Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 58

Chapter 57 Blood of the Devil

Song Qingshi’s drink volume was so bad that he fell asleep in a drowsy state…

Yue Wuhuan took him back to the inn, washed his face, untied his robe, covered the quilt, and sat on the side of the bed for a long time. He felt that his drunken appearance was delicious, and that his drunken behavior was out of control. , Challenged his self-control, and finally decided to let him drink less.

What happened tonight was an accident.

A few gu worms with fireflies flew outside the window, a signal from that person.

Now that the Lord has fallen asleep and everyone is trying to see, it is time to deal with this happy matter.

Yue Wuhuan gathered his long hair, reorganized his clothes, and followed the mark given by Gu worm to the place he should go.

In the abandoned mountain temple on the outskirts of Nanhai city, there are densely packed worms and snakes, moving and crawling, ugly and strange, just like the most terrifying torture in the legend, there is a breath of death everywhere. Opteron was thrown into the barren mountain as early as when he had a demon attack, so as not to be noticed.

An Long sat quietly in the center of the bowl, with no emotions in his narrow, **** eyes.

Yue Wuhuan walked into this mountain temple dominated by terror without hesitation. He stepped into the pile of gu worms. The snakes and gu worms climbed up on his legs. The road to **** that the most terrible nightmare could not dream of, but he seemed to be walking in the sea of ​​flowers, walking in the clouds, without feeling the slightest fear.

An Long finally spoke, his voice hoarse and unpleasant: “You are a lunatic.”

Yue Wu Huan laughed extremely softly: “You are a half-devil.”

The little cultivator of foundation building was covered with gu worms, and looked provocatively at the king who dominated his life in the dark.

He doesn’t know fear, nor is he afraid of death. He likes calculations and prefers to gamble.

An Long has already found out his experience in the past ten years clearly. No one has ever been as crazy as him. He will use his life and weakness to set up one trap after another. He will only be able to use his own life and weakness to set up traps one after another. Revealing the real fangs, biting a bite on the weakness, making you painful.

The most terrible poison…

An Long asked coldly: “When did you start to doubt my identity?”

“In the beginning, I felt that your acquaintance with the Lord was very deliberate,” Yue Wuhuan saw his thoughts, and said slowly and patiently, “You deliberately attracted his attention, and then you cooperated with him accurately. Interests and hobbies, become’friends’. The Lord is a bad-spoken person. He never takes the initiative to express his preferences. There are many misunderstandings about him from the outside world. Why do you know his mind so much?”

Of course, this is just a little bit of doubt…

There are also many coincidences in the world, such as two people who just happen to be the right ones.

But if there is a loophole in my heart, I will think more and more, and think more and more.

Song Qingshi had a good habit of filing medical records for every patient. During the past ten years, he checked all the records and found nothing suspicious.

He also checked An Long’s past and found that before entering the Wan Gu Sect, there was a blank space, no parents, no friends, and all the past. He seemed to appear out of thin air. Because of his innate Gu control ability, he was caught by the front door of Wan Gu Sect. The master adopts and becomes a direct disciple.

Finally, he accidentally found the half-demon medical record.

Because of the controversy of Half Demon in the immortal world, this record is sealed and hidden in the corner of the study, which is very cherished.

Song Qingshi’s medical records did not contain anything related to emotions. They were all cold data, including daily medications, disease development, etc. At that time, he seemed to be a young doctor, and many treatments were inaccurate and recorded. It is perfect, but it can be seen that the process lasted for nearly two years. The two were alone and accompanied each other day and night, enough to see that this indifferent person was gentle in his heart and understood his true preferences.

But this is not enough…

“The humble and dirty half-devil and the noble and powerful Wangu Sect master, how dare I connect you? I have never heard of a half-devil that can climb to such a high position,” Yue Wuhuan’s voice brought out Ridiculed, “However, when the Lord talked about half-devil in the mountain temple, you seemed to hate this topic, and I felt that something was faintly wrong. When the nightmare was the heartbreak, the Lord thought it was my nightmare. But , I know it’s not, then it can only be your nightmare, why is the place where Dignified Gu King’s deepest memory is the stinking swamp?”

