MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 138 Rank 2 skills spells and abilities part 1

“Circle of the Harvest’s wild morph? You can wild morph into more than just animals?” John asked in surprise.

“That’s correct.” Rosaniya replied before saying.

“It seems we still have much to teach you.”

Rosaniya took a moment to gather her thoughts before she began to explain.

“Wild Morph is the signature skill of the Circle Of The Moon that allows you to transform into different animals, however while not all of the other circles have their own wild morph, some indeed do like my Circle of the Harvest,  however our’s can only take one form unlike Circle Of The Moon where you can have as many different forms as you have bonded with animals.” 

“And with many different animal forms, come many different potential females to make babies with.” Bandit’s voice said as he appeared out of thin air.

“Bandit, how long have you been here?” John asked.

“Since I saw you traveling up here and decided to follow you, honestly bro you just don’t realize how lucky you are.” Bandi replied.

“Oh I don’t huh?” John asked while the council of seven watched on in amusement.

“Nah bro think about it, all you have to do is bond with every different animal species and then you can mate with all the women of every different species, you can literally fuck every female in existance.” Bandit proclaimed as if this was the greatest thing in the world.

John shook his head before turning back to Rosaniya and saying.

“Please continue, leader Rosaniya.”

“Are you sure?” Rosaniya asked in a teasing tone before asking.

“Are you sure you don’t want Bandit to explain more about his genius plan to fuck all the females in the world?”

“See bro this woman gets it.” Bandit said, apparently not noticing the dark glint in Rosaniya’s eyes.

John sighed before he said.

“Leader Rosaniya, I know Bandit can be annoying at times.”

“Hey bro, what are you talking about?” Bandit complained but John just continued as if not hearing him.

“But please don’t go and kill my bonded partner, believe it or not he has helped me.”

“Kill me what? What for?” Bandit suddenly asked as he looked at Rosaniya with caution and finally noticed the look in her eyes.

“Oh? Are you sure you're not interested in his plan Druid Vincarna.” Rosaniya asked dangerously.

“Do you really think I have the time to bond with every animal in the world only to go and fuck all the females? Not to mention the majority of them would most likely refuse or even threaten to kill me as I’m sure you're tempted to do.” John explained.

“Your mistaken druid Vincarna, I would never hurt a younger member of our order.” As Rosaniya said this John could not help but notice the other members of the council all avoided his eyes.

“Err bro I think I heard my sister calling me, I will catch you later.” Bandit said before he vanished once again.

There was an awkward silence for a moment before Tiriana tried to smooth things over.

“Rosaniya, you can't really blame Vincarna for this, after all he tried to change the subject and it was you who brought it back to that topic.”

“Hmph.” Rosaniya said while crossing her arms.

Tiriana sighed before saying.

“Allow me to continue, I’m afraid when Rosaniya gets like this she won't speak to you for a few days.”

“As Rosaniya was saying, some of the other circles get their own special wild morph that allows a druid to morph into a form representing that circle.”

“The Circle of Stars allows you to wild morph into a starry form of yourself,  this form not only allows you to commune with the stars better for guidance, but any healing you give out while in this form will have increased effect.”

“Circle of the Harvest transforms you into a Druidic Avenger,  as Rosaniya said earlier it allows you  to deal physical damage with your magical strength because the circle of the harvest protects us from entities not of the mortal plane.”

“Circle Of Tempest will transform you into the tempest itself, while in this form any water, wind or lightning spells will deal increased damage while also granting you the ability to fly.”

“Fly!” John said in excitement.

“That is correct.” Tiriana replied before saying.

“Though do not get too excited, you will not be able to learn all of them yet.”

“Speaking of learning.” Melandrach suddenly spoke up before adding.

“Vincarna is owed a more advanced skill, spell or ability for bringing us that spell tome, I believe we should let him purchase his class two skills as well as a more powerful one if he so wishes.”

Tiriana nodded with realization before saying.

“You are correct of course Melandrach, so let us start with you and the circle of the tempest.”

Melandrach chuckled kindly before saying.

“Very well, here is what is available to you from the circle of the tempest.”

After which he waved his hand and a window appeared in John’s vision.

[Class skills, spells or abilities available for purchase from Melandrach Erydark]

[Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)]

[85 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 1 second]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[Chain Lightning (Rank 2)]

[Chain Lightning: Shoot lightning at the enemy and inflict damage before jumping to the next closest enemy. Jumps a maximum number of 5 times.]

