Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 45 - martial arts master

Zhang Jun glanced at Zhang Wu, the latter waved his hand and motioned for him to enter.

Xiaodaotong led Zhang Jun to the front of the hall. The main hall is ten meters high and has a width of twenty meters. There are nine red lacquered pillars on the facade, and the huge gate is closed. The weather is majestic.

“Guanzhu, Zhang Jun is here.” Xiaodaotong shouted into the hall.

Immediately, a clear man’s voice came from the hall: “Let him in.”

Xiaodaotong pushed open the door of the hall and said to Zhang Jun: “Go in.”

Zhang Jun nodded, stepped over the threshold of more than half a meter and entered the hall. As soon as he entered the hall, he found Huabuyi sitting on the side of the hall, bowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and said nothing. Around the hall, there were three other people, two men and one woman.

The woman couldn’t tell her age, she glanced at her 20s, but when she looked closely, she felt that she was 30 or 40 years old. She wore a purple training suit with a pony tail and a beautiful face. She was looking at Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun felt that the other’s eyes were moist and jade, not shining and sharp, but it made people feel a sense of oppression from the depths of the soul.

On the left side of the woman is an old man, skinny and thin. She wore an undershirt on her upper body, black cloth pants on her lower body, and a pair of mullet bottoms on her feet, looking like an old man from the countryside.

He was also looking at Zhang Jun, his eyes in the gloomy hall, bright like two groups of ghost fires, emitting a faint blue light.

The third person was wearing a grown-up robe, his body was plump and round, his ears almost fell to his shoulders, and he looked over with a smile. When he laughed, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and two ray of cold light shot out from it, which made people feel very heartbroken.

Zhang Jun glanced at the three of them, then lowered his head and said loudly, “Master, I’m here.”

Hua Buyi slowly opened his eyes and said, “Zhang Jun, these three people in front of you are all the top masters in the Chinese martial arts world.” He pointed to the woman and introduced, “This is Liu Zhenru, who lives in the United States. She is well versed in various hidden weapons of ancient and modern art. Kung Fu has entered the realm of alchemy.

Zhang Jun was taken aback, knowing that Huabuyi is only at the level of Transformation Realm, this woman actually reached the Dan Realm? He quickly respectfully bowed: “I have seen Senior Liu.”

Liu Zhenru nodded slightly, saying nothing.

Huabuyi pointed to the skinny old man and said: “This is the mainland martial artist Lu Yunxiang, who is proficient in Xingyi, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, and Eight Diagrams. He is known as Lu Wudi. He has not failed in the past 30 years and is also a Danjin master.”

Zhang Jun hurriedly saw him, and the skinny old man snorted in his nose without any other sign.

Huabuyi introduced the third person: “This is the master of Yuxu, the master of Taiji Kungfu, the strongest boxing power in the world, and he is called the king of Taiji.”

After meeting three martial arts experts, Zhang Jun muttered in his heart, why did the master invite three of them all at once?

When he thought this way, Hua Buyi said again: “After Zhang Jun became a teacher, the three owe me nothing.”

The skinny old man flickered and said, “Mr. Hua, you could have made higher demands. Wouldn’t it be wasteful to do this?”

The woman also said: “Mr. Hua, you let the three of us who have never had a relationship with us teach an apprentice. What are your thoughts? Do you want to cultivate the best master in the world?”

Hua Buyi smiled slightly: “Could it not work?”

The master Yuxu “haha” smiled: “If this child is dull, wouldn’t the three of us have to teach for ten or eight years, or even the second half of our life.”

Hua Buyi said, “You don’t need to worry about this. You will know what your qualifications are.” Turning to Zhang Jun, “A month and a half ago, I taught you Hunyuan Zhuang, how are you standing now?”

Zhang Jun hurriedly said: “We have come to stand out, but we haven’t stood out yet.”

Hua Buyi smiled and said: “You just stand, and you won’t be able to stand up for a lifetime. Okay, let’s take a look.”

Zhang Jun then nailed his feet to the ground, and a person would stand like an old pine between the sky and the earth. Wherever his mind went, the blood would roar and roar.

Everyone, including Hua Buyi, heard Zhang Jun’s blood flow in their ears with a slight movement of their ears, all of them were surprised.

Liu Zhenru said: “Being able to stand the Hunyuan pile in this way for more than a month is an excellent qualification. What’s even more rare is that he has actually tried to control his blood, which is amazing.”

Yu Xuguan said: “Our martial arts people are all in the energy and blood. I didn’t expect this kid to be so talented. Mr. Hua, you have a good eye and a treasure.”

Hua Buyi smiled slightly and said, “I didn’t expect him to be able to achieve this step. It was as unexpected as you guys.” Then he looked at the thin old man and asked, “Teacher Lu, what do you think?”

Lu Yunxiang nodded: “When I was young, I was called a genius by the masters of martial arts, but compared with your apprentice, it was more than one and a half cents worse. Back then, I stood on Hunyuan pile, and it took more than half a year to stand for this effect. , And it is far from reaching the point of touching the blood.”

Hearing that the three of them all praised each other, Huabuyi knew that today’s major event was done, and said: “Three people, I have said everything that should be said before, so I will leave Zhang Jun behind, and hope that the three of them will beat him better. The more solid the better.”