Half Devil and Song Qingshi met in a swamp, and Anlong’s nightmare memory was also a swamp.

However, there is still a little evidence.

An Long suddenly smelled a faint scent. He quickly shielded his breath, but it was too late. The scent stimulated the tumbling of the magic blood. Vertical pupils appeared in the blood-colored eyes again, and the black scales gradually appeared on his face, covering most of it. On his face, the limbs on the half of his body began to change, the arms tattooed with the five poisons turned into a black crust, and the fingers stretched out like the arthropods of insects, and the fingertips were as sharp as a knife.

The back mutated, barbs appeared, and a long scorpion tail stretched out with a poisonous hook at the end.

Yue Wuhuan exclaimed: “Your true face is as ugly as I thought.”

An Long said coldly: “Scent of the soul? What did you add in it?”

Ecstatic incense is not a harmful poison, it is just an excitement used to stimulate the emotions and desires.

However, its stimulation to the half-devil, like realgar to a snake, is extremely strong.

The more Wuhuan’s specially-made ecstasy, the stronger the effect.

An Long could have suppressed this frenzy by virtue of his cultivation, but today he was emotionally unstable. Under the stimulation of the ecstasy, his seven emotions and six desires were all enlarged, and finally he was unable to control his body, and would never show the side he would not want to see. Exposed.

“Lord Xilin Gu,” Yue Wuhuan opened his hands and smiled happily, “If you kill me, my will will inform the Lord of this matter, tell the night rain pavilion, tell the Wan Gu Sect, tell Everyone in the world.”

In the world of cultivating immortals, half demons can be punishable by everyone.

No one would allow him to sit on the throne of Xilin.

No matter how strong Xilin Gu King is, can he stop the chase of the whole world?

Yue Wuhuan is a lunatic, he has nothing, he is not afraid of losing anything, he is not afraid of torture, torture, death, and everything. His same dying is just an extremely painful choice for his opponent.

An Long took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the chaos in his mind that was provoked by Ecstasy, stood up, and spread his murderous intent: “He won’t be tempted by you.”

He has made a choice.

“Even if you lose everything, you will kill me? I didn’t expect that King Gu is really affectionate to my lord, crazy and can’t help himself.” Yue Wuhuan showed a more charming smile, and in an instant he tore his smile and turned into The cold and terrifying lunatic, all the blood king vines were stretched out, and the sword was out of the sheath, he asked sharply, “But…you are in Jinfeng Villa, why did you kill him?!”

An Long’s murderous aura solidified. After a long time, Fang asked, “Why do you know this?”

In an instant he understood that the more Huanhuan is the mortal slave with Guiyuan Xianzun. At that time, he did something wrong, his thoughts were flustered, and only noticed Guiyuan Xianzun’s prying eyes. In order to completely erase the matter, he killed Guiyuan Xianzun and the participating sect, but he did not find the blindfolded and watched Where are the humble slaves who don’t know their faces.

There are too many slaves in Jinfeng Villa, and mortals have no ability to spy on what he is doing.

Therefore, after he confirmed that Guiyuan Xianzun did not know what he had done, he let it go.

This incident was the biggest thorn and the deepest pain in his heart.

“Let me guess,” Yue Wu Huan walked forward step by step with a smile, “Aren’t you showing love to my lord? Then my lord rejected you, your half-devil blood killing and anger Desire broke out and killed him by mistake? You suspect that Guiyuan Xianzun saw your half-devil appearance, so you killed him?”

“No,” An Long muttered to himself, as if to explain to himself, “I didn’t know what happened at the time, it was very chaotic. When I woke up, he was already dead…”

“Yes,” Yue Wuhuan approached, “You are out of control, your Gu worm killed him.”

An Long retorted: “He is not dead!”

“I saw him lose his breath with my own eyes. You thought he was dead at the time, so you put him in his favorite medicine garden, didn’t you?” Yue Wuhuan’s expression was extremely sad, “The Lord is so pitiful, he There is no trace of resistance on his body, I am afraid that I did not expect my “good friend” to be so cruel to him and caught off guard.”

An Long felt his head hurt again: “I don’t remember, but he didn’t die, he came back to life…”

The less joyous he said, “The Lord can survive, it is his luck, not your mercy.”

