MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 181 Starsight Gloves

“Umm.” Shelur said before asking.

“Can someone explain what just happened? He was clearly in the wrong for his earlier comment, but why are you reprimanding these two?”

Sarah looked at Shelur before saying simply.

“I’m sorry but we can not discuss this with outsiders, while unlike my cousin I respect you and have no quarrel with you Warlock Shelur, this is an internal matter.”

Shelur nodded before saying.

“I understand and thank you for the compliment, I will also point out that after your rebirth many orc’s have come to respect you and you are welcome in our lands anytime.”

Sarah showed surprise at hearing this before asking.

“Why would you respect me after my rebirth?” 

Shelur smiled before answering.

“We all say the notification about how you will grow stronger than any normal player, and we orc’s respect strength above all.”

Sarah nodded in understanding before Vulxis suddenly said.

“We draconians have a similar mindset since we only mate for life with who we deem the strongest, because of this I believe you will come to respect Vincarna in the future.” 

Shelur looked at Vulxis before holding out a hand and saying.

“I believe we have never met, I am Shelur.”

Vulxis smiled and shook Shelur’s offered hand before replying.

“The names Black Dragoon.”

“Now that you're all introduced why don’t we proceed with the blessings.” Bengal said.


John appeared in the Thamethalas teleportation hall and sighed while rubbing his head.

(Fuck I could of handled that better) John thought before he made his way out of the teleportation hall.

(Well since I’m here in Thamethalas I may as well hand in those quests I still have.) He thought before sending Alea a message.

[Vincarna: Hey I’m in Thamethalas, where are you?]

[Silver Oracle: Hey I wasn’t expecting you so soon, I’m in a meeting with the pope right now but let me wrap up and I can come meet you.]

[Vincarna: No rush, I have quests to hand in anyway so deal with your meeting and we can meet up after.]

[Silver Oracle: You sure?]

[Vincarna: Of course.]

[Silver Oracle: Thanks,  love you. X]

(Right let’s go hand in some missions, maybe I will also see about learning alchemy.) John thought as he headed off towards the adventures hall to hand in his completed quests.

He first went to hand in three ordinary quests.

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Collect Apples for Granny Jones (Ordinary)]

[Granny Jones is getting on in years and can no longer go collect apples herself, she needs them to back a pie for her neighbors birthday.]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Apples: 10/10]

[Quest success reward:] 

[Apple Pie] 

[10,485,760 Experience] 

[Experience: 1,967,501/104,857,600>>12,453,261/104,857,600] 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Wolf Culling. (Ordinary)] 

[The local pack of Wolves that roams the forest near the village is growing too big and to feed themselves they have started attacking people traveling to and from Thamethalas, they need culling to stop their attacks.] 

[Quest Goals:] 

[Wolves Culled: 5/5] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[50 Silver] 

[Money: 4 Gold 49 Silver 42 Copper>>4 Gold 99 Silver 42 Copper]

[10,485,760 Experience] 

[Experience: 12,453,261/104,857,600>>22,939,021/104,857,600] 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Wolf Leather. (Ordinary)] 

[The local leather maker has heard of the quest to cull the wolves, he thinks this is a great time to stock up on wolf leather.]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Wolf Leather: 5/5] 

[Quest success reward:] 

[50 Silver] 

[Money: 4 Gold 99 Silver 42 Copper>>5 Gold 49 Silver 42 Copper]

[10,485,760 Experience] 

[Experience: 22,939,021/104,857,600>>33,424,781/104,857,600] 

[Quest Complete Notification] 

[Gather Herbs for the local Alchemist's guild (Ordinary)] 

[The local Alchemist's guild needs regular resupply on their basic herbs for their potion sales and also their research into new potions.]

[Quest Goals:] 

[Briarthorn: 10/10]

[Earthroot: 10/10]

[Peacebloom: 10/10]

[Silverleaf: 10/10]

[Quest success reward:] 

[50 Silver] 

[Lesser Healing Potion x 5] 

[Money: 5 Gold 49 Silver 42 Copper>>5 Gold 99 Silver 42 Copper]

[10,485,760 Experience] 

[Experience: 33,424,781/104,857,600>>43,910,541/104,857,600] 

However when it came to the bandit elimination quest there was an issue.