Lu Yunxiang snorted, and said, “Hua Buyi, you are so majestic. Let the three of us lay the foundation for a little baby. I am afraid that only you in the world can do it.”

Hua Buyi smiled: “At the beginning, I studied medicine first, then martial arts, but I got half the result with half the effort, and I was quite regretful. Later, after thinking about it, I realized that I can do more with less after studying martial arts.”

“Martial practitioners have far more knowledge about the body than ordinary people, especially like three masters who can control the vitality and blood to the point of perfection. They can learn medical skills almost overnight. Moreover, my Shennongmen’s Daluo Shenzhen and Jiu Jin. It is also purely the foundation of martial arts.”

Liu Zhenru is a hidden weapon expert. Hearing him talk about the Jiu Jin of the Medical Dao, he couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Hua, if your Shennong Sect’s Jiu Jin is trained to the point where the Jiu Jin is one, how powerful will it be?”

Hua Buyi said: “I am only practicing to the unity of the seven powers now. If you shoot with one palm and the three do not resist, you can kill any of you. As for the unity of the nine powers, the Shennong Sect calls it the fairy finger It can kill with one finger, and it can also finger the living.”

The three martial arts masters changed their colors slightly, and Yu Xuguan said: “If I guessed correctly, then the gods should have reached the level of supernatural powers. After Dan Jin is supernatural powers, but throughout the ages, too few people have touched this level, only That’s just a few people.”

Hua Buyi nodded: “Shennongmen once appeared a master of the combination of nine powers, he has indeed reached the realm of supernatural powers.”

The four of them are strong men standing at the pinnacle of mankind, and they can’t stop talking. Then Lu Yunxiang said: “In the legend, you can have many magical powers when you reach the magical power realm, such as Tianyan Tong, Tian Er Tong, Hexin Tong, and Fate Tong. Good luck. Mr. Hua, do you think this is true?”

Huabuyi thought for a moment, and said: “The universe is wonderful, everything is possible, my generation should be brave and diligent.”

Everyone agreed, and nodded.

The four seemed to have forgotten Zhang Jun, and they talked for a long time. Finally, Hua Buyi said: “I’ll come once in March, a few, goodbye.” He didn’t say hello to Zhang Jun, and went straight out of the temple gate and went down the mountain with Zhang Wu.

In the hall, Zhang Jun faced the three great martial arts masters with filial piety in his heart. He smirked and said respectfully: “Three seniors, I’m sorry for you.”

Unexpectedly, the three of them didn’t pay attention to him at all, Liu Zhenru said: “Mr. Hua comes back once in March. Why don’t we teach it in turn, each for three months?”

The other two agreed, so Liu Zhenru stayed, and the other two left. In this way, in the lonely hall, only Zhang Jun and a beautiful woman with surprisingly high martial arts began to practice martial arts.

On the first day, Liu Zhenru asked Zhang Jun to hold an axe to chop the stakes in the mountains. The stakes were required to be about ten centimeters in diameter, one meter in length, and the cross section to be flat. This was undoubtedly a hard work. It took him five full days to chop up ninety-nine eighty-one stakes.

However, because the axe was not very sharp, the cross section he cut was extremely uneven, bumpy, and even had spikes on it. Soon, he drank the bitter wine he brewed.

On the sixth day, Liu Zhenru Mingzhang planted eighty-one wooden stakes in the ground in a specific order and distance, and half a meter was exposed on the ground. Next, Zhang Jun would walk through the eighty-one wooden stakes in sequence according to the breathing method taught by Liu Zhenru.

The first time he walked from one end to the other, he fell down six times, battering his nose and face. What’s more terrible is that some places on the stake are very sharp, and a lot of blood has been pierced into him.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun was able to observe himself through internal vision and adjust his breathing, so he got started quickly. After three days, he was able to walk smoothly, and he never fell again.

Liu Zhenru immediately arranged the problem again. She asked Zhang Jun to spit out a complicated and strange syllable every step he took. It’s strange to say that whenever he uttered a syllable, he felt the blood qi in his body stagnate, and his movements slowed down, and he would fall to the ground.

In this way, Zhang Jun had to walk back and forth on the pile thousands of times a day. Through internal observation, he overcame the interference caused by the syllables again and again, and walked more and more smoothly. At the same time, he was surprised to find that as the speed of walking the pile became faster and faster, the luck of the blood in his body became more and more regular.

Eighty-one stakes, from the start of the stakes, he has to take nine to eighty steps. The action of each step is different, the syllables spit out are also different, naturally accompanied by different ways of qi and blood movement.

It took Zhang Jun to walk for half a month just to walk the pile. After adjusting his internal vision time and time again, his qi and blood became abnormal when he walked the pile. By feeling this extremely regular qi and blood, he gradually touched the threshold of qi and blood transport, that is, adjusting the movement of qi and blood through movements and breathing.

In addition to walking the pile, Zhang Jun still stands on the Hunyuan pile every night and continues to feel the movement of Qi and blood. At the same time, Liu Zhenru would take out a kind of cyan ointment, and help Zhang Jun apply a massage every night, every night, without interruption.

Every time at this time, he will feel very comfortable all over, and the fatigue of the day will disappear, and he will soon fall asleep.

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