Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 109

Chapter 108 Task cheating

It was late at night, endless whispers.

Yue Wuhuan retrieved Song Qingshi’s lost memories a little bit. Starting from the unbearable encounter at Jinfeng Villa, he slowly told about the past of the two, all the things he didn’t like and wanted to cover up, including the people he killed. , Including An Long’s love, Bai Zihao’s correctness, and the **** of the self-proclaimed tasker… His memory is very good, and every detail will not be missed.

He said it all without reservation, trying to face those hated things without prejudice.

Song Qingshi habitually took out the pen and paper, sorted out all the things, sorted them logically, and covered the fog of memory in his mind, and gradually faded away in the large amount of details supplemented, revealing part of his true face. He corresponds to his memory. , Marked out several key points, let Yue Wuhuan add a description.

“The year you disappeared, An Long came to save me.” Yue Wuhuan used to hate this owed favor, but now he can treat it calmly, “I was reborn in the flames of the immortal peak and became a phoenix. Behind him, a war was launched to clean up those dirty sects and garbage. I killed a lot of people, the world became chaotic, and Anlong had nowhere to go, so he stayed in the Valley of Medicine King… He hated me deeply and often hurt The scolding was terrible. However, he didn’t join any forces against the immortal pinnacle and opposed me.”

Song Qingshi sorted out An Long’s personality and behavioral logic: “It’s not like what he would do.”

Anlong will tear up everything that is not pleasing to the eye.

Yue Wuhuan recalled: “He said that before you disappeared, he said a strange sentence to him, which seemed to be’If you kill Wuhuan, you will regret it.’ He believed this sentence, even if he was angry, he didn’t do anything to me. I am also very confused about this sentence. Qingshi, do you remember the reason why you said this sentence?”

Song Qingshi desperately bit the penholder and shook his head. It was too difficult. His memory was full of fragments, just like playing a jigsaw puzzle. He still lost a lot of key pieces of the jigsaw puzzle: “I can’t remember it, but he has intuition. And you shouldn’t be the enemy…”

“Then trust your instincts,” Yue Wuhuan said decisively, “You have done many tasks, and although your memory is washed away every time, your repeated experiences and impressive things will be burned into your bones. You won’t forget it completely.”

Just like when they met for the first time, there would be a heartbeat.

This is the memory burned in the bones.

“I don’t hate An Long, and I even… admire him very much, I am willing to help him, trust him,” Song Qingshi used to worry about the more Wuhuan emotions, some things in his heart did not dare to say, now the more Wuhuan knot untie, willing to trust him. His feelings no longer discussed this matter with fear, “Since it is determined that there are many reincarnations, maybe we can make a bold assumption that Anlong was once your very important friend?”

Yue Wuhuan sneered: “Friend? A friend who wants to win love with a sword…”

He suddenly realized something and stopped again.

Song Qingshi hesitatingly asked: “If I were to be removed, wouldn’t you have any feeling of appreciation for each other?”

An Long was sealed in the endless abyss, and occasionally when he was sober, he would call the name of Yue Wuhuan… At first, he scolded or mocked each other, but after a long time, he got used to it. He occasionally brought An Long a few bottles of wine, and An Long also talked about his encounter with Song Qingshi… In the desperation in such a foul quagmire, anyone who is willing to drag him out, no matter who it is, he will fall in love. .

However, it was this love that was destined to be unavailable, which caused a loophole in his heart, sinking into the abyss of hopelessness, and unable to extricate himself.

Does this feel like yourself being played with by fate?

The more Wuhuan thinks about it carefully, he feels that An Long is stupid and annoying, but he still agrees with his strength and pride… Now, looking at the guy in the endless abyss who has been twisted into an ugly monster, he feels very much in his heart. I feel uncomfortable. I feel that this person is dead, and he should have died in his own hands, or he should be fighting to death on the battlefield. He should not be manipulated by despicable things and die in the dark underground, so he has been giving Anlong is looking for a way of relief…

An Long also said that he could not accept the ugly mental breakdown of Yue Wuhuan, nor could he accept his stupidity of hiding his head and covering his tail, and he was not even interested in killing. The less joy he wants to see should be like a proud and beautiful bird, so that he is worthy to be defeated by pulling off all the beautiful feathers and nailing them to the wall for decoration.

This was too provocative, he gave the fool locked in the abyss a severe lesson.

I want to come now…

They all hate each other a little bit of iron but not steel?

Yue Wuhuan thought about that idiot again, a little frustrated, a little tight in his chest, and reluctantly replied: “If I was a friend, I must have made friends in my previous life…”

Song Qingshi probably understood it, and made a new note: “If the system can arrange all kinds of coincidences, put your destiny into the abyss of despair, step by step into madness. It can also put Anlong’s fate into the abyss of despair, and then create Coincidence saved me…”

This way everything is straightened out.

Where has he seen the friendship between An Long and Yue Wuhuan, so he trusts An Long, wants to be friends with An Long, and gives a higher level of care and care than other patients. However, in despair, An Long regarded him as a life-saving straw and gave birth to love. When Yue Wuhuan appeared, the two became deadly enemies, and there was no way to join forces.

Several goals of the system have been achieved.

1. The more Wuhuan’s paranoia and desire for monopoly were stimulated and aggravated, he could not have any friends except Song Qingshi.

Second, Anlong becomes a cocoon in his feelings and becomes a **** controlled by fate.

3. You can borrow Anlong’s hand to get rid of anything you want to get rid of.

“There should be other reasons for the system to choose Anlong. Over the years, I want to kill Anlong and tried various methods again and again.” Yue Wuhuan took his notebook and added, “Anlong seems to have the world The hardest bone, the physical body is incredibly powerful, and only he can withstand such a terrible transformation.”

