Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 111

Chapter 110 Faerie Islander

Tianwumen is a medium-sized sect. It occupies seven hills with a radius of several hundred miles. Each mountain is equipped with defensive formations. Nowadays, most of the formations have been torn apart by the demonic tide. The sword repairers are here. Under the frantic impact of the filthy demon, he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, the guest room of Tianwumen is located on Xunxian Peak, the main peak of the seven mountains. The young people who are new to beginners are practicing here. When they encounter an enemy attack for the first time, they are in a mess like headless flies. Suddenly they find that there is a problem in the guest room. Out of the terrifying flames and red butterflies, the filthy demons were killed…

Teenagers: “???”

Everyone knows that the appearance of flames and red butterflies represents the coming of death.

There are wolves before and tigers behind.

Everyone was scared, and a little afraid to come close, but they really couldn’t beat so many filthy demons. They watched their companions get killed, and thought about the ending of being eaten by monsters and killed by gods. It seems that the latter is more happy?

In desperation, not knowing who took the lead, everyone began to flee towards the guest room.

The red vines and fire outside the guest room blocked all the roads. Everyone stood at the door and was in a dilemma. After a while, there was a voice in the yard. The vines slowly retreated and gave them a passage.

The teenagers rushed in and saw that there were already quite a few people in the yard. The young man in white was instructing the terrifying existence in the air: “Wuhuan, you expand the circle of defense a little bit. If someone approaches, let them in, and if you see a new and interesting filthy demon, let them in too.”

“Okay.” Yue Wuhuan was extremely disgusted by being stared at his face by a stranger, he brought back the golden mask that year, and smiled softly.

Rao is so, but also amazing enough.

Humans tend to have a good impression of beautiful things and lower their guard. Although the disciples of Tianwumen have heard of the horrific events in the dark period, they have not personally experienced them. They don’t feel that strong. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They see that the temper of the gods is very gentle. He overcame his fear, and consciously joined the battlefield to help fill the sword with the filthy demon that had fallen on the ground and hadn’t died.

Song Qingshi commanded several Tianwumen disciples who had been on duty in the guest room and had already recognized the situation, prepared simple beds to help treat the wounded.

Fortunately, the Jianxiu sect often fights. Injuries are commonplace. The sword repairs have a lot of experience in the treatment of external injuries. The hemostatic sutures of patients with minor injuries can be solved by themselves. Those who are corroded by venom and severely injured are treated by Song Qingshi first. He stayed, and then handed over to the same door to take care of, waiting for unified handling after the war.

The newly-injured patient with minor injuries was bandaged, and turned around to find a few filthy demons with teeth and claws locked in a cage. They remembered the murdered vengeance of the same family. They were stricken with grief and blood surged. Several teenagers immediately took up their swords and tried to stab them The monster revenges the brother!

“Stop it!” Song Qingshi’s eyes were sharp, and he rushed over, protecting his darlings tightly.

The teenagers asked with red eyes, “What are you doing to protect these monsters?”

Song Qingshi explained: “I want to raise and do research.”

The teenagers didn’t understand, holding their swords, they wanted to try to argue.

At this time, the cook in the guest room brought a bunch of chickens and ducks that had just been killed, and handed them to Song Qingshi tremblingly. Song Qingshi hurriedly threw them to the filthy demon who was hungry and frantic inside. He carefully observed the tearing of flesh and blood, and was worried. Said: “I don’t feel enough to eat. Let’s get some other food. It’s better to have a bigger body, a living thing…”

Song Qingshi looked back at the group of hot-blooded teenagers and found that they seemed to be idle?

The teenagers realized his weird interest, shuddered, the blood in their brains slowly faded, remembering that this was the person who was mixed with the immortal summit, even if he was naïve and simple, he would never wink. Horror exists…Should you feed them to monsters?

Master said that Jian Xiu must have the courage to challenge a strong enemy, but if the gap is too large, you should still be counseled, otherwise the Jian Xiu school should be extinct…

The teenagers stepped back quietly, trying to pretend that nothing happened.

When Song Qingshi saw them running away, he was a little angry. He had to take care of so many injuries, and he had to take care of these new babies. He was going crazy. Not only did these guys add chaos and want to be lazy? ! He quickly released the profound fire, blocking their retreat, coldly, and yelled: “You all stay!”

The teenagers’ faces paled in shock.

