MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 148 You can’t be serious?

Outside the room the elf had just left the figure who was hiding in the shadows, stepped into the light and approached the elf before she asked.


“Here.” The elf said before she sent an audio recording from her access band over to the figure who was wearing a dark hood so the elf could not see who it was, only that it was a female from her body proportions.

The figure played the recording for a few seconds to make sure it was genuine before saying.

“You managed to disable the recording canceler, I'm impressed.” 

“You get what you pay for with our organization and you paid handsomely for this job.” The elf replied with a smile.

“Indeed I did.” The figure said before she turned and walked away.

“We hope you will use our services again.” The elf called.

“Oh believe me I will.” The figure said before she turned a corner and was gone.

The elf just shrugged before looking towards the room and mumbled.

“Rather you than me girls.” 

After which she also left.

As the figure reached the underground carpark she approached a very expensive looking convertible two seater electric car.

After she started the engine she raised the roof and began to drive out of the car park and into the streets before she lowered her hood and said.

“Call Saida Yinphine.”

Her access band beeped before a female voice replied.

“Calling Saida Yinphine.”


Inside the ring palace Saida was standing behind Tanelia and listening to a conversation that was taking place between Tanelia, Thasinia, Alexia, Sakoto and Chirax.

The women had all gathered here for tea and to discuss the magical assessment ceremony after the girls had carried John away.

“So Sakoto, have you made a decision regarding Shizu and John?” Thasinia asked with a smirk as she was sure of the answer already.

Sakoto rolled her eyes before saying.

“Of course I agree with her being with him, the boy has all nine elements which means when they mate in the future their affinities will compliment each other and grow stronger.” 

“Damn kitsune and their magic training ability.” Alexia complained.

“It’s not so simple when you have all nine affinities like myself and Shizu, after all the ‘magic training’ as you called it will only work with a partner of the opposite sex who also has all nine affinities, and you know how hard it is to find those outside the elves.” Sakoto replied.

“Then why did you choose a kitsune with only eight affinities instead of an elf with all nine, with your position and body you could have got almost any elf.” Alexia asked.

“No offense to the elves in the room.” Sakoto said, looking at Tanelia, Thasinia and Saida before she continued.

“But male elves are boring, have you ever met an interesting male elf?”

“Nope.” Alexia and Chirax answered.

“No offense taken.” Tanelia said with a smile.

“Honestly I am jealous of my daughter, not only has she found a mate to keep her interested but he also has all nine affinities, honestly I am tempted to become one of his lovers as well.” Sakoto proclaimed.

While most in the room were surprised, Thasinia knew her friend well before asking.

“So why don’t you?”

Sakoto wore a thoughtful expression and was about to reply when a notification sound came from Saida’s access band that signaled an incoming call attracted everyone's attention.

“My apologies.” Saida said with a small bow.

“Saida that’s unlike you, normally your access band is on silent when we have guests.” Tanelia asked quizzically.

“It is my queen, I remember setting it, the only reason it would make a sound was if it came from someone in my priority list.”

“Then you better check it and tell us who it’s from.” Tanelia instructed.

“Yes my queen.” Saida said before looking at her access band and raising an eyebrow in surprise.

“So?” Tanelia asked.

“Penelo Petvalur” Saida replied with surprise.

“Wait Petvalur, as in the mother of Aiduin Petvalur the elf who is after Alea and John accused of using his own body to pay his female members at the banquet?” Chirax asked.

“The very same lady Chirax.” Saida replied.

“I keep telling you to stop calling me lady Saida, honestly you're as bad as Tia when it comes to this matter, now why would the wife of Tanelia’s political rival be contacting you, actually why do you even have her contact?” Chirax replied.

“Might I answer those questions after I answer the call?” Saida asked in return.

Chirax nodded before Tanelia said to the others.

“Please remain quiet.”

She then nodded to Saida who answered the call.

“Lady Petvalur, this is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?”

“Miss Yinphine thank you for taking my call, I will get straight to the point, I would like an audience with the queen.” Penelo requested.

