MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 166 The truth of Rebirth

All the women in the strip club looked at Elrinira in shock causing her to giggle before saying.

“I know exactly what you're thinking, you're finding it hard to believe that I would be willing to give up my position and status.”

“You probably thought that I was not serious about Vincarna and that he was just another male who caught my fancy that I could play around with for a while before I got bored and moved onto the next.”

“You also probably did not believe me before when I told you that I have not had sex with anyone for a long time, after all I’m a succubus and even if I can survive without absorbing energy unlike my weaker brethren, how could a succubus go without sex.”

“Am I right?”

As Elrinira finished she looked at each of the women with a smug smile that said, ‘you're all still too young to think I can't read each of you’.

“So what you're telling us is that your fascination with Vincarna is not just the whim of a powerful woman and that you really have not had sex in a long time.” Alea asked.

“That’s correct.” Elrinira replied with a smile.

“I’m sorry but I find that hard to believe.” Sarah spoke up.

“Oh and you are?” Elrinira asked.

“Oh I guess we have not done introductions of the new people yet.” Alea said before continuing.

“Allow me to introduce to all of you who have never met her the world boss and succubus queen Elrinira.”

“Queen Elrinira, this is the Kitsune Empress Nine Tailed Empress.”

“Nine Tailed Empress it’s a pleasure, I must say I approve of your race’s ideals that if something is boring it is not worth your time, my race has a similar philosophy.” Elrinira said to Sakoto.

“The pleasure is mine, Queen Elrinira.” Sakoto replied.

“Next the Empress of the Draconians Black Dragoon.” Alea introduced.

“Ah, I heard the new draconian empress was young and it seems those rumors are true, a pleasure to meet you also empress Black Dragoon.”

“Queen Elrinira, I have heard much about you from my lover and future consort.” Vulxis replied which made Elrinira show a surprised look before asking.

“Wait, when you say your lover and future consort you don’t mean?”

“I do, Vincarna.” Vulxis replied.

After hearing this Elrinira burst into joyous laughter that lasted a few moments before she managed to calm down and say.

“It seems I underestimated Vincara, not only is he the future king consort to the elves as Silver Oracle's future husband, but he is also the future emperor consort of the draconian.”

Vulxs smiled before saying.

“Not only those two races.”

“Oh?” Elrinira said, her smile growing even more before adding.

“Then please sister Oracle , continue.”

Alea sighed as Elrinira would not stop addressing her as sister.

“Next the human princess and since it's already out of the bag, the lover of Vincarna Princess Red Rose.”

“Ah princess Red Rose, I take it Vincarna managed to win your heart as well when he helped you out at the banquet?” Elrinira asked.

“Indeed he did queen Elrinira, though I must admit that while he peeked my interest initially, I did not expect to fall for him in one night,” Adria replied.

“Yes, on that I must agree, even I found myself attracted to him much faster than any other man I have ever met, and I have met a lot of men.” Elrinira replied with a suggestive wink.

“I thought you said you have not slept with anyone in a long time?” Alea challenged.

“Did I say anything about sleeping with them?” Elrinira replied before saying.

“Honestly sister, we really need to teach you to control those perverted thoughts of yours.” 

As Elrinira said this Tanelia coughed slightly in embarrassment while the other women all covered their mouths to hide their chuckles.

“Moving on.” Alea said quickly to change the subject before saying.

“Next is the princess of the Kitsune and also the lover of Vincarna, Princeess Nine Taile’s.”

“I see, so that’s what empress Vulxis meant when she said that there were not only two races.” Elrinira replied with a wide smile before greeting Shizu.

“Greetings Princess Nine Taile’s, it’s a pleasure to meet you also, and might I ask, do you and Vincarna share the same affinities?” 

“You know of the kitsune’s special ability?” Shizu asked with mild surprise.

“Come now Princess Nine Taile’s, if you will one day rule you must learn that a ruler needs to know as much as possible about the other races.” Elrinira replied before continuing.

“In answer to your question though, yes I am aware that if a kitsune and their mate of the opposite gender have the same attributes, then both their magic will increase when they are intimate.”

“Honestly it is similar in some ways to the succubus ability to increase our power, however instead of only us gaining the power, both sides gain in your case, of course the requirement of having the same attributes is a hindrance.”

