sand or water once?"

Sensing something in my tone, Setsuna quieted down a bit.

"Yes… With water..."

"Uh-huh. And the floor under the bag is wet after your punches?"

"Wet… no, no, no, you're joking. Are you saying it just got lighter over time while I was hitting it?" she asked in a downcast voice, lowering her head and hiding behind her hair. "Shoda-sensei, you've embarrassed me again..."

Well, you can't take away her quick thinking. Just selective.

"It's okay, Setsuna; it's good for you!"

Of course, she didn't have any bandages. With a heavy sigh, I handed her a pair of my spares (I have plenty since they wear out because of my quirk).

Awkwardly wrapping them around her fists under my guidance, the girl found it appropriate to ask:

"And what are they for, anyway?"

"To support the wrist and strengthen the fist. Don't wrap them too tightly; you'll cut off circulation, and your hands will hurt later."

"Don't boxing gloves do the same thing? This is uncomfortable..."

"Hmm… let me answer your question with a question. You're here to learn how to fight, aren't you? Not to slack off? Then learn the basics, dear student… in your free time, at home, on the computer. I can chew everything up and spoon-feed it to you, but it doesn't free you from the need to think and figure things out on your own."

The dear student puffed up, annoyed.

But she diligently endured an hour and a half of training, which, by the way, required me to carefully arrange the schedule.

When we finished warming up and Setsuna started tying her hair into a high ponytail, I sat down on the floor and patted the spot next to me invitingly:

"We'll start with a simple exercise that trains the fist for punching and simultaneously strengthens the wrist, shoulder girdle, and core muscles. Get into a push-up position and press your fists against the floor… yep. Usually, this exercise is done with a partner, but since you're a one-man band, I think you'll manage on your own. And you’ll also be training your quirk. So… can you levitate a part of your body without detaching it?"

Judging by her expression, this idea hadn't crossed her mind:


"Good. In that case, from a push-up position, lift, say… both legs from the feet to the knees, about waist height… or my head level since I'm sitting. Can you manage?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a second, here… uh… like this, maybe…"

Not wasting any time, I started doing the "butterfly" exercise. Both useful and calming.

"Sir, Private Setsuna has completed the task, sir!"

"Excellent, Private! Now… do you see that wall over there?"

Private Setsuna looked across the gym, and her face took on a trapped expression:

"I see it…"

"Well, what are you waiting for, Private? Get going, and with a song! Step-step!"

"You're mean..."

Step, step, step. Step. Step.

I got up and approached her:

"Wait. If you plan to be a famous heroine in the future and sign autographs, you'll still need your thumbs. Don't tuck them inside your fists; that's a sure way to break one."

I’d rather not recall how she used to hit the bag at home.

Setsuna took the opportunity to rest after ten seconds of work and began showing what a wonderful student she was:

"Okay, so how should I do it, to the side? I think I saw moves like that…"

"No. First, there’s a much higher chance of dislocating it that way. In a fight, things often don’t go as planned, and if a blow glances off, it might land directly on the thumb tucked to the side. It’ll hurt, and you won’t be able to eat with a fork. Second… all my experience tells me that the most natural physiological position is often the best and most reliable. Placed underneath, under the middle phalanges of the fingers, the thumb is not only partially protected from impact but also strengthens the fist by pressing against the phalanges and tensing the adductor muscles."


"By the way, you were going somewhere."

After her pilgrimage back and forth, the whining private returned with a question:

"Niren, hey, Niren, when will we get to the actual punches?"

"All in good time. You keep stepping, darling… and don’t cheat with your quirk."

Setsuna blushed:

"Ahhh! How did you guess?!"

"It's written all over your face."

"Hey! Heeey!"

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"

When we finally finished and started changing, Setsuna immediately tossed the bandages into her bag. Tangled.

I sighed again. Should I explain that trying to wrap a tangled bandage, left unrolled after the previous training, is one of the tortures used to punish sinners in hell?

