MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 170 Francis’ Information

“Well sisters it looks like we are doing this.” Sarah said happily.

Alea sighed before saying.

“Only if Vincarna agrees, also no one is forced to do anything they don’t want to in this harem.” 

As she finished she looked at Shizu.

“I won’t partake while anyone outside our group is watching. I have already said this, after those two idiots leave or are knocked out however that’s a different story.”

“I will wait until the moment and decide then as I am unsure if I want people outside the group watching me or not.” Vulxis replied.

“That's fine, though we still need a broadcast disrupter.” Adria said.

“Worry not for I have one.” Sarah said happily before pulling out a small circular device.

“Since when?” Adria asked.

“I liberated it from that bastard's guild vault, didn’t I mention that?” Sarah asked.

“No.” The other four members replied at the same time.

“Oops my bad.” Sarah said with a chuckle causing all the women to roll their eyes. 

“Can we get back to the main point of this meeting AGAIN please? Honestly why do we keep getting side tracked and normally to do with sex.” Alexia asked with a sigh.

“Because sister Elrinira is a succubus and we both love talking about it right?” Sarah replied looking at Elrinira.

“You got that right little sister Blue, we are going to have some very interesting discussions in the future.” Elrinira replied as both women smirked.

Alea sighed while massaging her head and asking.

“You two are going to cause me many headaches in the future aren't you.?” 

“Who knows.” Both replied with the same smirk.

“Whatever, let's get back on topic, if you would please Elrinira.”

“Of Course where was I?” Elrinira replied before beginning.

“Oh right let's move onto the things Vincarna asked me to investigate.”

“First the mastermind behind summoning Pestilence, it seems it was an idea that Lord Undead and Protector of Nature came up with together.” 

“The plan was that Protector of Nature could then claim that Silver Queen and the rest of the royal family were not doing their duties properly and weaken public opinion of you all, no doubt you can all guess his end goal.”

“Apparently Lord Undead does not really like Protector of Nature much and is only using this alliance for its convenience, he went along with the plan because Pestilence was sure to have caused immense damage before you all could eliminate him, this in turn would weaken the elven race.”

“Figured it was some scheme of Lord Undead, he is someone who believes the human race is superior to all the others and if he could he would have all the other races serve the human race.” Alea said with a sigh.

“Unfortunately what Oracle says is correct about that old bastard, I don’t suppose there is any evidence regarding what Francis says?” Alexia asked.

“Unfortunately not.” Elrinira replied.

“Shame, unfortunately the word of one necromancer is not enough to use against the word of the head necromancer.” Alexia said to which the others nodded in agreement.

“For the subject regarding the corruption that affected my sister.” As Elrinira got to this point she paused in her words as her anger allowed a portion of her power to leak out.

As all the women felt Elrinira’s power they all broke out in cold sweat while the weakest of them, namely Sarah, Shizu and Vulxis fell off their chairs onto the floor panting under the pressure.

Adria barely managed to remain on her seat.

“ELRINIRA, please control yourself.” Alea said in a commanding tone.

As if being awoken by Alea’s tone Elrinira regained control and calmed herself down before saying.

“My apologies.” 

“It’s perfectly understandable that this subject makes you angry, but please try to maintain a level of control or you risk injuring the weaker one’s present.” Alea advised.

“Of course and once again I apologize to everyone, especially you three.” Elrinira said before looking at the three who had dropped to the floor.

“Uh, it's fine but this is one of the down sides of a rebirth, in my old body I would have been able to resist a portion of that.” Sarah grumbled.

“So as I was saying, I questioned Francis quite thoroughly but unfortunately it appears he knows very little.” Elrinira began again.

“It seems that after Lord Undead learned of Francis' plan to use my sister as a hostage to make me become his he offered to assist Francis at the cost of him summoning Pestilence.”

“He gave Francis a vial that contained some kind of liquid and told him that the liquid would force total loyalty from Elrinielle.”

“Francis questioned why he would need such an item when he was going to use the Rise spell to bring Elrinielle back and that would make her subservient to him.”

“It would seem that Francis was a failure as a Necromancer because he didn’t even realize that if a necromancer summons a being more powerful than them there is a strong chance they will rebel against the necromancer.”

“After Lord Undead informed him of this he used the liquid on the summoning circle that was created from the spell to summon Elrinielle, this allowed my sister to become infected and corrupted by that strange entity.”

“It would seem that if we want to learn more of this corruption then the next person to ask would be Lord Undead, however that is easier said than done.” Alea said.

“Unfortunately we can’t follow the same process before where I capture and torture his soul for information.” Elrinira sighed.

“Why not?” Sarah asked.

“There are rules to capturing souls that are governed by the gods of death.”

“When a being dies their soul is supposed to descend into hell to be judged by the three judges of the abyss.”

“They then decide if that person deserves everlasting peace and happiness in heaven, though this never happens.”

“If that person deserves to be sent to one of the seven layers of hell depending on their actions when they were alive, this is  what most often happens.”

“Or if a being deserves reincarnation and a second chance at life, this is also fairly rare and normally only happens when a person dies before their time as dictated by fate.” 

“How does a being die before their time? I thought fate was determined.”

“There are a few ways that a person's fate can be changed and interrupted, normally it happens because of a god doing something stupid and thereby accidentally killing the individual.” Elrinira replied with a shrug.

“You speak of the gods so casually as if you have met them.” Adria said.

“One or two, though generally I like to keep my distance from them as most of them look down on anyone or anything that isn't a god, there are only a few that don’t and are ok to deal with.” Elrinira replied casually.

“You can actually meet with god’s?” Shizu asked in shock as the other women showed surprise.

Even though they had heard of gods being mentioned in Genesis before, no player really took much interest in it since no player had ever interacted with a god.

The only one that would kind of count was Tia, however she was an AI and not a god in the game, the npc’s just called her the great goddess.

“It’s possible but not worth the time and effort if you ask me, it costs you an exorbitant amount of money and resources and even then you only get a few minutes with them and as I said most will look down on you.” Elrinira explained before adding.

“Of course there is the rare occasion a god will descend onto the mortal plane and you can interact with them then, but they will still look down on you and it is dangerous.” 

“Why is it dangerous?” Vulxis asked.

“Because of how strong god’s are, they are the true pinnacle of strength of all the planes of existence, even though a god loses the majority of their power when they descend to a lower plane, they are still far more powerful than anyone else on that plane.” Elrinira answered.

“They lose their power?” ALexia asked.

Elrinira nodded before explaining.

“A lower plane can not handle the level of power a god poses.”

“Let's use balloons as an example.” 

“Balloons?” Alea asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just hear me out.” Elrinira said with a smile.

“Say you have two balloons, a large one and a small one.”

“What would happen if you took all the air from the large one and tried to move it all into the small one?” 

“It would pop, oh I see, you're saying that if a god descended with their full power, that power would be too much for the plane to handle and would destroy it.” Alea said as she realized what she was getting at.

“Correct.” Elrinira said.

“So who are these gods that are ok to interact with?” Sarah asked before adding.

“You know just in case we ever saw a god and wanted to know if we should approach them or not.”

Elrinira shook her head before answering.


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