MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 132 Asyath Serin Genesis Agreement Banquet part 7

"Do you plan to take responsibility for what you just did?" Sarah asked as she and John danced on the dance floor.

After his dance with Alea it was Adria's turn and now he had just started to dance with Sarah.

"Responsibility?" John asked, confused.

"Why did you say that you're my… our boyfriend? You were only supposed to say date." Sarah asked though there was no anger in her voice and her face wore a happy smile as she danced with John.

"Would saying I'm your date really protect you three in the long run?" John asked back before explaining.

"While it may have stopped those three from trying anything tonight that's all it would do, what would stop them from trying tomorrow or in the future."

"So you think that by claiming to be dating all three of us, their advances towards us will stop?" Sarah asked back.

"Not entirely no, however with so many witnesses here watching the show, what do you think is going to happen?" John asked back with a smirk.

"This story won't stay in this room, it will spread, I would not be surprised if someone in here hasn't already leaked it somewhere." Sarah answered.

"Exactly." John grinned back.


"We interrupt our scheduled program to bring you breaking news, according to our sources three of the impossible princesses have been captured and to make the story even more shocking it's by the same man."

"As we are sure you're all aware tonight is the night the Genesis Agreement Banquet is taking place in Asyath Serin, it is of course to celebrate the anniversary of the day the Genesis Agreement signing took place."

"Racial leaders, the rich and the powerful will be there tonight with only a few choosing not to attend."

"What we do know is several of the impossible princesses are present there tonight and our story involves three of them."

"The elf Princess Alea Keagwyn, the human Princess Adria Bristle and one of the most famous players in Genesis Sarah Lapis."

"That's correct, these three women our sources at the banquet tell us are the dates of one human male named John Michaels."

"This John Michaels even publicly announced that All three women are in fact his girlfriends, something the ladies in question did not deny."

"He has since gone on to dance with each in turn, given this startling revelation combined with the fact that none of the three women argued the fact and that they even danced with him we can only conclude that John Michaels is indeed the boyfriend of three of the impossible princesses, or should we say former impossible princesses."

"It will be interesting to see how people, particularly the suitors of these women respond to this news."

"We have also learned from our sources at the banquet that the same John Michaels made claims that Aiduin Petvalur otherwise known in Genesis as Natures Guardian pays the members of his guild 'Natures Guardians Followers' with ether his own body or hookers."

"How true these claims are we are unsure because John Michaels gave no evidence however seeing as how Tia has not interceded to stop this report as she would normally do if anything false about Genesis is reported we can guess that the reports are true."

Flame Servant and Golden Phoenix along with everyone else in the bar had shocked expressions at the news before Golden Phoenix asked.

"Is this the plan you were talking about?"

"Not exactly." Flame Servant replied.


Sarah sighed before saying.

"You're about to become the most hated man in the world, you know that right?"

"It seems to be something I'm good at." John replied with a smile.

Sarah sighed again before speaking.

"Not only that but you just made it much harder for me to find a boyfriend in the future, do you plan to take responsibility?"

"I think I made it harder for you to find the wrong men to be your boyfriends, but just out of curiosity how do you want me to take responsibility?" John asked before adding.

"I can't exactly become your boyfriend since me and Alea are going to discuss dating at some point tomorrow."

"Oh don't worry about that." Sarah replied with a mischievous smile.

"Do I even want to know what that means?" John asked with worry to which Sarah just laughed before giving him a sexy smile, one he had not seen from her before.


John ended up dancing with the three women twice each, for some reason they insisted on having a second dance each.

During this time many guests at the banquet showed him jealous looks, while others looked at him with curiosity and three males in particular showed anger, jealousy and confusion at how someone who was homeless barely more than a week ago was now dancing with two princesses and one of the most famous players.

He was happy to do this and after their second dance each the three allowed him a break to get some refreshments, however he could see from the looks in their eyes that his dancing tonight was far from over.

During this time Sakoto and Thasinia spent the whole time talking about science stuff, Shizu was trying to get the girls to spill the beans on who was behind the new dexterity stat, however of the three only Sarah knew and she was playing dumb for some reason.

Empress Vulxis and her mother had gone off to mingle and speak to the other delegates who were present at the banquet, though once Vulxis noticed that John was taking a break and happily talking with the four women she made her excuses before heading over to join them.

“Welcome back Vulxis, maybe I can finally get the answer to my question.” Shizu said as soon as she saw Vulxis approach them.

“Oh and what could Princess Shizu be so concerned about?” Vulxis asked in a teasing tone.

Shizu rolled her eyes before replying.

“You know very well I want to know who is responsible for the dexterity stat so I can give them a piece of my mind, also how do you know who was responsible?”

“Why wouldn’t I know if I was present with the person when they did it.” Vulxis replied.

John turned to look at Vulxis in surprise before looking at Sarah who was grinning at him with laughter in her eyes.

“No.” John turned back to Vulxis with a surprised look who was also grinning at him before she said.

“Finally figured it out have you?”

“But how, you don’t…” John started to say before Vulxis put a finger over her lips and said.

“Shh secret, though if you offer me a dance I might tell you.” 

John continued to stare at Vulxis with surprise as he tried to see any similarity between this Empress Vulxis and the Black Dragoon he knew in Genesis.

Seeing this Vulxis and Sarah giggled.

John sighed before asking.

“Very well, Empress Vulxis Noxmeila may I ask you to dance?”

Vulxis showed a bright smile before answering.

“Well since you seem so keen to dance with this empress I will grant your request.” 

After which she offered her hand which John took before leading her towards the dance floor.

“Wait..” Shizu was about to say something,  however Sarah interrupted her.

“Leave them be Shizu, now that Vulxis has had her fun with John I will tell you what you want to know.”

As John led Vulxis towards the dance floor he once again attracted the attention of the other banquet guests who were surprised to see that he was about to dance with the draconian empress.

As they started to dance, Vulxis began to explain.

“So as you now know I am Black Dragoon in Genesis, as for why I look different to my Genesis character unlike all other players there is a reason.”

“Just prior to my eighteenth birthday where I would go through the Genesis initiation my father passed away, I won’t bore you with the details now, but because of his passing I became empress before even turning eighteen.”

“As I am sure you know those with positions of power in Atlantia gain the same position in Genesis and vice versa, because of this I became empress in Genesis once I was initiated.”

“However there was a problem, Tia wants everyone to be able to experience Genesis, this I am sure you know with how she helped you.”

To this John nodded in agreement before Vulxis continued.

“However with me becoming empress my movement would be seriously restricted because of my responsibilities to my race as well as the fact that those opposed to the draconian race or royal family would love to hinder my leveling capabilities.”

“Could you not level up with some powerful guards or supporters?” John asked, confused.

“Genesis doesn’t allow that, like how dungeons have level limits that mean you can’t earn experience in them if you're over leveled, a similar rule applies in the open world.” Vulxis began to explain.

“If you're ten or more levels higher than something you kill in Genesis whether it's a monster, npc or even another player you wont get any experience, the same applies to those accompanying higher level players trying to power level.”

“Don’t think you can bypass this by simply not being in a party, Tia will quickly realize what you're up to and so will stop any experience, she may even punish you for attempting to cheat.”

“So for me to be able to experience Genesis I would have to play like everyone else, but how to make it so that I can still perform my royal duties in Genesis and also not be hunted down as I am out leveling?”

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