Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 201 Bryen And Raven

The woman sitting on the chair with her face covered in greasy lumps of fat was indeed Bryen. Raven was a bit wrong when it came to Bryen's weight, because with her current figure, it was impossible to say that she was 120kg.

In fact, she was over 130kg. Maybe Raven and Bryen hadn't seen each other in years so he didn't know that Bryen's weight had increased by so much.

Bryen wore a blue dress, although this dress was sewn very loosely, the fat lumps hidden beneath that fabric wanted to be seen.

However, her demeanor was very luxurious, her skin was as white as a baby, and her face showed the majesty of a queen, as her gaze exuded coldness and determination.

Although her appearance was not pretty, she had a different beauty.

In contrast to Hikaru, who was happily being served by beautiful, angelic women, Raven was terrified and on his knees in front of a woman who was over 130kg.

Bryen glared at him, her eyes were filled with majesty and fury. After a while, Bryen said, "Raven, we haven't seen each other in 7 years, I thought you had forgotten about me."

Raven tried to put on a fake smile, he trembled as he said, "No, no. You also know that I need to inherit the throne, so I have a lot of work to do. I am very busy, so…"

"Busy? Busy flirting with other women?" Bryen raised an eyebrow, her eyes seemed to see through all of his thoughts.

Raven quickly explained: "There… There is a misunderstanding, I am not looking for any other woman, I only love you. Bryen, you must trust me, after marrying you, I broke off all ties with the other women."

Bryen frowned and said, "Oh! So… what did you appear in this Kingdom for? To flirt with that viper?"

"Ack! This… me… Bryen, you also know that the Dark-Elf Kingdom and my Kingdom have been friends for many years. Tomorrow, this Kingdom will celebrate Selvih's rule, of course I must represent my Kingdom to attend that ceremony." Raven explained, he glanced at Bryen as he explained, lest she suddenly got angry.

Raven was really strong, he was even stronger than Bryen. However, Bryen had a way to easily defeat Raven. Besides, even if Raven dared to touch Bryen without her permission, she would immediately make Raven regret it.

Also, Raven's parents didn't interfere in their relationship so Bryen could do anything she wanted.

In fact, Raven's Shareny Kingdom was facing many problems, especially the lack of resources. Meanwhile, Bryen's Zumberos Kingdom owned a lot of resources, so the Shareny kingdom seemed to be dependent on the Zumberos kingdom.

That is also the reason why Bryen, despite her fat appearance sometimes beat Raven, but no one dared to intervene. If Raven angered Bryen, one word from her could cause the entire shareny kingdom's resources to be frozen and severely depleted.

To be more precise, Bryen holds the life of the Shareny kingdom in her hands.

Bryen stared at Raven, her eyes scaring him. Raven remembered the first time he saw Bryen, at that time, he even scorned her, saying that she was a humanoid monster.

It was also the first time he felt regret for being in this world.

That's right, at that time his parents and Bryen's parents met, he didn't know that the situation of his Shareny kingdom was not good.

Therefore, when he saw Bryen, he immediately ridiculed her. At that time, Bryen's father immediately slapped him, which was also the first time someone other than his father hit him.

Bryen then took out a whip-like weapon, Raven didn't know what that weapon was for. However, Raven was immediately made aware of what the whip was for.

When the whip hit his body it didn't leave a scar, but it made him feel extremely painful, even if someone cut his skin with a knife he wouldn't feel that amount of pain.

Bryen used that whip to hit him if he did anything to make her upset or angry. Raven remembered that painful feeling forever, it made him regret existing in this world.

Of course, Raven didn't dare touch Bryen, even though the two were married, Raven and Bryen had never slept together. Raven had never even touched Bryen, and they had never even held hands.

Raven didn't dare touch Bryen, and besides, he didn't want to touch or sleep with her. He was afraid of Bryen, if he touched her, she would hit him immediately.

In addition, he despised Bryen. He felt that if he touched such an ugly and fat woman, his hands would be dirtied, and washing it with holy water would not make him feel any cleaner.

Returning to the present, Bryen sighed and said: "Remember, you are my husband. Even though I don't like you, we still have to honor our Kingdom, that's why I forbid you from flirting with other women."

"In front of everyone, we are husband and wife, but we are just taking advantage of each other. You know the situation of your kingdom. Thanks to me, your kingdom doesn't have to suffer from a shortage of resources. Thanks to the resources that I have allowed your kingdom to exploit, your kingdom has grown steadily, and you can continue being a prince without worrying about anything else. "

"If you continue to use your crotch to think, one day I will cut it off."

