MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 123 Fanya

“A regalia can be separated back into its individual components?” Sarah asked in surprise.

“It can, though it very rarely happens because what would be the point?” Tirana replied before adding.

“After all, you lose the bonuses that a regalia gives you.”

“What did you mean about gaining Daratrine’s power?” John asked.

“On this point we were also confused, however after what you just informed us regarding Daratrine’s Balance we can make an educated guess.” Tirana answered before continuing.

“It would seem that Daratrine’s old equipment somehow gained a small amount of her power, the balance spell you have does the same as the original but on a much smaller scale, the original spell when wielded by Daratrine could weaken multiple enemies at once and it had no cooldown, she could repeatedly cast it as long as she had the mana.”

“I’m guessing the cool down is to allow the spell time to recharge since it does not use your mana directly.”

“Will each of her equipment possess one of her spells?” John asked.

“That we don’t know, if you are able to wield the Naginata maybe you can answer that question.” Tirana replied.

“Do you approve of my suggestion then?”

Ciliren asked.

Tirana nodded before saying.

“I don’t see the harm in letting him try, the worst that could happen is he gets rejected.”

The other council members nodded in agreement even Ascal now that he had time to consider it.

“Very well, I will go retrieve the Druids Naginata.” Ciliren said before she rushed off.

“While we wait for her to return, Vincarna, my daughter would like to thank you.” Bengal suddenly said.

“There is no need, I just did what I should as a Druid, also it was not me alone who helped her.” John replied.

“You are correct and you will all be rewarded for helping my daughter, however she wishes to thank you personally in her own way.” Bengal stated.

“Oh yeah bro you just pulled a tiger babe, make sure to plant your seed in her, as a descendent of Bengal she will breed strong kittens.” Bandit suddenly spoke up causing everyone to fall silent and stare at Bengal nervously.

Bengal and the young white tiger both looked at Bandit coldly causing it to realise it may have fucked up.

“Ah my bad my bad, hey don’t look at me like that, I don’t taste that good, bro help me out.” Bandit said before dashing over to hide behind John.

John sighed and tried to change the subject.

“There is really no need.” John said, looking at the white tiger before adding.

“We just did what was needed, also it was Bandit here who told us about you since he originally got captured so he could save you.” 

“That’s right that’s right.” Bandit said his head bobbing up and down quickly.

“Is that so?” Bengal said as her gaze lost a lot of its edge while looking at Bandit.

“Human Druid, I would still thank you for freeing me.” The white tiger said.

“You're welcome but again you don’t need to thank me.” John replied.

“Perhaps you think that way but I do not, I was prepared to die in that place before you and your friends arrived to help me, because of this I would like to form a bond with you.” The white tiger proclaimed.

[Class Notification]

[The White Tiger would like to form a bond with you]

“What!” The council members nearby said in surprise before looking towards Bengal who was calmly waiting on John’s decision.

“Lady Bengal, are you ok with this?” Tirana asked.

“I am, I already gave my daughter permission to do as she wishes because I can tell Vincarna will not harm her.” Bengal replied.

“What happened?” Vulxis asked since John in surprise had forgotten to translate for her and Sarah.

“The young white tiger just requested to make a bond with Vincarna.” Tirana responded almost automatically.

“Another wild morph? And with a white tiger no less.” Sarah said in surprise.

“Is there something special about forming a bond with a white tiger? I mean I have heard several Druids have formed bonds with tigers or other cat species.” Vulxis asked.

“As far as I am aware no white tiger has ever formed a bond with a Druid.” Sarah began to explain.

“There is one known reason and one suspected reason for this.”

“The known reason is because of their rarity, white tigers are the rarest of all the cat species in Genesis.”

“The second suspected reason is because it is believed that Bengal has blessed her own kind.”

“Blessed?” Vulxis asked.

“It is not widely known, but it is believed that each world boss has their own blessing they can give out.” Sarah replied.

