MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 168 I worry about the future if Elrinira does indeed join

“Who knows.”

“Why you?” Vulxis said with anger.

“Calm yourself my daughter, we can not force Queen Elrinira to reveal something if she does not wish to, we will just have to hope she is willing to inform us in the future so we can plug the leak of this knowledge.” Chirax said after calming down.

“Very wise Black Dragon Sorceress, perhaps I will reveal it to you in the future if we become sisters, just as I may gift Ice Blue Queen here with some phoenix blood.” Elrinira replied.

“What!” Sarah said in surprise.

“Do not be so surprised, if we truly become sisters in the future then as the oldest I must of course care and dote on my younger siblings.” Elrinira replied with a chuckle.

“Now back to the previous topic, the reason I mentioned about the first Draconian is because the elf who was transformed never became a full dragon as you now know, she was in fact a hybrid elf-dragon similar to how Ice Blue Queen is a human-phoenix hybrid.

“The difference is that from my knowledge the elf-dragon hybrid became twenty percent elf and eighty percent dragon.”

“This is why I said that sixty percent seems too low, after all the phoenix is on par with the dragon.”

There was silence for a while as everyone absorbed the knowledge they had just learnt.

“Well then, now that introductions are out of the way, why don’t you tell me what you find hard to believe about my earlier comment.” Elrinira said to Sarah.

“I meant no offense Queen Elrinira, after all you have just given me guidance on my own rebirth and shared some information that I did not know.” Sarah replied humbly.

“Haha do not worry as I am not offended, I am just curious why you thought I was not being honest.” Elrinira replied with a chuckle.

“I just found it hard to believe that a succubus such as yourself who is essentially the embodiment of sex and lust since the weaker of your race need sex to survive, would be able to resist temptation from the countless men I am sure want to fuck you.” Sarah replied before adding.

“As someone who enjoys sex myself, I know I find it hard to resist pinning Vincarna down and having sex with him.”

“Ho.” Elrinira replied as she looked at Sarah with more interest.

Adria scoffed before saying.

“God sake girl you only had him in the shower a little over an hour ago.” 

“Errr.” Penelo said before hesitantly asking.

“Is this how conversations in this group normally go?” 

“No.” Alea replied before sighing and adding.

“Though I get the feeling that it’s going to start becoming common.”

“Why?” Thasinia asked with interest.

“Do I really need to spell it out to you aunt?” Alea said while rolling her eyes.

“It’s because sex with Vincarna was just so damn good.” Sarah blurted out causing all the mortal women to give her deadpan eyes.

“What, if I didn’t say it Alea would just keep avoiding the answer without saying it straight.”

Elrinira burst into laughter again before asking Sarah.

“I guess I am right in thinking that you have been with other men in the past?”


“A few.” Sarah replied, causing Shizu to scoff this time though she did not say anything.

“And how does Vincarna compare to the others you have been with?” Elrinira asked with interest.

“Seriously, are all our conversations going to be about sex when Elrinira is present?” Alexia asked.

“Fire Empress, you're only like that because you're in need of a good session in the bedroom, it has been too long since you last had a cock inside you.” Elrinira replied bluntly causing Alexia to blush before Elrinira added.

“Seriously, why don’t you just kill off that useless husband of yours and join Vincarna’s harem.” 

“What!” Adria said in surprise while Alea and Tanelia sighed and Alexia blushed even more.

“Elrinira.” Alea said in exasperation.

“What?” Elrinira asked innocently.

“We were trying to broach this subject slowly.” Alea said.

“Why?” Elrinira asked, confused.

“Many mortal races who do not have long life spans such as the human race are sensitive about family members sharing the same partner, while harem’s are common in the human race for powerful, rich and influential people, you won't find a harem with more than one member of the same family.” Alea explained.

“Well that’s silly.” Elririna responded as if she didn’t notice how Adria was now looking at her mother in a accusing way.

“Anyway, how was Vincarna?” Elrinira said turning the topic back to the subject she was most interested in.

“The best I ever had.” Sarah replied honestly.

Elrinira grinned pervertedly before saying.

“As I thought, also if I didn’t know that you were part phoenix, I would swear you were part succubus with how you talk about sex.” 

Sarah smiled before saying.

“I take that as a compliment.” 

“As you should, I can tell we are going to get along very well indeed in the future.” Elrinira said before both women started to laugh.

