Midfielder Ruler

Chapter 121 - Shoot at the far corner

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In the past 20 minutes of the game, the national derby atmosphere at Monument Stadium is still fanatical. The river bed that dominates the home court has always been in control of the game, and the guest Boka youth has to continue to be passively defensive.

As time passed, Tang Zheng’s patience was gradually worn away.

But he had a bet with coach Simone, if there is no way to score two goals in this game, he can not participate in the Asian Youth.

Although the level of the Asian Youth Championship is not high, this year’s Chinese football is really bad. First, the national football team and the Olympic Games team are out. The Asian Youth Games at the beginning of this month are also out of the group. If the Asian Youth Games can no longer enter the top four , As the famous reporter Bai Yansong said-lost the present and lost the future.

Tang Zheng’s blood is the blood of the descendants of China. He is obliged to step in when the lowest point of Chinese football, let people see a glimmer of hope, even if this hope can be ignored.

This time Tang Zheng passed the ball to captain Ortega and did not retreat, but unexpectedly pushed forward.

“Captain, here!”

Ortega was about to pass the ball to Sanchez, who moved to the left, but suddenly heard Tang Zheng’s cry.

So his right foot pulled the ball back again. When he saw Tang Zheng in the unmarked state, he passed the ball without hesitation, and then continued to run forward to take away certain defensive attention for Tang Zheng.

The center midfielder, Bagraria quickly moved sideways, jammed in front of Tang Zheng, and commanded his teammates to help defend.

Riquelme’s energy is mostly focused on the team’s defense-to-offense, as it is now fully defensive and suitable for him, so it looks more like a co-defense Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng’s feet alternately stepped on the football, and Riquelme felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that Tang Zheng was insulting him, so he was annoyed in his heart, and changed his lazy defensive attitude.

At this moment, the top Falkola came out.

Tang Zheng passed the ball without hesitation, and then ran diagonally as they did before the game.

Riquelme saw Tang Zheng pass the ball to Falcao, but he didn’t want to run in vain. As the highest paid star in the entire Ajia, how could he waste his energy in vain?

So his feet were not closed, but he pretended to kick the car and kicked on Tang Zheng’s calf.

Logically speaking, Tang Zheng should scream and attract the attention of the referee.

But Tang Zheng didn’t do that, because Falcao made Paletta back with the back against the ball.

Coupled with the first forward attack can affect the Boka youth’s defense, he does not want to waste this opportunity.

He was staggering under his feet, and he used his left arm to support the ground to stabilize his body. Then he had no time to raise his head and stab the ball to the right midfielder Caceles and the right back Ibarra.

“–Alexis Sanchez !!”

Abel Claudio, the TYC sports TV commentator on the live commentary, shouted suddenly.


With a loud voice from fans on the scene, Sanchez greeted the ball in high speed.

Right-back Ibala was too late to defend head-on. Fortunately, right-back Caceles was fast, plus he was closer to the penalty area and directly stuck in front of Sanchez.

Sanchez looked up at the penalty area and then crossed his right foot on the football, deceiving Caceles to have a protective line movement.


Sanchez’s right foot did not touch the football, but took the right foot with his right foot to slam the ball towards the bottom line, and a pair of postures were to be wiped into the penalty area from the bottom line.

This terrified another central defender, Paletta, who closely followed Falcao, because he saw that Caselles had lost his defensive position, and it was obviously impossible to catch up with Sanchez, so he made up for it.

Left-back Monson and midfielder Bagraria quickly defended Falcao one after another, and left-back Vargas followed Bonanot into the penalty area.

In addition, the attention of the right-hand forward Gaitan was placed on Ortega, so that Tang Zheng, who was winding back to the top of the arc of the big penalty area, was in an unmarked state.

“Damn it!” The angle of Ischea standing in the coach’s technical command area of ​​the visiting team is very good. It can be seen that Tang Zheng is in an unmarked state and roaring at the players on the field: “Pay attention to protecting the top of the restricted area!”

However, the voice at the scene was too loud, and there was no way for his voice to reach the ears of the defenders.

Sanchez consciously lowered the speed adjustment point after the second touch, obviously a signal of passing.

The centre-back Paletta jumped up as Sanchez lifted his left foot and blocked himself.

But … Sanchez did not pass the ball to the penalty area, but dunked it back, paused, and then passed to the middle of the penalty area.

Sanchez’s meal was just right, so that all the defensive players ran to the small penalty area, which led to the unencumbered state of the arc of the big penalty area.

The live broadcaster quickly switched the camera as the football moved. Fans watching live TV could see a riverbed player appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

“That’s—” Abel Claudio’s voice jumped octave abruptly: “–Tang !!”

