Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 Nie’s Poison Classic

Yue Wuhuan stood in the library of Yaowanggu, looking at the precious secrets of immortal art beside him, and felt as if he had entered Baoshan.

Song Qingshi and Yuanshen are both types who don’t want to worry about the trivial matters of life. The library is a forbidden area and there is no medicine servant to clean, so the books and objects in it are placed in a mess, one by one, and only he knows the location. After Song Qingshi brought in Yue Wuhuan, he asked him to tidy up the table and then search for the books he needed.

Yue Wuhuan took his gaze away from the book with difficulty, and looked at the Luohan bed by the window. In the middle of the Luohan bed, there is a small table with hundreds of books piled on it, as well as dried ink and large piles of altered handwriting. The rice paper seems to be a place for the Lord to read and rest on weekdays.

He walked over and resigned to his fate to organize the books and put them aside, and suddenly found that there was a tattered “Nie’s Poison Scripture” hidden inside. Yue Wuhuan’s breathing stopped for a moment, and he realized that Nie refers to the poisonous master Nie Jue who killed people like **** and frightened the righteous way thousands of years ago. This book probably recorded the poisonous formula of poisonous master.

Yue Wuhuan quietly glanced at Song Qing, who didn’t seem to notice here, secretly opened the book, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Nie Jue’s famous formula of Qianji San was at the beginning. Qianji San is colorless and tasteless, and can kill below Yuan Ying. Monk…

This kind of killing method that doesn’t require cultivation is exactly what he couldn’t find in Jinfeng Villa.

Yue Wuhuan quickly flipped through it, and forcibly wrote the formula in his head.

Thousand Chance Scatter, Soul Devouring Incense, Puppet Pill…

Every poison is a sharp butcher knife.

The once suppressed killing intent turned into a turbulent tide that stirred his thoughts, and countless vicious ways of using them emerged in his mind.

No one knows that his heart has long been refined into a monster in hell, looking forward to the sea of ​​blood. It is not himself that he wants to destroy, but the entire dirty world including himself.

“This book is not for you.” Song Qingshi’s voice came from behind.

Yue Wuhuan gently closed the book, put it back into the pile of books on the table, and then turned around casually, with a submissive expression on his face again, and said the excuse he had prepared: “It is too old, I will pack it. When I accidentally broke up the pages of the book, please forgive me.”

Song Qingshi put down the pile of books in his arms, picked up the poison scripture, turned a few pages, and found that there were indeed traces of the pages falling off.

Yue Wuhuan looked down at the ground, his palms sweating slightly, and his heart was extremely nervous.

“You have a weak foundation, it’s too early to learn this book,” Song Qingshi didn’t notice his thoughts, and quickly ignored the matter and followed good guidance. “Toxicology and pharmacology are interlinked. You have to start by recognizing drugs. For example, Amakusa seeds and Yanlan seeds are very similar in appearance but very different in toxicity. If they are used incorrectly, the efficacy will be very problematic. So you must first learn the basic pharmacopoeia, know the identification of drugs, be familiar with the pharmacology, and then learn alchemy Pharmaceuticals are the last to study this poison scripture.”

The more Wuhuan raised his head violently, he asked in disbelief: “Can I study the poison classics?”

“Why not?” Song Qingshi was puzzled. He thought for a while, stuffed “Nie’s Poison Scripture” into Yue Wuhuan’s hands, and comforted, “I think you can be more confident, the things in the Poison Scripture are not that difficult. Your IQ can be grasped very quickly, that is, you need to strictly pay attention to safety during refining. Many drugs inside cannot touch the skin, and some of them will still be infected in the air… If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me at any time. .”

Is this a question of self-confidence?

Yue Wuhuan was stunned by the pie, and could not speak for a long time.

Without knowing it, Song Qingshi continued to smash the pies on his head one by one: “If you are interested in poison, it is best to learn the hidden weapons and the magic circle together. The application of poison is easier. I will give you all the relevant books later. Sort it out, you can still use my laboratory…”

Yue Wuhuan couldn’t help it anymore, and interrupted the enthusiastic person in front of him: “Have you never thought about what I would do for it?”

“I know,” Song Qingshi’s eyes were filled with relief. He had long been worried that the protagonist was too kind and bullied. It was like a beautiful flower without self-protection ability that could only be picked by others. He was also very worried that the system teacher would pull him out of the world after completing the task, causing Yue Wuhuan to lose his blessing and fall into the magic cave again. He said seriously, “No joy, don’t be afraid. It’s not your fault to be beautiful, it’s the fault of those animals, magic weapons, poisons, hidden weapons… If the world of immortality is a world of beasts where the weak and the strong, you must protect yourself from anyone. The means of bullying.”

“I don’t want to be ruined, is it wrong?”

“I don’t want to be bullied, is it wrong?”

“I don’t want to do what I don’t like, is it wrong?”

The breeze blew across the window sill, blowing a clean breath, and the faint fragrance of medicine in the air disturbed my heart.

The more Wuhuan listened in a daze to what no one had ever said to him, every sentence was in a daze.

“From now on, let this world no longer insult you.”

Learning needs to discuss with each other and make progress together.

Song Qingshi likes to learn from his friends, especially those who are smart enough to be shoulder to shoulder with him. The professors he followed are internationally renowned international medical experts. The seniors and sisters are all dragons and phoenixes. He misses the happy time of learning and experimenting with everyone very much.

The more Wuhuan’s IQ is high, he is hardworking and studious, and he has such an alumnus in his life.

Song Xueba was overjoyed. He helped clean up the unneeded books on Luohan’s bed, cleaned the table, and performed cleaning spells several times, put on spiritual tea and various pastries, burned the scent of wakefulness, and then pulled Yue. Wuhuan sat aside and started reading.

