Misfit’s Journey

Chapter 7 Part 2 Laos (II)

Chapter 7 Part 2 Laos (II)

I read carefully through the description of the skill and by the time I was done, I wanted to jump and jubilate. The fact that the skill grade was lowered due to the forceful awakening did little against that. Sure, it kinda sucked, but Rare still sounded good as a grade — at least better than Common.

Nevertheless, for the sake of my dignity, I kept my joy to myself, but a broad smile still sneaked onto my lips.

Seeing that, Laos also formed a gentle smile, “How is the trait?”

I told him that I had gotten a skill and shared the details with him. If he was a human, I might have hesitated to share information just like this, but he obviously wasn’t and he was the sole reason that I even got the skill. Additionally, he knew a lot more about the system than me. Maybe he had a useful insight or two.

When my explanation finished, he shut his azure eyes and nodded.

“Like I said, dormant traits often come in the form of skills. The lowered grade is a penalty for circumventing system rules. In this case, it was necessary, but you would do well to avoid penalties in the future, they can get quite displeasing,” he hissed.

Of course I didn’t know for certain, but it sounded like he spoke from experience. While I was interested in the story behind it, I didn’t pry and instead tried to shift the conversation in another direction.

“The skill mentions mana to activate it, how does that work? Is it enough to simply have the mana in my pool?”

The mana pool stat was something I didn’t really understand. It was the only stat, together with stamina, to have a reservoir of energy, however different from stamina, I had no idea what mana was.

Laos opened his eyes and nodded.

“As long as you have enough mana in your pool, you can activate the skill. Skills like these always drain your mana continuously, instead of taking a certain amount, so depending on the injury, you will need different amounts of mana.”

His explanation matched with the description of the skill. It still didn’t explain what mana was though.

“And what is mana exactly? I get that it is an energy of sorts, but unlike stamina, I never noticed it. Without the system, I wouldn’t even know that it existed.”

“Mana, in the most simple of terms, is a spiritual resource that permeates this world. It dwells in all that is living and even in some that is not. Unlike stamina, it is not a physical energy. Stamina is spent as you use your body, but mana has a far broader range of appliances, but the most common are skills of magical nature.”

He answered, yet his answer only created more questions for me. This was going to be one long conversation. Even I felt like I was asking basic questions, but my life wasn’t exactly one were you learned things. Also, talking was really good to distract myself from he reality that I was still in the process of dying right now, even if my new skill gave me some chances to make it out alive.

“And is Regeneration also of ‘magical’ nature?”

He nodded.

“It is. The skill consumes mana to boost you natural healing abilities, something your body wouldn’t normally be able to do. However, it only boosts your natural healing, so it is only of magical nature. If the skill healed you just like that, without the boost, then it would be called magic.”

“I feel like you are doing this on purpose.”

“What, explaining the most basic of rules of this world to someone who lived for decades already? Yes, I am doing this on purpose. I cannot in good conscience let you, inexperienced and unknowledgeable as you are, out in this world,” he huffed.

As much as it hurt to hear that, it was true and I appreciated that Laos was ready to help me without me even asking. I still flushed a little with embarrassment. Laos didn’t react and just looked at me, which was not helpful at all.

“S-so magic?” I stuttered out.

“Magic is a discipline of the mind and all magic requires mana to function. Willpower and Intelligence are the stats that directly impact your use of mana and magic. Perception can be useful, too. Other stats are not irrelevant either, but do not directly affect your magic capabilities. As for what one can do with magic… well,” he trailed off.

I observed carefully as Laos raised his right hand, palm facing the sky or whatever it was.

Suddenly, his already blue hand was coated in a mixture of light blue and purple light. The light then slowly rose slightly above his palm and formed into a perfect orb.

I took a step back when the orb continued to increase in volume, my eyes wide.

Then, Laos flicked his hand and the orb shot up into the air where it exploded back into its small particles and dissipated just like that.

Without a warning, my body started trembling. My senses dulled, my vision blurred, Laos voice only entered my ears as a muffled whisper, my knees buckled and my body fell backward or forward, I couldn’t tell.

