Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 13

Chapter 12 s

Too good memory is not a good thing.

This means that he can clearly remember every injury, every nightmare, to torture himself over and over again.

At night, Requiem did not suppress the pain in his heart. In his dream, he returned to Jinfeng Villa and fell into the golden bird cage.

The acacia on his back was faintly hot and his body was unable to move, so he was forced to sit on the ground, watching the teenagers who accompanied the guests, and staged scenes of ridiculous drama after another.

In this filthy world, even the air is too dirty to breathe…

Desire was forced to provoke, and wanton play.

It’s dirty and disgusting.

The more Wuhuan curled up in despair, trying to avoid the stretched hands one after another, trying to cut off every inch of skin that had been touched. He was dirty and embarrassed. He couldn’t breathe. He died again and again. Every time he woke up, he was still in the cage. He repeated the nightmare from the last time until he lost his mind, gave up struggling, and let his body be completely destroyed. .

Suddenly, the red lotus fire burned down the cage, and the clear medicinal incense washed away the dirty breath.

He realized that the waves around him had disappeared, and opened his eyes carefully. What appeared in front of him was a boy wearing a snow suit.

There was no dirty smell on the boy’s body, no dirty desire in his eyes. He stretched out his hand from the overlapping cuffs, and even his fingertips had a clean breath of white snow.

Yue Wuhuan thought for a long time before he realized that this hand was for himself.

With a hint of eagerness, he wanted to touch the cleanest existence in the world. Just raised his hand, the red marks on his wrist and the dirt on his palm came into view. He quickly retracted his dirty hand and wanted to hide behind him. , But saw the traces of his body accompanying the guests, and there was no clean place on his body.

“Don’t touch me, it will stain your hands…”

“Don’t look at me, it will stain your eyes…”

“Don’t save me, just kill it…”

He was so terrified that he kept backing away until he hid in the darkness and could no longer see his body.

The boy stubbornly approached, reaching out his hand again and again, until he stepped into the darkness, forcing him to retreat. Finally, the young man took off his clean snow jacket, put it on him, and embraced him as if he were treating the most precious treasure, removing his shackles one by one, and wiping the stains on his body little by little.

His serious eyes are full of his figure, the clear breath is tangling on the tip of his nose, and his soft fingers are like a little spark, igniting the fire of his desire. His heart is sinking, his reason is losing, and he is transformed into a terrible monster, wanting to possess, wanting to dismantle the young man, and stay with him forever.

Want to dirty his body frantically…

I want to greedily desecrate this clean…

I want to take revenge…

Yue Wuhuan gasped and pushed the tenderness of the young man abruptly. He knew he couldn’t get close anymore.

The boy noticed the embarrassing reaction of his body, thought for a while, and put a red **** rosary into his palm.

The divine rosary emits a burning sensation, and follows the movement of divine thoughts and walks according to the heart.

Yue Wuhuan felt that the acacia seal on his back was quickly dissipating, the shackles on his body were completely untied, but his desires were spreading crazily.

Following his desire, the young man slowly took off his single clothes, took off the white jade hair crown, the fine and soft long hair spread, and the white skin quickly showed a gorgeous and enchanting red mark, and the cold breath was attacked by desire. Like a holy deity walked into the altar of hell, fell into the arms of the devil, and said in the clearest voice what he wanted to hear:

“You can get me dirty.”

“You can do anything to me.”

“I will give you everything you want.”

“including me.”


All the delusions in my heart turned into reality.

The devil could no longer maintain his sanity, he occupied every inch of territory little by little, and violated every breath little by little.


Yue Wuhuan panted and opened his eyes. There was still a mixture of sweet greasy and herbal flavor in his nose. He suddenly realized something, and slowly turned his head, and suddenly saw Song Qingshi lying on the bedside, holding Luminous Pearl in his hand. The lamp I made, staring at me with flickering eyes illuminated by the beaded light, seemed to be excitedly expecting something.