An Long took a deep breath: “Qing Shi forgave me.”

“He forgave you?” Yue Wuhuan laughed frantically, as if he heard the funniest joke, he was like a demon from **** who found the stupidest prey, and he could take it away without much effort. Sad soul.

An Long suddenly felt scared, he realized that something was wrong, maybe he should kill this person immediately, don’t face the truth…

However, it was too late.

In a gentle tone, Yue Wuhuan said the cruelest truth: “The Lord forgot that memory. He forgot that you killed him.”

An Long said angrily: “Impossible! That Gu worm will not attack the Sea of ​​Consciousness!”

“Unfortunately, something happened to his soul, which caused some memory to be lost.” Yue Wuhuan showed his eyes at the poor beast. “What did he mean by forgiving? Did he mention anything that happened that day? Don’t be stupid, how could someone forgive the person who killed him?”

An Long backed away again and again, and he felt his head hurt even more.

When he saw Song Qingshi, he was a little out of control. He only remembered confessing his heart, begging for charity, but was ruthlessly rejected. Then he fell into rage and despair, lost his reason, and when he was sober again, Song Qingshi had fallen under his Gu worm.

His mental breakdown was complete, and he left Jinfeng Villa in a panic. It was a little better when he learned that Song Qingshi was not dead. He knew that he had made a serious mistake, and he dared not ask for forgiveness. The whole person was muddled and walked for a long time. Then he received a letter from Song Qingshi. The content of the letter was the same as usual, telling him the solution to the problem. He didn’t mention the events of that day, as if he didn’t take it to heart.

Song Qingshi agreed to visit Yaowanggu as a guest.

Song Qingshi smiled and said he forgave him.

Song Qingshi never mentioned what happened that day.

The lost and recovered ecstasy almost stunned his mind…

He dared not think about that day anymore, trying to hide in the sand like an ostrich to wipe out the crime.

He still has a faint joy in his heart, knowing his intentions, and willing to forgive such crimes, does it mean that he is unique in his mind? Are there some different feelings? That night, he knocked on the door of his room for the first time in his single shirt, and he was almost dizzy, thinking he had come to agree to his request.

Although it is a misunderstanding, it is good to be a good friend…

In order to redeem his sins, he was willing to do anything.

Even if I was pierced with a sharp blade…

He is also willing.

Because of the half-devil bloodline, his desire to kill is stronger than that of ordinary people. No one can provoke him to be alive. With the exception of Yue Wuhuan, he suppressed the killing intent again and again, allowing this weak mortal to survive in his sea of ​​anger. . Because he is afraid, he will lose everything if he makes another mistake.

It turns out that he was already wrong?

It turns out that he was never forgiven?

An Long pressed his head in pain, and the effect of Ecstasy became deeper and deeper. He felt that his brain began to buzz again, and auditory hallucinations were about to appear.

“You let the Lord go, okay?” Yue Wuhuan approached slowly, his beautiful eyes were full of prayers, his voice was fragile and pitiful, “I won’t hurt the Lord, I just want to be with him Gu live a quiet life, the years are quiet, and there is no competition in the world, please make us perfect, okay?”

A few blood king vines slowly grew out of the dark, with the poison that had been prepared for a long time, and approached this distracted, nearly collapsed prey.

“You have hurt him, he can’t forgive you,” Yue Wuhuan used the cruelest words, slashing his heart and stimulating his soul, “Why can you return to him shamelessly? Why are you Can you still be friends with a cheeky? Don’t you mistakenly think that he forgive you, you have a special place in his heart?”

The sword in his hand slowly approached, and there was a poisonous blue gloom on the sword.

An Long gasped and pleaded: “Stop talking, stop talking…”

“You are really ridiculous,” Yue Wuhuan shook his head softly, his voice full of pity, “How do you pray for forgiveness when you killed someone you like? Why… go to **** and confess your sins?”

Before the words were finished, the sword pierced out like a wandering dragon, and the Blood King Vine also launched an attack on the optimistic weakness at the same time.

Hard scales quickly appeared on An Long’s body, like the hardest shield, automatically blocking the poisonous attack.

Yue Wuhuan took the sword, took two steps back, and sneered: “The blood of the half-devil is really troublesome.”

