Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 502 - 2, F * ck! (third update!)

Chapter 502: Chapter 502, F * ck! (third update!)

Zhou Ze felt that if he were to compare the worst day of his life,


could be compared to the day when he was cremated in a car accident. The two were completely on par.

Especially the last paragraph,

that continuous fall, fall, fall, fall,

sometimes he wished he could just fall to his death,

he brought his winning hook along with him and happily GG,

it was better than torturing his body until it was in tatters.

Because of this,

after discovering that he had fallen from the roof and entered the liquid,

zhou Ze did not choose to struggle to the surface,

first, his heart was tired,

he had struggled too many times in this day,

second, his current body was in pain everywhere. He had probably broken quite a number of bones from the continuous collisions just now. It was too difficult for him to do anything else.

The third reason was that Zhou Ze was completely out of strength. The potential of this body had long been squeezed dry by him.


after being submerged underwater for a long time..,

zhou Ze suddenly opened his eyes,

that’s not right..,

why did he still feel suffocated?

Not only did he not feel suffocated..,

instead, he felt a warm and comfortable feeling all over his body,

it was as if he had just walked out of a sauna and picked up a bottle of Ice Cola.

The last time Zhou Ze had this feeling underwater was when he was facing the faceless woman at the bottom of the pond by the road to Hell,

at the bottom of the pond..,

there was no sense of suffocation.

At this moment..,

zhou ze heard the sound of the door being pushed open,

someone came in!

There were two people who came in,

to be exact..,

there were three people,

because a very small person was carried in.

One on the left and one on the right were two tall people,

the one on the left had an abominable appearance. There were flesh maggots all over his body. The two fangs at the corner of his mouth looked very ferocious. There was also a nose ring on his nose. His height was estimated to be two meters. He was naked from top to bottom.

The one on the right looked a little fairer and more civilized. He wore a Qing dynasty official robe. It was the standard zombie image from the Hong Kong zombie movies of the early years.

The movements of the two zombies were a bit stiff, but they did not jump in. Instead, they slowly carried the little boy in.

“Why is the roof broken?”

The naked zombies looked up and said.

Zhou Ze hid under the pool, not daring to make any noise.

“Someone is blowing up this place. Several houses have collapsed. This is still considered good. As long as the holy water pool is not damaged, it is fortunate. Otherwise, the owner would not even have a chance to recover.”

Zhou Ze couldn’t see the two’s appearances. After all, he was at the bottom of the water, or rather, at the bottom of the pool, but he could roughly hear the sounds.

The Zombie’s voice was really loud. It was hard not to hear it clearly.

He reckoned that only his yingying’s voice was gentle and pleasant to the ear.

At this moment, another zombie came over from outside the door,

this zombie was wearing an armor, but his level was obviously not good. He actually skipped over. He was one of those newbies who had just become a zombie not too long ago.


hearing this skipping rhythm..,

zhou Ze felt that this zombie that came out again couldn’t be the zombie that was using logic to chase after them just now, right?

When the explosion sounded, this guy immediately ran back in fright?


he stumbled..,

everyone “Met”here again.


there were actually..,

so many zombies down here?

Actually, Zhou Ze was thinking that if the little boy wasn’t so infatuated with the Little Loli, he might have been caught just because everyone was a zombie, they could really resolve this dispute peacefully through equal communication.

But the crux of all this was that the little boy would never let go..,

tSK TSK..,

this damned love.

“You didn’t catch him?”

The Naked Zombie directly berated.

“Wu Wu Wu Wu… Wu Wu Wu Wu… Wu Wu Wu Wu…”

The zombie obviously couldn’t speak human language yet,

but his way of transmitting information between zombies..,

the Underwater Zhou Ze also understood.

It probably meant that the top exploded, the bottom structure was damaged, and the feng shui was misplaced, causing the spirits of the mountain spirits that were originally imprisoned here to scatter and flee in all directions.

In short..,

it was old Zhang’s cannon shot above..,

directly turning the underground into a pot of porridge.

“So what if the spirits of the dead are gone, so what if the spirits of the dead are gone. They are nothing more than slaves who relied on the special environment here to attract and attach themselves to their master. It’s nothing, but that fellow who sneaked in and injured their master, not catching him is the greatest unforgivable thing!”

The naked zombie walked over,

he grabbed the neck of the rookie zombie directly,


He simply squeezed it,

the neck of the rookie zombie was directly broken,

at the same time..,

he opened his mouth and sucked out streams of black mist from the opponent’s mouth. When he let go, the rookie zombie directly turned into dregs.

“Why are you in such a hurry?”

The Manqing Zombie hugged the little boy and said.

“Since the layout of this place has been blown up, we can’t stay here for long. Sooner or later, we’ll have to move to another place. This kind of uncivilized fool, bringing it with us will only be a burden. It might even expose us. When that time comes, we’ll be in big trouble. It’s better to get rid of it now and give it to me.