He stared blankly for a long time, then slowly closed his eyes, suspecting that he was not awake yet.

“Don’t sleep!” Song Qingshi stopped his thoughts, “Wake up!”

Yue Wuhuan finally woke up, his voice was dumb, and he questioned: “My Lord, why are you here?”

“Wuhuan, listen to me!” Song Qingshi happily reported, “I finally found a way to alleviate the side effects of Liumai Fusheng Decoction! So I came to call you early in the morning and get up! Let’s go for treatment!”

Yue Wuhuan glanced blankly at the white sky just turned out of the window.

It should be five watch days now, right?

Song Qingshi made a problem that had troubled him for many days. He was happy and refreshed. He felt like fans who supported the team to win the World Cup championship were hot-headed and wanted to talk when they saw anyone. In the entire Medicine King Valley, the person who understands his thinking and the source of happiness best is the less joy, so he worked hard to arrest people in the morning: “Hurry up, hurry up!”

“Okay,” Yue Wu smiled. Suddenly, he realized something, stopped lifting the quilt, and whispered: “Master, you go out first and wait, I will change clothes and come out again.”

Song Qingshi finally realized that he was not doing well. In the past, many experiments in the research institute took 24 hours to watch. He and his seniors would be on duty. It was common to go to the dormitory to wake up in the middle of the night. Forget that although the protagonist is a man, he is also likely to be a man, so he should avoid suspicion. He runs around other people’s bed like this, a bit of a night attack.

The more Wuhuan has psychological problems, he will be over when he is misunderstood…

Thinking of this, Song Qingshi immediately corrected his words and deeds, in order to show the perfect demeanor of a gentleman, and turned to go out.

Yue Wuhuan let out a long sigh of relief. He lifted the quilt and looked at the traces of desire release with disgust, but the beautiful scenery in the dream appeared in front of him. Thinking of the young man who allowed himself to ask for anything, he couldn’t help but bow again. He raised his waist and desperately restrained his unbearable thoughts so as not to stain the white paper.

He’s so dirty…

Song Qingshi waited anxiously outside the door for a long time, and finally waited until Yue Wuhuan finished freshening up and dressed up. He was sure that the other person looked as usual and didn’t seem to be angry with his recklessness. He immediately put down his worry and happily dragged the person straight to the treatment room.

In the treatment room, there are two boxes full of gold needles for acupuncture.

There are acupuncture and anesthesia treatment methods in Chinese medicine, but only local anesthesia can be used. The effect varies from person to person. Analgesia is incomplete. It is far less convenient and effective than Western anesthesia. The patient does not accept it, so it is generally only used in very special circumstances. .

Song Qingshi suddenly realized in the memory of the original body that the world has special meridians and dantians, which increase the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion many times. It can also input spiritual power while the golden needles are pierced into the acupoints to achieve fine control of local anesthesia. .

He opened the door to the new world in an instant, and experimented with his body several times to determine that he can use acupuncture to minimize the anesthesia range of the blockage in the Yuewuhuan meridian, and reduce the pain by 50% without affecting the curative effect. , Controlling the pain caused by Liumai Fusheng Decoction to the human body can bear.

Song Qingshi stumbled and talked for a long time, and finally clarified the truth: “I will use more than two hundred golden needles to pierce your whole body, rest assured, there will be no pain, just some numbness makes it itchy, and then the medicated bath. After successfully opening the meridian, I will take out the needle and use medicine to reshape the dantian for you.”

The more Wuhuan looked at him, he was silent for a long time.

“Although the needle needs to be undressed, there may be contact, but I am a doctor. The doctor sees no gender, only the patient!” Song Qingshi thought for a while, felt that the other party had scruples, and swears, “You don’t need to be on guard, I I promise that I won’t have strange thoughts about you and do strange things!”

