Mistakenly Saving the Villain

Chapter 68

Chapter 67 Dripping through the stone

The more useless is the dream-weaving incense, a group of three, step by step. When the incense is smelled, the sea of ​​consciousness will fall into chaos, revealing the empty door, allowing the surgeon to modify and control it at will. There are many restrictions on its use. For example, it cannot be used on a monk who has a higher cultivation level, otherwise the spirit will be backlashed, and occasionally it will fail if it encounters a very determined person.

Rong Ye didn’t have a strong will, and his cultivation was only at the stage of Qi training.

He is the best prey to play with.

The more Wuhuan is very good at mental slowness, he can make people suicide or become fools.

There used to be a traitor who sold Medicine King Valley. After the third dream-weaving incense ignited, he was completely crazy. He peeled off his skin abruptly, and then hit the wall to death.

Qingluan buried the body in the medicine garden, vomited many times, and had nightmares every day.

Fortunately, Rong Ye wakes up in time…

The less joy left room for him, giving him a chance to repent.

Under the treatment of Jingxin Pill and Soothing Decoction, Rong Ye gradually distinguished between illusion and reality and recovered. He saw Qingluan sitting by the bed, taking care of him tenderly, and remembered his own stupid thoughts. He was ashamed, ashamed and scared. He was so embarrassed to see people, buried in the quilt and kept crying.

Seeing that he was sluggish, Qingluan took sick leave for him and let him rest.

Rong Ye asked softly under the quilt, “Sister Qingluan, when shall I go to Tiangong Pavilion?”

He has never left the Yanshan Gate and Yaowang Valley since he came to the world of cultivating immortals, so he was afraid of going to Tiangong Pavilion and being an apprentice as a craftsman, but he knew that he had made a big mistake. This was the only thing Qingluan’s sister was fighting for him. To survive, you must go.

“If you get better before you leave, I will give you the name of the Lord,” Qing Luan thought for a while, and comforted, “Tiangong Pavilion is a good place. Elder Liao, who accepted his apprentice this time, is a female cultivator. She is very good. Becoming her apprentice is a very good thing. You are not interested in refining medicine, and you can give full play to your strengths with her.”

Rong Ye responded with sobbing.

The next day, Qingluan told Song Qingshi that Rong Ye was going to Tiangong Pavilion.

Song Qingshi was deeply impressed by this cheerful student. He remembered that he took the initiative to learn from Yue Wuhuan yesterday and took a lot of homework, but today he said he was leaving Medicine King Valley. Could it be that the homework was too difficult and his self-confidence was undermined?

Qingluan smiled and clarified: “Rong Ye always likes to be an agency. I heard that Elder Liao of Tiangong Pavilion recruited mortal apprentices, so he rushed to sign up. It’s fate.”

Ming Hong was familiar with Rong Ye’s character, and didn’t think he would make such a choice, and quickly guessed the truth.

He Qingyun couldn’t understand, and was anxious: “How can A Ye be a craftsman…”

Before he finished his words, Ming Hong stepped on his foot severely, and screamed in pain.

“Sister Qingluan will not harm us,” Ming Hong put on his shoulders, pinched the fool’s arm, and reminded in a low voice, “Rong Ye likes to be a craftsman, he chose this path himself. ”

He Qingyun finally turned the corner, crying sadly: “Yes, he likes to do handicraft.”

Song Qingshi looked at their faces and smiled: “Everyone has his own ambitions, it’s so good.”

He hastily checked his homework and confirmed that everyone is studying hard, so he left the school and said that he would go to the laboratory to do research.

Seeing that the Lord didn’t care about Rong Ye’s whereabouts, Qing Luan was finally relieved. She looked back and saw the expressions of He Qingyun and Ming Hong who were determined to know the truth. Knowing that they were friends, it was not easy to hide them, but they had to take care of Rong Ye’s dignity. She tactfully informed Rong Ye that he had made a mistake and needed to leave Medicine King Valley. , Let them bid farewell these two days, if Rong Ye learns his skills in Tiangong Pavilion and becomes a teacher, everyone will still have a chance to see each other.

She is the eldest sister of this group of children, deeply trusted…

Every choice and every decision made by Qingluan is to give everyone the best future.

Everyone felt sad about Rong Ye’s departure.

Qingluan was also not feeling well, so he comforted a few words and decided to adjust her mood with study. Since the Lord saw her research, Yue Wuhuan gently gave her massive amounts of information to encourage her to study hard. She immediately understood what the other party meant, and tried her best, wishing to break every day into twenty-four hours to work hard, barely reaching the standard.

