MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 184 Want to bet?

As Alea heard this she looked back at John again with a slightly guilty look before asking.

“Did Adria say something?”

John sighed before explaining.

“She wants me and her mother to get along so that Alexia can join the harem in the future.”

“I see.” Alea said with a nod before continuing to get dressed.

John raised an eyebrow before asking.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m the only one who didn’t know about this?”

Initially it was just a thought I had, after all having the human empress join our faction would only make it stronger.” Alea began to explain.

“As for the others I don’t know if they had even thought about this before Elrinira mentioned it.”

“Elrinira again?” John said with a sigh.

Alea chuckled before saying.

“I know I told you to be careful about demons in the past, and I stand by that now, however Elrinira will be a great asset to our faction in the future if you somehow pass her test… whatever it is.”

“I can tell from her actions such as helping Sarah  that she is seriously interested in being with you and she is already working on building her relationship with the other girls.”

John thought for a moment before asking.

“So you're saying that if I pass whatever her test is I should accept her as my lover?”

“Only if you want to, while she would be a great asset to our faction, don’t think that you have to accept someone because of their usefulness.”

“Being with someone purely because they are useful will make you no different than all those men who only want us for their positions, power or looks.”

As Alea finished getting dressed before walking to John and saying in front of him.

“Remember why this harem was created in the first place, it was to protect you my love, so you should only accept someone if you can see yourself being happy with them, just as we will only accept them if we believe they will work with us to protect you.”

John caressed Alea’s cheek before saying.

“Thank you my love.”

As John spoke those words Alea froze in shock before the most beautiful smile John had ever seen on her face appeared before she kissed him passionately.


“Where the hell are they?” Shizu asked in an annoyed voice.

All the girls had received Bengals blessing and now they were just waiting for John to bring Alea to receive it before they challenged the Pride Rock.

“Can you seriously not guess?” Sarah asked with a smirk.

“Stop smirking and explain if you know.” Shizu huffed.

Sarah chuckled before asking.

“If it was you Vincarna was collecting all alone what would you take that rare opportunity to do?”

“Fuck.” Eliphas answered instantly, making all the women look at her with raised eyebrows.

“Oh come on it’s not that difficult to work out, if I was in this harem and got the chance to be alone with him I would definitely want to have him to myself in bed for a while.” Eliphas began to explain before adding.

“While group sex is fun, sometimes one on one action is necessary as it’s more personal and intimate.”

“Ding dong, correct answer.” Sarah said, giving Eliphas a high five before asking.

“What would the winner  like as their prize?” 

“How about being able to have sex with Vincarna?” Eliphas replied with a grin.

“Denied.” Adria said almost instantly.

“I wasn’t asking you bitchy princess.” Eliphas said.

Adria smirked before saying.

“Well I’m afraid if you want to have sex with our man, you have to get permission from all of us, and not only that.”

“Seriously?” Eliphas asked wide eyes before saying.

“He’s a male, if I offer it to him he won’t refuse.” 

Adria smirked even more before saying.

“Want to bet?”

“Sure.” Eliphas replied confidently before saying.

“I have confidence in my appearance and seduction skills, no male has ever refused me, not orc or any other race.”

“How many different men and races have you fucked?” Sarah asked with curiosity.

“No idea how many men, but the races I have been with are orc, human, troll and lizard folk.”

“A human? That’s a surprise.” Shizu said to her friend.

Eliphas shrugged before saying.

“Not all humans are like this bitchy princess, just most.”

“Though I will admit that only one human ever caught my attention, shame his dick was so small and he was crap.”

Eliphas turned to Shizu as if just thinking of something before asking.

“How big is Vincarna’s dick?”

“Errr.” Shizu said with an awkward look on her face.

Since she has no reference she turned to Sarah.

Sarah grinned in understanding before saying.

“As big as an orc’s.”

Eliphas eyes went wide before asking.

“Seriously, how do you know how big they are?”

