Misfit’s Journey

Chapter 13 Original

“Aspects are fragments of your soul that carry certain information. Through the system you are able to read and partially influence the information contained in an Aspect. The accumulation of Aspects and their interaction with each other and yourself is what we would call “Status”.”

So what are the different Aspects? I mean, I got one for Class and Title, so I am assuming Species is one, too?

“You are correct. There are also Skill and Stat Aspects. Technically, Name and Sex are Aspects, too, but they are a little different, since there is no interaction between these two and other Aspects.”

Is there a limit to the number of Aspects you can have?

“In theory, no, but practically, it is difficult to get more much more than you have now.”

My status seemed to be a much more complex construct than I had assumed at first and that wasn’t a bad thing. That being said, all of this talk about Aspects made me curious how it had affected my status, so without further ado, I pulled it up.

Name: None

Sex: Female

Species: Unregistered (Level: 10)

Titles: [Original], [Specimen]

Class: Select Class

“Huh, you are an Original. Retrospectively, this makes a lot of sense.”

Does it? What does that even mean?

I decided to ignore the fact that she obviously looked through my status again and just keep the conversation flowing. At this point, I didn’t even care if she could see it or not.

“Before that, you should just read the title’s description. I am willing to answer any question you may have afterwards.”

As I focused on the Original title, a new system window appeared.


You are the origin of a species yet unknown. As the Original, the fate of your kind lies in your hands and it is your responsibility and privilege to shape the future of an entire species. Originals hold the highest authority and stand at the pinnacle of their lineage. An Original can identify his kind from a single glance and bless some of her offspring. Grants the Species Skill [Original-Unregistered Aura (Unique)].

Veraxia was right. It really made sense that I was a so called “Original”. There couldn’t have been many of us if the system didn’t even acknowledge our existence. That was what I had thought until now, but as it turned out there were not only not many of us, in fact, there was only one. Me.

The title sounded impressive, but I was unsure if it really was. It made me sound like someone amazing, someone with a great purpose, but at the same time, I would now have to carry the burden of responsibility over my kind’s future on my shoulders. Apparently, I always did, but being aware of it changed things.

My purpose was revenge, retribution against the clan that tormented me. Not the creation of a new species. And yet, for some reason, I felt like this was my duty. If I died, this would mean the end of my kind. The thought was grueling, even though it was nonsensical to care about offspring that did not even exist yet.

Well in the end, all of this would be useless if I didn’t survive this Exapoda plague, so in the end, I shoved all of these thoughts in a deep corner at the back of my mind, buried it and instead shifted my focus to the new Unique Skill the title had given me.

Is this normal for Titles? To just give out Unique Skills?

“Not for titles in general, but for Originals? Yes. Although hierarchy title skills are often not very good and limited in their usage.”

What do you mean?

“You will find out if you take a look at the skill.”

I wanted to complain that she could just answer me, but still pulled up the description of the first skill.

[Original-Unregistered Aura (Unique)]

This skill grants you an aura befitting the Original Unregistered. Range and intensity depend on your Perception and Willpower.

Huh. I have no idea what this skill does.

“It grants you an aura.”

Yes, thank you, I can read. But what is an aura?

“How can you be so rude, yet expect me to answer one question after the other?”

For the same reason you should answer me, to make me stronger, so that we both don’t die.

“Makes sense. An aura is like an extension of your essence, or your inner nature, if you will. It is like an invisible energy field that surrounds you. Aura skills help you to manifest your aura into reality.”

Manifest, how so?

“It is different for everyone. No aura is identical to the next, but in most cases, it is like a glow surrounding your body. Auras are fueled by emotions and can be of great use in showing either power or authority.”

Will it be of any use for me?

“Originals’ auras are very powerful and vivid, so it should come in handy in the future.”

I had a hard time believing her, but testing the skill out would tell me if it was useful or not. Unfortunately, this would have to wait until I could walk again. As for my body, it was still in tatters. My left hand was missing four fingers and half a thumb, my left flank was cleaved open and from my right flank, organs would be spilling if it weren’t for me pushing against them. Unfortunately, my mana regeneration was very slow, so the healing process would take a long time.

Mana Affinity dictated that I watch my mana, because draining it to zero could have severe consequences and would possibly cause me to pass out. If I were to lose consciousness right now, I’d be no longer able to heal me and would most likely die, so I had to be very careful. It was a slight relief that the puddle of blood I was lying in did not grow anymore, because I could at least stop the bleeding with what mana I had.

The most annoying of all was the pain. Thanks to Pain Tolerance, I had not felt it while conversing with Veraxia, but a single glance at my body and waves of pain would rush over me. As I lay there in agony, I tried to blend out the pain as much as possible and keep my conversation going.

Can you tell me something about the other title, Specimen?

“Actually, no. I am not familiar with this title at all, which, I admit, is strange.”

Something not even Veraxia knew? That was something that made me truly curious.


You are an enigma, part of a race that has no records, no history and no foundation in this world. It is unknown how you came to be, but now, you are part of this world and will be treated as such. As you progress in the boundaries of the system, this title will accumulate information and records about your kind until a full categorization can be made.

Current Progress: 5% | Milestones: 5%|10%|25%|50%|75%|100%| Every milestone brings a temporary change to your species description| This title will be lost once 100% have been reached.

My first reaction was puzzlement. At first glance, the title was not really anything special as it only confirmed what I already knew. However, it was news to me that the system was actively gathering information about me. “Progressing in the boundaries of the system” likely meant leveling up, since there wasn’t really any other way to progress.

It was never my primary goal to find about my kind, now it was my task to create the very information I was looking for, that much didn’t change. Conveniently, working towards my revenge would simultaneously let me progress the title. I was  getting closer to both my goals at once. 