Today is the day to do alchemy experiments. The apprentices are all staying in the school, and there is no one quietly in the library.

Qingluan quickly found the medicine book he needed, then sat at the desk, imitating the Lord’s habit, and sorted out the key content into his notes.

She was immersed in her study, ignoring the passage of time and the changes of light and shadow.

Suddenly, the calls of insects and birds outside the window disappeared, the wind stopped, and the entire library became quiet and silent, as if it became isolated from the world, and then gradually became scorched with a scorching breath. Where did she seem to experience such a terrible feeling?

Yanshan Gate? Xie Que’s death?

The shadow of terror struck.

Qing Luan realized that it was not good, and dropped the materials in a panic, trying to rush out of the library.

However, it was too late.

The entire library has been enveloped in the flame barrier, breaking all retreats.

Behind Qingluan came the sound of flipping a book gently.

She slowly turned her head back… Seeing the red lotus mysterious fire and the underworld flames blooming in the air, the red and black lotus flowers brought the breath of death, the tragedy of Xie Que’s death came to mind again, and she finally realized the true master of the Medicine King Valley It was this man who was standing at the desk and looking through the notes she had just made.

Immature appearance, gentle temper, never said hard things…

She knew that this was a terrible tiger, but she would still be misled again and again, and she was a little bit ignorant.

In this world, how can there be a Yuan Ying monk who is so easy to fool?

Qing Luan paled, kept calm, and saluted: “Master, what is your order?”

“It’s nothing,” Song Qingshi closed his notes and laughed, “I wanted to ask you some things a long time ago, but I didn’t find the right opportunity. The people from Yeyu Pavilion came to check the accounts today, and Wuhuan was busy receiving them, so I took time out. I have a chat with you.”

Qingluan swallowed. When she saw the lotus flower in Song Qingshi’s hand, she knew that she had come prepared. What she wanted to ask was the secret of Yue Wuhuan. If she said it, she would definitely not be pleased in the future. If she didn’t say it, she would do it now. Can’t please. She was thinking crazy about how to get through the crisis smoothly.

“I don’t like to check news like this,” Song Qingshi said, “but this matter is too important in my heart, and I must understand it. Tell me, what happened between Yue Wuhuan and Rong Ye? Why did Rong Ye want Go to Tiangong Pavilion?”

Qingluan smiled and said, “Last night… Brother Wuhuan told Rong Ye Tiangong Pavilion to accept apprentices and encourage him to learn art.”

Song Qingshi thought for a while: “So, did Rong Ye fall ill in bed with joy?”

Qing Luan smiled hard, and continued: “He is a sad parting…”

Song Qingshi looked at her for a long while, and the lotus in his hand slowly turned, reminding: “Do you remember? I will search for the soul.”

Qingluan was stunned. She had witnessed Song Qingshi reading her memory in Xie Que’s sea of ​​knowledge, and found out the secret order of the acacia seal.

“Don’t hide, the feeling of searching for the soul is not good, and there is a chance of causing trauma to the sea of ​​consciousness. It is useless to defend yourself, and you can read the most recent memory after death.” Song Qingshi finally released the coercion of the Yuan Ying monk, he was cold and cold. He ordered, “Don’t make stupid choices, tell everything.”

The tiger opened his eyes, stretched out his claws, tore through the lies, and stopped accepting fools.

Qing Luan was slumped to the ground. She knew that she couldn’t keep things secret, so she could only tell the matter honestly, including Rong Ye’s careful thinking of the Lord, the wrong things he did, and the lessons of Yue Wuhuan. She avoided the most important things as much as possible, and described the focus of the matter as if Rong Ye’s child had made a mistake in his disposition, and was punished and educated by the more Wuhuan, and then suddenly realized that everyone was happy.

Song Qingshi found more doubts: “Dungeon? In the corner of Xiyuan, where I used to grow poisonous mushrooms?”

When he was in charge of Medicine King Valley, the dungeon was a decoration. Recently, he didn’t use poisonous mushrooms for research, so he forgot that place.

Qingluan can’t wait to slap herself a few mouths, set up a private punishment hall, commit crimes, seek power, exclude dissidents… Everything that Yue Wuhuan does can’t stand up to details in other sects, although it is meritorious in helping the Lord. , But if his horrible control and paranoid feelings for the Lord are exposed… Qingluan’s mind has already popped up the stories written in the history books, such as the bird’s death, the rabbit’s death and the dog’s cooking, etc., tears in his eyes. Spinning around, too scared.

