Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1024: Pope blows himself up

The pope, who was beaten into parts, roared angrily: “I am a god!”

“Whether you are a **** or not is your business, and my business is to let the ship’s mother throw cannonballs on you and let them shoot well!”

Wang Dajian drank a cigarette and crossed Erlang’s legs, watching a group of shipgirls frantically throw skills and shells.

Bombard the machine to wash the ground and let the torpedo machine come.

The torpedo machine is not enough, the destroyer still has to throw torpedoes in the past, the destroyer throws the light cruiser, and the light cruiser throws the heavy cruiser.

Everyone seemed to be in a carnival, and the commander ordered them to shoot wildly, don’t stop!

In explosions again and again, the Pope is resurrected, disintegrated, resurrected, disintegrated!

Wang Dajian said slowly: “I will fry slowly. When I’m tired, I can ask Eldridge to shield you. Anyway, I have time, and I can slowly find your body.”

“You are blaspheming against God, you arrogant person!!!”

The Pope was still roaring wildly, but Wang Dajian was calm.

Time, he has something.

As long as Eldridge blocks the signal, the Pope will turn into a pile of scrap metal.

When the time comes to pour him into the cement and then seal it with a special film, he will no longer be able to talk nonsense.

As for Wang Dajian, as long as he searches little by little, he will find his body sooner or later.

Time is on Wang Dajian’s side, and he no longer needs to worry about the Vichy Church counterattack.


Most of the Vichy Holy See military bases have been blown up by Wang Dajian.

The support troops that arrived were not enough for Wang Dajian to hang and beat him.

He no longer has any concerns, as long as he crushes it.

At this point, the Pope was resurrected again, however, he began to sneer.

“Why…why are you so lucky? Why do you have so many ship girls!”

The Pope looked at Wang Dajian with red eyes, including the French ships he made, who are now standing on Wang Dajian’s side.

The Pope gritted his teeth and his eyes were red: “Wang Dajian! Since I can’t get it, you can’t get it either.”


He suddenly started to giggle, making Wang Dajian a little confused.

Is this old guy crazy?

“Wang Dajian, do you know that I have already made preparations. In this seabed, my body is hidden in this seabed!”

The Pope pointed to the water beneath his feet, his brain hidden somewhere in the deep sea.

“And near my brain, there is a super nuclear bomb. The power of that nuclear bomb! It can even tear apart the space for a short period of time, causing you to be involved in the turbulence of space. You can’t escape.”

Hearing this, Wang Dajian widened his eyes.

“Five minutes left, Wang Dajian, can you go back?”

The Pope laughed desperately, he wanted to understand, if he couldn’t beat Wang Dajian, then he would pull Wang Dajian to death!

This **** Emperor!

Let this European emperor understand the anger of their Africans, the last cry of the Africans!

“Together, go to **** with me!”

At that moment, Wang Dajian did not hesitate.


“Everyone, retreat! Retreat!!! Discard all equipment, forget it! Discard all!!!”

Wang Dajian ordered the ship’s mother to take off all the heavy ship equipment, no matter what equipment is needed!

Life is important!

Equipment can be redone, only one life!

All the ship’s equipment was thrown into the sea and fled back to the base at full speed!

“I’ll pick up the commander, you go!”

At this time, a ship girl riding a motorboat appeared on the sea.

Looking closely, it is actually the submarine ship Niang U47.

The ship she drives looks like a jet ski.

“Commander, come up quickly! I’ll take you away!”

Wang Dajian rode directly on the U47 ship suit and left with her.

The Pope who was chasing behind roared: “Don’t run! Wang Dajian! Aren’t you invincible! Don’t run! Die with me!!!”

The Pope did not expect that Wang Dajian would be so decisive and let the ship girls abandon their weapons and ship equipment and leave.

The ship girl, who abandoned the ship’s equipment and weapons, ran really fast.

But there is an undead pope behind Wang Dajian, who keeps chasing and firing! Trying to hold U47’s speed.

U47 can only keep dodging to avoid being hit, and the speed naturally decreases.

“I’ll stop him!”

The submarine I Nineteen suddenly jumped out of the water and fired several torpedoes directly at the Pope.

However, the distraught Pope has already put all his strength into shooting frantically!

Both U47 and Yiji9 were shot one after another. They were also thin-skinned submarines, and they soon faced a crisis.

“My powertrain is damaged!”

“mine too!!!”

Yi Nineteen and U47 realized how powerful this mad dog was.

At this time, Kaohsiung and Atago came.


“Don’t come, quickly take U47 and Yi Jiujiu away, their power system is damaged.”

Kaohsiung and Atago looked at Wang Dajian in panic: “What about you, Commander!?”

“Me? I still have a backup body, don’t be afraid! I can’t die! You guys hurry up, I’ll hold him back, his target is me!”

Wang Dajian also has a backup body, what is he afraid of?

This body is gone, and there is a 16-year-old Wang Dajian.

But if the base does not go back in time, Wang Dajian and the sealed body will disappear.

All the ship girls retreated urgently, leaving Wang Dajian alone in the rear.

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