Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 117

Chapter 116 Qingluan’s last wish

The demonized disease is spreading rapidly. Everyone does not know when bad luck will come. They are confused, painful, and desperate… Many people have lost their reason and judgment in despair. The object of venting.

The drum of war that had been suspended for many years renewed the shout, and the flames ignited the sixteen states.

The Top of Immortality has the strongest warrior, but the black hand manipulating the fate has torn off the disguise, revealing a hideous face, it no longer cares about the trajectory of fate, and falls into hysterical madness.

Over the years, it has already used “coincidence” to secretly cultivate a lot of powerful monks who hate the top of the immortal, and now it has brought “unfortunate” luck to the monks of the top of the immortal.

The three regions where the demonization first appeared were all directly under the sphere of influence of the immortal pinnacle.

The sect master of Tianhuomen was entangled by the heart demon, the Buddhist practitioners of Jiuxing Temple were infected with demonization, Meihua Palace, Bixia Palace, Tianji Pavilion, Yeyu Tower, all kinds of unlucky things happened…

There were also many “unexpected” failures in the formation of Xianling Island. The young lady stubbornly led the female nuns to consolidate and repair again and again, and guarding the monks and mortals in Nanling from entering the middle continent, resulting in faster Of the proliferation.

On the top of the top of the immortal summit, a lot of tribulation clouds appeared, torrential rain poured, countless lightning smashed down, and the black monster also showed its figure in the cloud, with **** air, destroying the defense again and again. In the enchantment, the insurgents in Central Continent gathered in a formation, cooperated with the monsters, and slew to the top of the immortal.

The demon cultivators of the bird race flew up to the sky in the lightning and heavy rain to face the monsters.

This is not a battlefield suitable for birds. The rain wets the wings and affects the speed. The toxin of the Nirvana Red Butterfly cannot distinguish between the enemy and the enemy in the heavy rain, and it retreats with gold. On the ground are demons and human monks who are not good at flying. Under the cover of countless blood king vines, they use various spells and weapons to kill the enemy.

Rocks fell and lightning struck, and lightning appeared from time to time, constantly taking lives and ruining the battle.

With the help of Fuxiu and craftsmen, the medics of Yaowanggu rushed to the battlefield carrying various defensive instruments and charms, and gave emergency treatment to the wounded monks and sent them to the rear for treatment.

Shenjun wearing a snow feather cloak and gloves, walked out of the main hall slowly.

He evoked the overwhelming phoenix flames, ignoring the interference of lightning, and rolled towards the rebelling monks, swallowing them instantly.

Bai Zihao stood on the peak, staring at the monsters in the sky and the situation, patiently waiting for the signal.

The golden peacock appeared in the air, unfolding the gorgeous tail screen, with countless golden halos on the tail screen, with the power of deterring and dispelling evil, it directly pierced the eyes of the monster.

Immediately afterwards, he transformed into a tall male body, wearing golden armor, **** his long hair, put away his slanderous expression, and his beautiful features were full of fierce murderous aura.

“Hey, ugly.” Kong Muhua smiled and angered the monster, attracted attention, and saved a few birds that were almost killed. Then, he quickly flew to the monster, grabbed the opponent’s horns, spread his wings, and used his supernatural power to press the monster into the lake on the top of the mountain, and shouted: “Zi Hao!”

Bai Zihao unfolded the magic weapon of his life, offering a thousand miles of cold ice map.

The ice and snow fell, and the lake was frozen, blocking the monsters inside.

Kong Muhua turned into a giant axe in his hand and severely chopped off the monster’s head.

This sharp axe that smashed the mountain and cracked the rock, with the power to flatten the mountain, slashed to the monster’s bones, and could no longer enter it. Immediately afterwards, the devilish energy spread, enveloping the axe shining with colorful streamers, robbing the brilliance from it, turning it into a dull, scorched black and ugly. Kong Muhua was shocked and retracted the axe, but saw that the devilish energy had wrapped the monster’s wound, and he quickly repaired his flesh…

Bai Zihao melted countless icicles and stab the monster to nail him into the lake water.

The monster’s body changed again, and his body quickly became huge, and the ice and snow barrier was torn apart in an instant.

Countless black demon energy transformed into sharp blades emerged from his body, like thousands of demon swords, all stab Bai Zihao.

Bai Zihao erected twelve layers of ice shields, and the ice shields shattered layer by layer.

Kong Muhua stopped in front of him and used the golden tail feathers to transform into a defensive barrier, receiving a storm-like attack.

His most cherished feathers scorched and fell off under the attack of the devilish energy…

Kong Muhua clenched his teeth and insisted, refusing to back up for a half step.

No one noticed that the monster’s tail had already sneaked into the ground, slowly extending, hiding its breath, bypassing the blood king vines all over the ground, and approaching the **** who was commanding on the cliff. Taking advantage of everyone’s unpreparedness, he drilled out of the rock wall, with a poisonous stinger, and slammed at the high man.

The stinger was submerged in the body without blood stains.

Shenjun lowered his head, looked at the monster, and smiled mockingly.

Countless red Nirvana butterflies flew out of his body, directly landing on the tail of the monster, injecting countless toxins, and countless formations lit up beside him, following the paralyzed stings, entangled the body of the monster, this It is the new banned array.

The monster finally understood, and he made a weird voice: “You are him, you are not him!”

Bai Zihao sat on the ground, his eyes crooked with a smile: “This fool is really a lie.”

The main body of the **** has already left the top of immortality. What stays here is just a more powerful incarnation, deliberately revealing flaws, the bait that lures monsters into traps, and wants to re-seal him.