On another note, this title did not seem unusual for an Original to have, so I’d expect Veraxia to know about it, but she didn’t.

And you are sure that you’ve never seen this title before?

“I am absolutely certain, but it is rare to come across Originals and those I met had already hundreds of years of history to their species, so they might have had them initially, but lost them after a time.”

Makes sense.

“I guess it does. Still, it is the first time I heard about temporary changes to a species description.”

It’s the first time I heard about my species having a description, I replied.

To be fair, I never even tried if it had one or not, but I just assumed there to be none if there wasn't even a name for what I was. 


Instead of repeating myself, I focused on my Species Aspect and much to my surprise, an actual description appeared in my vision.

[Unregistered] (Level: 10)

No name for this species has been found. A name has yet to be given by the progenitor. Alternatively, if 50% of Aevintir’s population agree onto a name, it shall be officially recognized by the system. This species has a minimum life-span of a century. Exact length cannot be determined. Further details not found. Species does not require food or drink for nutrients and instead sustains itself by feeding on mana. Further details missing. It is assumed that species are born with low physical and high spiritual stats. Cannot be confirmed with certainty. Species possesses a strong perception and aptitude for mana. Species possesses strong regenerative capabilities. Relation to other species not confirmed. Suspected relations: 1. Connection to higher entity: None.

Stat bonuses per level: +1 to all stats except FTH, +1 Free Stat Point.

Alright, calling it a description might have been a little ambitious, but it was a nice start. However, what undoubtedly stood out the most to me were the last few words and numbers.

I get stats per level?

“Of course, everyone does.”

I didn’t.

Confusion filled Veraxia's voice as she asked, “What do you mean?”

Slightly frustrated, I explained, that I have not once gotten stat points for a level up.

Veraxia sighed—something I had heard way too many times since meeting her.

“The more I learn about you, the more questions I have. You never got any stats since level 1?”


“That… explains why your fight just now was so horrendous to look at.”

My frustration turned to exasperation. Fu-

“But this most likely means that this is a change brought by you reaching the five percent mark of the title.”

You think so?

With a hint of sarcasm, Veraxia replied,“You have a better idea?”

No… Do you think future milestones in the title will change it again? Give me more stat points?

In my opinion, even the single stat point in each stat and one Free Stat Point were already plenty, but who knew how the absence of stat bonuses had screwed with my perception of normality.

“I am pretty sure they will. What you are getting now is nothing compared to what humans or other sapient races.”

How much do, let’s say humans, get per level?

“As far as I know five points in all stats and ten Free Stat Points in the first hundred levels, after that it depends on their evolution.”

For some reason, I felt like laughing, so I did and quickly regretted it. I winced as pain shot through my flanks, but I managed to regain my composure after just a short while.

I had set a personal goal to catch up to Malik within the next ten years, based solely on his estimated level, but that was without considering the difference in bonus stat points we each received. Whoever created this damn system was really intent on putting one stone after the other in my path.

But this setback would not deter me. If anything, it only meant that I had to increase my level even  more, and it just so happened that I was tasked with genociding an entire species inside a certain lair. This would definitely give me a few levels.

However, before I could even think about going out to fight again, I had to allow my body to heal and until then, there was nothing I could do except for talking to Veraxia. In the meantime, all of the things I had learned from her had proven very useful, so I would continue to learn from her.

Originally, she offered knowledge as compensation for my help, but since she was now handing it out for free, I was going to make the best of it. There were still parts of my species description that I had troubles to understand.

What is this “Aevintir” and why does half its population get to name my species?

“Aevinitr is the name of this world. And half its population, quite literally, means half of all of the currently alive living beings. Barely a tenth of these creatures live on the continent you are on right now, so even if you made yourself known to every single individual on this continent and somehow managed to make them call you the same, you would be far from being forcefully named.”

So I will need to choose a name for my species myself…

“You have any ideas?”


Even trying to come up with a single one was hard, because I had no foundation to build the name on. I knew nothing about me or my kind, so I felt like a name would have to wait until later, maybe until the Specimen title had progressed.

The rest of the description of my status was mostly stuff I already knew. That my physical stats sucked was nothing new, so was the fact that I did need neither food nor drink, however, it did surprise me that mana was substituting for this. Although I knew that mana was sustaining me to some degree, thanks to my Mana Affinity Skill.

Affinity with mana and regenerative abilities were my two Species Skills, Mana Affinity and Regeneration, so also no news there.

Lastly, there was the passage about related species. It specifically stated that it was not confirmed, but the possibility existed. That in itself should have contradicted itself with the Specimen title, but apparently not.

You got a guess who I am related to?

“From your physical appearance, I’d suspect elves, dark elves specifically, but I don’t think you are one or related to them.”

Why not?

“Because every elven species is connected to the Goddess of Nature and you have no connection to any higher being at all. Also, you have the Original and not the Progenitor title.”

I noted to ask about the difference between the two later, but first I had another question.

What’s a goddess?

“Gods and Goddesses stand at the pinnacle of life. They are beings that of incomprehensible power and knowledge.”

So they are strong?

“Yes. Imagine the strongest being you know of, squashed like a bug. Without the chance to fight back or even see your death coming.”

She was probably trying to be a little intimidating here, but on the contrary, imagining Malik flattened by a giant thumb was quite the mood-lifter.

So besides that, got any other guesses?


Guess only time will answer that question then.

With that our conversation over my species had concluded and I saw no more reason to dwell on the topic. All this talk about Originals and species and stuff almost made me forget, but there was still a second Aspect that I had yet to take a look at.

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