Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 115

Chapter 114 Conservation of energy

The wind and showers lasted for many days without a trace of sunlight, and the air was full of dampness.

Huang Abao is a farmer in Huangjia Village in Heisong Mountain. Their village is full of mortals, farming and hunting for a living, living in extreme poverty.

Half a month ago, his mother became ill. At first, several shallow black streak-like spots appeared on the arm, then the spots gradually darkened, spread, and finally spread all over the body.

The world of immortality is rich in spiritual energy, and mortals rarely get sick, and most minor diseases will heal themselves. The mother thought that she had eaten the wrong food, and she was reluctant to spend money. After the son-in-law’s advice, she invited the doctor from the village and ate two sets of cheap earthwork, but she didn’t see it well. The night before yesterday, the mother got up to drink water, fell to the table and never got up again. There were faint black spots on the hands of his wife and daughter. Huang Abao finally realized that it was not good.

The doctor in the village said that he could not see the disease, and pointed the way to the Medicine King Medical Center in Tongyang City.

Yaowang Medical Center is a medical center opened by Yaowanggu in various places. It has excellent medical skills and fair fees. From time to time, there will be free consultation services to help the poor.

His wife A Cai took off the silver bracelet on her hand and left her mother who was in a coma to take care of her. Huang Abao carried her daughter on her back and took all the family property to Tongyang City for medical treatment.

There are three hundred miles from Heisong Mountain to Tongyang City. Huang Abao walked endlessly for three days and three nights. Layers of blood blisters were worn out on the soles of his feet, and he was so swollen that he could hardly wear his shoes. He finally rushed to the medicine before he was physically weak. In the Wang Medical Hall, he knelt in front of the young doctor holding his daughter who was getting worse.

The young doctor, surnamed Cheng, had just graduated from Yaowanggu and was full of ambition.

He immediately took the poor patient. After a preliminary diagnosis, he believed that he was infected with viscera. He tried various treatments such as Qufei Dan and Xiaoping Powder, but they were not effective. The spots on the girl’s arms were getting deeper and deeper, and he could not figure out the source of the disease, so he decided to take the spirit horse and take the father and daughter back to Huangjia Village to see the situation.

At noon, Huangjia Village was silent, and even the chickens and dogs that made a fuss on weekdays were gone.

There are blood stains and corpses everywhere in the village…

Dr. Cheng felt bad: “Are there any robbers around here?”

After saying this, he himself felt that it was not right. Huangjiacun was too poor and had no wealth worth looting.

Huang Abao had already panicked. He gave his daughter to Dr. Cheng to take care of him, hurried back to his house and opened the door… What he saw was the corpse of his mother who was hacked to death with scissors in her hand. He was distraught, looking for his wife, but saw that the chicken and pig at home were also dead. His wife, who had always been virtuous, hid in a dark corner shivering with a blood-stained kitchen knife in her hand.

The wife’s body was covered with black spots, and her eyes were a little red.

Huang Abao asked quickly: “A Cai, what happened?”

“Mother, suddenly she went crazy, she wanted to kill me,” his wife’s voice trembled in the darkness, as if restraining something, “she wanted to kill me, kill me, so…”

Huang’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a very good relationship. The two usually talk and laugh, and they rarely even quarrel. Huang Abao walked over in disbelief, trying to pull his wife out of the darkness and ask carefully.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and his wife slashed the kitchen knife at him with a weird smile.

“A Cai?” Huang Abao and his wife’s childhood sweethearts had never seen such a look. He didn’t care about the pain, and wanted to stop the chopper that continued to chop, “Are you crazy?”

There is no emotion in the wife’s eyes, and her movements are stiff, like a controlled puppet.

The thin and small woman’s strength became terrifying, and Huang Abao couldn’t hold down the kitchen knife in her hand.

Suddenly, a flame struck, and it was Dr. Cheng who burned A Cai with a fire talisman, but she still didn’t know the pain, and attacked frantically to hack her favorite husband to death. Helpless, Dr. Cheng drew out the sword, cut off A Cai’s hand holding the sword, then threw the sword out and nailed it to the wall.

Huang Abao sat on the ground in a daze.

At this time, Dr. Cheng saw that his arms were also covered with black spots, and his eyes began to straighten…

There was a sharp pain in his shoulder, and the little **** his back bit off and tore off a piece of meat. Dr. Cheng suffered from the pain and left the girl, but the girl crawled over with a weird movement, wanting to continue to bite.

Dr. Cheng felt bad and wanted to take out a spell to defend against the enemy, but he was horrified to find that a faint black spot appeared on his hand…

After examining the corpse in Huangjia Village, Dr. Cheng locked himself in an empty room with a symbolic array, observed the changes in his condition every day, and wrote down medical records: This is an unknown condition that is contagious. At first the symptoms were mild and there was no feeling. It is easy to be ignored and spreads quickly in the later stage. The patient first appears with black streaks, and then loses consciousness after the spots spread all over the body. After waking up, he becomes a cruel and bloodthirsty puppet, killing all living creatures regardless of closeness, and then three to five Heaven dies, the patient’s symptoms of death are…

Before he lost consciousness, he used the sound transmission bird to send information and hope to Medicine King Valley.

The doctors are kind, hope that Tongmen can find the cause of the disease and help the common people in the world.

Fledgling, full of ambition, unable to achieve.

This is the last study in his life, and it is also the best.

Because he has no way to escape…

The top of immortality, night.