…No, I won’t. A practical lesson is always better remembered.

I carefully checked the integrity of mine, nodded in satisfaction, and neatly rolled them into two balls, securing a loop on top for reliability.

"Niren, you're such a stickler," Setsuna said admiringly.

I wagged my finger:

"You haven't seen the other guy… I mean, Mashirao. He washes his bandages after every training session. And irons them."





Time flew by quickly, and once again, I found myself falling into the same routine.

Though, this time… I wasn’t alone.

Of course, I never forgot about myself. My survival, my peak condition, and maximizing my potential were key to changing the future.

My schedule, as usual, was bursting at the seams with everything I tried to cram in.

Endurance training: running, planks, weighted runs, a cycle of burpees and push-ups to the point of collapse;

Lifting weights at the gym: bench presses, biceps, triceps, abs;

Gymnastics, stretching, swimming;

Pummeling a poor punching bag without using markers;

Punching concrete and steel walls—especially at the lion cubs’ dojo—using my Quirk’s multiplication and hand protection;

Practicing high-speed movements across rough terrain using my quirk, which I shifted to evening sessions;

Practicing long-range attacks, particularly enhanced throws of debris and "mining" an area—for obvious reasons, I had to take this training outside the city due to its destructive nature;

Experimenting with every possible way to use my Quirk—most of which, lately, ended in failure, which pissed me off. After ten years, I’d found plenty of practical uses for daily life, but only a few for combat, and my progress was slowing down. There hadn't been any significant breakthroughs for a while. I needed to get into U.A., where the opponents would be stronger, the equipment better, and the tech gadgets... although I did have a few hidden trump cards that I had been secretly honing as well;

Cramming English, math, Japanese, physics, and other subjects for the U.A. theoretical exam;

Meticulously tracking and documenting all the news on villains, heroes, and their abilities;

Regular sparring matches with anyone I could find—strong opponents one after another: Mashirao, Yui, Mashirao and Yui together, Mashirao's siblings, Setsuna, Yui and Setsuna, all of them together… Sometimes I got beaten, sometimes I was the last one standing, surrounded by groaning bodies, though I was gasping for breath myself.

I even challenged Akira a couple of times. He just rolled up his sleeves, ready to go. We both held our ground, although the difference between me with my Quirk and without it was night and day;

And a lot more that doesn’t deserve a mention, like searching for suitable blueprints for my future costume or digging for any info about well-known villains online.

...And yet, one man doesn’t make an army. Not even me. I needed strong and reliable allies—those who could support an attack, cover my back, and take on the less dangerous tasks. Those I could team up with for powerful combined attacks. Can you imagine what I’ll be capable of paired with Kodai? Or with Tokage? Even Mashirao could just hurl me forward, giving me a boost in speed to set up the ultimate marker.

It would’ve been easier if I’d reincarnated as the Chosen One’s twin or one of the Todoroki brothers. It would’ve been much simpler if I had a fellow transmigrator like me, someone I wouldn’t need to explain everything to...

But I was alone. And when you need battle companions and don’t have them… you grow them.

And this benefited everyone—I was making them stronger, smarter, more dangerous. And they... they helped me on an emotional level. A few years ago, I was practically burned out, barely holding onto the pressure. But then Ojiro appeared... then Kodai—and things got easier. I wasn't alone anymore; there were others walking beside me—and that allowed me to remember why I was doing all of this in the first place. To save people like them. To give them a chance at a normal life—and for me too. Someday.

In short, even though I was spending about two hours less on myself, I felt sо, so much better overall. And believe me, when your goal isn’t a sprint but a marathon, that’s one of the most important things.

... Besides, I just liked teaching others. It was weird—back in my previous life, I never saw myself as someone patient enough to explain things, nor did I feel the frustration when I saw potential being wasted. But that was then… and now, I’m a different person. I’m preparing for war, using and developing everything I’ve got.