[100 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 100 MP]

[Cast Time: 2 Seconds]

[Price: 2 Gold]

[Lightning Rebuke (Rank 1)] 

[10% of damage received reflected back at the attacker.]

[Passive: Targets that inflict damage to you within 5 feet receive 10% of the damage reflected back.]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[FrostBolt (Rank 1)]

[15 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 10 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 1 second]

[Price: Free]

[Frost Spear (Rank 1)]

[30 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 25 MP]

[Cast Time: 2 Seconds]

[Price: Free]

[FrostBolt (Rank 2)]

[85 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 1 second]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[Frost Spear (Rank 2)]

[100 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 75 MP]

[Cast Time: 2 Seconds]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[Cone of Cold]

[Blast cold air in front of you slowing your enemies.]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 10 seconds]

[Price: 2 Gold]

[Wind Blade (Rank 1)]

[15 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 10 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 1 second]

[Price: Free]

[Wind Blast (Rank 1)]

[30 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 25 MP]

[Cast Time: 2 Seconds]

[Price: Free]

[Wind Blade (Rank 2)

[85 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 1 second]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[Wind Blast (Rank 2)]

[100 + M ATP Damage]

[Cost: 75 MP]

[Cast Time: 2 Seconds]

[Price: 1 Gold]

[Forceful Wind (Rank 1)]

Blast forceful wind around you in all directions knocking your opponents back 5 meters.]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Cooldown: 10 seconds]

[Price: 2 Gold]

“Wow” John mumbled as he saw so many available options for him before he realized something and asked.

“Why so many, and why can’t I see anything above my rank?”

“Though it is shameful to admit, I could have taught you all the rank one spells when we first met, however since you are the first ever human druid we were not certain we could trust you with all our skills, spells and abilities.”

“Even though most of the rank one spells are available from any trainer, we were cautious about teaching you too much,  only after saving the white tiger and returning a spell tome to us so quickly have you proven trustworthy.” Melandrach stated before he and the other council members bowed and said

“For this we apologize.” 

“As for why you can’t see above your rank, Individuals can only see what is available to them, either at their rank or below, while you do possess a voucher to let you obtain a skill, spell or ability above your rank. We will leave that till after you have purchased all that is available to you as what that voucher grants you is completely random.” Melandrach continued to explain after rising back up.

John nodded in understanding before saying.

“I understand your hesitation at the start and I am glad I have proven my trustworthiness, also I will take all the spells please.”

Melandrach laughed before saying.

“Very good, pass me the gold.”

John nodded before taking out twelve gold coins and passing them over.

[Money: 90 Gold 39 Silver 42 Copper>>78 Gold 39 Silver 42 Copper]

“Thank you.” Melandrach said before reaching out and touching John’s forehead with his finger tip.

[Learned Spell: Lightning Bolt (Rank 2)] 

[Learned Spell: Chain Lightning (Rank 2)] 

[Learned Passive Skill: Lightning Rebuke (Rank 1)] 

[Quest Update]

[Purchase Circle of Tempest skill, spell or ability 1/1] 

“Ascal  if you would be so kind.” Melandrach said before stepping back and allowint Ascal to move forward.

“This is what is available to you from the circle of the land” Ascal said before waving his hand as Melandrach had done.

[Class skills, spells or abilities available for purchase from Ascal Pajyre]

[Mirror Image (Rank 1)]

[Create a duplicate of yourself that mirrors all your actions to confuse your enemies, when you move it will move in a random direction.]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Instant Cast]

[Duration: 1 Minute]

[Cooldown: 5 Minutes]

[Price: 2 Gold]

[Spider Climb]

[Allows you to climb up or hang from almost any surface without falling.]

[Cost: 20MP]

[Duration: 5 Minutes]

[Price: 1 Gold]

“I will take them both please.” John said, handing over three gold.

[Money: 78 Gold 39 Silver 42 Copper>>75 Gold 39 Silver 42 Copper]

“Excelent.” Ascal said before touching John’s forehead.

[Learned Spell: Spider Climb] 

[Learned Spell: Mirror Image (Rank 1)]

[Quest Update]

[Purchase Circle of the Land skill, spell or ability 1/1] 

“Syllia your up.” Ascal said before making room for Syllia.

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