Everyone in the room showed surprised looks including Tanelia.

“It’s unusual for Lord Petvalur to request a meeting with her majesty through his wife.” Saida replied knowing full well that was not how it really was.

“I think we both know that I am not calling on my husband's behalf but my own. I would like a meeting with the queen, one preferably that my husband won't find out about.” Penelo replied.

“I see, might I inquire as to what this meeting involves?” Saida asked in return.

“My freedom.” Penelo replied simply.

“Excuse me?” Saidia replied with confusion, something the other women shared.

“I wish to make a deal with her majesty to gain my freedom from my unfaithful bastard of a husband.” Penelo proclaimed.

There was silence for a moment as all the women continued to be surprised.

After a moment Tanelia nodded towards Saida who said.

“Very well her majesty agrees, when would be best?” 

“The sooner the better as I have information regarding the interesting human at the banquet the other night, I believe his name was John Michaels, also regarding the human resource raid Pride Rock.” Penelo answered.

As she finished speaking all the women in the room showed thoughtful looks especially Alexia who frowned when Penelo mentioned Pride Rock.

Alexia looked at Tenelia, her meaning clear who indeed before speaking.

“Lady Penelo, can you hear me?”

“My Queen.” Penelo replied in a humble voice that surprised everyone.

“I would never have expected such a greeting from a member of the Petvalur family.” Tanelia remarked.

There was silence for a moment before Penelo replied cryptically ..

“My queen you must forgive my attitude towards you and the royal family, we must all play our part when we are being watched after all.” 

“I see, well I hope you can explain more about this and the other topics you mentioned when you arrive, I am more than happy to meet you now however I must inform you that I am currently not alone so this meeting won't be one on one.” Tanelia replied.

“Who is there with you, might I ask my queen?” Penelo asked in a rather panicked voice.

“Calm yourself Lady Penelo, there is no one here who will inform your husband that you're here.” Tanelia replied.

“That is most reassuring of your majesty.” Penelo replied with a sigh.

“Since this is something to be kept quiet as you requested I will authorize your use of the teleportation circle normally restricted to the royal family, I assume you know its location?” Tanelia asked.

“I do my Queen thank you.”

“Very good, Saida will meet you there and bring you to me for our meeting. I look forward to your visit Lady Penelo.” Tanelia.

“Thank you my queen, I will be there soon.” Penelo replied before ending the call.

There was silence for a moment before Sakoto spoke up again as her tails started to sway slightly.

“Well now this is getting more and more interesting and once again it involves John, I am glad you persuaded me to visit Thasinia.” 

Thasinia rolled her eyes before saying in a teasing tone.

“More reason for you to do as I just suggested and take John as your husband.” 

Sakoto did not reply but wore a thoughtful look as the women looked at her with surprise that she did not shoot down the suggestion.

“Saida go ahead and meet up with Lady Penelo.” Tanelia instructed.

“Yes my queen.” Saida said before leaving the room.

Tanelia then looked at Sakoto and spoke with a smile.

“If you did decide to make him your husband remember that you would have to share him with others including your daughter, and perhaps some others who have yet not realized that John can help them also.” 

“Who else are you referring to?” Chirax asked with interest.

“I wonder.” Tanelia said while looking at Alexia with a smirk.

Alexia gaped when she understood Tanelia’s meaning before retorting.

“You can’t seriously be suggesting that I marry someone who is younger than my daughter?”

“Why not, Alea is over one hundred and she is not bothered by the age gap.” Tanelia replied before explaining.

“Besides if he does get into a relationship with those five won't he become exactly what you have been looking for so you can get rid of that useless husband of yours?”

“We all know that if you were to divorce or kill off that husband of yours then the human council of ministers would pressure you to marry someone who is convenient to them, someone who can help them claim the throne. 

“But what if you married John, he will be rich enough because of the money is receiving from Dawnscape City, he will be powerful enough because he may in the future marry an empress, and three princesses, also he has no interest in the throne which means that you need not fear him stabbing you or Adria another of his lovers in the back when she becomes empress.”

Check out my new novel: God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

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