Bengal who had been listening suddenly spoke.

“Interesting, might I ask how you know of our ability to bless human girl? As far as I am aware none of us have blessed any individual in recent times.”

“That’s simple to answer lady Bengal, while you and the other four world bosses have not blessed anyone there is another who has, Elrinira.” Sarah replied.

“That whore again, who did she bless?” Bengal asked.

“A human necromancer, I only know of this because I am friends with the necromancer and she told me.” Sarah answered honestly.

“Interesting, well then human girl since you answered me honestly I will do the same, you are correct that I have blessed my children, in fact if Vincarna accepts my daughters offer he will also gain my blessing.” Bengal explained.

“I wonder what the blessing is.” Vulxis thought out loud.

“Would you like to find out?” Bengal suddenly asked, surprising everyone.

“I would lady Bengal.” Vulxis replied.

Bengal studied the two women for a moment before she said.

“Very well, you are both due a reward for assisting my daughter therefore I will give you both my blessing.” 

After which the Druids all watched in awe as Bengal suddenly breathed softly over the two women before closing her eyes again.

The girls stood in shock with their eyes out of focus.

“Everything ok?” John asked as he came to his senses when Sarah was talking about blessings.

Sarah didn’t respond while Vulxis just made some hand movements before a screen appeared in front of John showing the blessing the two girls had received.

[White Tigers Blessing: the White Tiger of the West Bengal has blessed you in thanks for helping her daughter.]

[Effects: No cat species of any kind will attack you unless you attack them first, also any cat species that comes across you when you are in a fight will aid you in that fight.]

“Wow, that's cool.” John said.

“I’m glad you…” Bengal was replying when Sarah suddenly cut her off in excitement.

“Oh it’s better than cool, it's fantastic hahaha.” After which she suddenly started to laugh like crazy causing John and Vulxis to shoot each other questioning looks.

“Errr you ok?” Vulxis asked.

Sarah looked at them both with a cunning smirk and gleam in her eyes before saying.

“Two words, Pride Rock.”

Vulxis tilted her head in confusion for a moment before realization dawned on her, after which she said.

“Isn’t that… while still not being… also being challenged by… ohhhh I like it, that’s sneaky, but can we do it?”

Sarah didn’t reply straight away and turned to Bengal who was watching them curiously.

“Lady Bengal, does this blessing stop ‘all’ cat species from attacking us?” Sarah asked.

“While I can’t guarantee my presence would deter someone who is as strong as I am, for any cat weaker than me it will be yes, as long as you don’t attack them of course.” Bengal replied.

“Then it should be possible.” Sarah said, turning back to Vilxis.

“What are you two planning?” John asked.

“Later, I need to contact some people while you complete your bonding.” Sarah replied while moving away slightly

John sighed before asking the white tiger.

“Are you sure you wish to bond with me?  you should understand that this is no small matter to you.”

“I am sure, you have helped me in my time of need and now I wish for my strength to aid you, also I believe that if I am ever in trouble you will once again come to help me.” White tiger replied.

“As you wish but from now on call me Vincarna, as for your name.” John said before going into thought.

“How about Fanya.” John eventually said.

“Fanya?” The white tiger asked.

“It’s elvish, it means white cloud, white because of your color and cloud because your fur is nice and fluffy making me want to stroke it.”

“You wish to stroke me?” The white Tiger asked surprised.

“Of course.” John replied honestly.

“I like it, I will be known as Fanya from now on and you may stroke me whenever you wish Vincarna.” Fanya said.

“Good, I’m happy to meet you Fanya.” John said as he stroked her fee causing Fanya to emit a low pur.

John then pricked the end of his thumb before putting it on Fanya’s forehead and saying.

"lmë car si naxa san i lmë cé tulco máca exa sangiessemman, n essë le Fanya." (Translation : We form this bond so that we may support each other in our necessities, I name thee Fanya)

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