Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 2 - Second night

Feng Jing wakes up in the big bed of the hotel.

He pressed the phone’s alarm clock for exactly six o’clock.

Feeling faint for two seconds, Feng Jing opened his eyes and looked at his hands and feet.

“…” Everything was exactly the same as before he fell asleep, except for a slight pain in the back of his head.

He breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the pillow.

It really is just a dream.

He inexplicably remembered the woman’s slender neck in her dreams, and her beautiful collarbone.

No, no, he is not such a person, but this woman is too much in line with his aesthetics, so… He created a woman like this in his dreams?

… He began to seriously think about whether he should find an object.

The door was slammed open, and Feng Jing glanced at the door, his assistant came.

“Rice.” He snorted and sat up with his hair. Michelle is his assistant, surnamed Mi, named Cher, Chinese. Let’s not say why a Chinese person wants to take a foreign name. The name “rice line”, he wants to eat rice noodles every time he reads.

“Rice line, I made a very fantastic dream last night, I dreamed that I became a dog.” Feng Jing changed clothes while talking to Michelle.

Michelle stood at the door and stared at him intricately. Feng Jing put on his shirt and looked at him strangely: “What happened?”

Michelle hurried forward and opened the cell phone that was pinched and handed it to him: “You have no dreams, you have become a dog!”

Feng Jing was stunned for a moment and was quickly drawn to the attention of the video on his mobile phone. The video was apparently recorded last night, and he was wearing the same nightgown. But in the video, he used his hands and feet to run on the ground, and his mouth still called “Wang Wang”, like a mental retardation.

Feng Jing: “………”

He must have not woken up yet.

“I know that there is a section in your performance class called Liberation, but you…this is too liberated!” Recalling the scene of last night, Michelle is still worried. “You have nothing to do with the whole person.” Just like reason, there is no way to communicate. In the end, I knocked on you and stopped.”

“…” Feng Jing looked up at him. “No wonder I think there is some pain in the back of the head. Did you knock it?”

“…I, I can’t do anything!” knocking on the boss, Michelle is still very empty. “Let you go so crazy, what if you bring the other people in the hotel? I see it alone!”

Feng Jing squinted at the thin lips and thought about this bizarre thing. The most scientific explanation now is that he has become a dog in his dreams and has also shown his behavior in his dreams.

However, he has no sleepwalking experience.

Michelle saw that he did not pursue his own intention to knock him out. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief: “Hey, are you too stressed recently? I know that after you got the movie, there are some fans of Mo Tianwang on the Internet. The words are a bit too radical, or you should not go online during this time.”

Feng Jing slowly lowered his head: “Hmm…”

Michelle saw his absent-minded look, and his heart was even more worried: “I will report this matter with Qin Dong.”

Feng Jing immediately returned to God: “No need, I just shot the movie too much, this little thing will not have to report with Qin Fan.”

“No.” Michelle shook his head firmly. “When we left, Qin Dong gave a special account. If you have nothing to do with your affairs, you must report it to him.”

Feng Jing: “…”

There are so many artists under Qin Fan, and where is the care of him.

He put his hand on Michelle’s shoulder and smiled at him: “Millet, I hope you can understand, I am your direct supervisor.”

“…but, but my salary is Qin Dongfa.” Michelle is not afraid of power and keeps the bottom line.

Feng Jing aggravated the strength of his hand, and his smile became more and more profound: “But the person who decides whether to continue to pay you is me. What do you think?”

“…” Michelle swallowed. “I think you are right.”

“Good.” Feng Jing loosened his shoulder and continued to change clothes.

Michelle’s “call” breathed out, and the film’s gas field was too strong.

After having breakfast at the hotel, Michelle drove the car to the shooting location today. Today’s shooting was carried out in the old castle, and the seal should also be replaced with the vampire’s makeup.

The makeup artist is still the sister of yesterday, and when he gave the seal to the vampire dentures, the excitement succeeded. Michelle looked at him with a sigh of relief: “Xiao Xu, you should be careful, don’t shake your hands!”

“Hey, I try to be!”

Michelle: “…”

After Feng’s fangs were finished, Zhu Xi also came to the studio. When she saw Feng Jing, she was amazed by his makeup. This man is really handsome and sexy. The facial features are perfect and impeccable. It is no wonder that fans always bring him to Mozambique. However, after last night, her heart was inevitably embarrassed, but Feng Jing was like nothing, and politely greeted her: “Miss Zhu, good morning. What happened to you looking for me last night? Now we can talk.”

Zhu Xi: “…”

Is he intentional?

Next to the makeup artist Xiaomei and Michelle’s ear suddenly stood up. Last night, Zhu Xi went to find Feng Jing? ?

