Might as Well

Chapter 98

After the signing was finished, they toasted with a glass of wine, directly from the lord’s wine cellar. As Sam left the noble couple behind, he saw they were going back for another round of the crimson ambrosia.

He simply took the scroll and deposited it in the bank in his security box. Then he swung by the headquarters to notify Lucy in person that the contract went through.

The woman just gave him a shark-like smile, and the next second the entire building was abuzz with activity as people rushed about to fulfill Lucy’s orders.

Knowing that he was probably worse than useless with administrative tasks, Sam left the building with a goal in his mind.

His stats were looking great, and he had the minimum level required for a nice quest that he had planned to finish.

Sam navigated around the people filling the streets, his Chameleon Mask used to hide his real face, a little worried that the Silent Step was still after him. The streets were filled with players, all of them smiling and delightfully enjoying the game. Though the crowd was a little annoying, Sam was still happy to see that so many people were present in Ironwood.

After all, the more people there were, the more they would spend and the more his and Lucy’s company would make. Everyone wins! But mostly him…

Arriving at the Training Hall, he was met by a giant crowd vaguely settled into the shape of a line, as they waited for their chance to enter one of the side buildings that had several stone-faced guards standing around it.

‘Ahh, the gauntlet has been finished, it seems…’ he noted as he looked at the building.

Ignoring the line, and the multitude of people waiting for their turn, he instead entered the main training hall, seeking the same trainer that administered his Gauntlet challenge.

The hall, just like the city, was full of people training, watching other people train, spying on people who looked to be from guilds while guild guards glared at everybody, young masters posing for their posse and so much more.

As he walked through the rooms of the building, Sam saw at least three different face-slapping events, at least two accidental gropings when two people of the opposite gender fell on each other in a tangle of limbs creating an awkward yet adorable air around them, and several feuds that started over which training dummy the people had chosen.

Basically, a chaotic mess that smelled like old socks and desperation.

He left the building, arriving at the black lot where unsurprisingly he could see even more people toiling under the strict gazes of muscled trainers.

Sam was almost instantly approached by one of them, wearing a thin muscle shirt that was soaked through with sweat, and it took him a long second to recognize the man as the one who escorted him the first time.

The man silently sent him a greeting by flexing his pectoral muscles. Sam tried to return the greeting but sadly failed. Instead, he gave the medieval gym bro an apologetic smile and spoke up.

“Hi, I’m looking for–“ He didn’t have to finish as the man nodded and motioned for Sam to follow him.

He turned around and began to navigate around the throngs of people doing all sorts of exercises, practicing with all kinds of weapons, or even fighting each other under the eagle eyes of other equally musclebound trainers, decked out in the finest gym finery.

It only took a minute to find the trainer he was looking for in the giant back lot of the Training Hall, where he was, naturally, yelling at sweating players that seemed to be regretting ever entering this place.

“Faster! Faster! No, not that way! Hold your hand! The monster won’t care for your weak grip! Do you hold yourself like that? My grandmo— I mean the girls in the brothels have a stronger grip than you!”

Sam grinned as the man ‘instructed’ the people as they tried to hold the sword just right. He wasn’t a master of the craft in any measure but even he could see how several people were just doing it totally wrong.

However, instead of speaking up and potentially embarrassing someone who holds grudges, he just stood there and waited until the instructor was ready to talk to him. The gym bro escorting him just flexed his muscles and left, leaving Sam alone.

Half an hour later a group of players left the area of the field, tired, and sweaty but no doubt with several increases in their skill levels.

The instructor tidied up, then turned to Sam with an expectant gaze. Sam could see how it took a moment for the man to recognize him. ‘Wow, they really did put in a lot of effort into programming the NPCS… That was freaking realistic…’

“How can I help you, adventurer?” he asked as they stood in front of each other.

Sam lightly bowed his head and began speaking.

“I was wondering if you could recommend me some way to further my training?” He didn’t know the exact words to trigger this quest as it was one of the quests that were heavily restricted after a high percentage of the world decided to enter the game. Having the opportunity to take it was akin to winning the lottery or having a lot of money. But he felt that he could do it.

The instructor didn’t say anything, instead looking him up and down. Sam just stood there, trying to project a competent aura.

After a minute of examination, the man nodded slowly.

“Your body seems to have improved, but let me see your footwork and swordplay,” came the order from the man.

Sam bowed his head and unsheathed his sword, then walked into the middle of the empty training field raised the sword, and began moving.

He started slow, trying to warm up. Beginning with the normal movements he soon transitioned to the more complicated maneuvers while actively rotating the mana inside himself while also using several speed-enhancing skills, like Shadow Grace or Wind Movement, and maintaining Active Mediation. He wanted to make sure that he impressed the instructor, leaving nothing to chance.

From the outside he looked like a blur, his sword slashes tearing the air of the training field apart while wisps of shadows tried desperately to keep up with his body.

He continued this until the buffs ran out and he slowed down, with that he began to wind down, slowing his movements and swordplay down even more, until he stood in the middle of the field, sword held in a trembling hand while his lungs heaved in desperation for oxygen. Despite that, and being drenched in sweat, Sam was grinning like a loon.