Vulxis sighed before leaning into Shizu and saying.

“I worry about the future if Elrinira does indeed join the harem.” 

Shizu nodded in agreement.

Alexia coughed and tried to change the subject as she felt her daughters accusing stare on her.

“So Queen Elrinira, might I ask why you called for this meeting?” 

Elrinira stopped laughing before giving Sarah a perverted smile, one that Sarah returned in kind.

“I am hoping Vincaran is successful my test more and more as this meeting goes on, if he does I look forward to our time together with Vincarna.”

“As am I.” Sarah replied while licking her lips.

Elrinira winked at Sarah before turning to look at Alexia and responded.

“I informed you all that I would be here to find out what happened at the banquet and to report on my interrogation of Francis, though it would seem I don’t need to hear about the banquet right now since I already know it went better than even I planned so let’s begin with the interrogation and leave the banquet discussion for another time.”

“First I will start with what sister Oracle requested.”

“As Elrinia finished speaking three parchments appeared in her hand before sending one towards Alea, another towards Tanelia and the last which was substantially larger towards Alexia.”

“Sister, your parchment contains all the names of the spies Francis knows about in the The Order of the Mother Tree”

“Silver Queen, yours contains all the known spies within the central continent.”

“Fire Empress, you're all the known spies in the western continent, obviously your list is larger since the western continent is where the necromancers are based and human necromancers where the majority of the spies Francis was aware off.”

“Elrinira this is more than I requested.” Alea said with surprise.

Elrinira shrugged before saying.

“I liked your idea for torturing Francis and it worked exceptionally well, also as my future sister I had to dote on you slightly.”

Alea replied with a smile as she said.

“Thank you.”

“”Hmm there are some interesting names on this list, including some of the palace staff.” Tanelia said before showing it to Thasinia and Saida.

“Yes, apparently it would seem that there is some sort of secret alliance between Protector of Nature and that old man, Lord undead, though Francis does not know the particulars.”

As Elrinira said, Protector of Nature Panelo’s face showed a slight reaction of disgust.

“Is there a problem Disciple of the Wild?” Elrinira asked.

“Ah you would not yet be aware, but Disciple of the Wild is actually the wife of Protector of Nature.” Alea said.

“Is that so?” Elrinira said before giving Penelo a look.

After a moment she asked.

“Un loving husband?”

“Yes.” Penelo replied.

“No sex?” 


“Harms you physically.” 

At this Penelo did not reply but just nodded causing all the women to once again show dark looks.

Elrinira nodded as she studied Penelo even more before she said.

“It is very brave of you to be willing to go behind the back of the man who has tortured you when you know very well that if you're caught he will do much worse.”

“She will be living in the palace from now on.” Tanelia explained.

“Good.” Elrinira said with a nod before saying.

“Though I am still impressed with your courage, especially with you being a member of Hermes and no doubt reporting on him to Hermes behind his back.”

“For your courage I believe you are deserving of a reward.”

“Reward?” Penelo asked, surprised.

“Yes, I offer you a contract with me, similar to the one Death over there has.”

All the women showed surprised expressions, after all only a few players were known to have achieved a contract with a world boss.

“Forgive my innocence but I have never researched this topic, what would a contract with you entail?”

“Each contract is unique to the individual and not disclosed to others easterly so while we will be contracted with each other as I am with Death, some of the particulars will be different.” Elrinira said before adding.

“Should you accept we will have a private discussion regarding the specifics after this meeting.”

“Ummm.” Madam Death said as she nervously raised her hand.

Elrinira rolled her eyes before saying.

“Go ahead and warn her.” 

“Thank you queen Elrinira.” Death said before turning to Penelo.

“A contract with Queen Elrinira is a great boon to you and will grant you power, however that power comes at a price.”

“What price?” Penelo asked nervously.

“The price is that you won't be able to engage in any sexual intercorse with anyone before Queen Elrinira finds her life partner, after that you will only be able to engage in intercourse with her, her life partner and any other members of the harem if there is one.” Madam Death replied.

“But that means.” Penelo said as she came to a realization.

“Correct, if Vincarna manages to pass my test and becomes my life partner you will only be able to engage in sexual activities with myself, Vincarna and these five beauties here.” Elrinira said with a perverted smile as she looked at the five harem members.

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