Their little tricks, Zhu Xi, were in their eyes. She licked her red lips and smiled at Feng Jing. “It’s okay, it was too much to play last night. I was a little scared when I stayed in the hotel room.”

“It turns out that you can listen to music or have a cup of hot milk to ease your mood.”

“Know, thank you.” Zhu Xiaoqiang smiled and walked over to make up.

Michelle got together and said to him, “I was looking for you last night?”


“and then?”

“I didn’t open the door for her.”

“…” Michelle was silent for a while, thinking about this matter does not need to report to Qin Dong, “I think it is not appropriate for you to ask this question, so many people are listening.”

Feng Jingdao: “I don’t know if it’s suitable, but I know she won’t come to me again afterwards.”

Michelle: “…”

Still, the seal of the emperor is deep.

Because the advertisement is a vampire setting, most of the shooting is done at night, and when the crew is working, it is already 11 o’clock. Feng Jing unloaded the makeup and still returned directly to the hotel. Today, he didn’t go to see Weibo again. After bathing, he lie directly on the bed—and specially drank a cup of hot milk.

This will not always do strange dreams.

The drowsiness soon came, and Feng Jing closed his eyes in a groggy way, and a woman suddenly screamed in her ear and pulled him out of her sleep.

……what’s the situation?

He frowned and opened his eyes, then his eyes jumped.

He came again, and came to the living room yesterday! He didn’t brush Weibo, why did he still dream of it!

This time he is no longer in the living room’s nest, but on the sofa, not far from the LCD TV, is playing a movie.

“Ah!” As the figure suddenly popped out of the camera, the person behind him screamed a little.

Feng Jing went back and went to the goal that was the face of the woman yesterday.

There may be a scary shot on the TV. The woman’s hands hold him tighter, and his back is attached to a soft thing.

Feng Jing: “…”


The voice attracted the attention of Feng Jing, and he once again turned his head in the direction of the TV, and saw Mo Yan’s face as expected.

This is a movie starring Mo Yan, “Ghost School”, which is said to have taken this theme in order to break through himself. Feng Jing looked at it for a while, although this film became black and white in his eyes at this time, but this did not prevent him from observing Mo Zhen’s acting skills.

Unlike his class, Mo Yan debuted at the age of sixteen. Naturally, he did not take long professional courses. His acting skills were basically tempered in actual combat, and he had to say that he was a talented person. High actor.

Some people in this world are born to be born for the stage.

The strange soundtrack sounded in the room, and the film tried to create a terrifying atmosphere. The emotion of the woman behind her was quickly infected by the film, and he was dead in his arms. The soft touch of the group is more vivid, and the tip of the nose exudes the hair of the green orange, and spares no effort to stimulate his nerves.

“…” He is a normal man with a **** temperament. Even if he becomes a dog in his dreams, he is a normal dog.

In order to avoid any reaction that she should not have, Feng Jing struggled in her arms.

“Don’t move, dog eggs.” The woman slammed him with dissatisfaction.

Feng Jing: “…”

Yesterday is not still two yellow, how can it become a dog egg today?

Women are really fickle.

However, it is imperative to escape from her arms, and Feng Jing struggles even harder.

“Wang Hao!” He slammed hard and jumped out of her arms. The woman looked at him and frowned slightly: “What are you running, and you will finish it right away. If you leave, I can’t look at it alone.”

Feng Jing: “…”

Then you go to bed early, is it exciting to see a ghost film at home in the middle of the night?

Well, it seems to be a little exciting.

But he can’t be accompanied, he just wants to wake up from his dreams.

The woman saw it with her eyes closed and did not move there. She licked her mouth and took a cushion around her and hugged it in her arms.

Feng Jing once again slept in the past, and when he blinked again, he was still awakened by his six-point alarm clock.

Looking at the ceiling of the hotel room, there was a bit of a look at the respectful look.

Why did he make this strange dream for two consecutive days? What is the warning to give him? Then should he go to find someone to help him solve his dreams?

“Hey, wake up?” Michelle knocked on the door and walked in from the outside. Feng Jing sat on the small sofa in front of the window and watched him not speak. Michelle sat down opposite him and asked him: “Are you dreaming of becoming a dog again last night?”

Feng Jing’s thin lips are slightly stunned: “What have you recorded?”

Michelle opened the phone and handed it to him.

This is a new video. In his pajamas, he ran for a while like the day before, and then squatted on the sofa and spared himself.

“Last night was better than the night before. I was still asleep and I went to sleep. I stayed here until you fell asleep.”

Feng Jing’s face was not so good. He threw the phone back to Michelle and leaned on the sofa.

What exactly is going on?

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