Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1436 - Humane World

Zhang Jun recalls the past, examines himself, and thinks about the future. What exactly is he pursuing in this life? Pursuit of power? money? Beauty, or strength? However, he asked himself, although he liked the above things, they were not the main thing. Stripping away all these vain things, what he really cares about is the people of the world. He is essentially a simple perfectionist.

He believes that the reason why people are humans, not cruel and cruel animals, is because they have emotions, morals, and views of right and wrong. In fact, human society is still the weak and the strong in nature. The so-called morality and justice are often vulnerable to benefits. He saw that powerful countries bullied small countries, and powerful people deprived and weakened small people.

In the earth age, all this is not too much. But in today’s golden age, everything has become so naked. In human society, whoever has a strong power and a high status can bully others. There is no reason at all. That’s why Daxia has tens of trillions of slaves, so the nobles can treat human life like a waste.

As if thinking for a long time, and as if only a moment has passed, Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said to himself: “All I have been hoping for is that human society can achieve true justice, justice, and fairness. But what is it? Difficult, even if a person has the talents of the heavens and the earth, it is extremely difficult to do it. Everyone has his own interests and his unique thinking. Even a strong person cannot impose his will. If I want to build a perfect society , There must be a perfect system.”

When the words fell, the humane space in the seal of the emperor suddenly became solidified, and the Daxia people inside clearly felt that a vast force enveloped the entire world, and this world, this place, is happening strangely. The change. An unprecedented rule is slowly evolving and forming, affecting everyone here.

In this way, Zhang Jun easily broke through the first step towards Da Luo Tianjun and made a wish!

Zhang Jun made a wish to succeed, and the world feels, a thick light of heaven fell from the void and plunged into the small world of Juntian, making the small world more perfect and firm. Those cultivators who were attacking the ternary formation immediately felt their hearts and shouted: “Zhang Jun has already broken through the first step. If you don’t break this formation, the number one Luo will be taken away!”

I don’t know which monk screamed, and all the monks stepped up their offensive. Magic weapons, spirit treasures, secret techniques, and providence lore were all displayed. Suddenly, even the ternary formation was in danger, and obvious cracks began to appear on the surface. The three teachers who presided over the formation were also unstable and under tremendous pressure.

“Not good! Dazhen won’t last long!” Zong Yuan’s expression changed drastically, he still underestimated the power of many Shuntian monarchs joining forces.

On the contrary, the expressions of the three leaders were calm, Maitreya smiled and said: “Calculating the time, it’s almost time.”

At this moment, in the humane space in the Seal of the Emperor, Zhang Jun’s hands were sealed, and a Dao Talisman diploma was born. These runes have a strong humane aura, they are constantly arranged and combined to form a thick and brilliant chain of order. Countless chains of order, intertwined vertically and horizontally, are combined into the principles of the humane space.

Almost in an instant, the humanitarian space has its own laws of avenues. The people of Daxia are now living in the humanitarian space, and they have the deepest feelings for this law.

“This… what happened?”

In a simple thatched cottage, several Daxia poets suddenly raised their heads, and they all felt a mighty energy flooding between heaven and earth.

One of them felt it for a moment and was shocked: “I feel as if the ancient sages are watching me, making me afraid to have the slightest thought of writing in my heart.”

Another humanity: “No! That is a code, as long as people in this world can not resist it. It does not represent justice, freedom, and rights. It tells me that all men are created equal, and even the emperor cannot violate it. Others, otherwise they will be punished by heaven.”

The third person groaned: “I feel different from you. I heard a voice telling me what is the right path in life.”

At this moment, everyone in the humanitarian space feels the power of the law of humanity in their hearts. Their hearts resonated with the Dao Law, and most people are very happy to accept this new rule. At the beginning of a person, the nature is good, the nature is similar, and the habits are distant. A sentence that Huangkou children know, but it explains a profound truth, human nature is good.

The psychic power that countless people gave back was blessed above the humane space, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and a towering palace appeared. Inside the palace, there is a phantom sitting cross-legged, which looks like Zhang Jun, but it is not Zhang Jun. It is the law of humane space, resonating with tens of trillions of human psychic powers, and the resulting space dominates.

Everyone has seen that in those nine heavens, there is a great palace, and in that palace, there is a great ruler.

“The Emperor of Heaven! It’s the Emperor of Heaven!” someone called out, and the identity of the phantom was naturally understood in his mind, and then everyone shouted in unison, “The Emperor of Heaven!”

“Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Court was re-established!” Some monks who knew about things in the myth age looked at the sky in shock, with expressions of excitement. In the age of mythology, the Heavenly Court managed the Three Realms, and the human race reached its peak. Will this happen again now?

Heaven is standing, and the emperor is present. After that, the man’s seal was thrown into Zhang Jun’s sea of ​​knowledge and fell into the small world of Juntian. Just listening to the loud noise of “Boom Rumble”, as if changing the world, the humane space began to merge with the small world of Juntian. In an instant, Juntian’s small world began to frantically expand to the surroundings, and in the humane space, the original illusory existence manifested one by one in Juntian’s small world.

In the wasteland, there were a series of visions, and the four directions shook, alarming all forces. I saw an incomparably magnificent palace standing, radiating immense brilliance, majesty and dignity, overwhelming the past and the present, and the world is powerful.

Juntian small world has changed drastically, gradually evolving towards the level of the big world, and in the future, it will no longer be the small world of Juntian, but the big world of humanity! At the same time, Zhang Jun also completed the second step and fulfilled his wishes. He has established a human world that he has in mind. However, if he wants to complete this willingness completely, he still has one step to go, and that is to completely establish the humane world.

“Humanity melting pot!” Zhang Jun yelled softly, and a huge furnace appeared, breaking away from the protection of the Three Yuan Array, guarding everyone in it. Countless attacks have fallen to the furnace, and every attack contains terrifying energy. And these energies have been absorbed by the furnace and become the power to build a humane world.

This article comes from reading novels

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