MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 117 Reglia

[You have selected pass on: Emerald Ring]

[You have selected pass on: Spell Tome: Oink]

[Ice Blue Queen has selected roll on: Emerald Ring]

[Ice Blue Queen has selected roll on: Spell Tome: Oink]

[Black Dragoon has selected pass on: Emerald Ring]

[Black Dragoon has selected pass on: Spell Tome: Oink]

[Ice Blue Queen has been awarded: Emerald Ring]

[Ice Blue Queen has been awarded: Spell Tome: Oink]

“Oh I can’t wait to turn that dickhead into a pig in the future.” Sarah said with a large grin.

“We’ll just to boss left.” Vulxis said as they gave the room a quick once over but seeing nothing of interest they headed back the way they came.

As they returned to the circular room with the pit they went towards the large double doors and pushed them open.

As they stepped through them they found themselves in a small room as a notification appeared.

[You have entered the final boss safe room]

[You can safely log out of the game]

[The exclusivity timer will continue to count down]

“So do either of you need a break or shall we just get this done?” Sarah asked.

“Good to go.” Vulxis said.

“Same.” John agreed.

“Ok then let’s go.” Sarah said as they made their way towards a second set of large double doors on the other side of the small room.

As they pushed the doors open and went through them they expected to find a cave-like room similar to the rooms before but they were wrong.

[You have left the final boss safe room]

They appeared outside in a small clearing that was surrounded by cliff faces on all sides.

The clearing had a small tree in the center with a river that led into a small pool.

As the three looked around they noticed a small hut situated in the branches of the tree.

They heard the splashing of water coming from the small pool and upon looking over they noticed a white tiger lying on the bank of the pool barely moving with only its chest rising and falling slowly.

“It appears I have some uninvited guests.” A female voice from the pool suddenly said, causing the three to look in the direction of the voice and see the pristine body of a completely naked elf female walking out of the pool.

“I was not expecting guests, what are those idiots doing letting you in here?” The naked elf lady asked.

“For heaven's sake women, shore some dignity and put something on.” Vulxis said while shooting John a worried glance.

John was staring in the direction of the naked elf with a curious expression.

“Dignity? It is you three who have invaded my home and are staring at my naked body, besides the human male does not seem to mind.” The elf said with a perverted smile before adding.

“After I dispose off you two maybe I will test his cock out for myself and if he satisfies me I will keep him as my fuck toy, he can’t be any worse than that bunch of trash that let you get past them.”

“Bitch.” Sarah said through gritted teeth.

“Oi John you pervert stop staring at that elf whore’s naked body.” Vulxis growled.

“What?” John asked, confused as he looked at Vulxis with a puzzled expression.

“I said stop staring at that bitch’s naked body.”

“I’m not.” John replied innocently.

“Then why are you looking over there with a curious expression?” Sarah asked with a suspicious tone.

“I was listening to what the white tiger had to say.” John replied, causing the elf woman to narrow her eyes and stare at John before asking.

“What do you mean you were listening to my little pet?”


A few moments prior when the group of three had set their eyes on the white tiger it had also wearily opened its eyes and looked at them before John heard it speak in a low female voice.

“Human, I can smell my mothers scent on you, did she send you here to help me? I beg your assistance before it is too late, I am weak and growing weaker because of this collar that witch put on me and the spells she has used to try and force me into making a bond with her.”

“She has somehow gotten a hold off a spell tome for the druid wild morph skill, she plans to force me to bond with her so she herself can become one of my proud race.”

“I would rather die than allow that, please end the witch’s life and return me to my mother who can assist in removing this collar.”


“Exactly as I just stated, she has just informed me that you were trying to force her into making a bond with you so that you can attempt to wild morph into a white tiger yourself.” John replied before asking.

“Tell me, who was the shady guy in the hood that sold you the Druid spell tome?”

The female elf who was now out of the water snapped her fingers causing all her clothes to suddenly appear on her body and staff in her hand before saying.

“You certainly are a well informed human, it’s a shame because now I will have to kill you as you know too much.”

“Well that’s a neat trick.” Vulxis said.

“Shit there’s no way.” Sarah said with shock as her eyes widened before saying.

“Why does a low level boss have a regalia?”

“A what?” John and Vulxis asked.

“Oh!” The elf said in surprise, paying closer attention to Sarah for the first time before saying.