Bryen's words were gentle but it also carried a terrible threat. Yes, Bryen was holding the life line of the Shareny kingdom in her hand, Raven could continue being a prince thanks to her and her Kingdom's help.

The relationship between the Ancient Kingdoms was very complicated, if an Ancient Kingdom showed signs of deterioration, the other Ancient Kingdoms would turn into bloodthirsty monsters, and immediately rush to tear the kingdom apart into many pieces.

Apart from the Ancient Kingdoms, other organizations even of a lower caste would try to participate in that sumptuous feast.

Raven gritted his teeth, at this time, he was extremely angry, he thought in his heart: 'Fuck, damn pig. Don't let me catch you, or I'll make you pay for what you did to me. I'll let the monsters which pull the cart rape you until you die.'

Raven thought of many  extremely cruel things in his mind, but on the surface he still showed that he was afraid and very obedient to Bryen.

Bryen only needed a glance to know what Raven was thinking. It was just… she was too lazy to say it, and she didn't want to say it either.

Bryen continued: "I know you love that viper. In fact, I know she's beautiful. If she is compared to other people from different races, her beauty is at least in the top 5. However, you should know that she is extremely cruel, I don't care if you die at her hands, I only care if she is using you or not."

That's right, Bryen didn't care about Raven's life or death. In fact, if Raven died outside, which was for the best, she wouldn't have to watch a useless and cruel person like him become King.

Bryen also knew Selvih very well, after all she was the only princess of the Ancient Kingdom of Zumberos, she could easily obtain all the information about Selvih.

Bryen knew Selvih as someone who could kill an entire royal family to become Queen without feeling guilt or remorse. Bryen speculated that in Selvih's eyes there seemed to be only power and fame.

There was no love in that wicked woman's eyes.

Bryen was different, she really cared about her family members. Perhaps from the time she was born until now, despite her ugly appearance, Bryen's parents or brothers had never despised or insulted her.

On the contrary, they seemed to feel like they owed Bryen something, so they treated her very well.

It could be said that the fates of Bryen and Selvih seemed to be opposite sides of the same coin. A person who despite her ugly appearance was still respected by everyone, while Selvih, although very beautiful, fate turned her into a poisonous snake.

However, Selvih was different now as she had found a lover, and someone she could rely on.

Returning to the present, Raven, after hearing what Bryen said, pouted his lips, and thought in his heart: 'Damn it, if I don't find a beautiful woman, then who would I sleep with? Huh! In the royal family, who is not cruel? Is there anyone in the royal family who is honest?'

Although he secretly scolded Bryen in his heart, he did not dare to say it openly, and on the outside, he still showed a very docile expression. Raven nodded repeatedly: "Hahaha… I see, I understand. When I've got you, I definitely won't flirt with any other woman, I hope you can trust me."

Seeing Raven's expression, Bryen could only sigh and say, "I hope you really understand what you're doing. I don't want to talk about this again."

After Bryen finished speaking she disappeared, when Raven saw Bryen disappear he sighed, his face immediately showing anger. He then smashed his fist on the ground.


A sound resounded, the ground sank, and countless cracks spread like a spider's web, and the whole palace trembled.

"Bastard! I swear, one day I'll make you regret your existence."

Bryen returned to her room in the Shareny Kingdom, she knew that after she left, Raven would scold her a lot. However, Bryen didn't care about such things, anyway, this was not the first time it had happened.

Bryen stood in front of a mirror and looked at her monster-like body, Bryen's gaze suddenly changed from that of majesty and sharpness to one of suffering and despair.

Bryen didn't eat much, on the contrary, she could survive without eating because her level was very high, and just absorbing mana was enough to sustain her.

But she didn't understand why even without eating, she was fat like a monster. In fact, her weight was steadily increasing. In the last 5 years alone, she had added an additional 10 kg to her weight and she had been very active.

Bryen even joined the fog monster hunting team, she didn't use magic and she only used her physical strength to fight, to try to burn all the fat in her body.

Bryen's family also invited many Pharmacist Enchanters to help her, but all of their methods failed. No one knew what Bryen's problem was, nor did they understand why Byren's weight kept increasing without ever decreasing.

Bryen was now in complete despair. When she looked in the mirror, she just wanted to kill herself. Although no one in the royal family laughed at her, other people were not like that.

Everyone looked at her as if they were looking at a monster.

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