He lifted the pen and drew an important point on Anlong’s name and information.

After the filthy demon appeared, Anlong’s mutation began to happen.

Perhaps this is the key to finding the truth about the problem.

Yue Wuhuan managed to finish all these years. When he looked at Song Qing, who was making records frantically, he couldn’t help asking the most important question: “Who is your target for this mission?”

Song Qingshi thought of this serious matter, and he quietly looked at Yue Wuhuan, he wanted to stop talking.

The more Wuhuan promised: “I will definitely hold back the desire for monopoly this time, and take care of the **** quest object by my side.”

Song Qingshi unconsciously sat upright: “This time, it’s a bit special…”

Yue Wuhuan has been a Taoist companion with him for so many years, and he knows that he is guilty at the first glance: “You have done the wrong question? Don’t worry, we can find a way to remedy it.

“No, let me talk about it first,” Song Qingshi took a deep breath and admitted his mistake decisively, “I seem to blow up the system…”

Yue Wuhuan looked at the large pile of materials that had just been sorted out, and there was something to be felt.

Song Qingshi explained: “I forgot how it exploded, but… it feels like a bad thing I did? Maybe it was too many failures and the system exploded? But when the system exploded, I quickly got a task with my eyesight. , I ran back to find you. This task is not clear with the mouth, I will show it to you.”

[Destroy the most evil villain in the world of immortality, the eloquence and eloquence of the immortal summit. 】

The more Wuhuan, the more heartbroken: “What is it?”

Song Qingshi was very frank: “I don’t know, what it shows is just talk. The last mission also had a lot of talk, because it says the best physique and peerless beauty. I think you are the most beautiful beauty on Langgan stage. I don’t like it too much. So, I just took it back.”

The more Wuhuan was moved, I wanted to drag the system out and blow it up again.

Song Qingshi asked expectantly: “Are there any other evil villains in your immortal summit?”

Yue Wuhuan thought about it cautiously, and replied affirmatively: “In the eyes of the world, they are not as evil as I am.”

Song Qingshi was a little entangled: “If the target of the task is really you, I can’t do it.”

Both of them have been tossing for so many years, and the feelings are in place, it is impossible to make any painful entanglement whether to kill each other, or sacrifice themselves to complete each other’s stupid drama.

Song Qingshi seriously pondered how to deal with this matter for a long time, and turned around to find that Yue Wuhuan had been laughing, laughing very happily, especially not serious.

Yue Wuhuan sighed: “You have taken so many tasks, I can finally get the correct answer once.”

Song Qingshi reminded: “The invigilator exploded, it’s useless if you have the correct answer.”

“The system is just a tool for publishing tasks. Neither the filthy demons nor Anlong’s demonization disappeared. The more and more fierce they are, it proves that the things that control fate behind the scenes are still there, and the tasks are still there.” Yue Wuhuan has already studied that name. Zuo Ye’s tasker’s soul remembered countless times, and he had a good understanding of task procedures. He reminded Song Qing, who was still in the horns, “It is really forced to release such a stupid task, right? Your task target is I, the representative, is in control of the pace of tasks and the way of accomplishing tasks.”

Song Qingshi instantly understood what he meant.

“Eliminate” can have multiple meanings. The more Wuhuan has never shown his face, he gave up his status as a god, and he was no longer the villain of the immortal peak, which was considered annihilation. Or maybe he supported a more evil **** to become a new villain, which is also annihilated. Or maybe it was Song Qingshi’s lack of strength, working hard to do the task, maintaining a proper progress, and dragging the task for thousands of years is also the solution.

“In Mo Yuan’s law formation, in Zhao Ye’s soul, I have seen those so-called original works, which are similar to the scripts, very naive,” Yue Wuhuan kept laughing, “What is the definition of a villain? It is identity, The behavior is still the perception of the world? You take me home to be a Taoist companion, let me be obedient to you, wash my hands and make soup, can’t be considered a villain? Or I do some good deeds everywhere, spread out Qianliang, open a study hall, help the old and the weak, do a good job of publicity, wash away the stains, are you a great good person to correct evil and return to the right? Or is it that you are trying to challenge the villain, but you are not strong enough, and you are arrested by the villain and locked up in a small black room. Here, it’s okay to be forced to warm the bed and make alchemy to read and study every day, and it’s okay to spend many years unable to escape.”

Song Qingshi felt that it made sense, he thought about it, and then asked, “How can Bai Zihao’s mission fail? He didn’t die.”

Yue Wu Huan laughed and said: “He and Jin Feizhen were married to the Taoist couple at the time, and he was bound to the scum for his whole life, his body and mind were controlled, and he became a real slave. The scum coaxed him to do a lot of disgusting things. The matter is over… I won’t say it to smear your ears. In short, you were about to kill An Long, and the system was in a hurry, and the system judged that Bai Zihao would no longer be happy, declared your mission failed, and forcibly dragged it away. , It can be established.”

In the Mo Yuan formation, Song Qingshi tried to make Qu Yurong a sleeping beauty or imprisoned Qu Yurong, but the system also judged it as a failure…

Song Qingshi understood.

Due to the explosion of the system, the mission has a problem.

It was too late to make better arrangements and directly gave this simple and rude task.

Judging from the Mo Yuan formation and Bai Zihao’s mission, the system mission has no time limit, and can only be judged based on the degree of completion. Since Song Qingshi accepted the task and took the test, it must score the test paper in accordance with the rules.

Now, with the cooperation of the task person and the task object, they can completely control this task in the palm of their hands…

When the system teacher asked questions, didn’t you think that someone would cheat in the task?

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