Song Qingshi asked entangledly: “Where did you get my poisonous mushrooms?”

Qing Luan sobbed: “Brother Wuhuan has built a new mushroom breeding house.”

Song Qingshi finally let go: “That’s good.”

Qing Luan’s cry stopped: “???”

She feels she has made the wrong point?

“Don’t cry,” Song Qingshi knew that he was scared enough to scare her, and quickly put away two flame lotus flowers, and said embarrassingly, “I’m sorry, I’m just scaring you, I won’t really use soul search.”

Searching for souls is extremely risky, and only memory fragments can be searched out, and memories of so many years cannot be read completely.

He didn’t intend to hurt Qingluan, just because she was afraid that she would not tell the truth and put up a battle to frighten her.

If you really can’t get the answer…he can just forget it.

Fortunately, the easiest to deceive people in this world are those who never lie.

Qingluan looked back and thought about the scene just now, and found that Song Qingshi didn’t even tell a lie, she fell into the trap. I don’t know if she should be lucky for the rest of her life, or regret telling the truth. Her mood is extremely complicated, and she can’t figure out how. Express, cry again aggrieved.

Song Qingshi bullied a girl for the first time. He felt frustrated. He quickly handed over a handkerchief and hurriedly persuaded, “I won’t scare you anymore.”

Qingluan took the handkerchief, looked at his tenderness and thoughtfulness, thinking about his stupidity, crying even worse.

Song Qingshi stumbled and said, “I’ve seen Rong Ye quietly and guessed what’s going on. I’m so happy, I want you to confirm the answer.”

Qing Luan was perplexed: “Happy?”

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “Before the outcome of the matter, do you think Wuhuan will let Rong Ye go?”

Qingluan thought for a long time, and shook his head: “The stupid things Rong Ye said are unbearable even for me. What he tore is Brother Wuhuan’s most painful scar. His disrespect for the Lord is even more towards Brother Wuhuan. Provocation. I feel that Brother Wuhuan wanted to ignite three dream weaving incense and tortured Rong Ye to death. I don’t know why he changed his mind. Maybe it was because he was young and ignorant…”

“Non-sensible? You have been in the Medicine King Valley for too long,” Song Qingshi laughed. “The world of cultivating immortals is full of dangers, killing people for treasure, fighting for life in secret realms, thank you for being so young and ignorant, so you won’t be harmed. Already? When I was walking outside, I also killed a lot of people who were not pleasing to the eye. Have you ever made sense?” He thought for a while and added aggrievedly, “Of course, I can’t speak sense to them…”

As long as he shows half of his weakness, he will be torn off by the beast.

There is no law in the cultivating world, and no one will call the shots if they are killed.

Song Qingshi didn’t ask Yue Wuhuan what he had done over the years because he didn’t need it. The more Wuhuan was able to obtain so many precious medicinal materials during the foundation-building period, he made the name of a madman, and made everyone afraid. He was never done with cleverness, ability and reason. He had to speak with the blood on his hands and the brutal strength in his bones. .

In the killing time after time, the heart became more and more distorted, more and more crazy, and more and more indifferent to life.

How could he spare Rong Ye because of his ignorance?

Qing Luan thought of the corpse buried in the medicine garden, and his face was ugly.

“What Rong Ye did is irritating to Wuhuan’s condition. It stands to reason that it cannot be tolerated,” Song Qingshi looked at Qingluan seriously and explained, “I confirm now that he was letting go for your pleading. Rong Ye.”

Qing Luan murmured, “Brother Wuhuan has never let anyone off because of pleading.”

She was easy to be soft-hearted and could not adapt to the cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals. She did a lot of stupid things. After being punished and educated many times by Yue Wuhuan, she slowly learned to turn a blind eye, learn to clean up the mess, and do terrible things.

Song Qingshi said, “If Rong Ye dies, you will be in pain, right?”

Qingluan nodded cautiously. Rong Ye is her companion, like her brother and sister. There are too many memories in the years, so beautiful, she can’t just watch Rong Ye die, even if hope is slim, she may be caught If she is severely punished, she will also try to save it. Failure will bring a lifetime of self-blame and pain.

Song Qingshi smiled and said, “He felt your pain and retreated. This is a good thing.”

Qingluan still didn’t understand.

“This proves that Wuhuan’s heart is still there, and he can still feel the emotions of others,” Song Qingshi’s smile gradually deepened. “His tenderness has not been completely destroyed, but it has been wrapped in shadows, hiding him even watching him. Invisible place. So he will step back in front of your pain and make a different choice than usual.”