Song Qingshi severely reprimanded this group of bad brains, lack of motivation, and hard work. He knew that the lazy bear children were all dragged over for emergency training, and all were thrown into nursing positions to do hard work.

He also wanted to suggest Yu Wenyan that the recovery of Tianwumen should not only rely on Yu Wenyu alone, nor should he focus on swordsmanship alone, but also to put a long-term perspective on the cultural education of these children, be diligent to make up for the clumsy, do more papers, practice more, and have a good brain Envoys are the glorious avenue to revitalize the martial arts.

Take a look at Qingluan from Yaowanggu, who was born as a mortal, how well he did it, he has left his name in history!

He is now proud of his memory. Originally, Yaowanggu was a small breaker, only a mountain. After crossing it again, it became a super-large medical school, a large number of experimental assistants, thousands of students, and mountains and rivers with a radius of thousands of miles. And the land, all are medicine fields that Yue Wuhuan gave him! I get excited when I think about it, and I can’t wait to go home and hug the couple…

Yue Wuhuan has also set up the best ship between Immortal Peak and Yaowanggu, with a mobile study and research room, which is pulled by nine monster birds. It is as fast as lightning and can fully meet the needs of both sides…but Now that the black hand behind the scenes has not been found out, I don’t know what the danger is. He wants to follow Song Qingshi every step of the way and guard with the strongest strength. Therefore, he suggested that the best laboratory and laboratory assistants in Yaowanggu should be moved to. After the problem is solved, the peak of the immortal will accompany Song Qingshi to live in the Valley of King Medicine.

Song Qingshi happily agreed.

Yu Wenyan sent a message, and after confirming that everyone was safe, he shamelessly handed over the command of the main peak to Yue Wuhuan.

The **** at the top of the immortal, the strongest existence in the world of cultivating immortality, whether it is the Phoenix Flame or the Nirvana Red Butterfly, the person who touches it will die, and the filthy demon that falls on the ground will become the nourishment of the Blood King Vine.

Although the monsters have no IQ, they have biological instincts. After they rushed and dropped a large corpse, they finally understood the danger and did not dare to attack the main peak anymore. They scattered to other places. Five or six were formed in small groups, searching for flesh and blood. food.

The pressure on Tianwumen was greatly reduced. Yuwenyan and the elders took the apprentices above the gold core and divided them into several groups to wipe out the monsters, search for single or injured humans, and send them to Xianfeng for shelter and treatment.

This demonic wave lasted from early morning to dusk, and there were scattered filthy demons everywhere, endlessly killing them.

The rescue from Xianling Island came. A graceful and graceful woman came down on the gorgeous Dharma ship. She wore a golden crane and bat hanging on her crown, and a bright moon in her ears. She was wearing a shark bead skirt. With Yunxiabo, there are very rules in action.

With dozens of outstanding female cultivators, she slowly stepped forward, glanced at the familiar golden mask on Yue Wuhuan’s face, froze for a moment, then bends down, bows in a respectful manner, and says calmly. : “Wearing that the **** has an order, Xianling Island will come to listen to the call.”

The swordsmanship of Tianwumen is a masculine road. Most of the men in the gate are male cultivators. Regardless of their appearance, the few female cultivators have the courage to overcome the world and swallow the clouds. They are used to calling them brothers and sisters. Nowadays, seeing the beautiful island owner and female cultivator of Fairy Spirit Island, the teenagers are quite excited, whispering and talking.

Song Qingshi poked Jian Xiu next to him and asked quietly, “Who is she?”

“Don’t you know Mrs. Nian?” Jianxiu looked back at the beauty and was a little surprised. “She is the number one talisman master in the fairy world. She is proficient in organ arithmetic, created and improved many spells, adopted and cared for many orphans, and taught Making spells and giving livelihoods, she is a kind and great woman.”

Song Qingshi understood: “I am a very powerful mathematician.”

“Mrs. Nian is the subordinate of that person and is highly regarded,” Jian Xiu glanced in the direction of Yue Wuhuan, and then kindly told Song Qingshi, “Don’t wander around in front of Mrs. Nian. She has a bad temper and has strange evils. Interesting, like to lock beautiful men in dark rooms, forcing you to do all kinds of strange problems, and you are not allowed to leave… I have a suave brother who wants to pursue a female sister on the fairy island, but she ends up in her hands. Here, it took three years to get out of the dark room. The whole person was so thin that he had forgotten all the poems and songs, and he was talking about Pythagorean Fangtian or something. It was terrible…”

Song Qingshi was very confused, but the other party was terrifying, and he nodded.