There was something in my body, my blood, my flesh. It was running through my veins, seeping into my flesh and merging with my body.

I spent an indeterminate time just writhing, unable to deal with the incoming conflux of information.

Suddenly, the storm of sensations ceased, throwing me back into the pseudo-reality that was my mind and I took a sharp breath as I opened my eyes.

I was lying on the ground, Laos sat beside me, but before I could speak up, something appeared in my vision.

[Species: Unregistered, Name: Not found. Error. True Name cannot be read]

A Species Skill has been detected. Assimilation started… Assimilation successful.

You have assimilated the Species Skill [Mana Affinity (Unique)].

Could have warned me beforehand!

I cursed the system internally. The ‘assimilation’ as the system called it wasn’t painful, but it wasn’t pleasant either. At least I got a new skill out of it.

“Have you recovered?” The familiar deep voice of Laos asked from the side.

I raised myself up, sitting before Laos.

“Apparently,” I answered absentmindedly

“What happened? You body spasmed and you rolled around on the floor,” he asked with visible concern on his face. My face burnt with embarrassment when I imagined the scene Laos outlined to me.

“I don’t really know. Got a new skill though. Mana Affinity.”

When the skill’s name left my mouth, Laos’s eyes widened.

“Incredible,” he muttered.

He seemed to know something.

“Is it?”

He gave a nod.

“Affinity skills are almost always dormant. You have unlocked another trait. Quite the impressive feat actually. Any penalties?” He asked.

I shook my head.

He nodded thoughtfully, holding his chin with left hand.

“Interesting. To think you had an affinity, color me surprised.”

Oh, I surprised the three-headed snake monster-turned-humanoid. A noteworthy achievement.

“Are affinities rare?”

“That they are. Incredibly so. Affinities cannot be earned, you need to be born with them. They are the highest degree of control skills. It seems like my use of mana has resonated with your affinity and brought it to the surface,” he spoke with fascination.

Instead of minding his overly curious staring, I identified the skill.

[Mana Affinity (Unique)]

Mana runs through your veins and the bond to your body and soul runs deep.

Perceiving mana is one of your natural senses, but is limited to your own body and objects and lifeforms you touch. Effectiveness depends on Perception and Intelligence.

Mana is a part of your body and like any other limb it will respond to your will. The amount and efficiency of manipulation are determined by Willpower and Intelligence. The control radius depends on Willpower and Perception.

Your body depends on mana as an energy source. Depletion of mana may cause loss of consciousness, nausea, headaches and exhaustion.

Prolonged periods of time without exposure to mana will lead to death. The time you can stay alive without mana is determined by Intelligence, Willpower and Vitality.

I blinked a few times, rubbed my eyes and read the whole thing again. I carefully reviewed every word. There was just so much information.

The skill could be roughly divided into three effects. Which in itself was already amazing.

First was the ability to feel mana. It didn’t take a genius that that was probably what I felt a few minutes ago when I was still writhing on the ground.

The second was the ability to manipulate mana. It was probably similar to what Laos had done with that orb of light previously.

The next and final aspect was one that I read with a deep frown on my face. Mana was seemingly far more important to me than I realized, because my life was directly tied to mana in some why or another.

Just in case, I looked at my mana pool and confirmed that it was completely full. If it reached zero, I wouldn’t die instantly and the time I had would be determined by my stats. My abysmal low stats. Wonderful.

That was probably the most frustrating about the skill. Literally every effect was scaled with my stats in consideration. I was in luck that most of the stats were actually my highest ones.

The skill was also another Species skill, which figured, since Laos mentioned it was a skill derived from a trait.

Just like with Regeneration, I briefed Laos on the skill and hoped that he had some useful tips for me.

“It is a Unique Skill?” Laos asked when I mentioned the grade of the skill, which I hadn’t yet given much attention.

I nodded, “Is it better than Rare?”

“Hmm. It depends. Unique skills are outside of the normal gradings of skills, because their performance fluctuates. There are some Unique skills that are stronger than even Legendary or Mythic skills —the highest grades there is. At the same time, there are those who are barely better than Common skills.”