“I’m sorry sir, however because of the huge leap in rank and reward regarding this quest you will need to go to the city security barracks to claim your reward.” The npc meaning the counter explained.

“I see, can you tell where that is please?” John asked.

“Of course, just head to any of the main city entrances and you will see a barracks placed next to it, you should be able to claim it from any of them, the eastern barracks is the closest to us right now.”

“I understand thank you.” John said before he left.

John thought about checking the level twenty quests while he was there, however he wasn't sure how long the quest to hunt the silver deer would take and that was going to keep him in the eastern continent for now.

John left the adventures hall and headed east towards the city gate.

As he got there he saw a small barracks located to the side of the gate and approached it before knocking on the door.

“Enter.” A gruff voice said from inside.

As John entered a bunch of soldiers all turned to look in his direction and measure him up, some showed a look of surprise when they saw he was a human however after that they returned to their business.

“How can we help you citizen?” The same gruff voice that said enter sounded out.

John turned to the voice and saw an older elf sitting at a table near the door surrounded by paperwork.

At least John assumed he was older because he was of higher rank than the other soldiers present and his face had a few scars.

While elves stayed forever young making it hard to tell their age like with humans, their immortality did not stop them being injured.

John wondered why the soldier had not used magic to fix his scars before pushing the thought aside and saying.

“I’m here to hand in a bandit elimination quest.” 

 “Why didn’t you had it in at the adventures hall where the quest was accepted from?” The senior officer asked curiously.

“They won't accept it, something to do with the fact that it jumped from rare to epic ranked.” John replied.

“Why have they classified it as an epic rank quest all of a sudden?” The officer asked.

Before John could answer one of the other officers shouted out saying.

“Maybe he cleared a bandit camp.” 

The other soldiers present all started to laugh at the soldiers joke before the officer said.

“Quiet down.”

He turned back to John waiting for an answer.

“Because I cleared a bandit camp.” John replied simply.

The soldiers all went quiet as their mouths opened in surprise.

“Bullshit.” The soldier who called out before claimed.

“You can check with the adventures hall if you wish, they already used magic to check my story.” John replied.

When John tried to hand in the quest at the adventures hall they had also found it hard to believe, in the end they used a scrying stone which was apparently a magical artifact that allowed you to peer at a specific location over a long distance as long as you knew the exact location having been there.

The staff asked John to think of the bandit hideout while touching the scrying stone and soon enough images of the bandit hideout and the dead bandits appeared on the stone.

“One moment.” The officer said before he stepped off to the side and pulled out a small stone.

A few minutes later the officer returned and spoke.

“My apologies, I have confirmed that you are telling the truth and did indeed clear out the bandit hideout belonging to the white tiger bandits.”

“What!” The soldier from before said in shock.

The officer ignored the soldier before saying.

“It would appear we need to upgrade your reward, let me think for a moment.”

“How about a better weapon sir?” A soldier asked.

The officer looked over at the speaking soldier as if he was stupid and said.

“You dumbass, have you even looked at his spear properly?” The officer said before continuing.

“His spear is a growth type.”

“GROWTH TYPE!” The soldier shouted in shock as the other soldiers showed surprise.

“Correct, I have only ever seen one in my life and that is wielded by her majesty.” The officer said.

“How about these leather gloves? They have been sitting in the store room for a while as it does not suit the soldiers who mostly wear mail armor.” The officer said before pulling out a leather chest piece which John inspected.

[Starsight Gloves]

[Rank: Epic (Purple)]



[Defense: 9] 

[Strength: 8]

[Wisdom: 4]

[Intellect: 8]

[Vitality: 4]

[Binds on Receipt]

[Requires Level: 20]

John nodded with a grin before saying.

“That’s great, thank you.”

“Then it’s yours and good work on clearing the bandit hideout.” The officer said as he handed over the chest piece.

[Item Received: Starsight Gloves]

John equipped the Starsight Gloves immediately before leaving the barracks.

[Player Equipped:  Starsight Gloves]

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