Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 96 - Dark energy

Fang Lingtian and the others were powerless, once exposed under the helicopter, the bullets swept down and the Huajin masters had only a dead end, so they could only watch everything happen.

As soon as the searchlight shone, Zhang Jun’s cold hair stood up all of a sudden, and at the same time he displayed the dragon step, humanized the dragon shape, and rushed out more than 20 meters in an instant, at an extraordinary speed.

A helicopter immediately chased after him, and the machine gun on it started to shoot twice, trying to kill Zhang Jun. The other helicopter hovered in place, shooting aimlessly towards the ground.

Zhang Jun’s heartbeat quickened and his energy was highly concentrated. He felt that he had never ran so fast as he did today, and he rushed tens of meters in an instant. Unfortunately, no matter how fast people are, they can’t be faster than helicopters. Searchlights locked him on several times and bullets passed by.

Whenever there was a dangerous moment, a certain part of his body would numb slightly, which forced him to dodge immediately, and dodge a bullet dangerously. The bullet penetrated into the sand and made a dull sound. Had it not been for this wonderful induction, he would have been shot and killed.

Zhang Jun ran in such a hurry for ten minutes, his head was steaming hot, his muscles and bones screamed, and his violent blood made his skin crack. His heart is overloaded, and every time it beats like a war drum, it makes a loud “boom”.

He felt that he could no longer run, and he would definitely die if he continued. At the same time, he also thought that he must not be able to run the helicopter, so he was somewhat discouraged and slowed down.

At this moment, the back of his head was numb, and danger approached. He roared wildly, his body suddenly resembling the left side, and a bullet grazed his ears and pulled out a blood line.

“I can’t admit defeat!” He yelled in his heart, forcibly increased the speed again, and suddenly jumped out.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his warm body, the humming of muscles and bones disappeared, and the blood was much calmer. At the same time, the pores of the whole body are closed, the heartbeat starts to slow down, and the feeling of distraction disappears.

“It’s Anjin!” He was overjoyed. At this moment, as if being stimulant, the body and mind are very comfortable. Qi and blood circulate throughout the body and are extremely accessible.

His speed increased by a bit, and suddenly he rushed sideways, avoiding the light zone of the searchlight.

The lights on the helicopter quickly tracked and searched around, but Zhang Jun was never found. It can only swept the bullets down wildly, and left helplessly after ten minutes.

Zhang Jun buried himself in the sand at this time, motionless. When the helicopter moved away, he slowly poked his head out and let out a long sigh of relief.

As soon as this breath came out, he felt his whole body relieved, and he didn’t want to move while lying on the ground.

After a few minutes, the communicator on his body rang, and Fang Lingtian’s voice came from inside: “Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun! Please answer if you hear it!”

Zhang Jun said feebly, “What’s your name, I’m not dead!” After speaking, he laughed “haha” and caused Fang Lingtian to yell at him.

An hour later, Fang Lingtian and others found Zhang Jun, and they all stared at him with ghostly eyes. Zhang Jun had recovered two or three points of strength. He looked at everyone and asked, “No one was injured?”

“We should ask you this, how did you survive?” Ye Kai asked, staring.

Zhang Jun shrugged and said, “I accidentally broke through to the dark energy level, and then got into the sand.”

Everyone was speechless for a while, so easily broke through the dark energy?

Ye Kai did not conceal the envy and jealousy on his face, and said, “I can find someone to make sense! It was not so easy back then. We only broke through after experiencing countless life and death tests.”

Gu Yan ignored Ye Kai. He looked at Zhang Jun and asked, “Do you have a premonition that a bullet will hit you?”

When he asked, everyone looked at Zhang Jun again, waiting for his answer.

Zhang Jun thought for a while, it was true at the time. Whenever a bullet was about to hit him, he would have a hunch in advance that the area where he was about to be shot would be numb, and the hair on the surface would stand upright.

“It should be.” He wasn’t sure, and asked, “Do you feel that way too?”

Everyone’s expressions were very weird. Rose sighed and said: “Many martial arts masters in history have this ability to induce death when they were young, so they can turn evil into auspiciousness and eventually grow into a generation of masters.”

Zhang Jun understood now that none of the seven people in front of him had such a foreseeing ability. No wonder they regarded themselves as making peace. At this time, they only smiled bitterly.

That night, a group of eight people returned to the camp. On the way back, he knew that Fang Lingtian and the seven of them almost died. Thanks to the Chinese radar, they found the enemy plane and sent two helicopters to reinforce them.

Only then did Zhang Jun understand that the helicopter that was chasing him had also left because of this, otherwise he would really be ill-advised.

Back to the camp, everyone rested.

Zhang Jun entered a separate tent, sat down cross-legged, and felt his own harvest today.

What is Anjin? Huabuyi once said that Anjin is a clever way of luck, coupled with a powerful explosion of potential. Today he finally realized the meaning of these two sentences.

The pursuit of Zhenshengji forced him to reach the strongest potential, and his spirit was also unprecedentedly concentrated, and he finally entered the higher realm of Dark Power.

At this moment, he looked at himself internally, and felt that there was a blood dragon hidden in his blood. At the first thought, the blood dragon will hail, and the blood that drives the whole body will hail several times or even dozens of times!

When the potential hail, there will be a strong surge in his body, which makes his every move, every move, and every move, all very wonderful effects. His current boxing method has only begun to have the power of the inner family boxing, for example, being able to punch can have the effect of hitting a bull through a mountain.

In addition, he also found that the seven chakras in his body were more prominent, and a large amount of golden light of Buddha’s eyes descended to nourish his body more comprehensively. Jin Guang seems to have the effect of enhancing the latent energy in the body, and it is always strong in that energy.

This energy in the body is internal energy, it is the foundation of dark energy and Huajin, also known as true energy and internal energy.

This internal force in Zhang Jun’s body has the aura of the Emperor Lin Jiuzhou, which is produced by his cultivation of the Qingdi Heart Technique, which is the foundation of his internal strength. In the future, he will be able to achieve something in the path of medicine, thanks to the inner strength of the Qing Emperor.

However, he also felt that this inner strength can only run in part of the Qi and blood at present. It can reach the hands and feet, but not the rest of the body. In other words, when he hits people, only his hands and feet can play the dark power effect, and other parts are temporarily unable to achieve it.

“Sure enough, as the master said, those who can train Anjin to the whole body are not far from Huajin, I’m not far from it!” He secretly said.

Author’s words:

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