MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 143 Magical Assessment part 3

As the glow touched the two spheres a reaction started to take place.

The sphere of time seemed to enter some sort of loop, as you observed it you would see how the sphere was being formed to how it was when John first entered the room and then for the sphere to shrivel away and die before the whole cycle started over again.

As for the sphere of space it seemed to draw everything within a few centimeters towards it before disappearing.

The air, the light, the weak parts of the stone structure or even parts of the vines themselves broke away and flew towards where the sphere was before vanishing from existence.

“The cycle of life, death and rebirth, also the black hole.” Middle said before adding.

“It is confirmed, congratulations John Michaels, you possess the aptitude to use all nine elements.”


“I knew it.” Shizu said with a beautiful smile and shining eyes as she looked at John, her tails wagging hypnotically.

“Your eyes were indeed correct my daughter.” Sakoto said as her own tails started to wag slightly.

“Incredible.” Adria said in almost disbelief, a human had finally appeared who could use all elements.

“Well Sarah it would seem you finally picked a good one.” Vulxis said with a grin, causing Sarah to roll her eyes.

Alea didn’t comment and just watched John with her beautiful eyes, waiting to see what would happen next.


“Now begins the second stage where we find out how much mana you possess.” Oldest stated after which John felt as if something was being extracted from his body.

Whilst it did not hurt, it did feel strange.

Slowly the ditch started to fill a strange blue liquid.

It wasn’t exactly water as it was thick and had a blue glow about it, the same color as John’s eyes.

As the level rose in the ditch it reached a certain point whereby Middle said.

“This level marks the magical capacity of the majority of Orcs, though not their leaders.”

Everyone continued to watch as it continued to rise until it reached a point where middle spoke again.

“This is roughly the amount that most races in Atlantia poses including the Humans, gnomes and the Dwarfs.”

“It’s still increasing and John does not look tired at all.” Youngest said happily jumping around her picture.

“You're correct, this is very impressive.” Eldest said as everyone continued to watch the level rise while John still looked perfectly fine.

“It’s just passed the level of the fairies.” Middle informed them all as it kept rising.

“How much mana does this boy possess? His level is approaching the rank of the Draconians.” Eldest said in surprise

While she and her two younger selves were not too surprised about John having the magical aptitude of all nine elements, since they heard what Shizu said, they were starting to be shocked about his level of mana.

No humanoid being outside the elves and draconian had ever possessed so much mana.

Draconians were of course descended from true Dragons, the only creatures in the world to possess amounts of mana on the level of the elves, while elves came from the very source of all mana in Atlantia, Yggdrasil the world tree.

“He past it he past it, he passed the level of the Draconians.” Youngest cheered while all oldest and middle could do was nod in disbelief.


“Can someone explain to me how this is even possible?” Adria asked in shock, however all she got was silence since no one could answer it.

As everyone looked at John they noticed he was starting to look a bit tired and drained with some sweat rolling down his forehead.

“He does not have much left in him, the rate at which the level is rising has slowed as well.” Tanelia pointed out.


Eventually the glow left the roots and John collapsed onto one knee panting.

The three Elmyra’s all looked at the level before youngest said.

“Aww he was so close.”

“Agreed, he just fell short on the amount of mana that we the Elves and also the Dragons possess.” Middle replied.

“That may be true but this is still an amazing accomplishment, also the difference is very small, if he ever fought with an elf or dragon then they would need to manage their mana consumption or they could still run out before him.” Oldest stated.

John, who was still down on one knee, was panting heavily before he mumbled.

“Damn and this isn’t even mana sickness, I definitely don’t want to experience that.”

“It would be wise to remember those words you just spoke young man so that you never have too, mana sickness may only put you into a deep sleep, however just before you fall asleep and after you awaken you feel awful.” Oldest suddenly advised.

“Thank you, I will remember your advice.” John replied before standing back up and offering a small bow.

“Is there any way I can repay you for the assistance and advice you have given me today?” John asked.

“There is no need young John, it was our own selfishness that made us decide to test you after all.” Oldest replied.

“Still I would feel bad if I did not offer some sort of repayment as thanks.” John replied and just as he finished speaking he heard a voice speak.

((Do you really wish to repay them for such a small service?))

“I do.” John replied naturally.

“You do what John?” Youngest asked, confused with her head tilted.

“I wish to repay the three of you as you just asked.” John replied.

“We asked no such thing.” Middle said with a frown. 

((It was I who asked, I am speaking directly into your mind so only you can hear me))

“Who are you and how are you doing that?” John asked, causing everyone who was watching to show concerned looks.

“You don’t think the mana being drained from him caused his mind to become tired and confused do you?” Middle asked.

((I’m a friend, that’s all you need to know for now, however I will assist you in rewarding them since that is what you wish))

“How..” John started to respond when he himself lost consciousness and his eyes closed however he still stood upright.

“John?” Youngest asked concerned.

John did not reply, causing everyone to look at each other with confusion before oldest , who was paying the most attention to John since he started speaking to himself, said something which got everyone’s attention.

“His hands.”

As everyone focussed on his hands they noticed that John’s right hand had a golden glow while his left hand seemed to be absorbing all light around it.

“Is this?” Middle asked in surprise.

“Yes, light and space magic.” Oldest replied as they watched John slowly lift his arms.

When they were level in front of him John’s hands pointed towards the pictures the three Elmyra’s currently occupied.

After which John’s eyes shot open and like his hands his right eye had a golden glow while his left seemed to be absorbing all magic around it.

After which John spoke in Elvish.

“Tul ana ni nya sairina yë lav nya írissë, envinyata i fairië o laituvalmet man sam asëa n(yë) hyárë” (Translation: Come to me my magic and grant my desire, restore the freedom of them who have helped I this day.)

After speaking the mana that was still in the ditch started to swirl and rise slowly from the ditch.


In the observation room all the women had long gotten to their feet since they saw John using light and space magic at the same time.

“What is happening?” Alexis asked.

“I am unsure as I have never seen anyone manipulate their mana after it has left their body before.” Tanelia replied before adding.

“After all the magical assessment ceremony is one of the only times we have our mana converted into its liquid form, normally after the ceremony the mana would just naturally return back to Atlantia.”

“Judging from what he just said earlier, I think he plans to restore the freedom of the three Elmyra’s, however I have no idea how he would do that.” Thasinia stated.

“Are the three Elmyra’s not just fragments of the original Elmyra from when she died? however these three failed to go whenever the dead go.” Sakoto asked.

“You mean they failed to return to Yggdrasil.” Thasinia replied before explaining.

“We elves believe that when we die our soul, spirit or whatever you wish to call it return back to Yggdrasil.”

“No one has ever been able to confirm why the three Elmyra’s did not go back to Yggdrasil and instead latched onto portraits of Elmyra, not even they themselves know.”

“Do any of you know what spell he could be casting using space and light magic?” Adria asked.

“No, these two elements don’t normally work together since space is naturally devoid of light and just swallows it.” Shizu replied.

“Somethings happening.” Vulxis suddenly said.


The liquid mana had by now all risen out of the ditch and separated into millions of little water droplets that swirled around the room.

“What’s going on John? I don’t like this.” Youngest said with a slightly scared tone of voice.

“Don’t worry Elmyra, this will help you achieve what you have been wishing for.” John said with a warm smile.

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