Yue Wuhuan’s heart was a little confused, he quietly observed for a long time with the corner of his eyes, and found that the people next to him were indeed reading a book without any other intentions. He gradually relieved his mind and quietly read the book.

At some point, dark clouds blocked the sun, raindrops fell on the eaves, making waves of movement, and the damp wind blew a few points of dampness through the window and onto the scholars in the house. Yue Wuhuan soon felt the coolness. He got up and opened the luminous beads, gently closed the window screens, and looked back, but he saw that Song Qingshi was still looking at the scroll in his hand, so focused, he didn’t even notice the changes in the surrounding environment. .

The more Wuhuan approached step by step, carefully raising his beautiful eyes. This was the first time that he wanted to see a person carefully. He carefully described this person who was wrapped in white jade in snow-colored clothes, with a slightly messy hair and a slightly naive face. Although his appearance was good, he was not amazing, but he had the clearest eyes in the world, and he didn’t understand. Desire, not tainted with filth, is like falling into the billowing world of crystal unintentionally, without the slightest red dust.

Yue Wuhuan watched beside him for a long time, but he didn’t raise his head too much.

It seems that, except for this book full of books, no one can be seen in his eyes, in his heart…

Yue Wuhuan suddenly thought it was ridiculous. If anyone knew that the perverted Yao Wang Xianzun and the famous Wuhuan Master stayed in the study, they did nothing, and quietly read the book for a day. It must be incredible, right?

People must be ignorant, and then there will be success.

The most infatuated is the most pure, turned into the original mind.

No one has discovered that Yaowang Xianzun is just a bookish idiot, and all kinds of perversions are caused by madness and madness. No one knows how to get rid of his crazy shell, inside is the simplest heart…

Yue Wuhuan lowered his head and smiled quietly for a long time, then his smile turned into a slight bitterness. He remembered the first encounter between the two by the river, and remembered the touch of the fingertips brushing the tips of the hair and sliding across the cheeks. It was a little hot. If he had known today, he would surely punish him and make himself decent. , Don’t let him see the embarrassing side.

It was dark, the sound of rain stopped, Yue’er showed her face, and a few insects croak in the grass.

The bookstore is like a world isolated from the world. You can’t feel the changes in the outside world, there is no noise, no disturbance, only the gentle sound of flipping books and the entangled scent of cold medicine.

The more Wuhuan reads the book, his heart feels unprecedented peace…

If this is a lifetime, how good would it be?

Song Qingshi suddenly put down the book, picked up a pen and scribbled on the paper.

Yue Wuhuan looked sideways, but saw that he was writing very quickly and in a hurry, his handwriting was very scribbled, and he could barely understand the contents, only seeing that it seemed to be the name of the medicine.

Suddenly, he stopped writing and fell into deep thought. His left hand accidentally touched the wet handwriting, staining a large ink mark. Then he raised his hand to rest his cheek unconsciously, and a black mark appeared on his face.

Yue Wuhuan stared at that black mark, feeling extremely dazzling.

He endured and endured, and finally couldn’t help but find the veil, wipe it carefully, and wipe off the trace that stained his flawless heart.

Song Qingshi finally woke up, looking back, he realized that it was dark. He looked at the ink marks on Yue Wuhuan’s handkerchief, realized what stupid he had done, and embarrassed him: “I read books easily and often forget the time. Are you hungry? You can wake me up next time.”

Yue Wu Huan smiled and shook his head: “I’m also in love, I don’t think it’s too late.”

“Here you are,” Song Qingshi pushed him all the cakes on the table, “I have bigu and will not be hungry.”

The more Wuhuan did not refuse, he picked up a piece of hibiscus cake, thought for a moment, and casually found a topic: “My Lord, you are so hard, but what important prescriptions are you studying?”

Song Qingshi sorted out the mess of paper on the table and replied, “It’s the soup for the revival of six veins.”

Yue Wuhuan’s hand holding the hibiscus cake suddenly stopped, staring at him blankly.

“It’s what you need to use later,” Song Qingshi scratched his head in distress, trying to find a vocabulary explanation. “This medicine can reopen your blocked meridians, but I tried the medicine and found that it hurts too much. You may not be able to stand it. I think Looking for a way to alleviate the pain, I am still not sure whether it is better to slow down the effect of the drug or to numb the pain nerve. Maybe I have to try a few more times…”

Once the meridians are connected, there is hope of returning to the fairy road…

Why do you do this for him?

“Master,” Yue Wuhuan heard his voice trembling, “I am not afraid of pain…”

“No one is not afraid of pain. That’s why medicine finds various ways to relieve patients’ pain. Severe pain can also cause shock.” Song Qingshi lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand again, stating something that couldn’t be more natural. “I don’t want it. You endure this kind of pain.”

Why can’t he bear even the pain?

Why do you want to be so good to him?


The more Wuhuan wanted to know the answer crazily.

Finally, he asked the question that had been circling for a long time in his heart.

Song Qingshi didn’t understand the routines of systematic novels that must be kept secret from the protagonist, let alone what OOC is, but his intuition thinks that Yue Wuhuan’s current psychological state is not suitable for bearing such absurd truths. He hated lying, so he thought about it for a long, long time, until Yue Wuhuan thought that he could not get the answer, Song Qingshi smiled embarrassedly.

He thought of the beautiful sunlight that he saw on the day when he was reborn.

A little kindness made him no longer afraid of the strange world.

“You once wished me good luck tonight, and I want to have good luck with you.”

The author has something to say: Lost Song Xueba: Are other book-wearing systems different from mine? Does the system teacher still tutor online? Doesn’t OOC refer to casualties at work? (onOperationCasualty)

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