He successfully disrupted his heart defense, and every position he attacked was a weakness, but his cultivation base was too low to pierce the defense of the half-devil soul infant. It was really embarrassing.

An Long knelt and sat on the ground, the noise in his mind became more and more serious, causing him to collapse and making him unable to think.

Gu worms all over the floor lost their command and began to attack the living creatures indiscriminately.

If you miss this opportunity, I am afraid that there is no good opportunity. The more Wuhuan uses the blood king vine to continuously pull away these surrounding insects, and still get bitten by poisonous snakes and gu worms on his body, he swallows drugs that delay the onset of the poison. Then he took out the black death butterfly, which is highly poisonous that can penetrate through skin contact. He had already used the Blood King Vine to make the black death butterfly’s information imprint on the prey.

The magic talisman was thrown out, and several talisman arrays were spread out to form a serial array, blocking all the retreat of Anlong.

Several black butterflies flew out of the sealed bamboo tube, pounced on the marked enemies, and brought their souls into the abyss.

The more Wuhuan smiled with satisfaction, waiting to reap the long-awaited happiness.

An Long raised his head, looked at the black butterfly, and slowly said, “Qing Shi cultivates the ruthless Dao.”

The more Wuhuan was stunned, he smiled brighter and brighter: “It’s just what I want.”

Although there has been a slight deviation, he will find a way to correct it.

He never wanted to let Zun take the initiative.

An Long couldn’t help cursing: “Madman.”

He stood up, countless black magic energy spread on his body, and the scorpion tail stretched out, ready to tear the formation.

Suddenly, the sky thunder sounded…

Lightning jumped wildly like a snake, a violent falling thunder smashed the roof of the mountain temple, interrupted the magic circle, and separated the two. Immediately afterwards, the torrential rain fell, drenching everything, and knocking down the wings of the black death butterfly, blocking the mortal attack.

Yue Wuhuan looked up in astonishment, watching the inexplicable weather changes.

He felt like he was back to the days when he was fooled by fate, he didn’t even understand what it was?

Anlong disappeared in the heavy rain, taking away all the gu worms and poisonous snakes.

The battle was interrupted and the goal could not be fully achieved.

“why why why?”

The more Wuhuan became very angry, the Blood King Vine was going wild, whipping the rainstorm, whipping the broken eaves and breaking walls, whipping everything that could be hit, the tree was cut off, the boulder was smashed, and he wished to destroy everything in the world. all.

The rain dimmed his vision, his body was wet, and there was a foul smell everywhere.

He hated the world into his bones.

An Long walked into the dense forest and lay in the mud.

The auditory hallucinations in his mind became more and more serious, and he could no longer think and fight anymore.

“Desperate, even if you crawl out of the filthy mud and get a position worthy of him?”

“Desperate, he would rather die than accept your heart…”

“Desperate, the disguise has been torn apart, your true face is so ugly, your heart is so dirty…”

“Desperate, he never forgave you…”


An Long listened blankly to these repeated words, but what appeared before his eyes was the young man who had picked him up in the dirty swamp, and covered him with a white robe with a scent over his body, and then He brought him back step by step, washed away the rotting wounds, removed the painful toxins, cured all his illnesses for him, and then sent him away mercilessly.

At that time, he was still young, and he didn’t know what he cared about.

He was very angry, very angry, very dissatisfied.

But he remembers him and thinks of him every day.

When the Secret Realm met again, he deliberately threw a super ugly bug, trying to annoy him.

The boy picked up the bug, looked at it for a long time, then walked up to him, smiled and told him: “Insects are very cute.”

At that moment, he understood what he cared about.

He deliberately made trouble, pretended to be stupid, and attracted his attention, he dressed up in a good human skin, and climbed to a high position in order to match him.

Even if he knew that he had cultivated the ruthless Tao, after despair, he still couldn’t let it go.

He wanted to hide everything, deceive the world, deceive his feelings, deceive his own feelings…

However, he failed.

It’s over, it’s all over.

Dirty bugs will return to the dirty mud after all.

“Desperate, give up human emotions and become a complete demon.”

“What the **** are you…?”

“I am your destiny.”

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