Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 69 - Sixty-ninth night

Feng Yala took Jiang dye and tried the half-hour wedding dress in the store before leaving. On the way, she couldn’t help but sigh on Jiang: “When my lawsuit is over, I have to go out for a month, maybe I can meet a super handsome guy and marry him!”

Jiang Dian wants Feng Ya to accumulate a lot of pressure during this time. It is a good thing to go out and play with loose hearts. “Well, maybe it’s a blond foreign handsome guy! You can still have a beautiful mixed-breed baby in the future!”

“Right right! Blue-eyed baby!”

The two chatted with each other’s girls.

Before going to a flower shop, Fengya stopped to choose a bunch of flowers. Jiang Dye looked at the flowers of various varieties in the flower shop and planned to buy a bunch to go back.

“These flowers help me pack it.” Feng Ya selected a few well-prepared roses and handed them to the owner of the flower shop.

“Okay, wait a minute.” The boss took the flowers in, and Jiang Ding was still picking orchids.

A white van on the side of the road suddenly stopped and walked down from the car with three strong-haired men. When Fengya saw them coming in their own direction, there was a faint hunch. She squinted and tried to pull away the flowers that were still picking. As a result, several men quickly caught up and blocked the way out.

“Sorry to let one let.” She stared at Jiang Dye, trying to get around from the side, and the result was blocked by a man.

The man has half a long black hair, and he looks fierce and fierce. He licked his hair and looked at Feng Ya: “Are you Fengya?”

Feng Yadao: “Sorry, you have mistaken people.”

“Oh, I have seen your photo, it can’t be wrong. Take it away!”

His voice fell, and the car went down again. Jiang dyed and yelled. When he opened his mouth, he was stopped by the people behind him. The headed man glanced at her and gestured to others to take it with him.

Their car stopped at the roadside, and Jiang Dian and Feng Ya were quickly taken to the car by them. The owner of the flower shop heard the sound outside and ran out to check it out, just to see the door of the van closed, and grew up, with a few orchids scattered on the ground.

The florist thought that things were wrong and reported the police the first time. Because the kidnapping may be the case, the police came very quickly. The boss told them about the general situation of the incident, but she did not see the people in the car and failed to provide much evidence.

The police decided to try to adjust the monitoring on the street to see if they could find any clues. The florist asked them to live before they left. “Yes, the two girls who buy flowers seem to have a respectful girlfriend.”

The young police officer responsible for the transcript listened to her and said that she looked up at her: “What do you mean by Feng Jing, is that seal?”

He pointed to the department store at the crossroads in front, the outer wall of the mall, and a large poster with a high hang.

The boss nodded and said: “It is him who is him.”

The young policeman wrinkled away and looked at the policeman who was better than him. “Hey, if you are taken away by a respected girlfriend, the case may not be that simple.”

The person who was called the head by him also raised his eyebrows: “First try to contact Feng Jing and confirm the identity of the person who was taken away.”


“How do you know the girlfriend of Feng Jing?” The police asked the florist. The boss said: “I have seen her photos on Weibo, she has been hot search some time ago!”

She said that she took the phone out and opened it on Weibo for a while and handed it to the police: “You see, it is her! But there is only one side, so I am not sure.”

The police watched for a while, asked her for a photo, and went to adjust the monitoring on the street.

Feng Jing was still in the office of Qin Fan and discussed the next itinerary with him. During this time, he went to the gym every day and took Jiang dye together. The coach had no other complaints except that he was stuffed with dog food.

Qin Fan also learned about Feng Jing from the coach. Although he had been resting for a month, his body was still not so different. The muscles and lines were still there.

“That’s the decision. The day after tomorrow, I went to the crew to report it. We will also do the corresponding promotion.” Qin Fangang said that the phone on the desk rang. “Wait a minute, I will pick up the phone.”

The phone was called by his secretary. After listening to it for a few seconds, his brow frowned. In the next few minutes, his face became worse and worse, even Feng Jing followed him. phone.

“What’s wrong? You don’t have any expression of drunk driving into the game?” The last time he saw Qin Fan’s face, he had a pretty red artist under his hand, because the drunk driving was caught.

Qin Fan put down the phone and looked at him with a frown: “I have something to tell you, but you must calm down after listening.”

Feng Jing also raised his brow subconsciously: “Is it related to me? Nothing will break something?” Feng Jing thinks that he has nothing to blast.

“The police just called the company and said that your sister and Jiang Dye may have been kidnapped.”