With all the hassle that came with meeting Setsuna, I nearly missed the news of another of All Might's heroic deeds.

I almost missed the report from the scene about some green, liquid, river-mud-like monster (the criminal wasn't lucky with his quirk, for sure) and two schoolboys. One of whom, despite an amazing quirk, ended up being taken hostage by the monster, and the other, completely quirkless—recklessly rushed to save him… resulting in both of them being rescued by the Symbol of Peace.

Well, it's begun.

Seeing the report, I put down my smartphone and stared into space for about ten minutes, not reacting to external stimuli. It's begun. This world is, after all, the very one I saw in the anime. There was a chance, albeit a small one, that it wasn't, but…

It means all the horrors I saw in the later seasons are likely true.




After a couple of weeks of training, making sure the girl kept up the pace and was genuinely trying, Yui and I started conducting experiments. Since I had spent years studying my own quirk first, and then we worked on Kodai's together, we had some experience—which naturally resulted in dozens of ideas and questions.

For example, like this:

“How small a part of yourself can you separate?” Yui asked.

“At what distance? Does an obstacle affect it?” I inquired.

“Can you control, say, a phalanx of a finger?”

“What if you put it in a box? A lead-lined box? Swallowed by an animal?”

“I’ll tear villains apart from the inside with my own hands!” Setsuna exclaimed enthusiastically, throwing those hands into the air. “I just need to figure out how to get them to swallow my hands!”

Or like this:

It turned out that Setsuna could indeed regenerate her parts if they were damaged. She learned this in a rather traumatic way—she accidentally used her quirk at the zoo as a child to get a better view over people’s heads, lost control while flying, and her hand was mauled by a bear.


“Yeah…” the blonde nonconformist sighed, “after that, I was scared of zoos for a long, long time. And bears. They’re terrifying…”

Yui silently patted Setsuna on the head. Setsuna nodded mournfully, and the girls almost hugged.

How sweet…

Of course, this conversation happened in the middle of training, so the show of support soon turned into a choking hold.

But that’s fine, that’s how it should be. First of all, constant vigilance!

Secondly, grappling or throwing moves against Setsuna are a dead end. Her quirk is extremely inconvenient for that, her costume is slippery, and it seems Kodai’s quirk doesn’t work on her costume either, probably due to the same organic properties that make the suit compatible with Tokage’s quirk.

By the way, Setsuna's suit is the same color as her natural hair color—dark, dark green. I don’t know why I thought it should be purple… Maybe she planned to dye it in the future?

In summary, Setsuna Tokage is one of the most troublesome opponents for Yui Kodai. Mobile and unpredictable. At least, she has every chance to become one if she learns to control her surroundings and fight properly.

Anyway, we had plenty of suggestions, questions, and ideas regarding Setsuna’s quirk. We started each joint training session with them:

“How fast can you fly, I mean, levitate each part? Like… honestly, an elbow to the opponent’s stomach flying at the speed of a professional cyclist—nobody would wish that on their enemy.”

“My first super move!!”


“Can you regenerate a part of your body when it still exists but is separated? In other words, can you duplicate?”

“Shadow clones!!!”


“What parts of the body can you regenerate? How many? How fast?”

“I’m not going to check that!!”


“Can you maintain orientation and spatial relationship of body parts? What if other parts are missing between them? I know you can do it in static, but can you do it in motion? In combat? This way, you can easily extend the fighting range as much as you need—basically, a close-range fighter, but with long-range capabilities.”


“If you think about it, you’re essentially capable of limited telekinesis. This means it’s vital for you to control and register your surroundings and notice every object you can use as a weapon. In this, you’re similar to Yui, which is why she’ll be training you in this…”

“Sis! Onee-san! I ran away from this brute, mistakenly called a teacher! Take care of me!”

She was given a stern look.

“Push-up position.”


“One hundred push-ups.”

“Niren-sensei, save me!!!”