But he has strange ideas…

Yue Wuhuan stared at his pale pink lips in a daze, remembering the scene in his dream, his throat was a little tight, he took a breath, forced down those unbearable thoughts, slowly released his belt, and lowered his head and said softly: “If If it’s you…you can touch…”

The wound on the shoulder is only a faint scar, the pale honey-colored, warm jade-like skin carries the sweet smell of nothing, the shoulder blades spread out like a butterfly, and the acacia print becomes the miyan lines on the butterfly wings, and the thin waist With powerful lines on the limbs, this body is too perfect to provoke people’s desires at any time.

Song Qingshi thought for a while, and felt that he should not overestimate the human resistance to beautiful things. He found a bath towel to surround him, then calmed down, used his spiritual sense to determine the location of the needle, and pierced it one by one.

“Do you feel it?”


“How does it feel?”

“Sour, swelling, itching…”

Song Qingshi made sure that the needles were correct, relieved his heart, and continued to pierce them one by one.

When he pierced his back, he suddenly noticed that there was a red birthmark on Yue Wuhuan’s shoulder blade, shaped like a small phoenix, because it was covered by acacia prints and mixed together, so it was not very conspicuous.

He stopped the needle, observed for a long time, and couldn’t help saying: “You have a beautiful birthmark.”

“It was inherited from my mother.” Yue Wuhuan was evoked from childhood, and the nervousness faded a lot. “She is a dancer in the palace, from overseas, with red hair and golden eyes, and was seen by my father. The concubine was sealed off, and I followed her in many parts of my appearance.”

“Mixed-blood? Your mother must be very beautiful.” Song Qingshi felt his relaxation and tried to continue talking. “Black and curly hair are both dominant genes. Black eyes are not pure black, but the proportion of dark genetics is relatively high, so it becomes It became dark gold like amber, and your eyes are called angel pupils…”

Yue Wuhuan couldn’t understand what he said afterwards: “My mother…is really beautiful…”

“What kind of person is she?”

“Very gentle person, everyone in the palace likes her.”

“Do you want to go back to see her?” Song Qingshi felt that seeing her family again would help her mental recovery, “I can send you back.”

Yue Wuhuan’s voice suddenly stopped. After a long time, he said with difficulty: “No, she has passed away.”

Song Qingshi stopped in midair with the needle holding his hand, and he realized that he had overturned again.

“They…heard that my mother looks similar to me, and they have moved their minds and wanted to be a slave.” Yue Wuhuan’s voice lost his emotions. He was so accustomed to pain that he was numb. “I wanted to save my mother. They compromised a lot of unwilling things, but… they still went. Fortunately, my country was destroyed a few years ago. My father and prince brother died in battle, and my mother accompanied the queen to suicide in Phoenix Terrace, and both died. Now, I’m so happy that they all died cleanly. They don’t need to be humiliated, and they don’t need to see me like this…”

Song Qing’s heart was about to melt, he couldn’t comfort such pain, he just wanted to give the person in front of him a hug.

He just stretched out his hand and thought for a while, his fingertips just touched his shoulders, and then put them back, because he remembered that the other party hated touching and would be unhappy.

He lowered his head, picked up the golden needle again, and told himself that everything would be fine.

Yue Wuhuan noticed the movement behind him, turned his head, and suddenly saw Song Qingshi’s neckline, with a little red mark inadvertently exposed.

He opened his eyes wide in disbelief, thought of something that he shouldn’t have, and without thinking, he stretched out his hand and violently pulled open the collar.

In the snow-colored robe, around the collarbone, there are a few mottled spots of dark red, reflecting on the white jade skin, especially dazzling, and gradually overlapping with the crazy and unbearable dreams of last night.

The young man didn’t struggle, sat in place obediently, looking at him with ignorant eyes, as if he didn’t understand why he was excited.

He breathed quickly, and he couldn’t suppress his dirty longing.

“what is this?”

The author has something to say: Song Qingshi’s analysis: the more unhappy is the feeling, I am not interested in these things, so we are very safe to live together!

Yue Wuhuan hid the wolf’s tail and smiled: What you said is correct.

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