Mind Controling In Another World

Chapter 3: The Oracle

"This..." Sophie tried to speak. "What was this?"

"A special way of showing affection that I’ve learned," Al explained.

The girl wanted to ask where he had learned it, but she was still recovering from the experience.

"Now it’s your turn to help me," Al flashed a smile at his sister.

"M-me?" Sophie asked, her face flushed, unsure of how she could do the same for her brother.

"Yes, you need to soap me up." The boy knew he was being playful, teasing her with his words.

But seeing his sister in this position brought him a kind of satisfaction he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Of course, soap you up," the girl said, standing on still-weak legs as she looked for the soap they had been using.

Al reached out a hand with the soap. Sophie’s delicate hands took it while Alphonse rinsed his body. Slowly, Sophie began to run her hands over the boy’s body. The sister didn't know what to do, especially with her hands shaking from a mix of excitement and nervousness.

She slowly explored her older brother's abdomen and legs until she found his penis. The girl was surprised, and she knew her brother. She had taken baths with him before, and his member had never been as big as it was.

"You need to go over it carefully," Al said softly.

Sophie nodded as she reached out with one hand to touch Alphonse's penis.

"That's it! Now, move it back and forth. Hmm. Like this," Al continued, teaching his sister.

"Like this? A-am I doing it right?" Sophie asked, her penis hardening between her fingers.

"Yes. You're doing it perfectly right."

Sophie didn't know what was happening, but feeling her brother in her hands was making her wet again. Not knowing what to do, she took one of her hands to her pussy and began to explore herself.

"No-no-no," Al said as he saw his sister paying more attention to her own pussy than his dick. "You've had your turn. Take your hand away."

The girl was completely red with embarrassment, but she wanted to continue playing with her pussy.

"But I'll help you, crouch down." Alphonse's voice made it clear that it was a command, not a request.

Sophie was entirely under his control; without thinking twice, she crouched down until her face was at the same height as her brother's dick without stopping masturbating him.

Alphonse lifted one of his legs and placed his foot on the girl's pussy.

"I promised I would help, but not how." Alphonse was excited to command and humiliate the girl.

His foot rubbed the girl's pussy, who rhythmically tried to rub herself and get a little more pleasure.

"Almost there, I'm almost there. Speed ​​up, Sophie," Alphonse commanded.

"Uhm." The girl moaned as her arms burned, but she kept moving them.

"This. This." Alphonse, just before cumming, gave his last command. "Open your mouth, sis."



Both had finished taking a hot bath and changing clothes.

Sophie was embarrassed about what had happened. She didn’t know exactly how wrong their actions were, but she knew it was enough to avoid telling their mother.

Alphonse, on the other hand, felt happy and lighter. Sex and a bath were precisely what he had needed after being bedridden for so long.

Alphonse looked out the carriage window, trying to see more of this new world.

The Hohenberg family mansion had been built in the middle of a plain, just over 10 kilometers from the village. The boy could see several mountains with vast forests between the mansion and the village.

"Winter is almost here. You can feel it in the wind," Sophie commented, sticking her face out of the carriage.

"Hopefully, it takes its time. I prefer this autumn weather," Al responded.

The trip took just under an hour before they arrived at the village gates. With stone and wooden walls for defense, the coachmen and some soldiers went ahead of the convoy to request entry into the town.

In a few moments, they were granted permission to enter.

"I thought the village would be smaller," Al commented.

"Even though Hohenberg is just a village, it’s located along the empire's trade routes with the neighboring kingdoms," Sophie explained. "That’s why Mom is always busy; there’s always some issue along these roads."

The boy nodded, continuing to take in the world around him.

Upon reaching the village center, they saw one of the largest buildings, a temple with a massive wooden gate.

"You have to go in alone. Only one person at a time can speak with the priestess," Sophie explained.

"See you later, Sophie," Al replied, jumping from the carriage.

Walking up the steps toward the temple entrance, Al saw several other people hurrying by. Many wore more worn and plain clothes than his, revealing a clear difference between the nobility and the ‘peasants.’

Of course, no one was surprised by this except for Alphonse himself.

Alphonse approached the large wooden gate before the Oracle, but a heavy hand landed on his shoulder before he could enter.

"Well, look who it is. Cousin."

Al turned to see who was speaking. In front of him was a boy, perhaps sixteen or seventeen years old, highly overweight for his age and dressed in noble clothes that barely contained his frame.

"Lucius. It’s been a while since we last saw each other," Alphonse responded.

"Yes, long before you were ‘bedridden,’" Lucius replied, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Looks like your father didn’t do a great job; you're still a loser. But if you’re here at the Oracle, maybe you’ll get a decent profession."

Lucius was very proud of being an [Axe Specialist], a good profession for war and strength. He never missed an opportunity to flaunt it and bully the boy.

"Who knows? Maybe I’ll become a [Pig Farmer] and finally help you lose that pig-like figure," Alphonse replied nonchalantly.

"You little—" Lucius raised one of his chubby arms to slap the boy.


But he never finished. Alphonse had set a trap for him, as behind Lucius came the only person who had control over him.

"Madeleine! How are you?" Alphonse said.

The girl was just over thirteen years old but had already been promised to his cousin.

Madeleine wasn’t the most beautiful among the nobility. She was a bit short for her age, and her long black hair stood out a little. However, she was chubby, which gave her a full cleavage despite her young age.

Many nobles, however, preferred slimmer girls.

Luckily for her, she came from the Clairmont family, which was highly influential in the neighboring kingdoms, particularly in the trade of furs and fabrics.

This meant Lucius couldn’t jeopardize the arrangement between their families.

"Hello, Alphonse!" the girl replied. "I’m well, thank you. I’m glad you recovered quickly."

"Thank you, Madeleine," Alphonse said, watching as his cousin fumed with rage.

Lucius’s arms trembled with the urge to strike, but with his fiancée present, he had to restrain himself.

"It was great seeing you both, but I have an appointment at the Oracle." Alphonse quickly said his goodbyes and entered the temple.

In the background, he could hear Madeleine scolding Lucius about his temper. Alphonse smiled slightly but continued walking.

The structure resembled a church, something Alphonse had seen many times in his past life.

However, at the center of the Oracle was a water fountain.

Next to it stood a girl with long white hair, dressed in the basic attire of a priestess—a black robe with a white cloth that hid her face, leaving only her eyes visible. Yet, even under all the fabric, the curves of her body hinted at the young girl's beauty.

"Hello, Adeleine," Alphonse whispered.

"Hello, Alphonse. Are you ready to receive your [Profession]?" Adeleine replied.

Alphonse knew the girl. She was the daughter of a merchant and had received the [Priestess] profession about ten years ago.

However, she had only started working at the Oracle the previous year.

"I am," the boy said confidently.

"Come closer and submerge your face in the water," Adeleine instructed.

Alphonse took slow steps, approaching the fountain.

When he submerged his face in the water, he closed his eyes.

He could feel his body changing as if it were being restored or rebuilt.

Until, finally, he was pulled into the water.

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