Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 match made in heaven

Bai Zihao bit his nails, a little anxious.

Jin Feizhen was bitten by the flame wolf to protect him in the Secret Realm of Extreme Flame. The injury was quite serious on the leg. Although the spread of the inflammation was controlled by the elixir, the poison can be slowly resolved, but he was exposed to the raging fire every day. The burning taste is uncomfortable, and the pain needs to last for two full years. He was so guilty that he waited carefully every day, bearing Jin Fei’s more and more violent temper…

The Wannian Water Spirit Orb can suppress the pain of inflammation and poison, but this thing is extremely rare, it is still a consumable, and it has been searched for a long time without results.

Fortunately, a Ten Thousand Years Water Monster appeared in Yueyin Lake, and it was successfully hunted by Ten Thousand Gu Sect and Medicine King Valley…

Jin Feizhen has hesitated about Yaowanggu in recent years. He never thought that Yue Wuhuan would succeed in hooking up Yaowang Xianzun and become a direct disciple, and he was very much loved. He also knew what he had done to Yue Wuhuan, and he would not feel that this lunatic had no resentment in his heart, but what Yue Wuhuan thought was not important, what Song Qingshi thought was important.

It stands to reason that Xie Que is the culprit. Jinfeng Villa normally buys slaves and does not violate the laws and morals of the fairy world. Normal people will not bother for this kind of thing. After all, even if he doesn’t buy it, the more Wuhuan will be sold to Hualou, with his beauty, there will be no difference in the end.

However, Yao Wang Xianzun’s brain is not normal, and he often does not act according to common sense, and he does not know what he will do.

If not necessary, he didn’t really want to use Yaowanggu. Although Yaowanggu was very small, had no influence, and did not like to socialize, Song Qingshi was the number one doctor in the immortal realm. For so many years, the people he rescued were almost all over the big sects. Even if everyone didn’t like him and didn’t want to find him when something happened, the rare pill produced by Yaowanggu couldn’t be replaced.

Although the doctor has to pay for the consultation, it depends on his mood, but he can’t get the money back.

Elder Niu of Wushanmen, half of his leg stepped into the ghost gate, he pulled it back, and he was thinking of kindness in his heart.

The wonderful lady of Changkong Island got a pill for regaining her youth and beauty, and she was full of praise for him.

There are many, many such examples…

Although Yue Wuhuan was crazy over the years, he still evaded Jinfeng Villa and didn’t show revenge.

Medicine King Immortal Venerable Yuan Ying had great perfection, born with poisonous fire, and inherited from Nie’s Poison Venerable. He seldom went out. I don’t know how many hole cards in his hand. The price of removing him would be too great, and he might even provoke the fanatics of Ten Thousand Gus.

If he fears the slaves in the past, fears things that have not happened, is suspicious, and preempts Yaowanggu, it will be embarrassing and useless, and it will affect his reputation and it is not worth…

Jin Feizhen is very tangled…

The injury of the flame wolf just gave him a chance to test.

He sent Bai Zihao to show his favor with a heavy courtesy, and ordered him to obtain the Water Spirit Orb, to see how Yaowanggu’s attitude was.

The setting sun was like blood, and Yue Wuhuan finally appeared in the courtyard.

The big red brocade, the golden wing-like mask, the beautiful phoenix eyes, the upright figure…

He was as gorgeous as a real phoenix, much more beautiful than when he was at Jinfeng Villa.

Bai Zihao looked slightly awkward, he wanted to say hello, he wanted to say a few old words, but he didn’t know what to say.

Before he was sold to Jinfeng Mountain Villa, he lived in a small village with simple folk customs. He never thought that there would be men in this world. Jin Feizhen fell in love with him and forced him to learn to serve men. What he saw for the first time was the more unhappy. The scene at that time… made him extremely scared without personnel. He cried and wanted to escape, but Can’t escape, forced to look at his future, almost desperate.

Yue Wuhuan raised his head from the hell, glanced at him, and couldn’t help but smile.

Bai Zihao didn’t know what he was laughing at, but he was attracted…

He has never seen such a beautiful person, like a monster flower blooming on the ugly bones in the abyss of sin. The ecstatic beauty can make people forget all the filth, and the perfect body attracts everyone’s attention. I know that I shouldn’t look at it, but I can’t help but look at it, and my body will even faintly feel strange.

Later, he realized that this was desire, he had desires for men…

The shackles in my heart were pried open, and there was a crack in my self-esteem…

When Jin Feizhen kissed him again, he gave up fierce resistance and tried to endure it all.

When he was in pain, the more unhappy smile always appeared in his mind, and such good people would sink into hell.

What is the use of his little resistance?

A few days later, when he saw Yue Wuhuan again, he irritated Jin Feizhen for some reason in the bedclothes, and was punished. Not only did he get a whip, he was also dragged to a black jail for three days. Eating. The black jail is a place where slaves don’t want to go. It’s dark and damp, small and scary, and there are rats everywhere. The injury is easy to worsen and the pain is difficult…

He secretly brought food and medicine, and wanted to give him…

The guard knew that he was favored, received the benefits, and closed one eye.

