MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 164 Elrinira wants to talk

Meanwhile in Waning City Madam Death was in the headquarters of the necromancer guild going over some paperwork of the necromancers recent activities and trying to find any clue as to what that old man Markus De-wright or better known in Genesis Lord Undead was secretly up to.

Unfortunately she wasn’t having much luck when she suddenly heard a voice in her mind.

((Hello Death how are my pet.))

(Queen Elrinira) Death thought in surprise as they began to communicate telepathically via their contract.

((Why so surprised my pet, I did tell you that I would contact you in three days.))

(My apologies, I was so busy doing some research that you surprised me.)

((Oh, research into what?))

(That old man Lord Undead, I am trying to find some clues on what he might be up to from the recent movements of the necromancer guild.)

((Hmm, find anything interesting?))

(Not really, there are more Necromancers traveling to the other continents than in the past, but that’s not really suspicious as they may have quests that take them there.)

((Not really surprising that bastards is covering his tracks well, I recognised straight away how cunning he was when he summoned me in the past.))

((It’s one of the reasons I refused to form a contract with him even though he offered an enticing deal, I can smell a scam a mile off and he stunk.))

((Thought there was one good thing that came out of his summon.))

(You mean me?)

((Correct, if he hasn’t summoned me I wouldn’t of sensed your potential.))

At this Madam Death smiled proudly and puffed out her chest making her already revealing cleavage even more revealing.

((Don’t get to proud of yourself my little pet, you still have a long way to go.))

((Also I have always wondered why you insist on showing of so much of your cleavage when you can’t fuck any of the people who stare at you?))

(I like the feeling of people checking me out, when I was younger I was fat and chubby and it took me a lot of hard work to get a body like this so why not show it off.)

((Well as long as you remember that looking is all you allow them to do, until I find my life partner at least.))

(I remember, speaking of, how is Vincarna progressing in your test?)

((Oh ho, getting desperate are we?)) Elrinira asked with a chuckle.

(Of course, it’s been years since I had a cock and my toys are not as satisfying as they once were.)

((Oh right I forgot you’re not a virgin, how many men have you been with again?))

(Unfortunately only one.)

((I see, it seems those girls are not the only ones that I will have to train to please Vincarna in the future.))

(Do you mean?) Madam Death asked excitedly only to be shot down a moment later.

((Calm your tits, while he is progressing as I hoped he would he has not proven himself yet.))

(Oh.) Madam Death said in a sad tone causing Eleinira to chuckle.

((I have to enjoy your suffering as much as possible before I possibly let you have a release after all don’t I?))


((Good now arrange the group communication spell and contact me when it’s ready)) Elrinira ordered before going quiet.

Once she was sure that Elrinira had ended the telepathic link Madam Death sighed and mumbled.

“It’s a good thing she doesn't know about the men I am playing with in Atlantia.” 

After that she sent a call request to Empress Alexia.


“So would you mind explaining why Lady Petvalur is present?” Alea asked.

“Lady Penelo is the one who informed us of the threat to John’s life and also the information regarding pride rock.” Tanelia replied.

“Ho, and how did she come to know such information?” Alea asked skeptically.

“Because I am a senior member of Hermes.” Penelo replied, surprising all the girls.

“What!” Sarah replied.

“Seriously?” Adria said.

“Interesting.” Shizu muttered.

“Please elaborate.” Alea said before the girls listened to everything Penelo had to tell them while the older women calmly drank their drinks and ate snacks since they had heard this all before.

“Well it’s not surprising that John is now being targeted, I did warn him of such.” Alea said with a frown before adding.

“Though the fact those three are teaming up is rather surprising and worrying, they could cause even more problems in the future if they continue their cooperation.”

“While I don’t think there is much worry of them beating pride rock with their so called strategies, I still believe we should clear it sooner rather than later.” Adria stated.

“Agreed, once John can provide Alea and Adria with Bengal’s blessing we shall head there straight away.” Sarah said.

“Then I welcome you to our home Lady Penelo and apologize for my attitude towards you before.” Alea apologized.

“You have nothing to apologize for Princess, considering the relationship your family has with mine.” Penelo replied with a bow.

There was silence for a moment before Vulxis asked.

“Can we really trust a member of Hermes not to sell what they learn here?”

Chirax smiled before saying.

“Well done my daughter, I am glad to see that it was you that mentioned this.”

Alexia frowned before saying.

“Adria, Sarah you two should have also asked this question, Hermes is a great source of information if used correctly, however they are also a dangerous entity if they get hold of our secrets.”

Adria and Sarah lowered their heads slightly before saying 

“Yes mother.”

“Understood Aunt.”

“Shizu I am also disappointed you did not mention this, while we Kitsune enjoy entertainment and having a member of Hermes among us is bound to be entertaining, we as members of the royal family must be most cautious around them.” Sakoto said, admonishing her daughter.

When the other girls noticed that Alea was not told off by Tanelia Sarah frowned before asking.

“Why is Alea not being admonished when she just welcomed a member of Hermes into her home?”

Alea only smiled in response as she drank her tea while Alexis said.

“How old is Alea? Do you not think she has already been through this in the past with Tanelia?”

“You mean to say you kept quiet about this instead of warning us? You traitor.” Shizu said accusingly.

Alea placed her cup down before turning to the other girls and saying.

“As future rulers and people in important positions you need to learn to be wary of everyone who is not part of our family that you trust completely , I will not have John’s lovers being innocent and naive.”

“Did you thank that just because Lady Penelo was in the company of your parents that she was automatically safe to discuss sensitive topics in front of?”

“I will say it again so remember this well because you will need to teach this to your own children in the future.”

“If they are not members of our family we trust completely then consider that everything someone tells you could be a lie.”

There was silence for a moment before Adria asked.

“I understand you wanted to teach us a lesson, but is it really ok for a princess to accuse one of her subjects of being a possible liar right in front of them?”

“Normally no, however mother informed me beforehand that Lady Penelo is to be trusted because she signed a Genesis contract just before our arrival.”

The four girls gaped at Alea before Sarah said.

“See you are a traitor.”

Alea chuckled before replying.

“Only in these circumstances where it is necessary to teach you young ladies the way of the world.”

“What sort of Genesis contract?” Vulxis asked.

“All I will say is that if Lady Penelo betrays my family she will lose much.” Tanelia replied cryptically.

There was silence once again as the older women let the young ladies think on what they had just learned when a notification tone came from Alexia’s access band.

“Hmm who could this be, I set my access band to priority contacts only as we were having an important meeting.” Alexia said before she read the message she had just received and a surprised look appeared on her face.

“Alexia?” Sakoto asked, noticing her change in expression.

“It’s from Rebecca, Elrinira wants to start the group communication spell, I honestly thought she would lose interest and forget about that over the three days she said before.”

Alea groaned before saying.

“No doubt she wants to hear what happened at the banquet.”

Penelo frowned before asking.

“When you say Elrinira do you mean the world boss, succubus queen Elrinira?”

“Also why does she know about the Genesis agreement banquet?”

“Yes Alexia does indeed mean ‘that’ Elrinira, as for the banquet.” Alea began to explain.

“She doesn't know what the banquet was for, only there was one, after all it was she who suggested I, Adria and Sarah be John’s dates to shield us from your son and those other two while also making them jealous.”

“Something that worked better than expected I would like to add.” Sarah added with a giggle.

“What!” Penelo said in surprise.

The ladies all looked at Penelo’s reaction with amusement since they had similar ones in the past.

“Why don’t you join us lady Penelo so you can learn for yourself.” Alea suggested.

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