The **** ordered Mrs. Nian to set up a large-scale tracking formation within the range of the magic tide, using the fluctuation of the magic energy to search for all the filthy demons on the ground, control the action, and cooperate with the blood king vine to uniformly destroy. Mrs. Nian discussed the specific arrangements with him for a while, pondered for a moment, fetched a map of Tianwumen, quickly designed the formations, and then sent personal disciples to arrange the formations everywhere.

Mrs. Nian felt that the dress of the gods was not the same as in the past. Not only was it not wrapped tightly in the snow feather cloak, but the temperament of the whole person was much softer. She rolled her eyes and immediately had a guess in her heart. After completing the formation design , He searched the crowd, and he saw the Yaowang Xianzun who hadn’t seen him for a long time, squatting in the crowd, teaching the sword repairmen how to treat poisonous injuries.

She missed it instantly.

At that time, Chilongzong, Yaowang Xianzun rescued Yanyuan Xianjun and her. She was very grateful when she was young, and had a hazy affection for this gentle and beautiful Xianzun, and thought about marrying him when he grew up. However… this good impression only lasted for three days. Not only was she beaten to the palm of her hand by the master because of those **** words, she was also cleaned up by the elder sisters and brothers.

Even if you get beaten…

The two frantic guys praised her for being smart in front of Master, praised her as if she was the best in the world, and then accepted countless papers.

From then on, she fell into the **** of Tihai, and she couldn’t finish what she could do. She tried to play truant. As a result, the Master asked the seniors and sisters to hold a stick to supervise her. I packed it and sent it to Xianling Island to learn more from Mrs. Lingmiao…

Yao Wang Xianzun was in retreat, and after Yue Wuhuan disappeared, Transsioning Bird stopped the paper for a while.

After she relaxed, she was a little worried about the safety of the two.

A few years later, the dark period came, and the peak of the immortality began to encircle and suppress the various martial arts. Other schools tremble in the face of the **** slaughter of the gods, while she trembles in the face of a large number of mathematics and formation problems personally sent by the gods…

Shenjun said gently: “The survival of Chilongzong and Xianling Island depends on your performance. I will check the results regularly.”

At that moment, year after year almost collapsed…

The world is about to be destroyed, why does she have to do exams? !

The gods will do what they say, and the Fairy Spirit Island and the Chilong Sect are not big sects. If they lose the protection of the immortal pinnacle, they will be destroyed in the war. Shenjun asked to become an excellent talisman master every year, so she had to give up her happy childhood and study hard in her room, brushing questions and drawing spells every day. She has studied for 800 years, and she has a psychological shadow in her learning. Up.

Later, she entered Taoism with spells and became the leading spell master in the immortal world, the lofty young lady.

After Mrs. Ling Miao died, she inherited Xianling Island and looked after the Chilong Sect.

There are very few people in the world who know the identity of the gods, and they wisely shut up.

Once, Mrs. Nian drank too much and encountered the incarnation of the gods, and couldn’t help but boldly ask: “Why can you be sure that I will become an excellent spellmaster?”

“I’m not sure,” Shenjun thought for a while and frankly said, “But if the person says you are excellent, you have to be excellent.”

Mrs. Nian’s blood in her heart, I don’t know where to vomit…

She loves and hates Yaowang Xianzun, with mixed feelings.

Yaowang Xianzun is out, no wonder the **** is in such a good mood…

Mrs. Nian walked forward with a smile, glanced at the Dao Lu Yin on the back of Song Qingshi’s hand, and said softly: “Xianzun, long time no see.”

Song Qingshi was a little nervous when he saw the strange beauty saying hello and nodded in response.

Mrs. Nian smiled and said, “It is a happy event that Xianzun and Shenjun have formed a Taoist couple. I have a gift that I have prepared for many years and I want to give it to you.”

Song Qingshi was embarrassed and said, “It’s too polite.”

Mrs. Nian smiled and said without a smile: “I have prepared more than 10,000 papers for Xianzun, covering all the spells and mathematics questions in the world, and I hope the Lord will smile.”

Song Qingshi wanted to decline, but couldn’t push it when he heard the content of the gift.

Who said Mrs. Nian has a bad temper? Obviously it is gentle and considerate, and the person is beautiful and kind! This wedding gift is too appetizing for him!

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