“And mine is?”

“Probably somewhere around the Mythic level,” he smiled.

If my jaw wasn’t fixed to my skull, it would probably lay in my lap by now.

“Well, right now, its strength is worse than any magic skill you will find out there, but that is only because of your stats. Once you get them up a notch, you will have yourselves a fine skill.”

That hit me like a bucket of cold water. Curse you, damned stats!

I knew my stats were bad, but now they even ruined my unique skill for me. As if almost killing me wasn’t bad enough.

I bit my lips in frustration.

“Is there a way to increase my stats?”

Laos didn’t reply immediately and instead cleared his throat.

“Once you get to level 10, you will be able to choose a class and classes will give you a certain amount of stat points per each level. The amount of stat points is different from class to class.”

I could get those trash stats up, but I’d need to level up for that. I wanted to scream, like, a loud, angry scream.

From my experience, you leveled by killing and while my first two kills were easy because they were unconscious. There was also a bunch of bonus experience because they were level 30 and it only brought me to level 5.

How was I supposed to get the last five levels?

I slapped myself in the face.

No, don’t get pessimistic now. At least there is a chance, don’t cry about it, just accept it. It will be hard, but I can do it. I think. Maybe.

Before I could ask another question, Laos stood up.

I looked up at him, wondering what was going on only to see him furrow his brow. 

“We are out of time, little one. I know there is much to talk about, many questions you still have, but I have given you what you need to survive. Now, it is time for you to proof yourself to the system. I pray for your safety and hopefully, when we see each other again, you will no longer be a stranger in this world,” he smiled at me.

Just like that, his form began fading away and I looked on as my mind raced. What was happening?

I chose to shut down all the questions that ran through my mind and jump to my feet.

“Thank you!” I said with a loud voice.

There was much more that I wanted to tell him, but these words he absolutely had to hear. I wanted him to know that I was grateful for his help.

Laos waved his scaled hand and vanished entirely.

With a bit of hesitation, I activated Regeneration.

Let’s see if I can survive that.

The skill began to drain away my mana at a rapid rate. As the drain continued, I began to gradually feel worse.

The world around me spun as I clutched my head as I was assaulted by a violent headache. Waves of nausea washed over me, threatening my sense of balance. I knew I had to stay awake, but my consciousness was slipping away, like sand through my fingers.

My body betrayed me, and I felt myself falling, my consciousness fading away. As the darkness closed in, I knew I had failed. I couldn't afford to pass out, not now. But I had no control over it.

Not long after, my consciousness slipped away and I was engulfed in darkness.

Laos consciousness returned into his original body as he left the mental realm of the girl. Back in his hydra form, his primary head rose above his other eight heads.

“You are back?” A voice spoke from below him.

I am,” he replied to the woman sitting on the ground.

She was a high elf, a royal of an entire species. Her long, golden hair shimmered as it cascaded down her back, her emerald eyes shone with a mystical radiance. Her lithe and tall body was covered by a unique armor of intertwined leaves, covered by a chest plate, greaves and vambraces carved from wood. On her lips danced an angelic smile.

She sat on the ground and craned her neck to meet the hydra’s eyes.

“And, how was she?” The elf asked.

“She was not what I expected…,” he trailed off.

“So you liked her?” The elf cut in with a cheeky grin.

“I will not deny that meeting an original was interesting,” he answered after a moment of hesitation.

The elf laughed.

Laos shifted his head, looking straight at the laughing elf woman as she stood up and prepared to leave again.

“I still think you should have met her first. You were more suited to be her mentor,” he stated, a hint of regret in his voice.

The elf turned back, a wistful smile forming on her lips.

"She needed your Regeneration skill, it was necessary. I will meet her in due time,” she said as she jumped to her feet. There was a toothy grin on her face.

"I fail to comprehend you, Kiriyia," Laos confessed.

"I love you, too, my scaly little brother," she replied, her voice fading as she walked away from the towering hydra.

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