He slipped into the black jail smoothly, but saw Yue Wuhuan lying on the icy stone bed with long black hair scattered randomly. The red silk shirt was stained with blood and dirty, but his expression was very relaxed. , Humming a song in a low voice, the tune is very familiar, it seems to be a lullaby that every mother would sing next to her child’s pillow…

Yue Wuhuan saw him coming in and got up suspiciously.

Bai Zihao stuffed things in silently, wanted to say something, but felt poor.

The more Wuhuan saw things, as if he saw very interesting things, he couldn’t help laughing. He commented: “Stupid.”

Bai Zihao was laughed inexplicably, not knowing what he had done wrong.

“I’ve seen too many people like you. It’s ridiculous. You should learn how to serve that person with your body. After all, you still look rare and have a soft temper. As long as you are obedient and obedient, you can suffer less. Sin. Don’t worry, I think your body is very suitable for these things,” Yue Wuhuan gently picked up the medicine bottle with his fingers, turned it casually, and said sarcastically, “You looked at me that day, didn’t you react? Where is the reaction, let me hear it? Or let me guess… Do you have feelings for female prostration?”

The little secret was discovered, and his face was torn off and stepped on the ground.

Bai Zihao flushed with anger, stood up and cursed: “You, why don’t you know what’s good or bad?”

“Take it back, I don’t need these,” Yue Wuhuan threw the food and the medicine bottle back to him, and said in a mocking tone, “You keep it well, and you will need it when you finish serving the man.”

Bai Zihao took the things and ran away from the black prison embarrassedly. He felt that this person was extremely annoying.

Yue Wuhuan gave him a cold look, then lay down again without speaking.

The third time we met was on Langgan Stage, Yue Wuhuan was attacked by the demon tiger, and was rescued by Yaowang Xianzun at the very moment of his death.

He almost frightened his guts, and saw Yue Wuhuan being taken away, and he was relieved again…

That night, he became Jin Fei’s imprisonment, and then he was horrified to find that every word Yue Wuhuan said was right, even though he was treated roughly, but he had feelings about this kind of thing. Then he surrendered slowly, slowly obediently, and learned to please until he fell. Jin Feizhen is an arrogant man, he likes to conquer, not only the body, but also the heart.

In fact, as long as you can follow him and admire him, life will be much easier.

Bai Zihao did this completely, he almost regarded Jin Feizhen as his own heaven, so he got the highest love.

When the mad Taoist attacked, he blocked a fatal attack for Jin Feiyu.

Jin Feizhen fell in love with him, trusted him, and got rid of his slave status, given various precious training resources, and possessed a lot of authority. He never needed to accompany other men, was rarely punished, and gained peace. The other disciples did the same to study and experience the qualifications, and made great concessions for his interests in the negotiations with Songhemen.

Bai Zihao told himself that this is love and happiness.

He is already very happy.

However, he couldn’t forget the more unhappy things.

After Jin Feizhi completely trusted him, he began to secretly investigate the more Wuhuan things, the more investigating, the more confused. Obviously when he first entered Jinfeng Villa, he was favored by Jin Feizhen. He could live a good life by serving only one person. Why did he fall to this point? Obviously he has such beauty, but he makes his life similar to that of the cheapest slave, and serves any guests casually. Why?

Bai Zihao couldn’t understand, but he couldn’t help thinking…

Suddenly one day, he woke up from bed with scars, and understood.

This is a resistance to Jin Feiyu…

He is telling Jin Feiyu that even if he is accompany countless guests strayly, even if it is all kinds of humiliation and abuse, he will never give in, and never give him his heart! He would rather be the cheapest slave and serve anyone with his body than Jin Feizhen alone!

Therefore, he became a thorn in Jin Feiqi’s heart.

Jin Feizhen never mentions his name, but for a long time he has been looking for a teenager who is similar to him.

Bai Zihao is not jealous, just a little admiration…

Because this is something he can’t do.

Later, I heard that Yue Wuhuan became a disciple of Yaowanggu and was favored by Yaowang Xianzun. It seemed that life was going well. Later, I heard that he was disfigured somehow, and his spirit seemed to have some problems, scarred, but he was still free…

The slaves of Jinfeng Villa didn’t like Yue Wuhuan very much, because he was so beautiful, and his temperament was incompatible with everyone. They all laughed at him for being stupid, laughing at him out of favor, laughing at him having a good life, but asking for trouble.

Bai Zihao never participates in these topics. It seems that there is no one else in his quiet world except Jin Feiyu.

The white bird in the gorgeous cage quietly envied the wings that fly in the sky.

Can’t be found by the owner…

Yue Wu Huan walked towards Bai Zihao with a smile, and handed him the brocade box with the water spirit beads in his hand: “Take it back and go for business.”

Bai Zihao took the brocade box, his heart fell to the ground, and thanked again and again.

