Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: deep sea invasion

“Report! The deep-sea ghosts broke through the first floor and invaded the interior of the base.”

Everyone immediately stood up and looked nervously at the surveillance screen.

The sea water poured in at the entrance, and several deep-sea ghosts climbed out of the water east and entered the interior of the base.

All of a sudden, everyone in the base became nervous.

“Quick, order immediately and let the ship’s mother in the base dispatch.”

There are a large number of ship girls in the base now, and Yan Xiaohai doesn’t care which country they belong to. In special circumstances, special transfers can be directly requisitioned.

It’s just that Lexington and Saratoga are a little helpless.

Fighting indoors, the aircraft carrier girls can’t start, so they can only watch others fight.

Yan Xiaohai pointed at the map: “Stay on the first floor, Javelin, Z23, Ninghai, Pinghai, block the corridor with torpedoes.”


Wang Dajian looked at the busy base, crouched down and touched Xiao Bei’s head.

“It’s very confusing now, what do you do?”

“Northern chooses to watch a play.” Little Beibei was eating spicy noodles with a calm expression.

In such a chaotic situation, Little Beibei is not stupid, and if he runs out, he may be shot by the ship girl as an enemy, or he may be beaten by the deep sea ghost as the ship girl.

At this time, Pinghai and Ninghai took out the 4-star torpedo launcher that they had been reluctant to use, which was given to them by Wang Dajian when he went to rescue Shancheng and Fusang.

Up to now, Ninghai and Pinghai have kept them, and they are reluctant to use them at ordinary times, for fear that the torpedo launcher will be damaged after using it for a long time.

“Sister, take it.”

Pinghai handed the transmitter placed under the bed to his sister.

The two sisters hung the torpedo launcher on their waists, equipped with a 127mm gun from Dajian Company, and walked quickly towards the passage.

The two sisters were light cruisers, and naturally stood in the way.

At the back is the Javelin and Z23.

When Ninghai and Pinghai walked past them, Z23 was very sensitive to what they found,

“That is?”

“Oh, the torpedo launcher that big brother gave us earlier.”

Pinghai is particularly proud of this quality, which cannot be bought outside.

Javelin looked at Ping Hai with envy in his eyes: “Ah, Wang Dajian is so kind to your sisters, and I will give you all the good things in private. It’s not like me, I can only hold the purchased 127 guns. I also want the Javelin. Big brother Wang Dajian hugs!”

“Hey hey, don’t think about it! Brother Wang Dajian only likes a cheongsam loli like me, with a clear voice and a soft body!”

Ning Hai tapped his sister’s forehead: “Stop talking nonsense, the enemy is coming.”

Hanging something similar to a lens on his right eye, Ning Hai began to scan.

“It’s not an ordinary enemy! These deep-sea ghosts seem to have come from the place where they were quilted. The average level… um… level 30!”

Hearing Ning Hai say this, the other three loli became nervous.

Level 30?

Isn’t it about the same level as them?

The opponent’s defense and blood volume will definitely be more durable.

For example, in the past, the deep-sea ghosts in Africa basically used Samsung 127 guns, two or three guns.

These deep-sea ghosts from other regions are stronger, I am afraid they can at least hold a dozen or even dozens of cannons.


I saw that in the water-filled corridor, deep-sea ghosts emerged from the east of the water, with black humanoid bodies and ferocious teeth, these faceless deep-sea ghosts launched a deadly attack.


At the rear, Wang Dajian watched the battle scene on the screen.

In the corridor with a width of about 30 meters, four ship girls began to snipe the deep-sea ghosts drilled from the east of the water.

Those hideous-looking deep-sea ghosts raised their guns in the east, and the two sides launched a fierce exchange of fire.

The next moment, countless shells shuttled back and forth in the east of the corridor.

The deep-sea ghost half-floating in the east of the water ate a shuttle of bullets, and the black steel on his body was deformed.

Inside, Ning Hai and the others finished shooting a shuttle of cannonballs, then retreated behind the pillars to change the cannonballs.

The deep-sea resident ghost stepped forward with heavy steps and charged forward under the fire.

“They’re coming up!”

The javelin hiding behind the pillar turned around and aimed at the 8 deep-sea ghosts in the corridor: “Full barrage shooting!”

Javelin and Z23 emerged at the same time, and a series of dense and gorgeous blue barrage flew out, passing through 8 deep-sea ghosts.


The armor-piercing projectile penetrates directly, and the gorgeous barrage instantly takes away 8 deep-sea ghosts.

“Hey, it really works!”

Retracted again to reload, and the javelin kissed Dongfang’s weapon.

“Cool it down, but the barrels of Dajian Company cool down really fast.”

Z23 looked at the red gun barrel in his hand, but it quickly cooled down. It would not be like other junk weapons. After a round of exclusive barrage, the gun barrel would have to rest for a few minutes.

“Hey hey, it doesn’t seem to be scary, there are new weapons, it’s totally true!”

The 4 people immediately gained confidence in Wang Dajian’s weapon.

The deep-sea ghosts at the same level can’t take advantage of them.

A full barrage shooting, you can take away a piece, cool!

Just when the 4 little loli thought they could easily stay there, the wall on one side was suddenly blown open with a bang, and more seawater poured into the corridor. Suddenly, the water entered almost 50 meters away. 30 meters.

That is water…

The sea water is now less than 20 meters away from them, and the deep-sea ghost can dive all the way to them.


Ping Hai wanted to curse for a moment, but suddenly the distance between the enemy was closer, and it was not easy to fight.

Moreover, several deep-sea resident ghosts also drilled out of the hole on the other side. In the entire corridor, there were 20 more at once!

“Twenty heads? Wow, the javelin feels a lot of pressure.”

While shooting and dodging bullets, the little loli could only watch the deep-sea ghosts get closer and closer.

Javelin looked at the deep-sea ghost that was getting closer and closer, and couldn’t help shouting: “What should I do, I can’t hold it anymore, here!!”

It was just her voice, which was quickly drowned out by the sound of gunfire.

Cold sweat broke out on Ping Hai’s forehead, how could he fight?

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the east of Ping Hai’s mind.

“Ping Hai, would you mind giving me the control?”


Is it Wang Dajian’s voice?

“Brother Dajian, you mean… are you trying to manipulate me?”

Ping Hai blushed suddenly, hesitated for a while, and slowly closed his eyes: “Okay, I’ll give you the control, Ping Hai… I believe you.”

You know, giving control to others is equivalent to giving your life to the other party. , , .

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