Bataglia quickly dropped Falcao and turned towards Tang Zheng who was on the ball.

Tang Zheng’s run-up was not in a straight line, but turned a little arc to the left before lifting his right foot to hit the door.


Suddenly, the fans of the home team in the stands went crazy, and a loud cry of tsunami broke out.

The fans standing behind the goal even jumped from the seat, raising their arms high, as if welcoming a goal.

After Batagria completed his turn, he was at least two meters away from Tang Zheng. He saw Tang Zheng lifted his right foot and made defensive movements in a reflexive manner, blocking sideways.

However, Tang Zheng did not choose to exert force blindly, but consciously pocketed a half-height arc with the inside of his right foot.

Because there are too many players on both sides of the goal, especially near corners and middle lanes, in order to fully control the trajectory of football, Tang Zheng chooses a relatively safe way of touching the ball.

Indeed, in this case, it is the most suitable way to shoot!

It is also the most confident way for Tang Zheng to touch the ball.

Goalkeeper Juan Garcia ’s sight was disturbed by both players in the penalty area. It was too late when he saw the football from the crack. All he could do at the near corner was turn his head and watch the football flying towards the goal …

As an excellent goalkeeper, he certainly will not allow football to disappear in his eyes.

But now this feeling of powerlessness is very uncomfortable!


Half a minute later, as the football hit the snow-white net, the high voice of the Monument Stadium reached its highest state since the start of the game.

Riverbed fans hysterically opened their throats to vent the joy of scoring goals, because they led a hundred-year-old rival Boca Youth at home! !

Moreover, Tang Zheng’s way of breaking the goal was very relieved, and he scored the ball with four or two pounds.

Immediately afterwards, the live broadcast of the live DJ shouted loudly: “GOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooal–“

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly exploded, and Tang Zheng, who scored a goal, was pushed down to the ground by Pancio behind him before he could celebrate.

Excited Falcao, Sanchez, Bonanot and others played Ti Luohan, and ignored Tang Zheng’s painful moaning under him.

Standing on the side of the river, the head coach Simone once again showed the characteristics of his personality coach. He shouted at the moment of the football goal, and then vigorously swung his arms up and down to arouse the emotions of the fans on the scene.


The cheers that erupted at the Monument Stadium swept the entire stadium, and even the fans sitting in front of the TV could deeply feel the deafening feeling at the scene.

Duan Xuan, the central 5 commentator sitting in the BJ live room, looked at the slow motion playback given by the broadcaster, and the sound was eight octaves higher: “Tang Zheng’s shot was so calm! This is not like an 18-year-old The choices that young people can make, even superstars over the age of 30, generally choose a shot, not easy! “

“Yes, this is another feature of teenager Tang Zheng. He plays football very calmly and is good at thinking with his brain!” Commentary guest Zhang Lu then remarked: “The U19 Asian Youth Finals in Saudi Arabia next month Are your football associations sure to stop looking for Tang Zheng? “

Countless Chinese fans sitting in front of the TV heard Zhang Lu mention this, they began to abuse the Football Association and Xie Yalong in various channels.

Immediately, Tang Zheng in the camera climbed arduously from the ground and did not follow his teammates to return to his own half. Instead, he took a corner and ran to the home coach’s seat.

“Boss, I scored a goal, but I was one less.”

Tang Zheng extended his right hand to meet the right hand extended by coach Simone, and squeezed his eyebrows with a smile.

Simone grabbed Tang Zheng’s right hand and squeezed his left hand toward Tang Zheng’s shoulder: “Relax, as long as you score another goal and help the team win the game, I will do it!”

“OK, wait for my good news!”

Tang Zheng said.

“Stinky boy! The game gives me concentration!”

Seeing that the referee was moving towards Tang Zheng as soon as possible, Simone pushed Tang Zheng’s back hard and scolded.

Tang Zheng, who returned to his own half, once again glanced at the goal of Boka Youth. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and clenched his fists. He excitedly cheered himself: “It’s still a goal away! We must complete the task! ! “

When the game restarted, Tang Zheng’s running enthusiasm was stronger than before the goal. As long as the football appeared, there was his figure, whether offensive or defensive.

“Oh-My-God !!! It’s Tang again !! How did he come here?”

“Football reaches the forefront of the penalty area, a long shot! Hmm? This is-Tang !!!”

“Riquelme’s pass ripped through the entire rear line of the riverbed, inverted triangle? Gaitan-no! Tang poke the ball out of the bottom line! Boca youth’s corner!”

Therefore, fans sitting in front of the TV can always hear the commentator mention Tang Zheng’s name after a while.

On the stands of the Monument Stadium, Tang Zheng also shouted the most names during this time …

(To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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