“What are you waiting for? Quickly send master into the holy water pool.

“You don’t want to take advantage of master’s serious injury to…”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Although master is unconscious now, he is still conscious.”

The Manqing Zombie lowered his head and said, but there was a dark tone in his voice.

“I know what you are thinking. Put your mind at ease. Without Master’s guidance, once the two of us walk out of here, we will be blasted to death by heavenly lightning!”

“I know, I know.”

The naked zombie walked over and snatched the little boy from the Manqing Zombie’s hands. Then, he put him into the pond where Zhou Ze was.

“With me here, you can’t think of anything else.”.

“Alright, come with me to control the situation. Take whatever you can take with you. If you can catch the soul of the spiritual monster that is feeding on you, eat it now. Don’t waste it!”

With that,

the two zombies left,

they even closed the door.

Zhou Ze was lying at the bottom of the pool,

because the pool water was colored and very deep, the visibility wasn’t high.

But Zhou Ze could still see the little boy slowly falling,

he almost landed next to him, and the two of them almost had their arms touching each other.

The little boy still had his eyes closed, as if he hadn’t expected,

the culprit who had injured him to this state,

at this moment,

it was right next door to him,

they were taking a bath together!

Zhou Ze didn’t move,

he didn’t disturb this guy,

in fact,

from the feeling of falling in here and the conversation between the two zombies just now,

one thing was clear,

that this pool,

had excellent healing effects on zombies,


everyone quietly soaked in it together.

Because of the sight and the bandaging of his fingers, Zhou Ze didn’t notice that,

the fingernails on his ten fingers that had fallen off earlier,

had now grown a thin layer.

Soaking in the bath comfortably,


zhou Ze’s consciousness also began to fall into chaos,

this wasn’t sleep,

it was just a kind of drifting of consciousness.

It was like a lucid dream,

zhou Ze found himself standing at the door,

it was foggy all around him,

but he could still tell that this was the place he had passed when he came in to look for the Little Loli.

This was a dream,

a lucid dream.

It was a dream that a person had while he was awake,

in most cases, once a person realized that they were dreaming in a dream, they would probably wake up very soon.

However, there were some exceptions. You knew that you were dreaming, but the dream still did not wake up. People’s instinctive awareness would often trigger great panic because of this.

This was also the so-called “Ghost pressing the bed.”.

Zhou Ze knew that he should still be soaking in the pool,

bathing in the so-called holy water with the little zombie,


he could hear the sound of flowing liquid in his ears,

this was a dream,

he was dreaming.

Since he had come, he should take it as it was,

lawyer an once said that this place was definitely not built by zombies and monsters. It was no problem for them to build a cave, but if you let them build a Jiangnan garden underground, it would also have an extremely ingenious feng shui pattern, this was too difficult for them.

If zombies could do this, they would probably be able to disband and go straight to the main road. Why would they stay here and accompany a group of children to eat meat, drink wine, and Play House Marriage Games?

The biggest possibility was that..,

there was still an ancestor who had built this place here,

but for some unknown reason,

it caused the ancestor to leave,

then it was taken over by this group of zombies and lonely spirits, wild spirits, mountain spirits, and wild spirits, and turned into a temple that belonged to them.

Zhou Ze walked in for a while,

he saw the pavilion in front of him,

if he remembered correctly,

when he entered the wedding room, lawyer an was actually hiding in that pavilion to stand guard for him.

At this time,

the veil of the pavilion had already been pulled up,

a middle-aged man in a long robe was sitting inside, drinking alone.

From time to time, he would scoop up two peanuts and throw them into his mouth,

then, he would take another sip of wine,

he looked extremely satisfied.

At this time,

the other party seemed to have also noticed Zhou Ze,

he stood up,

he waved at Zhou Ze,

he signaled for Zhou Ze to come in and drink together.

Zhou ze shrugged his shoulders,

he shouted:

“Sorry, I’m not free. I’m busy outside.”

God knows when that little boy would wake up, and he would still be dreaming. At that time, he would really die without knowing how he died.

But the other party was still warmly waving at Zhou Ze,

his gaze was warm,

he really gave people a feeling of being bathed in the spring breeze,

this guy’s skin-like temperament..,

was really top-notch,

it belonged to the type of person who, when you looked at him, both men and women would have a favorable impression of him.

If it were anyone else..,

they would probably have already gone over eagerly,

fortunately, in the study room..,

zhou Ze faced Xu Qinglang every day,

his resistance to male lust..,

was also extremely high.

Boss Zhou just smiled and didn’t move. He didn’t have the time to dream anymore. He still drank wine?

At this moment..,

a little monkey ran into the pavilion with a flagon of wine in its hands,

after jumping onto the table..,

it poured wine for the man.

Zhou ze laughed in his heart,

this little monkey was similar to the monkey in his bookstore,

hahahaha… Ha!


The smile on Zhou Ze’s face froze,

he blurted out,

“F * ck!”

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