Qingluan has a kind, selfless and sincere heart. She spent ten years sticking to her company, regardless of return, wholeheartedly helping, and giving bit by bit…

In the end, dripping through the stone.

She planted a small seed of kindness in the dark heart of Yue Wuhuan.

I wonder if this seed can grow into a big tree.

“His madness is not as serious as expected,” Song Qingshi said fortunately. “Otherwise, I can only be on the safe side. Before his condition completely deteriorates and his actions become uncontrollable, I will rush all of you to Zhuangzi and close the Medicine King Valley. Then stay with him and wait for the defeat.”

When Qing Luan looked at Song Qing blankly, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

This is not like normal feelings.

She thought that Song Qingshi didn’t know how crazy Yue Wuhuan was, but now it seems that he knew better than himself?

Is there anyone in the world who can accept such madness? Can this be done for a lunatic? Could it be… he is also a lunatic?

Qingluan shook her head quietly, expelled this terrible thought from her mind, and then asked, “What can I do for Brother Wuhuan?”

“Wuhuan’s disease…now is not the time to be cured, and it may be more difficult in the future. Don’t care or be afraid.” Song Qingshi put the information on the table into Qingluan’s arms and explained seriously, “You just have to stick to yourself. Philosophy, research out all the drugs you want to make, implement the philosophy of the first teacher, and be a good doctor.”

Yao Wang Xianzun is the best physician in the fairy world, and his treatment for Yue Wuhuan is the best plan.

Qing Luan found herself hacking an axe at the class door. She was embarrassed and said, “I will study hard.”

“Today I scared you. It’s my fault,” Song Qingshi thought for a while, and decided to make some compensation. “I have newly refined a batch of Qi Entraining Pills, coupled with the expansion of the pulse, can improve your physical fitness and help you complete it. Build the foundation. I will hand it over to you later. You can distribute it to the apprentices according to the different spiritual roots. Many of them have poor qualifications and need the aid of pill. After the foundation is built, the life expectancy will be prolonged and will not be troubled by ordinary illnesses. You have more time to study and research.”

He has observed the physique of the apprentices these days, and building a foundation is the limit of most people.

Only Minghong had better qualifications and was suitable for cultivation, and perhaps could go further with swordsmanship.

Qingluan was so excited that tears came out.

She knows that the pill made by Yaowang Xianzun is the best, but it is precious, and even Xianmen will not easily give it to ordinary disciples who are new to it. Now, listening to Song Qingshi’s tone, each apprentice has a separate guide. Qi Pill, this kind of medicine is more effective, coupled with the expansion of pulse powder to adjust the physique…Even if their qualifications are poor, as long as they have spiritual roots, work hard, and build a foundation is hopeful.

Qing Luan put aside all the troubles in an instant, thanked and thanked. She swears to God that she will never waste the three hundred years since the foundation was built, she will spend all of her time on studying, and will hold the group of children to work hard together, and she will live up to the Lord’s expectations and research drugs. Come out and be a good doctor with benevolence and benevolence, and spread the master’s philosophy and Yaowanggu’s reputation to the world.

In addition to learning and research, what is the meaning of human life? !

Song Qingshi was very satisfied.

The flame barrier had already been put away, the door of the library reopened, and fresh wind poured in from the window.

Qingluan didn’t want to leave anymore, she was gearing up to study frantically.

Song Qingshi suddenly said, “It’s great to know you.”

Qingluan was stunned when he heard the words.

Song Qingshi leaped on the window sill lightly and smiled at her and said, “Thank you!”

Then, amidst Qingluan’s doubts, he jumped off the window sill and disappeared.

It was getting dark, the apprentices left the classroom, and there was constant noise.

Yue Wuhuan was looking for him anxiously. The Blood King Vine, who followed the Lord, suddenly lost contact. His divine thoughts could not cover the entire Medicine King Valley. But the monk sent by Xianjun Ye Lin was very verbose, and the pregnant mice appeared again. After dealing with everything, he found that the Lord was not in the laboratory, not in the school, not in the study, not in the Fuling Palace…This made him more mad.

Song Qingshi jumped in front of him and took that hand happily.

He held it so tightly that he wouldn’t let it go.

Yue Wuhuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He asked carefully: “My Lord, you look very happy?”

Song Qingshi responded happily: “Yeah.”

Yue Wuhuan asked, “But what good happened?”

Song Qingshi stopped, raised his head, looked at the darkening sky vigilantly, smiled, and said softly in a voice that could hardly be heard:

“Wuhuan, I see hope.”

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