Sarah chuckled before saying.

“I met an orc in the past who showed it to me trying to get me into his bed, while I was impressed with his girth I naturally refused as I was with someone at the time.”

Eliphas nodded as she knew this was common in her race among both men and women, she herself had offered sex to males in the past that caught her eye.

“So what are we betting?” Eliphas asked, turning back to Adria as the others paid attention.

“One order.” Adria replied 

“Go on.” Eliphas said, intrigued .

“The winner can order one thing from the loser.” Adria explained.

Eliphas thought for a moment before saying.

“As long as the order does not harm our individual race in any way or reveal their secrets.”

“Agreed.” Adria said with a nod.

“How long do I get to make him say yes?” Eliphas.

Adria thought for a moment then smiled and said.

“Until we complete pride rock.”

Eliphas showed a surprised look before saying.

“That's over six hours.”

“I know.” Adria said before adding.

“I’m that confident.

Eliphas was about to reply when a new voice asked.

“Confident in what?”

Everyone turned to see John and Alea approaching.

The girls all smiled upon seeing the two before Adria and Shizu approached John intending to apologize.

“Hey…” Shizu started to say but John cut her off saying.

“Don’t worry about it.” 

“I also reacted badly and it was my comment that started the issue, if anyone should apologize it’s me.” 

After which John pulled them both into a hug and kissed their heads before saying.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean what I said before, I honestly think I’m the luckiest man alive to be chosen by all of you.”

All the girls smiled upon hearing John’s words.

“So what are you confident about?” John asked Adria to change the subject.

“About beating pride rock of course.” Adria replied happily.

“Of course.” John said before releasing the two girls and turning to lady Bengal.

“Lady Bengal allow me to introduce….”

“Silver Oracle the Elvin princess.” Bengal said cutting John off before adding.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine Lady Bengal.” Adria replied.

As the two finished their introductions everyone noticed that many Druids had started to gather around and even the council of seven arrived.

“Princess, this is an unexpected pleasure, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?” Tiriana asked.

“Council member Tiriana it has been too long, I hope you and the other council members as well as all the Druids are doing well.” Alea replied with a smile.

“We are Princess, thank you for asking.” Tiriana replied.

“You two know each other?” John asked, surprised.

“Of course.” Alea replied before explaining.

“Mother is a Druid herself, so she often meets the council to discuss things, because of this I often see them at the palace.”

“I see.” John said.

Alea turned back to Tiriana before saying.

“To answer your question, my lover Vincarna here has brought me to receive lady Bengals blessing.”

As they heard Alea’s reason for being here all the Druids present gaped in surprise at her revelation.

The girls and Bengal all watched in amusement at the elves' reaction since they were expecting something like this.

Eventually Tiriana recovered enough to ask.

“Forgive me princess but I might have misheard, did you say Druid Vincarna is your lover?” 

Alea smiled before saying.

“You heard correctly, council member Tiriana.”

“Vincarna is my lover and future husband, when I become queen in the future he will become king consort of the Elvin race.”

All the Druids turned to look at John with respect and new found interest.

“I see.” Tiriana replied.

John noticed a certain council member grinning evilly before asking.

“Council member Rosaniya, you look suspiciously happy about this information.” 

“Druid Vincarna, of course I am happy, I’m sure you will make a fine King consort.”

John borrowed his eyes before saying.

“Uh huh, and I suppose the fact that I will also be richer has nothing to do with the fact.”

Melandrach chuckled before saying.

“Haha he got you there Rosaniya.”

Rosaniya glared at Melandrach before giving a humph.

“So princess, I’m happy to grant you my blessing though I ask you to remain behind after the others leave so we can speak.” Bengal said to Alea.

“Thank you Lady Bengal and I’m happy to stay and speak with you.” Alea replied.

Bengal grinned before two lights shot out of her forehead before entering Alea.

“Thank you, lady Bengal.” Alea said with a small bow.

“Your most welcome princess.”

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