“Two hundred push-ups.”



“Have you seen your teeth? No offense, you have a beautiful smile. But the teeth themselves—they’re almost like a shark's, Setsundere. You can not only transmit messages vocally over distance, which, by the way, is a great idea, but you can literally bite any opponent on the thigh.”

“Biting is gross…”

“Drop that squeamishness. If there’s an advantage, it must be exploited!”

“Alright, senpai~...”


“How fast can you split to hide and escape? Uh-huh. And how fast can you reassemble? Are there differences? Can you use separation to dodge attacks?”

“I’m a megazord!!”


“Is your regeneration process controlled, active, or passive?”


“I mean, do you need to concentrate on restoring damaged parts? And what about pain?”

At this point, Setsuna thought for a moment.

“You know, I’m not sure. I think when I split and accidentally bump into something, the pain is dulled, but I’ve always tried to be careful and not bump into anything. Mom said that when I was a child, I was constantly covered in bruises and scrapes because I couldn’t control my quirk well and kept bumping into things. But they all healed on their own… and when I lost a few parts of myself, like when my hand was hit by a car… they just regenerate, I just have to wait, and have a lot of patience. But I do get very tired while waiting.”

“I see… that’s a shame.”

“What do you mean?!”

“I mean, I’m happy for you, of course. Sorry, my statement did come out ambiguous. But if the process were fully controllable, you could theoretically create an extra pair of arms… - Yui's imagination was unstoppable. “Or even a head…”

Setsuna looked at me so plaintively that I decided to intervene:

“You know, I think Tsuna must retain a 'connection' to the body's whole state. She controls each part, outside of levitation, as if it remained in its natural place. But how would she control a second pair of arms when a normal person doesn’t have them?”

“Hm… yeah. Oh well, it’s my job to make suggestions.”

“Hey! Hey! Why would I need a second head? I’m not stupid!”


“Do you have a limit on the number of parts you can divide into?”

“I don’t knooow… I’ve never split into more than fifteen to twenty parts.”

“Got it. Then from today, we’ll train that.”

*Sounds of girlish whining*


“Can you separate your hair? And levitate it? This could potentially create an almost invisible sensory network… if it registers tension and displacement…”

“I can! But I won’t!”

“Why not?”

“I’m afraid of going bald!!”


“Tsuna, what’s the maximum speed at which you can separate a part? And what’s the maximum speed your levitation can reach? It seems to differ depending on the weight and volume of each part, as far as I can tell. Alright. First, your main assignment for the next… month is to train explosive acceleration. However you like. Yes, if it works, combine it with the strikes and stances I taught you. Combine everything—the correct punch, fast separation, fast levitation. No matter how remarkable your body is, we already know that you have functional muscle memory. Secondly…”

“Niren, hey, Niren, do you really think I’m remarkable?”

“Yes, body, I do think you’re remarkable.”

“...That didn’t sound very sexy…”

“We work with what we have.”



“Wear your suit under your clothes ninety-nine percent of the time, got it? Obviously, in an emergency, you’ll run from a villain and save people even with a bare butt, but if you can avoid it, why not? A hero should always be ready to react quickly to any problem.”

“Hm… I heard you want to see me naked?”

“…Apparently, you didn’t manage to put your ears back in place?”

“Don’t be shy about your inner desires, Niiiren, it’s so natur… Ow!”

“Thank you, Setsuna, I listened to you and decided not to restrain my inner desire to flick your forehead.”

“No worries, I’ll still manage to defeat and embrace you! I mean, embarrass you! I’ll embarrass you with my feminine charms, you’ll see!”

“You should put your boobs back first.”


“You’re right there,” I pretended to think. “We’re doing something pervertedly pointless instead of proper training. Let’s check your maximum lifting capacity. Do you see those mats over there?”

“Aaaah! I was wrong, I was so wrong, I’m sorry, sorry, sorry… somebody, save me…”

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