“If memory serves I read a report that you have all nine attributes just like your mother princess, so tell me does Vincarna also possess all nine?” 

At this Shizu shot a glance at Alea who sighed before nodding her head.

“Yes he does.” Shizu replied.

“Marvelous.” Elrinira replied happily as her tail swayed slightly.

“If we can move on, let me introduce the draconian dowager empress Black Dragon Sorceress.”

“Ah empress Black Dragon Sorceress, I have heard of how you supported your late husband and now support your daughter and from what I can see you are very capable.” Elrinira stated.

“You're too kind, Queen Elrinira.” Chirax replied.

“The one who spoke before is Ice Blue Queen, also a lover of Vincarna.” Alea introduced.

“Ah the famous Ice Blue Queen who has managed to attain a rebirth.” Elirinira said before asking with interest.

“Tell me what race have you achieved from your rebirth?” 

All the women showed surprised looks before Sarah replied.

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean Queen Elrinira, my rebirth has just made me a more powerful human.”

Elrinira smiled before saying.

“That was a clever idea to say that you have just evolved into a more powerful form of yourself, however unfortunately it will only fool the common people.”

“You see those who have lived long enough and are privy to such information because of their positions such as me are aware that there is no such thing as evolving into a higher form of your race.”

“A rebirth involves part of you changing to another race, so therefore you are no longer human, but instead a human hybrid with another race.”

“So you see there really is no reason to hide this from me, your lie will work in making the weeklings look in the wrong place to try and achieve rebirth, while those who already know the secret of rebirth such as myself and the other world bosses have no interest in rebirth since we would lose more than we would gain.”

Sarah showed a surprised expression before thinking about what Elrinira had told her, after a moment she sighed before turning to Alexia and saying.


After which she shot a cautious look towards Penelo.

Alexia, understanding her meaning, said.

“It’s fine, the contract states that Disciple of the Wild can only relay any information we allow back to Hermes.” 

“Hermes you say?” Elrinira said, showing surprise once again before adding.

“Well now this just keeps getting more and more interesting.”

“You've heard of Hermes Queen Elrinira?” Alexia asked before adding.

“That’s interesting since they are only active on the mortal plane.”

Elrinira did not directly answer Alexia and instead turned to Peneloa before greeting her.

“Disciple of the Wild, it's a pleasure to meet you, though It seems you have not been part of this fascinating group for long since they don’t know.”

Penelo made a small bow before saying.

“Greetings Queen Elrinira, I have heard much about you, in answer to your earlier comment, no my queen has only just graciously allowed me into her inner circle.”

Elrinira nodded before turning to Tanelia and saying.

“Keep this one close Silver Queen, she will be of much use to you in the future, Hermes is far more widespread than you think, after all they even have agents in my kingdom.”

The women showed surprise before Tanelia responded.

“Thank you for your advice Queen Elrinira, I will be sure to take it to heart.” 

After which she turned to Penlo before asking.

“How did Hermes get agents in other planes?” 

Penelo smiled before answering.

“The mortal plane is not the only plane that values information, my queen.”

“As Queen Elrinira said before to Princess Nine Tails, a ruler needs to know as much information as possible.”

“Even though the races of the mortal plane have not yet found a way to travel to the other planes, that does not stop those from other planes coming and going from our plane.”

“Take the succubus race for example. There are many succubi who are summoned to the mortal plane on a daily basis to satisfy an individual’s needs and after completing their service to that individual the succubus just needs to take a detour on the way back home and meet up with a member of Hermes to make an information trade.”

“I see, and you're aware of this Queen Elrinira?” Tanelia asked.

“Of course, I purchased much of the information regarding the mortal plane from Hermes, though I am disappointed to say that they had no information on Vincarna when I asked.” Elrinira replied.

“My apologies for that Queen Elrinira.

“Vincarna has only just been brought to our attention and Hermes is currently conducting an investigation into him.”

“I see, be sure to send me any information you receive on my future love once it's available.” Elrinira requested.

“Might I remind you he is not your lover.” Alea said with exasperation.

Elrinira giggled before saying.

“Come now sister from where I am sitting it seems to only be a matter of time, though the test I have given him is still ongoing, what I have learned here today has already improved his passing grade.”

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