Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1414 - Tinder of Life

It turned out that the blood infant had reached the level of Lord Shuntian long ago, and Zhang Jun had already known it, but he had never asked. After the blood infant showed the cultivation base of Lord Shuntian, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and said, “The older you are, the less courage you are. I envy you. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.”

“Don’t gossip, I will attack the seventh change of the divine womb first, do you have a way to help?” Zhang Jun smiled, he knew in his heart that if the blood infant was not absolutely sure, it would not appear in front of him.

The blood infant nodded and said: “There is a natural way. As I said before, the Extreme Change Heavenly Butterfly’s Extreme Change Heavenly Art is inspiring for you. In addition, I want to give you something.” After that, he opened his mouth and spit out a group of three. Color firelight.

Seeing that firelight, only the size of a palm, is shining with the brilliance of life, giving people a strong sense of vitality and inheritance, and it seems to be sublimated at any time. Zhang Jun couldn’t help being taken aback, and asked, “What is this?”

“The fire of life.” The blood infant said lightly, “This thing is precious. He is a ruthless man in the Chaos Era. Before he died, he took out all his vitality and condensed it. You know, such a ball of life fire, Once it enters the world, it will create a race that is inherently strong and powerful.”

“Can Life Tinder actually inherit genes?” Zhang Jun understood immediately and asked in surprise.

“Yes, it’s the so-called’gene’ you often say, that is, race continuity. In the major thematic planes, there is such a life state 1∵ state, their strength even surpasses the plane-level strong, but they are not themselves A strong plane, this kind of existence is called an ancestor. If that ancestor belongs to the human race, it is the human ancestor; if it belongs to the demon race, it is the demon ancestor; if it belongs to the demon race, it is the demon ancestor.”

“In ancient times, ten thousand races coexisted, and each race can be traced back to find an’ancestor’. The life level of the’ancestor’ is the ultimate state of life, and it is no longer possible to ascend. So the ancestor is very powerful Yes, they are more free than the plane-level powerhouses, and they can enter and exit the major planes at will.”

Zhang Jun combined the information in the animal skins and said: “At the beginning, the chaotic powerhouses competed for control of the main plane, but they were finally taken by the’disc’, which is now the’will of heaven’. According to the agreement, in this era, The disk is about to hand over jurisdiction.”

“This is both a disaster and an opportunity.” The blood infant sneered, “Pan will not hand over power easily. There will be a power vacuum for a while.”

Zhang Jun looked surprised: “Do you want to seize the providence?”

“The will of heaven is selfless! All the will of heaven is actually shared by the forty-eight monks who have the qualifications of Da Luo Tianjun, even the ancestors are not qualified to get it. The only way for the’ancestor’ to get the will of heaven is to incarnate the will of heaven and become the Lord. The master of the plane. However, there is a price to be paid, that is freedom. The ancestor is very free, free from all major planes, and act voluntarily. But once you become the will of heaven, you will be subject to various constraints, even instinct and Consciousness is also affected, becoming undesirable and selfless. So the’ancestors’ control over the will of heaven is love and hate. If it is not for special purposes, they are easily unwilling to control.”

Zhang Jun nodded and said: “That’s true. That’pan’ is not the most powerful one. If it weren’t for the stronger people who were unwilling to control the will of heaven, he would have no chance to succeed.” After a pause, he continued, “Little Red, what do you mean is that we can control more providence and achieve great deeds by achieving Da Luo Tianjun?”

The blood infant nodded repeatedly: “That’s right. You haven’t achieved Da Luo Tianjun, you will know after you have achieved Da Luo. Da Luo Tianjun is the existence that truly controls the will of heaven, which is fundamental control, and does not contain a trace of water. For example, if you are a supreme celestial master, you can theoretically control a large amount of providence, but this kind of control is only a primary control. At the level of Lord Luo Tianjun, if Lord Luo Tianjun is willing, you can incarnate into a clone of heaven’s will. Of course, that It’s a Da Luo-level Shuntian in another sense. Once Da Luo Tian-jun is desperate in this state, even if he is an’ancestor’-level powerhouse, he will have to score three points.”

Speaking of this, he said to Zhang Jun: “The master is even more powerful. Since he is the supreme heavenly master, he will not be suppressed by God’s will at all after he has achieved Da Luo Tianjun. Therefore, in theory, the master can have the above-mentioned powerful power anytime and anywhere. The reason why Haotian God was able to cross the nine heavens and ten earth back then was because of this advantage. If he didn’t want to encroach on the star field, I’m afraid he would not fall and offend those ancestral-level old monsters.”

Zhang Jun nodded and said no more, he put away the life fire and swallowed it directly. At the same time, Najichang Tiancan taught him “Jichang Tiangong”. In an instant, the brilliant light of life rose from his whole body, which completely enveloped him and watched it dazzlingly. A strand of life thread was produced, entwining him layer by layer.

In a moment, Zhang Jun’s whole person was wrapped in the thread of life, like a big cocoon. The cocoons grew thicker and bigger, and in the end they almost filled the entire room, dangling white.

The Blood Infant nervously guarded the side, and muttered: “That kind of life fire is no small thing. You can create a powerful race like the human race anywhere you want. I don’t know if he can survive it, I hope there will be no problems.”

In the cocoon, Zhang Jun shrank to the size of a sesame seed, suspended in the air. And in all directions, there is endless light of life, enveloping him. On him, there was a sea of ​​fire, and the raging fire of life was burning. The energy of the fire of life was too strong and the level was too high, he simply couldn’t bear it.

“Asshole blood baby, doesn’t he know the power of this fire of life? It actually made me refining, I’m afraid I won’t pass this level!” Zhang Jun looked ugly. This cannot be accomplished by will and courage. If the fire of life is an ocean, he is a small fish in the ocean. Even if the little fish has big ambitions, it is impossible to drink up all the sea water!

When he was desperate, a yellow light burst out of his body. This yellow light is exactly the curse of that god. This curse of the gods has always been domineering and invincible, no matter what things they encounter, they don’t care. But at this moment, it looked extremely solemn, but turned into a light spot the size of a soybean, carefully floating in the void.

This novel comes from reading book zhang

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