The heart of Feng Jing is like being slammed with a rope, and he can’t breathe for a moment: “What are you talking about?”

Qin Fandao: “It is the policeman who reported to the owner of the flower shop, saying that they saw two of them being taken to buy a chartered car. The police made a comparison based on the photos and surveillance videos she provided. One of them was very similar to Jiang Dye. They wanted I confirm with you, can you still contact them both?”

Feng Jing quickly took out the phone, the first name of the address book is Jiang Dye, he dialed directly.

Phone off.

He also dialed the phone of Feng Ya, still shutting down.

The heart of Feng Jing was on these two phones, as if sinking to the bottom of the frozen lake, and even his eyes were cold.

When Qin Fan looked at his expression, he knew that something must have happened. He was also worried about the safety of the two of them. But now he is even more afraid of what is more dangerous to make a slap in the face: “The police are now in the outside lounge. I will go with you.”

Feng Jing stood up and did not speak. The whole person was quiet and terrible. He is so quiet, Qin Fan is more worried, Feng Jing and Feng Ping are cousins, although the two characters are completely different, but they all flow the blood of the family.

He looked too flat like this, and Qin Fan was a little scared.

He followed the words without a word and went out, and took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Feng Ping.

When the two just went out, the secretary greeted him: “Qin Dong, the police is in the lounge next door.”

“I know, you are going to be busy with you.”


The secretary helped them push the door of the lounge and turned and left. When the two police officers saw them coming in, they went up and showed their documents.

“This is the case. We received a report and suspected that someone had taken Miss Feng Ya and Miss Jiang Yi. Have you received any calls?”

Feng Jing said with a calm voice: “No, but the phone calls of both of them really don’t work now.”

The police took out a few photos and put them on the table: “This is what we intercepted from the surveillance video. Because it is far away, it is not very clear. Please identify, are they two?”

The photos are really vague, and the faces are not very clear, but Feng Jing recognizes their clothes. The hand on his side slowly tightened and exhaled: “It is them.”

The two police officers looked at each other and asked: “When was the last time you saw them?”

“This afternoon we went to pick up the wedding dress. After picking it up, I left beforehand. They both said that they would continue to go shopping. It should be around three o’clock at that time.”

“Have you ever noticed someone is following you?”


“Then do you have anyone who doubts?”

The guise of Feng Jing is slightly convergent: “Yes.”


“Wang Zhen.” Feng Jingdao, “My sister’s husband, the two of them are now in a divorce lawsuit. The person who broke the news on the Internet some time ago is also him. We have already sued him for this matter.”

The two police officers exchanged another look. It seems that the kidnapping was not for blackmail but for revenge.

“Do you have an address for Wang Zhen’s contact information?”

“Yes.” Feng Jing told Wang Zhen’s telephone address and company address. The police got up and prepared to investigate Wang Zhen. Before leaving, he also specifically explained Feng Jing: “Mr. Feng, I understand your current mood. This matter is handed over to the police. You should not act without authorization.”

Feng Jing should say: “I know.”

The police looked at him again and turned to Qin Fandao: “Mr. Qin, are you his agent? Please manage your own artists.” With his years of experience from the police, Feng Jing is now too angry. Danger, he has no doubt that he will do something wrong, but he can not use this as a reason to lock him up, only to remind people around him.

Qin Fan certainly understands him, and he assured him: “Do not worry, police comrades, but I also hope that you can get people back soon.”

“for sure.”

When the two policemen left, there were many people outside the lounge. The floor where Qin Fan was originally located, very few people usually come up, but today I heard such a big gossip, and many people are brave enough to run up.

When Qin Fan came out, he saw Meng Xingchuan in the crowd. He frowned and shouted at the people outside. “What are you doing here? Nothing to do?”

The crowd suddenly spread with the frightened birds, Meng Xingchuan also wanted to follow, but Qin Fan alone named: “Meng Xingchuan, is it that I have arranged too little work for you? You are so bad in variety, and face Shake in front of me?”

He didn’t say that the variety is good. When he talked about the variety of love with Yu Yao, Meng Xingchuan was the first two big ones: “Qin Dong, can you really change my partner? I really don’t call Yu Yao.” !”

“Who told you to call, the variety is just a show, you can’t even make a show, right?”

“I…” Meng Xingchuan just wanted to say something, and he looked at the direction of the elevator and muttered. “Qin Dong, I saw Feng Jing taking the elevator down. Is it really okay?”

“…!!!” Qin Fan quickly chased the past.

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