Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: starving european

Wang Dajian suddenly felt a sense of crisis.


It’s the Europeans.

But because of his European reasons, after the first big sister built Guanghui Niang, the big breasted nanny sister, he was very empty.

I was very generous just now, but if you think about it carefully, it’s not right.

2 servings of Lafite curry rice, extracted from 100 barrels of oil, plus 10 barrels of oil for acid cola, is 110 barrels of oil.

And Luangniang, the big sister with a huge appetite, ate 5…5 portions of curry rice, a total of 250 barrels of oil.

This… what is this concept?

A total of 360 barrels of oil, in this world, a barrel of oil is about 50 Citi dollars.

360X50=18000 Citi Gold, the exchange rate converted into RMB is more than 120,000 RMB.



Wang Dajian discovered that he had just given the two girls 120,000 yuan to eat with great generosity.

Just…just those 7 bowls of curry rice and a bottle of Coke.

The food of the ship girl…it’s so expensive that Wang Dajian doesn’t even know what to say.

So, the current crisis is the oil crisis.

Wang Dajian’s 1,000 barrels of oil left 640 barrels in the blink of an eye. This consumption…

This is still lunch, what about dinner?

Wouldn’t it be…nothing to eat tomorrow?

Originally, Wang Dajian wanted to make a few more rounds and build a few golden skin girls out to play. If you can build Kaohsiung or Atago, the two dog-eared sisters… Wouldn’t it be Citigroup?

But now that I see the amount of food Guanghui Niang eats alone, stop it!

He’s about to become the first European to starve a ship’s mother to death!

Can you **** believe this?

Fuck the geoduck, go to the fuckin’ snakeskin position, if this goes on like this, there will be no food tomorrow.

How to do?

By the way, cargo ship!

The Lady Luck under my feet, I don’t know if there is anything valuable in it, no matter what, I have to survive it, right?

If you are a man, hold on for 5 more seconds!

Wang Dajian stepped out of the cabin and found that in addition to some messy things, he also collected 500 barrels of oil in the freighter.

Damn, sure enough, 500 barrels of oil is enough for 10 bowls of curry rice, so little, if no new oil is found, then the curry will be given.

Ou Huang Wang Dajian fell into contemplation, he is going to start wandering aimlessly in the sea to rob? Or robbery?

It seems that apart from robbery, there is no way to support the ship’s mother.

After all, it is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life. Only by abducting Lolita can I maintain my current life.

After dismantling Lafite, he can get a few barrels of oil, but Wang Dajian will never dismantle any of his ships, even if he starves to death!

When he was extremely entangled, Rafi suddenly raised his head: “Commander, Rafi detected a fighter approaching and reacted.”


Guanghui Niang approached and handed over the walkie-talkie: “Commander, the other party requested to connect the communication of the freighter.”


Just listen to the repeating a few words in auspicious language and neon language on the walkie-talkie.

[This is the Neon Empire Naval Air Force, F4 Ghost Fighter, belonging to the 6th Anti-Pirate Task Force. Please immediately put down your weapons and surrender to the 6th Neon Empire Anti-Pirate Task Force. 】

The sixth anti-pirate task force? Neon! ?

Wang Dajian looked at Lafite, but Lafite, who was staring at the sky, didn’t look back, and explained to Wang Dajian: “The 6th Neon Anti-Piracy Task Force is an anti-piracy fleet sent by the Neon Empire to the Gulf of Aden.”

Wang Dajian is confused, Neon Empire?

Anti-pirate fleet?

Wang Dajian knew that there was a Citi Army nearby and an anti-piracy fleet from the East, but he didn’t expect that Neon would also step in in this world?

It seems that the world is still different from its original world.

Just listen to the ghosts fighting constantly hovering in the sky, warning.

But Wang Dajian, who was in the cargo ship for a long time, didn’t respond.

“Captain, the other party did not reply, and asked for the next step.”

4 F4 ghost fighter jets hovering in the east in mid-air, they are not humanoid weapons, just ordinary fighter jets.

“Strave the ship, don’t use missiles.”


The four Phantom fighters began to lower their altitude, and Chong Wang Dajian and their freighter flew over.

They were tasked with a cargo ship occupied by pirates.

“Captain Xixiang, the other party is said to have a ship girl? It’s a Guanghui-class ship girl.”

Xixiang, who was on a mission, sneered disdainfully: “Baga! How is it possible, humanoid weapons are only owned by the national army, how can they appear in the hands of pirates, or a group of Somali pirates, is it possible?”

Several other pilots couldn’t help but laugh.

that is!

That kind of humanoid weapon that only exists between countries, and only a few countries in the world have it.

What’s more, the other party also has a super rare brilliance?

Xixiang believed that the crew members who said this were not living in a dream. Probably drank fake wine and neon fake dogs.

“Lock the freighter, request to fire!”

“The attack begins!”

When the four Phantom fighter jets were about to shoot at the freighter, a pink twin-tailed girl climbed up to the highest point of the freighter, and the anti-aircraft guns floating on both sides of her beside her projectile projectiles into the sky.


“Eight kana!!! (impossible

The 4 goblin fighter jets that rushed towards them instantly burst into sparks under the dense coverage of projectiles.

That’s gorgeous, 2 of the 4 disintegrated in the eastern part of the sky and turned into gorgeous meteors.

There was also a bullet in the east, the glass of the cockpit spurted blood, and the plane crashed straight into the sea.

In the end, only Captain Xixiang survived.

He suddenly pulled up the nose of the plane and climbed to a high altitude, but the projectiles flew behind him, and he was horrified to see it!

His wing was punched with countless small holes, and it was torn open a little… a little bit.


It was ejected from the plane, and the next moment the ghost fighter plane disintegrated in the air!

That’s right!

This is the real situation when the humanoid weapon ship girl confronts the human fighter.

One-sided slaughter.

Just a little loli’s humanoid weapon, killing 4 ghost fighters in seconds.

While Wang Dajian was shocked, he also had a more intuitive feeling of the combat power of the ship girls.

That is fast and accurate!

Small body carries a cannon!

Snakeskin walking, rolling and dodging, in front of Lafite’s anti-aircraft machine guns, it’s all bullshit!

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