MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 145 A Genesis Contract

John panted for breath before saying.

“Fuck, that was awsome, but could you please tell me what is going on.” 

“Thank you very much, I am very proud of my skills and now they belong exclusively to you, well maybe my sisters here from time to time.” Sarah said proudly.

“It’s as Alea said, you are getting something every man dreams about, his own harem and we are the founding members.” Adria answered after rolling her eyes at Sarah.

“And we will test any future women who want to join to determine if they are worthy.” Vulxis added.

“What! But why?” John asked, still trying to understand.

“Because of what Elrinira told me and I decided.” Alea replied before going on to finally reveal to John what she had discussed with Elrinira and why she had decided to allow John to have other female lovers other than herself.

“And you trust what that perverted succubus said?” John asked with disbelief before adding.

“It was you who told me that you can’t trust demons.” 

“Your right I did and I know the risk I am taking, I am giving up the right of keeping you all to myself and instead will have to share you just to protect you from something that succubus might have made up.” Alea began to explain.

“However if the opposite is the chance of losing you, the one I have fallen in love with for first time in over one hundred years then I don’t mind sharing you, especially if I take the role of your queen and leader of your women giving me the right to decide who gets to join your harem.”

“While this is your harem in name John, I will be the one to hold the final say on if someone can join or not, and that includes Elrinira should you pass her test.”

“What test?” John asked 

“Apparently she is testing you in some way to determine if you're suitable to be her lover.” Alea replied.

“Seriously?” John asked incredulously.

“Yes, though don’t ask me how she is testing you as she would not tell me.” Alea replied, making John nod before he looked at the other girls and asked.

“Then why are you all wanting to join?”

“We are not wanting to join, we have already joined, this is a done deal babe.” Sarah said with a giggle.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” John asked with a sigh.

“No.” All the girls replied, making John gape.

“This is a done deal, you now belong to us, we will never touch or be touched by any other man besides you except for formal greetings just as you will never touch or be touched by any woman who is not part of your harem outside of formal greetings.” Vilxis stated in a stern voice.

“And why do you all want to be a part of this?” John asked.

“For me it’s because I was attracted to you when we first met, after dungeoning with you that only increased and also because I have finally found a good man to be attracted to.” Sarah replied with a smile.

“In my case I was unsure until the banquet, though I found you appealing after watching your interaction with Sarah because you didn’t care about our identities back then and just treated us the same as everyone else, however my attraction towards you grew at the banquet when you assisted us with those three idiots while also acting like a gentleman towards us the entire night.” Adria answered.

“My reason is simple, your interesting and Kitsune are naturally drawn to interesting things, first it was the banquet where you took these three as your dates and even dared to stand up to the three idiots, something many men have buckled under the pressure of.” Shizu started to explain.

“Then there's the fact that you're the first ever player to force Tia into creating a new stat for Genesis.”

“Now there is the fact that like myself you can use all the elements, it also helps that a Kitsune’s magic will grow stronger if she mates with an individual  who has the same elemental affinities, naturally finding a male with all nine affinities is close to impossible, even my father does not have that many which is why my mother kicked him out after getting pregnant with me since he only managed to keep her interest for a short period of time.”

“I already told my reason in the dungeon, we draconians are attracted to the strong.” Vilxis said with a predatory look in her eyes.

“But if that’s the case surely you would be more attracted to Sarah.” John replied looking at Vilxis before he turned to Shizu and added.

“While you can grow stronger mating with Alea since she is an elf and she also has affinity with all the elements.”

“I’m guessing you're under the belief that the five of us are in some sort of romantic relationship after what you saw before?” Sarah asked.

John nodded in reply.

“On this point you're incorrect.” Sarah said before explaining.

“While it’s true we have been intimate with each other in the past, that only happens rarely when all or most of us are together, we have been drinking and we end up getting horny and so one thing leads to another, though I suspect it will happen a lot more often and without the need for alcohol in the future.”

“While we care deeply and love each other it has never been in the romantic way, but more in the sisterly way even though we have no problem having intercourse with one another.”

“You are the only individual that we are all attracted to romantically,”

John thought for a moment before asking.

“Who else knows about the intercourse the five of you get up to at times?” 

Sarah smirked again before saying.

“No one outside this room knows that we have ever done anything with each other, though that does not mean some of us have not done stuff with other women who are not in this room.”

“Stacey?” Adria asked with a smirk.

“Perhaps.” Sarah replied with her own smirk.

“You said Elrinira’s suggestion was to surround me with women, what does that mean? How many are you talking about?” John asked hesitantly.

“Oh what’s this? You only just found out that you got your own harem and already want to add more women to it?” Shizu pouted, but John could see mirth in her eyes.

John rolled his eyes before saying.

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

“Honestly we don’t know how many more will join, or even if anymore will.” Alea replied.

“So if for argument's sake more do join, how do you plan to make sure these women are trustworthy?” John asked before adding.

“You said it yourself, you only want those you can trust and won’t betray us.”

Alea smiled before saying.

“A Genesis Contract.”

“A contract?” John asked, puzzled.

“A Genesis contract is not just any contract, it is all binding in both Atlantia and Genesis for the simple fact that it is overseen by the one true impartial individual, Tia.” Alea began to explain.

“Early after the signing of the Genesis agreement and a bit later the creation of Genesis there was still mistrust between the races.”

“After all war had raged for so long it was impossible to just forgive and forget old grievances.”

“Even with the creation of Genesis and its AI Tia, the races still did not trust enough to trade, sure they would no longer have battles or skirmishes outside of Genesis, but they also did not trust one another enough to open trade talks with those outside their continent.”

“Interestingly it was the Orcs who came up with the answer to this problem, they suggested that Tia be given the power to create and enforce contracts.”

“This only became more successful as Atlantia and Genesis became more and more connected.”

“As you know, Tia now has the power to punish people on both Atalanta and Genesis if she deems it worthy.” 

“Also because Tia treats all races and individuals equally and never shows favoritism she will uphold the contact completely, only allowing a change in the contract or allowing a party out of the contract all together if all parties agree, unlike say a contract managed by one of the races who could be biased towards their race or thier allies.”

John thought a moment before asking.

“I see, and what would the contract entail?”

“Each of us and everyone else who joins in the future including you will have to offer up something money can’t buy and irreplaceable.” Alea continued to explain.

“Should that person break the contract by harming anyone else who is part of the contact they will have to give up that which they offer forever.”

“Such as?” John asked curiously.

“In my case I will offer up my position of princess and my right to the elven throne.” Alea declared without hesitation before adding

“If I break the contract I will lose my position as princess and never be able to inherit the throne.”

John was surprised when they heard what Alea was willing to put on the line, while he noticed that the other girls did not seem surprised as if they had already spoken on this.

After John contemplated on the information he turned to the other girls and asked.

“I’m assuming you're all offering something similar?”

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