“No need to thank you,” Yue Wuhuan said with a smile, “I heard that you will become the Taoist companion of Jin Zhuangzhu in a few days. I congratulate you in advance. My lord doesn’t like socializing, but Yaowanggu will give gifts. I don’t know you like it. what?”

Bai Zihao’s face flushed slightly after hearing this, “You are welcome.”

“Yes, when I saw you back then, I thought it was a good thing.” Yue Wuhuan glanced at the wound on his neck and blessed in a very sincere tone. “It is also a good thing that you can let the Jin Zhuangzhu take his heart. I like you very much and I like it to the bottom of my heart.”

Bai Zihao closed his neckline, and said embarrassedly: “Well, I like him as well.”

Yue Wuhuan sincerely praised: “Born to be a couple.”

“Thank you,” Bai Zihao looked at his mask, thought for a long time, and couldn’t help asking, “What is your face…”

“Nothing,” Yue Wuhuan took off the mask, showing an ugly grimace, and smiled, “There are many poisonous things in the Medicine King Valley. I was out of luck and accidentally encountered the improved grimace snake venom. And because the Lord retreats and missed the treatment, it became like this.”

Bai Zihao was so scared that he took two steps back, finally regaining his composure, and said sympathetically: “You become like this…how will you be favored in the future?”

In Jinfeng Villa, everyone said that he was able to climb the Yaowang Xianzun based on his beauty and body. Now that his beauty is gone, wouldn’t he be abandoned?

Yue Wuhuan brought back the mask again: “My lord does not dislike it.”

Bai Zihao was relieved slightly and praised: “He is really a good person.”

From now on, he will never say that Yaowang Xianzun is a weird person, at least he has a good conscience, and he will not give up at first.

Yue Wuhuan knows that he has a cowardly character and has been locked up in Jinfeng Villa for many years. He has almost no contact with the outside world or dared to communicate with the outside world. Everything in his mind is to listen to Jin Feiqi’s words and act according to the standards in Jinfeng Villa. Lost the judgment of normal people. This is also the appearance of most of the slaves in Jinfeng Villa, no wonder.

He came this time mainly to ask about other things.

When the Lord visited Jinfeng Mountain Villa as a guest, he had already prepared for the death on Langgan Stage, so he didn’t care about many other things. At that time, Bai Zihao was next to Jin Feizhen, and he should know most of the things…

He mentioned the matter a little bit, and then asked Bai Zihao: “Did the owner of Jin Zhuang invite this person back then?”

Bai Zihao thought about it seriously: “Yes, but he left without saying goodbye. The owner was very upset and complained for a long time afterwards.”

The more Wuhuan smiled with satisfaction.

He once again sincerely blessed the two of them for their kindness and love for everlasting time, and then turned and left.

Bai Zihao put away the water spirit pearl, took a deep breath, and turned back to the room, but when he walked to the window, he saw Yao Wang Xianzun jumping from the tree, standing worriedly in front of Yue Wuhuan, and checked him up and down, as if As if he came out in a tiger-wolf land, he was afraid of missing a piece of meat.

Yao Wang Xianzun really spoiled him.

Bai Zihao smiled and shook his head. When he was about to close the window, he saw Yao Wang Xianzun lift up Yue Wuhuan’s sleeves. He seemed to have discovered something. Yue Wuhuan embarrassedly wanted to withdraw his hand, but was pulled tightly. .

What happened?

Bai Zihao curiously released his spiritual thoughts, and quietly checked.

He saw a few shallow scratches on Yue Wuhuan’s wrist, which were not serious, but just a little bit on the epidermis, and the wound had begun to heal.

Yue Wuhuan explained embarrassingly: “Lord, I accidentally scratched it, it doesn’t matter…”

“If you see blood, you must take the medicine to avoid infection,” Song Qingshi insisted. He took out the traumatic plaster from the mustard bag, lowered his head, applied it very carefully, and then wrapped the wound with gauze. The movements were gentle, as if he was afraid of accidentally hurting him. After handling everything, he told him earnestly, “Be careful in the future, don’t get hurt, it will hurt…”

Bai Zihao stared blankly at…

Because Song Qingshi kept his head down, the more Wuhuan couldn’t see his expression.

Bai Zihao saw those clear eyes, and they were full of invisible sadness.

Does it hurt even a little bit of pain?


Bai Zihao suddenly felt that his heart was being picked up, and some cognition appeared chaotic.

He was a little confused, but he didn’t understand what he was confused about…

In the end, Bai Zihao left the town and embarked on the road back to Jinfeng Villa.

Jin Feizhen saw the water spirit pearl, suppressed the inflammation, and happily carried him to the bed to reward…

This is the same madness as usual, the same roughness as usual, the same pain and happiness as usual.

He told Bai Zihao over and over again: “I love you, I love you the most.”

Bai Zihao looked at the blue tent blankly, and suddenly thoughts of disrespect that he had never had before appeared in his mind:

if you love me……

Why are you willing to hurt me?

A tear slipped quietly from the corner of his eye, fell into the pillow, and disappeared.

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