Where is the real god?

The painful roar of the monster resounded through the sky, and the manipulator could not bear such a fool. It had to regain control of the world and destiny at all costs.

As a result, the earth shook again, lightning appeared in the clouds, and violent thunder intertwined into a net, covering the whole world.

After the start of the new Fumo campaign, Yue Wuhuan placed Song Qingshi in the experimental cage that was used to imprison the filthy demons, and isolated all his breath, and then secretly sent to the basement of Yaowanggu and hid him.

Song Qingshi slept for several days, finally receded from the high fever, and when he woke up, he sat up, staring blankly at the more unhappy that he had turned into Mr. Yue, suddenly stretched out his hand and studied the beautiful pair of phoenix eyes carefully. .

Yue Wuhuan thought his memories had overlapped, and smiled: “Are you stunned? I’m not Mo Yuan now.”

Song Qingshi rested his fingertips on the gorgeous mole, and asked softly: “You can really see it?”

Yue Wuhuan said softly: “I can see it.”

Song Qingshi slowly retracted his hand and looked around: “Where is this?”

Yue Wuhuan whispered: “Yaowanggu.”

He put the main battlefield and traps on the top of the immortal, preferring to destroy the gorgeous palace, rather than destroying this place with many good memories.

Song Qingshi stood up, put on his robe, and walked out slowly.

“Don’t go out, the monster Anlong turned into is looking for you,” Yue Wuhuan grabbed him, “You stay in this magic weapon, you can shield the prying eyes of fate… I stay in the trap of the immortal peak. It was broken by lightning and the monster escaped with the help of the black hand behind the scenes. I need to move you to a safer place.”

Song Qingshi looked at him quietly.

Yue Wuhuan persuaded in a low voice: “I can’t find a way to kill that monster, but I can’t make you trouble again.”

Reincarnation again and again, death again and again.

If fate is for his life and his hatred, he is willing to bear it and face it.

However, he hoped Song Qingshi would live well.

“Qing Shi, you have done enough for me, give up,” Yue Wuhuan asked with difficulty, “As long as you are willing to give up the task, you can get real relief. You don’t need to repeat this ridiculous fate with me, and you don’t need to be I dragged into the mud over and over again…”

“Task?” Song Qingshi couldn’t help laughing. “I was never a tasker, and I never thought about what task to do.”

The more Wuhuan was stunned, some did not understand.

Song Qingshi grabbed his hand and said every word:

“Wuhuan, I think of the memory of a thousand reincarnations…”

“Wuhuan, I live for you.”

“Wuhuan, the only thing I want to save is you…”

“Wuhuan, I will never give up.”

“Wuhuan, this is the best opportunity…”

The ground shook again, and the sound of thunder and lightning came from the sky, and it was the monster who came.

“The fate controlled by the black hand behind the scenes has been disrupted. It is out of control, and my memory can only be awakened… A large part of its power is attached to An… An Long. You have to kill this mutated black dragon and weaken it. Its power has rescued An Long,” the danger came in an instant, Song Qingshi had no time to say more, so he could only grasp the key point and tell Yue Wuhuan, “Go and stop him first. Qingluan can kill An Long if he stays. I will fetch it for you.”

Yue Wuhuan didn’t remember what weapons-related relics Qingluan left behind.

He also didn’t feel any strong breath of spiritual objects or magical artifacts in Medicine King Valley.

However, he is willing to believe in Song Qingshi.

“Don’t give up, and don’t persuade me to give up,” Song Qingshi ran out of the basement, ran a few steps and then turned around, exhorting earnestly, “I have the most stubborn heart in the world, even if I hit the south wall thousands of times. Will look back. If you can’t bear the pain and despair and give up this world, I will accompany you to ashes.”

Yue Wuhuan watched him for a long time and smiled: “Okay.”

If he fails, he can take the cleanest stone in the world and be wiped out.

What a happy thing this should be?

The monster in the air struck with thunder and lightning, Yue Wuhuan used the Blood King Vine to open the red giant net and stopped all the attacks.

The doctors of Yaowanggu saw the monster, some were frightened, some were panicked, and more doctors were still racing against the clock to study demonization.

Song Qingshi ran out of the basement, followed the golden breath wandering in the air, and ran towards the only ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall of Yaowanggu has been expanded several times. At the request of Mrs. Qingluan, every doctor from Yaowanggu will put the tablet here after death to accept the worship of later apprentices…

Three thousand years have passed and Yaowanggu has become the largest medical school in the world of immortality. It trains countless doctors every year. Today, there are nearly 10,000 tablets in the ancestral hall. The old black wooden tablets on the top are engraved with the names of Qingluan and Song Minghong.

Every time you save a person, you get a merit.

Physician Yaowanggu walked the world, directly or indirectly changed the destiny of many mortals and monks, and many people even established Yaowang Temple in the mortal world, thanking them for worship. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of golden light of merit gathered on the memorial tablet in the ancestral hall, especially Qingluan’s memorial tablet, she alone has accumulated ten million merits.

Song Qingshi stretched out his hand and, in the name of his master, chanted Fajue, gathering all the golden light of merit in his palm, condensing it into a holy golden long sword.

This is the merit that Qingluan spent three thousand years to collect, and then gave it to Song Qingshi to create a weapon.

Only the brightest power in the world can kill the most filthy monster in the world.

After the golden light of merit was taken away, the shadow of a beautiful and gentle girl appeared in the ancestral hall.

This is the image of the remnant soul left by Qingluan.

She bowed deeply towards Song Qingshi, begging:

“Thank you, Qingshi Shenjun.”

“Please bring him back…”

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