The gods promised to give a great reward. Zhuntiangong Pavilion used any precious materials regardless of the cost. The pavilion owner was also very interested in research projects with a lot of money. He took the apprentices to whiten their hair, and finally tossed out the method that Yaowang Xianzun wanted. The device is a fully enclosed cage made of ghost whale bones. A small observation window is made of meteorite crystal on the door of the prison, which is enough to see the situation inside.

After the inspection, Song Qingshi was extremely satisfied. He searched his stomach to find out the compliments, and praised and praised the pavilion owner of Tiangong Pavilion.

Then, he put the prepared filthy demon in and injected the poison.

The filthy demon died smoothly.

Song Qingshi took the doctors from Yaowanggu, laying on the floor outside the cage, watching the changes of the corpse inside day and night. He waited for about fifteen days, the body of the filthy demon slowly turned into black energy and disappeared, and then reunited in the corner of the cage, becoming a new filthy demon, hitting the cage with teeth and claws.

The doctors were shocked, and they worked hard to discuss this incredible change.

Song Qingshi thought for a long time, and put forward a point of caution: “The law of conservation of energy.”

Energy will not be produced out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air. It will only transform from one form to another, or transfer from one object to another, while the total amount of energy remains the same.

The filthy demons are composed of demonic energy, which is a type of energy.

Therefore, after the filthy demon is eliminated, the energy will be reborn in other places to form a new filthy demon, so it is inexhaustible to eliminate it.

This was something he had doubted for a long time, and now he finally found a proof.

But where did the first filthy demons come from?

With the help of Yue Wuhuan, Song Qingshi consulted the history of the dark age and the process of the birth of the filthy demons.

Yue Wuhuan asked: “After the war is set off on the top of the immortal, the filthy demon will appear. Is it resentment?”

Song Qingshi shook his head: “Resentment is an emotional thing and does not belong to the scope of energy conservation. There are also monsters made of resentment in the world of cultivating immortals, such as resentment or remnant souls. After being eliminated, they will not regenerate. It is not a filthy demon.”

Yue Wuhuan hesitated and said, “Is the filthy demon a human?”

Song Qingshi was silent…

This is the answer they are reluctant to face, but it is the closest to the truth.

“In the era of Mo Yuan, during the Battle of the Demon, we have seen many human beings become monsters. At that time…everyone thought they had the blood of the demon,” Yue Wuhuan analyzed with difficulty, “Maybe, the battle of the Demon was not There is no end, the demons still exist. They are lurking in the human body and inspiring the most vicious desires. Therefore, the world of immortality is full of cruel, cruel, shameless… garbage.”

The Top of Immortality slaughtered a large amount of garbage, and the devil energy lost its carrier, and it turned into an inexhaustible and inexhaustible filthy demon.

Isn’t Anlong possessed by the devil qi because of his strong desires, constantly transforming, sinking deeper and deeper, until he can’t get out?

Yue Wuhuan asked softly: “Is it my fault?”

Song Qingshi definitely said: “No.”

The torrential rain drifted in, and Wuhuan became very bored. He walked over and closed the window, but saw countless electric lights appearing in the dense dark clouds, thunder blasted in the distance, and thousands of soul lamps swayed in the torrential rain, making a chaotic sound. , Made him feel irritable for no reason, and couldn’t help saying: “I hate this filthy world, just destroy it all…”

Song Qingshi comforted: “Don’t give up, it might get better.”

Yue Wuhuan sneered, “I don’t care.”

Song Qingshi hesitated and said: “You are the **** of immortality, maybe… you can save the world.”

“It’s not worthy,” Yue Wuhuan said without hesitation. “This world has never shown any mercy to me, except for ruin, abuse, pain and hatred. Why should I have mercy on it? If it allows me to find the man behind my destiny , I will cut it a thousand knives, and tortured forever.”

Song Qingshi thought for a long time, and asked cautiously: “Why is it ruining you instead of killing you?”

The more Wuhuan closed his eyes in pain, unwilling to answer.

Song Qingshi whispered: “Actually, you guessed it a long time ago? Although I don’t know what is behind the scenes, and I am not sure why it is you… But what it wants is your hate, hate makes you unable to escape, unable to rise… …”

Yue Wuhuan smiled bitterly: “So what if you know?”

Being ruined again and again, tortured again and again, losing love again and again, falling into madness again and again, and dying in pain again and again… Thousands of reincarnations, never ending well.

Even if he guessed the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes, he couldn’t control his heart.

Who can not hate this kind of encounter?

He was so bitter with hatred that he couldn’t sleep at night…

Suddenly, countless thunder and lightning slashed to the same place frantically, the earth dragon turned over, and the mountain shook.

The spells on the rock wall of the Endless Abyss fell off in the earthquake, and the lightning fell in the same place without any method. Finally, the magic circle was cut open, and the chain that trapped the monster was loose… He opened the red vertical pupil and stretched out. The sharp claws struggled with all their strength to break through the imprisoned cage.

Yue Wuhuan realized that it was not good, and sent the avatar to repair the enchantment again, and at the same time the real body rushed to the endless abyss.

But it’s too late…

The earth shook more intensely, the thunder and lightning became more frantic, the rocks fell one after another, and the chain’s restraint power became weaker, and the monster was abruptly torn off. With his bright red eyes open, he pounced on the more Wuhuan incarnation without any reason…

The avatar shattered, turning into countless red light spots and disappearing.

The monster finally smashed into the cage and flew into the dark sky, leaving only two words in his head full of killing:

“Qing Shi…”

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