It felt amazing to do something like this. Something that was almost impossible in real life. As he tried to get his breathing under control he watched as the instructor walked around him, examining him.

Finally, after several rounds, the man stood in front of him and nodded.

“You got the basics down, and you have some talent with the sword and mana. Mostly with mana…” He scratched his head a little then continued. “While your talent with the sword is nothing to write home about, your mana economy and capacity and your control… is out of this world, adventurer. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Sam had to frown at the information about his sword skill, but in the end, he could do nothing but sigh, as he well knew that he was no sword prodigy ready to understand the dao of the sword. Though, the comment about his mana control lifted his spirit right up.

As the instructor contemplated him he kept silent respectfully, hoping that his performance would result in the quest.

Finally, as Sam started to fidget a little, the grizzled instructor nodded to himself.

“Your foundation is solid and I’ve seen how you perform in the gauntlet. I’ll give you a recommendation letter for a friend in the capital. They have much more knowledgeable people there who would be able to help you achieve much with your talent!” he stated with a small grin. “Now, do it again!”

“Wait, what?”

It took him several hours to extricate himself from the clutches of the trainer who insisted on Sam doing his routine over and over until even his prodigious stamina and mana regeneration couldn’t keep up and Sam was on the ground panting, limbs trembling and shaking and barely able to move.

However, once again, he was left feeling satisfied. He loved to see the improvements that happened to his body in the game. It made him feel powerful and made him want to achieve more and more.

Of course, after he managed to scrape himself up, the instructor gave him a letter and basically tossed him out of the training hall with a cheerful goodbye and flex of his biceps.

Exhausted, Sam dragged himself back to his apartment, fell into the bed, and opened his notification page while cuddling with Lucky.

[Congratulations, you impressed the trainer at the Training Hall of Ironwood City!]

[You received a recommendation letter for the Training hall in the capital of the Kingdom of Emerald Crown, Vividora!]

[New Quest acquired!]

[To the city you go!]

[You have been offered the chance of receiving extra training at the Training Hall in the capital of the kingdom. Go and deliver the recommendation letter and participate in the training.]

[Time limit: None]

[Penalty: None]

[Reward: Extra training!]

He read the words on the screen with great satisfaction and bone-deep exhaustion. ‘Now I only need to take care of the rewards for the monster break and the auction, then I can load up on quests and head for the capital.’

Next came the gains from the training.

[You exhausted yourself and your regeneration, you gain +1 END!]

[Advanced Shadow Footwork is now Level 13!]

[Shadow Grace is now Level 6!]

[Shadow Affinity is now level 30!]

[Wind Movement is now Level 34!]

[Wind Affinity is now Level 61!]

[Advanced Sword Mastery is now Level 16!]

[Basic Armor Mastery is now Level 46!]

[Calm Heart is now Level 49!]

[Flow is now Level 46!]

It was a small list, but the gains were worth the effort. With a small movement, Sam dismissed the screens and then logged out of the game.

Outside, while not as exhausted but still feeling tired he quickly jotted some notes about the happenings and then crashed face-first into his bed.

Sam spent the next few days working with the people that Lord Silvercrest had hired to build up the equipment and accommodations around the observed fractures.

He escorted caravans of materials heading for the mining shaft and storage cavern, with the people who would build them riding on the same carts, protecting them from roving monsters. They were besieged by goblin camps, orc wargroups, and even rabid rock bears.

Naturally, he wasn’t alone. The Silvercrest family hired other adventurers, but when possible he and his team were the ones escorting the long line of carts.

At the location, he would answer the inexhaustible questions of scholars who were there to examine the location and report back to whoever sent them, while also giving detailed descriptions of the monsters.

Occasionally, he would check up on the constructions, making sure that the AFK company sponsored rest stops were up to his standard. Meaning they got the people in, and had them spending money.

It wasn’t the most glamorous job, but it was something that needed to be done.

He saw several player groups eyeing the caravan, or even spying on them, but for now, the crest of the Silvercrest family stopped them from acting.

‘Probably, all the major players figured out what we were doing and are rushing to do the same at different locations… Hah, good luck with that!’ Sam mused to himself as he watched another spy, hiding up on the cliffs – ineffectively, thanks to his mana sense – look down on their caravan with undisguised curiosity.

And then the time for the auction was there.

Sam was logged in, present in a separate place, covered by a comfortable dark robe, with his own balcony ready for the event, and the entire building shining with glory and mystique.

He went over the items he put up, the spear, shield, and dagger, as well as several additional items to whet people's appetite.

There was a pack of improved mana potions that the company alchemist made from the material he found, several rarer skill books, found by him or his team, a property that wasn’t useful for the company, several beautiful dresses that Lucy donated that she got from some quest that she still refused to elaborate on and a few odds and ends.

The three main pieces of the auction were set behind crystal clear glasses in the lobby, ready for anyone arriving to observe and check out. For a modest fee, they could get a copy of the weapon for a few minutes to try how it fits in their hand.

NPCs were roaming around, ready to assist and direct everybody. The main AI of the place, appearing as a portly and jovial short man with a giant bushy mustache, approached Sam.

“Honored guest! We are ready to start!”

Sam took a last look around and nodded.

“Open the gates!”

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