“Your group is full of well informed people, I did not expect anyone in this weak forest to recognise a regalia.”

“A regalia is the official term for a gear set, though I have never heard of one being seen in a rank one dungeon before, they normally only appear from rank two onwards.” Sarah started to explain.

“When a player or npc manages to acquire a full set of gear of the same name and rank for their level, that gear combines and upgrades to become a regalia.”

“The combined regalia grants a percentage buff to all the combined stats, this includes not only the base stats but also the amount of attack power the weapon grants as well as the defense the armor provides.”

“Regalias start becoming collectable at level twenty-five rare blue ranked gear, rare blue regalia’s provide a twenty percent buff and with every increase in rank granting a twenty percent increase.”

“If we are to assume she is level twenty-five and has a full set of available gear which she would need to make a regalia, that means she has a weapon, shoulders, chest piece, hands, waist, legs, feet, two rings and a necklace.”

“That was also how she was able to equip all her gear with just a click of her fingers, regalia’s grant that little trick because her gear is all essentially one item now.”

“Doesn't that make them way too OP?” Vulxis asked in surprise.

“Not really as regalia’s are available to players just as much as npc’s and many top players spend a long time researching all known gear in Genesis to find the most powerful regalia for their class that suits their play style.”

“Also it can take many attempts at the same dungeon in order to get the full set of gear from an npc, after all what drops is not guaranteed to be what you need and you could be waiting on that last piece of the regalia set for months before it drops.”

“I am just surprised that the final boss of this rank one dungeon is level twenty-five and has a regalia, I guess Tia thinks we have had it too easy so far since we have basically been steamrolling our way through the enemies here.”


[Name: Kaylin (Elite)]

[Race: Elf]

[Class: Sorcerer+2]

[Level: 25]

[HP: 2340/2340]

[MP: 1020/1020]

[P ATP: 75 (Physical Attack)]

[M ATP: 299 (195+104 (M ATP))(Magic Attack)]

[END: 98 (75+23 (DEF))]]

“THREE HUNDRED BASE ATTACK? WHAT THE FUCK.” Vulxis screamed in shock.

“Luckily she is only level twenty-five, even though she has had her second class rank up she has not gained any levels since so no extra stat points in each stat.” Sarah said before adding with a sigh.

“Though she will no doubt have some rank three spells.”

“I get she has a twenty percent increase but aren't her stats a bit too high?” John asked.

“You're not taking into account the fact that rare blue gear gives an extra stat, while uncommon green gives one stat increase like intellect, rare blue gives two such as intellect and wisdom remember.”

“This is definitely going to be much tougher than we originally thought.” John groaned

“I’m afraid it’s too late to give up now my young intruders, however if you kneel down and beg me for a quick death I might grant it.” Kaylin said with a smug smile.

Boss full stat breakdown.

[Name: Kaylin (Elite)]
[Race: Elf]
[Class: Sorcerer+2]
[Level: 25]
[HP: 2340/2340]
[MP: 1020/1020]
[P ATP: 75 (Physical Attack)]
[M ATP: 299 (195+104 (M ATP))(Magic Attack)]
[END: 98 (75+23 (DEF))]]

SPI: 117 (75+42)
WIS: 102 (90+12)
STR: 75 (75+)
INT: 195 (105+90)
VIT: 75 (75+)
DEX: 75 (75+)

[Invoker’s Regalia Stats]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[M ATP: 104 (87x20%)]
[DEF: 23 (19x20%)]
[INT: 90 (75x20%)]
[SPI: 42 (35x20%)]
[WIS: 14 (12x20%)]

[Invoker’s Staff]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[M ATP: 87]
[INT: 11]
[WIS: 5]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Mantle]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 10]
[WIS: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Robe]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 4]
[INT: 11]
[SPI: 5]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Gloves]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 3]
[SPI: 6]
[INT: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Belt]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 2]
[INT: 9]
[SPI: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Leggins]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 4]
[INT: 8]
[WIS: 3]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Boots]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[DEF: 3]
[INT: 6]
[SPI: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Intellect Ring]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[INT: 6]
[SPI: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Spirit Ring]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[SPI: 6]
[INT: 4]
[Requires Level: 25]

[Invoker’s Choker]
[Rank: Rare (Blue)]
[SPI: 6]
[INT: 6]
[Requires Level: 25]

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