Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 86 - Solve the case

The inside of the secret room was pasted with pink wallpaper, and a flat bed was placed in the center with a naked female body lying on it. The female corpse had obviously undergone meticulous make-up. She had three appearances before she was alive. After the make-up, she looked more charming.

The person in charge of the Binyi Pavilion was stunned and unclear. So he asked loudly, “Du Jin, what the **** are you doing? Why did you put the corpse here? Also, when was this small room built? Why don’t I know?”

Du Jin’s face was ugly, his body was shaking slightly, and he couldn’t say a word.

Meng Han also looked shocked. He stared at Du Jin, as if thinking of something.

Qin Huo also looked at him with scorching eyes and asked, “Please explain why you want to hide the corpse. What is your purpose for doing this?”

Zhang Jun spoke at this time, and he said coldly: “There is a kind of people in the world who are mentally abnormal and mostly cowardly in nature. They are most likely to be a failure in social life. Because they cannot control the world of living people. , So I turned to the world of the dead.”

“In front of the dead, their powerful masters and corpses bowed their heads to him, and would not refuse his request, nor would he laugh at his incompetence. He was in a dominant position in this behavior, and he did not have to worry about failure and frustration. .”

Zhang Jun saw this passage in a newspaper a long time ago, and he remembered it still fresh, so he recited it directly.

Xiao Zhao looked at Du Jin in surprise and exclaimed: “Necrophilia!”

Zhang Jun said indifferently: “To be precise, he is a murderer and corpse maniac, which is extremely harmful to society.”

Du Jin was limp on the ground, holding his hair in both hands, looking painful, and whispered: “I don’t want to kill, I really don’t want to kill!”

Qin Huo’s eyes were cold, and he ordered his subordinates to control Du Jin, then looked at Zhang Jun in surprise, and asked, “How do you know there is a secret room behind the wall?”

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said: “It’s very simple, there is a secret door on the wall, you didn’t notice it.”

“But, how did you think of Binyi Pavilion?” Qin Huo asked.

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: “I have read an article about necrophiles before, and I have read a few cases, so I thought of this aspect. They are more common in people who have professional contact with corpses, such as morgues and funeral homes. staff of.”

Qin Huo gave a thumbs up and said: “Admire! In one hour and ten minutes, you will solve the big case we can’t solve in more than half a year.” Then he looked at Meng Han with a smile and said, “Officer Meng. , I hope you can be willing to bet!”

How ugly and ugly Meng Han’s face was, he couldn’t think that Zhang Jun actually solved the case, and he solved it so easily. And it can be said that this is a classic murder and corpse case.

He slowly raised his head, gritted his teeth and said: “Before, I was the one who made a mistake. Please forgive me.”

This time he lost the bet, but he never dared to pull up a banner and go to Jianguomen Square. If he did this, he would be dead in his life.

Zhang Jun said coldly: “I can’t hear you.”

Meng Han flushed, and said loudly: “I said, I was wrong, I apologize to you!”

Zhang Jun looked at him with a straight face and said coldly: “People who insult others may be insulted by others at any time. You are insulting yourself today and deserve it!”

Meng Han’s face changed, and after all, he didn’t say a word of refutation. He lost after all, and was pale and weak no matter what he said.

“Okay, Zhang Jun, no matter how you say someone is a foreign friend, that matter is fine.” Qin Huo bit the word “foreign friend” very hard, which is ironic.

Zhang Jun “haha” smiled: “What kind of foreign friend is he, a stupid, fake foreign devil. However, for the face of the Qin team, he does not need to pull the banner, but he has to do another thing instead.”

Meng Han knocked out his teeth and swallowed it in his belly. As long as he didn’t let him run to Jianguo Square, he could bear anything, so he said hoarsely, “Say!”

“On the ground, learn three dog barking, I will spare you.” Zhang Jun said coldly. He has no mercy for this kind of fake foreign devil.

Meng Han’s face changed drastically, he glared at Zhang Jun, pointed at him and said, “You are too much!”

Xiao Zhao yelled: “Sun. Your mother! Are you too early? Grandson, weren’t you very arrogant before you? Didn’t you look down on our Chinese police? Didn’t you regard yourself as superior? What’s the matter? Now I’m sorry? “

After these words were said, Xiao Zhao and the detective who came with him felt very upset, and let out a bad breath.

Meng Han was willing to take the matter off, and was afraid that these people would make the matter big. After all, this was their territory. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: “Let’s go and see!”

However, after saying this cruel remark, he still knelt on the ground and learned three dog barks without high or low. Although the sound was not very vivid, it caused everyone to laugh.

After learning how to bark, Meng Han jumped up and turned and left. He really had no face to stay any longer, planning to return to the United States early tomorrow morning.

Du Jin was brought back to the police station for interrogation that day, and the case quickly became clear. It turns out that Du Jin has been suffering from necrophilia since he was sixteen or seventeen. In order to contact the corpse, he deliberately entered the Binyi Hall as a makeup artist.

I have to say that he is very talented in makeup, almost self-taught, and soon became famous in the industry. At the same time, he also found that by putting makeup on the corpse, making the corpse beautiful and charming, he can release his perverted sexual desire to the greatest extent.

With the improvement of makeup level, his “aesthetic level” has also been continuously improved. The average female corpse can no longer meet his needs, and he is desperate to get the corpse of a beautiful woman.

It is a pity that the corpse pulled into the Binyi Pavilion is either a male corpse or an old corpse. It is rare to encounter the corpse of a beautiful young woman. So, driven by the police, he began a plan of killing.

The targets he chose to start all lived in Lantian District. In this way, the deceased is most likely to enter the Baodebin Museum and fall into his hands.

He did the same thing four times, but he did not expect to be caught today.

In addition to the interrogation, the forensic doctor also found Du Jin’s **** from the **** of the female corpse in the secret room. There is hard evidence that he was quickly sentenced to death and executed immediately.

On the second day of the investigation of the case, the Kyoto Daily reported on the case in series, and the content was so wonderful that it could almost be written into a novel. In the report, Zhang Jun’s name was repeatedly mentioned and he unexpectedly became a celebrity.

At this moment, Zhang Jun didn’t know anything about it. He drove three pieces of emeralds and was rushing to the residence of jade carving master Su Pingnan. He was going to ask Su Pingnan to help him sculpt a few good pieces, which would be used as a gift for Grandpa Lin Xian’s 77th birthday.

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